From 4615cf612c100aeccf4de8607628353c1c6a00e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel K Lyons <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 10:50:11 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Merging WS-543-continue-refactoring

 .../ingest_envoy/        | 406 +++++++++++++++-
 .../ingest_envoy/ | 207 --------
 .../ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/    |   5 +-
 .../ingest_envoy/       | 270 +++++++++++
 .../ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/    | 282 +----------
 .../pexable/ingest_envoy/test/     |   8 +-
 ...eb_manifest.json => MANIFEST_EVLA_EB.json} |   6 +-
 .../test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_AOI.json      | 122 +++++
 .../test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_Cal.json      |  38 ++
 .../test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_EB.json       |  22 +
 .../test/examples/Manifest_EVLA_Cal.json      |  33 ++
 .../test/examples/Manifest_Realfast_SDM.json  |  40 ++
 .../examples/Manifest_VLASS_QUICKLOOK.json    |  44 ++
 .../examples/evla_calibration_manifest.json   |  30 --
 .../test/examples/quicklook_manifest.json     |  40 --
 .../test/            | 268 -----------
 .../ingest_envoy/test/     | 454 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../test/      |  98 ++--
 18 files changed, 1485 insertions(+), 888 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
 create mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
 rename apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/{evla_eb_manifest.json => MANIFEST_EVLA_EB.json} (59%)
 create mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_AOI.json
 create mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_Cal.json
 create mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_EB.json
 create mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_EVLA_Cal.json
 create mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_Realfast_SDM.json
 create mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_VLASS_QUICKLOOK.json
 delete mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_calibration_manifest.json
 delete mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/quicklook_manifest.json
 delete mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
 create mode 100644 apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/

diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
index fee031d5d..b187e8919 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
@@ -1,26 +1,330 @@
 """ This is the entrypoint for ingestion launching """
+import abc
+import json
 import logging
+import re
 import sys
+import tarfile
 from pathlib import Path
-# pylint: disable=R0903
+# pylint: disable=E0401, R0903, R1721
+from typing import Tuple, List
+import pendulum
+from pendulum import DateTime
-from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest_writer import EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter
-from ingest_envoy.utilities import ScienceProductType
+from ingest_envoy.manifest_components import (
+    WEBLOG,
+    JSON,
+    IngestionManifestKey,
+    ManifestComponentIF,
+    InputScienceProduct,
+    InputGroup,
+    ManifestParameters,
+    OutputScienceProduct,
+    AncillaryProduct,
+    OutputGroup,
+from ingest_envoy.utilities import (
+    ScienceProductType,
+    Telescope,
+    IngestionManifestException,
+    AncillaryProductType,
+    find_output_science_products,
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# pylint: disable=R0902, R0913
-class IngestionManifest:
-    """needed for ingestion-launching interface"""
-    def __init__(self, staging_source_dir: str, ingestion_type: str, locator: str):
-        self.ingest_path = Path(staging_source_dir)
-        self.sp_type = ScienceProductType.from_str(ingestion_type)
+class ManifestIF(ManifestComponentIF):
+    """Interface for all ingestion manifests"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        telescope: Telescope,
+        sp_type: ScienceProductType,
+        staging_source_dir: Path,
+        locator: str,
+        # all except EVLA_EB and VLASS catalog manifest have input group
+        input_group: InputGroup,
+        # every manifest has at least one output group
+        output_group: OutputGroup,
+    ):
+        self.staging_source_dir = staging_source_dir
+        self.sp_type = sp_type
         self.locator = locator
+        self.input_group = input_group
+        self.output_group = output_group
+        self.telescope = telescope
+        self.parameters = self.build_ingest_parameters()
+        self.files_found = [file for file in self.staging_source_dir.iterdir()]
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def create(self):
+        """
+        Build and write the manifest, which includes gathering various items in
+        ingestion_path to get info for the manifest.
+        :return:
+        """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def write(self):
+        """
+        Write this manifest to a file, along with the artifacts tar and any other files required
+        for this type of ingestion, at the ingest_path
+        :param: location of files to be ingested, which is where we'll put the manifest
+        :return:
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, IngestionManifest):
+            return other.input_group == self.input_group and other.output_group == self.output_group
+        return False
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        """
+        Turn this object into a JSON string suitable for writing to a file
+        :return:
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class IngestionManifestBuilder:
+    """Builds ingestion manifest and associated files from files in ingestion_path"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        staging_source_dir: Path,
+        sp_type: ScienceProductType,
+        locator: str,
+        telescope: Telescope,
+    ):
+        self.telescope = telescope
+        self.staging_source_dir = staging_source_dir
+        self.sp_type = sp_type
+        self.locator = locator
+        self.files_found = [file for file in staging_source_dir.iterdir()]
+        if len(self.files_found) == 0:
+            raise IngestionManifestException(f"No ingestion files found at {staging_source_dir}")
+    def build(self) -> Tuple[ManifestIF, Path]:
+        """
+        Using only -relevant- files in ingestion_path, write the manifest
+        and produce other files required for ingestion.
