import {Tile} from "./tile";

export class ProductPreRequisites {
  archiveIds: object;
  id: number;
  name: string;
  ready: boolean;
  requiredProduct: Product;

export class ProductConfiguration {
  id: number;
  name: string;

export class ProductVersionJobSpec {
  name: string;
  queue: string;

export class ProductVersion {
  archiveIds: any;
  configurations: Array<ProductConfiguration>;
  id: number;
  jobSpecifications: any; // named Array<ProductVersionJobSpec>;
  notes: string;
  productEpoch: number;
  productId: number;
  productName: string;
  productType: number;
  status: string;
  versionNumber: number;

export class ProductType {
  label: string;
  id: number;
  name: string;
  image: boolean;

  constructor(name: string, id: number, label: string, image: boolean) {
    this.label = label; = id; = name;
    this.image = image;

export class Product {
  category: string;
  completed: boolean;
  configurations: Array<ProductConfiguration>;
  epoch: number;
  extraInfoForJobName: string;
  fileNames: Array<string>;
  futureProductId: number;
  futureProductName: string;
  id: number;
  latestProductVersion: object;
  minitiles: Array<Tile>;
  name: string;
  notes: string;
  preRequisites: Array<ProductPreRequisites>;
  status: string;
  tags: Array<string>;
  typeId: number;
  typeName: string;
  phaseCenterRA: string;
  phaseCenterDec: string;
  imageSizeX: string;
  imageSizeY: string;
  versions: Array<ProductVersion>;
  fluxCalibrators: Array<any>;
  fluxPosition: string;
  lstEnd: number;
  lstStart: number;
  optId: number;
  phaseCalibrators: Array<any>;
  polCalibrators: Array<any>;
  submitted: string;

  static TYPES = [
    new ProductType('schedblock', 11, 'Schedblocks', false),
    new ProductType('calibration', 1, 'Calibration', false),
    new ProductType('quicklook', 4, 'Quick Look Images', true),
    // new ProductType('image', 1, '', false),
    // new ProductType('cube', 2, '', false),
    new ProductType('se_calibration', 14, 'SE Calibration', false),
    //new ProductType('se_cont', 17, 'SE Continuum', true),
    // new ProductType('se_coarse_plane_image', 19, 'SE Coarse Plane', true),
    // new ProductType('se_coarse_plane_I_image', 22, 'SE Coarse Plane I', true),
    // new ProductType('se_coarse_plane_Q_image', 23, 'SE Coarse Plane Q', true),
    // new ProductType('se_coarse_plane_U_image', 24, 'SE Coarse Plane U', true),
    new ProductType('se_continuum_imaging', 25, 'SE Continuum Image', true),
    new ProductType('se_coarse_cube_image', 18, 'SE Coarse Cube', true)

  static getTypeFromName(typeName: string): ProductType {
    typeName = typeName === 'rawdata' ? 'schedblock' : typeName;
    for (const type of this.TYPES) {
      if ( === typeName) {
        return type;

  static getTypeNameFromId(typeId: number): string {
    for (const type of this.TYPES) {
      if ( === typeId) {

  static getIdFromTypeName(typeName: string): number {
    for (const type of this.TYPES) {
      if ( === typeName) {

  static SORT_COLUMNS = ['id', 'name', 'status'];
