From 20f114011d97426d034731765adb089dd3ee5165 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nhertz <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2021 11:19:42 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Added tests for changed code

 .../workspaces/test/  | 82 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+)

diff --git a/shared/workspaces/test/ b/shared/workspaces/test/
index 7da509017..d05100095 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/test/
+++ b/shared/workspaces/test/
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 """ Tests for the workflow service """
 import json
+import os
 import pathlib
+import shutil
 from typing import List
 # pylint: disable=E0401, R0201, W0212
@@ -133,6 +135,7 @@ class TestWorkflowService:
             "type": "workflow-complete",
         assert request.state == "Ready"
         with patch("workspaces.workflow.schema.WorkflowRequest.update_status") as mock_update:
@@ -175,6 +178,85 @@ class TestWorkflowService:
         usable = mock_workflow_service._determine_usable_files(request, files)
         assert len(usable) == 3
+    def test_execute_prepared(self, mock_workflow_service: WorkflowService, tmp_path: pathlib.Path):
+        # Create fake folder and DAG file
+        fake_folder = tmp_path / "test"
+        fake_folder.mkdir()
+        fake_dagfile = fake_folder / "test.dag"
+        fake_dagfile.touch()
+        orig_submit_dag = mock_workflow_service._submit_dag
+        mock_workflow_service._submit_dag = MagicMock()
+        # Test DAG submission
+        mock_workflow_service._execute_prepared(fake_folder)
+        mock_workflow_service._submit_dag.assert_called_with(fake_folder, fake_dagfile)
+        # DAG cleanup
+        mock_workflow_service._submit_dag = orig_submit_dag
+        os.remove(fake_dagfile)
+        # Create fake submit file
+        fake_jobfile = fake_folder / "test.condor"
+        fake_jobfile.touch()
+        orig_submit_job = mock_workflow_service._submit_job
+        mock_workflow_service._submit_job = MagicMock()
+        # Test job submission
+        mock_workflow_service._execute_prepared(fake_folder)
+        mock_workflow_service._submit_job.assert_called_with(fake_folder, fake_jobfile)
+        # Cleanup
+        mock_workflow_service._submit_job = orig_submit_job
+        shutil.rmtree(tmp_path)
+    def test_submit_job(self, mock_workflow_service: WorkflowService):
+        fake_folder = pathlib.Path("fake_folder")
+        fake_jobfile = pathlib.Path("fake.submit")
+        fake_jobfile.touch()
+        with patch("") as mock_sp_run:
+            log_path = mock_workflow_service._submit_job(fake_folder, fake_jobfile)
+            mock_sp_run.assert_called_with(
+                ["condor_submit",],
+                cwd=str(fake_folder.absolute()),
+                preexec_fn=mock_workflow_service._switch_to_submituser,
+            )
+            assert == "fake.log"
+        os.remove(fake_jobfile)
+    def test_submit_dag(self, mock_workflow_service: WorkflowService):
+        fake_folder = pathlib.Path("fake_folder")
+        fake_dagfile = pathlib.Path("fake.dag")
+        with patch("") as mock_sp_run:
+            log_path = mock_workflow_service._submit_dag(fake_folder, fake_dagfile)
+            mock_sp_run.assert_called_with(
+                ["condor_submit_dag", "-f",],
+                cwd=str(fake_folder.absolute()),
+                preexec_fn=mock_workflow_service._switch_to_submituser,
+            )
+            assert == "fake.dag.dagman.log"
+    def test_get_jobfile_log(self, tmp_path: pathlib.Path, mock_workflow_service: WorkflowService):
+        with open(tmp_path / "fake.submit", "w") as fake_jobfile:
+            # Test with file that doesn't containe "log = " entry
+            log_path = mock_workflow_service._get_job_logfile_name(tmp_path / "fake.submit")
+            assert == "fake.log"
+            # Write "log = " entry
+            fake_jobfile.write("log = test.log")
+        # Test with same file that now contains "log = " entry
+        log_path = mock_workflow_service._get_job_logfile_name(tmp_path / "fake.submit")
+        assert == "test.log"
+        # Remove tmp_path just in case
+        shutil.rmtree(tmp_path)
+    def test_get_dagfile_log(self, mock_workflow_service: WorkflowService):
+        log_path = mock_workflow_service._get_dag_logfile_name(pathlib.Path("fake.dag"))
+        assert == "fake.dag.dagman.log"
     @pytest.mark.skip("test broken")
     def test_send_carta_url_to_aat(self, mock_router: MagicMock, mock_workflow_service: WorkflowService):