+        :return: the ingestion manifest and the file containing its JSON
+        """
+        # # create any other ingestion files needed for this type of ingestion
+        # self._find_additional_ingestion_files()
+        # create the manifest
+        manifest = IngestionManifest(
+            telescope=self.telescope,
+            locator=self.locator,
+            sp_type=self.sp_type,
+            staging_source_dir=self.staging_source_dir,
+            input_group=self._build_input_group(),
+            output_group=self._build_output_group(),
+        )
+        manifest_file = manifest.write()
+        self.write_ingestion_artifacts_tar()
+        return manifest, manifest_file
+    def _build_input_group(self):
+        """
+        Create the input group using the parameters.
+        :return:
+        """
+        # N.B. this is sufficient for most types of ingestion,
+        # but ALMA CALs will have multiple EB SPs, identified only by locator,
+        # and VLBAs have no input group at all.
+        sp_in = InputScienceProduct(sp_type=self.sp_type, locator=self.locator)
+        return InputGroup([sp_in])
+    def _define_output_science_products(self):
+        sp_files = find_output_science_products(self.files_found, self.staging_source_dir)
+        sps_out = [OutputScienceProduct(self.sp_type, for file in sp_files]
+        return sps_out
+    def _build_output_group(self) -> OutputGroup:
+        """
+        Create the output group using the parameters.
+        :return:
+        """
+        # find ancillary products, if any
+        ancillary_products = self._find_ancillary_products()
+        tar_filename = self.build_artifacts_filename()
+        artifacts_ap = AncillaryProduct(
+            type=AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS, filename=tar_filename
+        )
+        ancillary_products.append(artifacts_ap)
+        return OutputGroup(self._define_output_science_products(), ancillary_products)
+    @staticmethod
+    def build_artifacts_filename() -> str:
+        """
+        Build unique manifest filename in standard format.
+        :return: the filename
+        """
+        current_time =
+        timestamp = format_timestamp(current_time)
+        return f"{ARTIFACT_NAME}{timestamp}{ARTIFACT_EXT}"
+    def write_ingestion_artifacts_tar(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        Take the list of files and build a tar for inclusion into the archive.
+        This happens in the staging area for ingestion.
+        The EVLA CAL tar will contain just the manifest.
+        :return: a .tar archive of the ingestion artifacts
+        """
+        ingestion_files = [file for file in self.staging_source_dir.iterdir() if file.is_file]
+        manifest_file = find_manifest(self.staging_source_dir)
+        ing_tar = self.staging_source_dir / self.build_artifacts_filename()
+        with, "w") as ingestion_artifacts_tar:
+            for file in ingestion_files:
+                ingestion_artifacts_tar.add(file)
+            # include the manifest
+            if manifest_file not in ingestion_files:
+                ingestion_artifacts_tar.add(manifest_file)
+        return ing_tar
+    def _find_ancillary_products(self) -> List[AncillaryProduct]:
+        """
+        Round up any ancillary files found in ingestion path
+        :return: ancillary product(s) found
+        """
+        ancillary_products = []
+        # if there's a weblog in here, grab it
+        maybe_weblogs = [file for file in self.files_found if]
+        if len(maybe_weblogs) > 0:
+            weblog = maybe_weblogs[0]
+            weblog_ap = AncillaryProduct(
+                type=AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_WEBLOG,
+            )
+            ancillary_products.append(weblog_ap)
+        more_aps = self._find_additional_ingestion_files()
+        if len(more_aps) > 0:
+            ancillary_products.append(more_aps)
+        return ancillary_products
+    def _find_additional_ingestion_files(self) -> List[Path]:
+        """
+        Round up any other necessary ingestion file(s)
+        :return: additional relevant files found in ingestion path, if any
+        """
+        if self.sp_type == ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL:
+            # there won't be any others
+            return []
+        # TODO when the time comes: we'll have extra information for other ingestion types;
+        #  see archive-metaproject
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class IngestionManifest(ManifestIF):
+    """needed for ingestion-launching interface"""
+    def build_ingest_parameters(self):
+        """
+        Make the "parameters" section of the manifest
+        :return:
+        """
+        if self.sp_type != ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL:
+            raise NotImplementedError()
+        return ManifestParameters(
+            telescope=self.telescope,
+            reingest=False,
+            ngas_ingest=False,
+            calibrate=False,
+            staging_source_dir=self.staging_source_dir,
+        )
+    def _build_input_group(self):
+        """
+        Create the input group using the parameters.
+        :return:
+        """
+        # N.B. this is sufficient for most types of ingestion,
+        # but ALMA CALs will have multiple EB SPs, identified only by locator,
+        # and VLBAs have no input group at all.
+        sp_in = InputScienceProduct(sp_type=self.sp_type, locator=self.locator)
+        return InputGroup([sp_in])
+    def _build_output_group(self) -> OutputGroup:
+        """
+        Create the output group using the parameters.
+        :return:
+        """
+        sp_tar = self._find_science_product_tar()
+        find_output_science_products(self.files_found, self.staging_source_dir)
+        sps_out = [OutputScienceProduct(self.sp_type,]
+        # find ancillary products, if any
+        ancillary_products = self._find_ancillary_products()
+        weblog = Path(self.ingestion_path / WEBLOG)
+        if weblog.exists():
+            ancillary_products.append(AncillaryProduct(type=WEBLOG, filename=str(weblog)))
+        return OutputGroup(sps_out)
+    # @property
+    def ingestion_path(self) -> Path:
+        return self.parameters.ingestion_path
+    def write(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        Write the manifest .json file.
+        :return:
+        """
+        output_path = self.staging_source_dir / build_manifest_filename()
+        to_write = json.dumps(self.to_json(), indent=4)
+        with open(output_path, "w") as out:
+            out.write(to_write)
+        return output_path
     def create(self):
@@ -31,9 +335,85 @@ class IngestionManifest:
         if self.sp_type != ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL:
-            return NotImplementedError(
-                f"Don't yet know how to handle {self.sp_type.value} science product"
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                f"Don't yet know how to handle {self.sp_type.value} ingestion"
-        writer = EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter(self.ingest_path)
-        writer.write_evla_cal_manifest(self.locator)
+        builder = IngestionManifestBuilder(
+            staging_source_dir=Path(self.staging_source_dir),
+            sp_type=self.sp_type,
+            locator=self.locator,
+            telescope=self.telescope,
+        )
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        """
+        Turn this object into a JSON string suitable for writing to a file
+        :return:
+        """
+        to_return = dict(self.__dict__)
+        return {
+            "locator": to_return["locator"],
+            IngestionManifestKey.PARAMETERS.value: self.build_ingest_parameters().to_json(),
+            IngestionManifestKey.INGESTION_PATH.value: str(self.ingestion_path),
+            IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value: to_return[
+                IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value
+            ].to_json(),
+            IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value: to_return[
+                IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value
+            ].to_json(),
+        }
+    def _find_science_product_tar(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        A calibration ingestion staging dir should have ONE science product tar; ignore any others
+        :return:
+        """
+        files = [file for file in self.staging_source_dir.iterdir() if file.is_file]
+        for file in files:
+            if re.match(SCIENCE_PRODUCT_PATTERN,
+                return file
+        raise FileNotFoundError(f"no science product found at {self.staging_source_dir}")
+def format_timestamp(datetime: DateTime) -> str:
+    """
+    Format the current time as
+        2021_07_01T13_49_17.237
+    :param datetime: current timestamp
+    :return: timestamp suitable for ingestion manifest filename
+    """
+    return datetime.format("YYYY_MM_DDThh_mm_ss.SSS")
+def build_manifest_filename() -> str:
+    """
+    Build unique manifest filename in standard format.
+    :return: the filename
+    """
+    current_time =
+    timestamp = format_timestamp(current_time)
+    return f"{MANIFEST_NAME_BASE}{timestamp}{MANIFEST_NAME_EXT}"
+def find_manifest(ingestion_path: Path) -> Path:
+    """
+    Find the ingestion manifest at this ingestion path.
+    :param ingestion_path: home of ingestion files
+    :return:
+    """
+    for file in ingestion_path.iterdir():
+        if and
+            return file
+    raise FileNotFoundError(f"No ingestion manifest found at {ingestion_path}")
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0329aa15d..000000000
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-"""Build an ingestion manifest file"""
-import json
-import logging
-import re
-import sys
-import tarfile
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
-# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402,R1721
-import pendulum
-from pendulum import DateTime
-from .utilities import (
-    WEBLOG,
-    EvlaCalInputScienceProduct,
-    EvlaCalInputGroup,
-    EvlaCalOutputScienceProduct,
-    EvlaCalOutputGroup,
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter:
-    """For building ingestion manifests"""
-    # (science product type is always EVLA_CAL)
-    def __init__(self, ingest_path: Path):
-        self.ingest_path = ingest_path
-        self.input_group = self.output_group = self.infiles = None
-    def write_evla_cal_manifest(self, locator: str) -> Tuple[Path, List[Path]]:
-        """
-        Write the manifest and associated ingestion files
-        :param locator: science product locator
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.infiles = [file for file in self.ingest_path.iterdir()]
-        self.input_group = EvlaCalInputGroup(EvlaCalInputScienceProduct(locator))
-        self.output_group = self._make_evla_cal_output_group()
-        # Pull out the manifest content and stringify it
-        manifest_content = json.dumps(self.content(), indent=4)
-        manifest_filename = self.manifest_filename()
-        # Write the manifest to the staging area
-        staging_manifest = Path(self.ingest_path / manifest_filename)
-        with open(staging_manifest, "w") as out:
-            out.write(f"{manifest_content}\n")
-        # Get all the files we'll need
-        addl_ingestion_files = self.find_additional_ingestion_files()
-        # Write the artifacts tar.
-        artifacts_tar = self.write_ingestion_artifacts_tar(staging_manifest, addl_ingestion_files)
-        addl_ingestion_files.append(artifacts_tar)
-        # return a Path explicitly; LocalPath won't work
-        return Path(staging_manifest), addl_ingestion_files
-    def write_ingestion_artifacts_tar(
-        self, manifest_file: Path, ingestion_files: List[Path]
-    ) -> Path:
-        """
-        Take the list of files and build a tar for inclusion into the archive.
-        This happens in the staging area for ingestion.
-        The EVLA CAL tar will contain just the manifest
-        :param manifest_file: the ingestion manifest
-        :param ingestion_files: all the files needed for ingestion
-        :return: a .tar archive of the ingestion artifacts
-        """
-        ingestion_artifacts_fn = self.ingest_path / "ingestion_artifacts.tar"
-        with, "w") as ingestion_artifacts_tar:
-            for file in ingestion_files:
-                ingestion_artifacts_tar.add(file)
-            # include the manifest
-            if manifest_file not in ingestion_files:
-                ingestion_artifacts_tar.add(manifest_file)
-        return ingestion_artifacts_fn
-    def _make_evla_cal_output_group(self):
-        """
-        Create the JSON for the "output-group" section of the manifest.
-        An EVLA CAL OutputGroup contains a science product(s) and an ancillary product
-        (the weblog)
-        :return: manifest output group
-        """
-        sp_tar = self._find_science_product_tar()
-        science_product = EvlaCalOutputScienceProduct(str(sp_tar))
-        weblog = Path(self.ingest_path / WEBLOG)
-        if weblog.exists():
-            return EvlaCalOutputGroup(science_product, weblog)
-        return EvlaCalOutputGroup(science_product, None)
-    def content(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
-        """
-        Accessor for manifest content
-        :return: manifest as dict
-        """
-        params = {
-            "reingest": "false",
-            "ngas_ingest": "false",
-            "calibrate": "false",
-            "ingestion_path": str(self.ingest_path),
-        }
-        json_out = dict(
-            parameters=params,
-            input_group=self.input_group.__json__(),
-            output_group=self.output_group.__json__(),
-            # associate_group=self.associate_group.__json__(), # TODO when we need it
-            ingestion_path=str(self.ingest_path),
-        )
-        return json_out
-    def _find_science_product_tar(self) -> Path:
-        """
-        A calibration ingestion staging dir should have ONE science product tar; ignore any others
-        :return:
-        """
-        files = [file for file in self.ingest_path.iterdir() if file.is_file]
-        for file in files:
-            if re.match(SCIENCE_PRODUCT_PATTERN,
-                return file
-        raise FileNotFoundError(f"no science product found at {self.ingest_path}")
-    @staticmethod
-    def format_timestamp(datetime: DateTime) -> str:
-        """
-        Format the current time as
-            2021_07_01T13_49_17.237
-        :param datetime: current timestamp
-        :return: timestamp suitable for ingestion manifest filename
-        """
-        return datetime.format("YYYY_MM_DDThh_mm_ss.SSS")
-    @staticmethod
-    def manifest_filename() -> str:
-        """
-        Build unique manifest filename in standard format.
-        :return: the filename
-        """
-        current_time =
-        timestamp = EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter.format_timestamp(current_time)
-        return f"{MANIFEST_NAME_BASE}{timestamp}{MANIFEST_NAME_EXT}"
-    @staticmethod
-    def artifact_filename() -> str:
-        """
-        Build manifest and artifacts filenames.
-        :return: the filenames
-        """
-        current_time =
-        timestamp = EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter.format_timestamp(current_time)
-        artifact_filename = f"{ARTIFACT_NAME}{timestamp}{ARTIFACT_EXT}"
-        return artifact_filename
-    def find_additional_ingestion_files(self) -> List[Path]:
-        """
-        Gather the files required for ingestion.
-        There won't be any for EVLA CAL ingestion; this is just a placeholder.
-        :return: ingestion inputs
-        """
-        return []
-        # TODO: we'll have extra information for other ingestion types
-        # coll_files = aux_files = []
-        #
-        # if self.additional_metadata is not None:
-        #     addl_md = json.loads(self.additional_metadata)
-        #     aux_files.append(addl_md["filename"])
-        #
-        # if self.collection_metadata is not None:
-        #     coll_md = json.loads(self.collection_metadata)
-        #     coll_files.append(coll_md["filename"])
-        #
-        # aux_files += coll_files
-        #
-        # # be sure to add the manifest itself
-        # aux_files.append(self.manifest_filename)
-        #
-        # return list(set(aux_files))
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
index 04dde6127..1abf5039c 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from ingest_envoy.interfaces import IngestLauncherIF
 class IngestCalibrationLauncher(IngestLauncherIF):
     def __init__(self, parameters: dict):
         self.logger = logging.getLogger("ingest_envoy")
-        self.ingestion_type = "calibration"
+        self.sci_product_type = "calibration"
         self.parameters = parameters
         self.staging_source_dir = (
             self.parameters["staging_area"] + "/" + self.parameters["workflowDir"]
@@ -57,5 +57,6 @@ class IngestCalibrationLauncher(IngestLauncherIF):
     def create_manifest(self):
         spl = self.parameters["spl"]
+        telescope = self.parameters["telescope"]
-        IngestionManifest(self.staging_source_dir, self.ingestion_type, spl).create()
+        IngestionManifest(self.staging_source_dir, self.sci_product_type, spl, telescope).create()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acdcd8ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+""" Pieces of any ingestion manifest """
+import abc
+import re
+from enum import Enum
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Union, List, Dict
+from ingest_envoy.utilities import ScienceProductType, Telescope, AncillaryProductType
+MANIFEST_NAME_BASE = "ingestion_manifest_"
+ARTIFACT_NAME = "ingestion_artifacts_"
+ARTIFACT_EXT = ".tar"
+WEBLOG = "weblog.tgz"
+SCIENCE_PRODUCT_PATTERN = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9._\\-+]*\\.tar")
+JSON = Union[int, float, str, List["JSON"], Dict[str, "JSON"]]
+class IngestionManifestKey(Enum):
+    """Sections we expect to see in a manifest"""
+    PARAMETERS = "parameters"
+    INPUT_GROUP = "input_group"
+    OUTPUT_GROUP = "output_group"
+    INGESTION_PATH = "ingestion_path"
+    SCIENCE_PRODUCTS = "science_products"
+    ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS = "ancillary_products"
+class ParamsKey(Enum):
+    """Keys in ManifestParameters"""
+    PARAMETERS = "parameters"
+    TELESCOPE = "telescope"
+    REINGEST = "reingest"
+    NGAS_INGEST = "ngas_ingest"
+    CALIBRATE = "calibrate"
+    INGESTION_PATH = IngestionManifestKey.INGESTION_PATH.value
+class ManifestComponentIF(abc.ABC):
+    """Interface for components of an ingestion manifest (including the manifest itself)"""
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return NotImplemented
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        """
+        JSON-ify this object
+        :return: json.load()-able string
+        """
+        return NotImplemented
+class InputScienceProduct(ManifestComponentIF):
+    """Represents a science product in the "input-group" section of the ingestion manifest."""
+    def __init__(self, locator: str, sp_type: ScienceProductType = None):
+        self.type = sp_type
+        self.locator = locator
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, InputScienceProduct):
+            return other.type == self.type and other.locator == self.locator
+        return False
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        """
+        Turn me into a json-ifiable dict
+        :return: dicty-me
+        """
+        if self.type:
+            return {"type": str(self.type), "locator": self.locator}
+        return {"locator": self.locator}
+class InputGroup(ManifestComponentIF):
+    """Generic ingestion manifest input group"""
+    def __init__(self, science_products: List[InputScienceProduct]):
+        self.science_products = science_products
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, InputGroup):
+            return other.science_products == self.science_products
+        return False
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        """
+        Turn me into a json-ifiable dict
+        :return: dicty-me
+        """
+        sps = dict(self.__dict__)[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]
+        sps = [sp.to_json() for sp in sps]
+        return {
+            IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value: {
+                IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value: sps
+            }
+        }
+class ManifestParameters(ManifestComponentIF):
+    """Represents "parameters" section of ingestion manifest"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        telescope: Telescope,
+        reingest: bool,
+        ngas_ingest: bool,
+        calibrate: bool,
+        staging_source_dir: Path,
+    ):
+        self.telescope = telescope
+        self.reingest = reingest
+        self.ngas_ingest = ngas_ingest
+        self.calibrate = calibrate
+        self.staging_source_dir = staging_source_dir
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, ManifestParameters):
+            return (
+                other.telescope.value == self.telescope.value
+                and other.reingest == self.reingest
+                and other.ngas_ingest == self.ngas_ingest
+                and other.calibrate == self.calibrate
+                and other.staging_source_dir == self.staging_source_dir
+            )
+        return False
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        return {
+            ParamsKey.PARAMETERS.value: {
+                ParamsKey.TELESCOPE.value: str(self.telescope),
+                ParamsKey.REINGEST.value: self.reingest,
+                ParamsKey.NGAS_INGEST.value: self.ngas_ingest,
+                ParamsKey.CALIBRATE.value: self.calibrate,
+                ParamsKey.INGESTION_PATH.value: str(self.staging_source_dir),
+            }
+        }
+class OutputScienceProduct(ManifestComponentIF):
+    """Generic science product contained in manifest output group"""
+    def __init__(self, type: ScienceProductType, filename: str):
+        self.type = type
+        self.filename = filename
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, OutputScienceProduct):
+            return other.type == self.type and other.filename == self.filename
+        return False
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        return {"type": self.type.value, "filename": self.filename}
+class AncillaryProduct(ManifestComponentIF):
+    """Represents an ancillary product in an ingestion manifest"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        type: AncillaryProductType,
+        filename: str,
+        science_associate: str = None,
+        group_with: str = None,
+    ):
+        self.type = type
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.science_associate = science_associate
+        self.group_with = group_with
+        # make this an ancillary to a particular science product (assumes locator string)
+        if science_associate:
+            self.science_associate = science_associate  # TODO, possibly: enum?
+        # make this an ancillary to the group of a science product (assumes locator string)
+        if group_with:
+            self.group_with = group_with
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, AncillaryProduct):
+            return (
+                other.type == self.type
+                and other.filename == self.filename
+                and other.group_with == self.group_with
+                and other.science_associate == self.science_associate
+            )
+        return False
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        """
+        Turn me into a json-ifiable dict
+        :return: dicty-me
+        """
+        me_dict = dict(self.__dict__)
+        me_dict["type"] = self.type.value
+        clean_dict = {}
+        for key, val in me_dict.items():
+            if val is not None:
+                clean_dict[key] = val
+        return clean_dict
+class OutputGroup(ManifestComponentIF):
+    """Generic ingestion manifest output group"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        science_products: List[OutputScienceProduct],
+        ancillary_products: List[AncillaryProduct] = None,
+    ):
+        self.science_products = science_products
+        self.ancillary_products = ancillary_products
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, OutputGroup):
+            return (
+                other.science_products == self.science_products
+                and other.ancillary_products == self.ancillary_products
+            )
+        return False
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        """
+        Turn me into a json-ifiable dict
+        :return: dicty-me
+        """
+        me_dict = dict(self.__dict__)
+        sps = me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]
+        sps = [sp.to_json() for sp in sps]
+        me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value] = sps
+        aps = me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
+        if aps:
+            aps = [ap.to_json() for ap in aps]
+            me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value] = aps
+        return {IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value: me_dict}
+class Weblog:
+    """Represents a weblog.tgz as an ancillary product"""
+    def __init__(self, weblog_path: Path):
+        self.ancillary_product = {"type": "weblog", "filename": str(weblog_path)}
+    def to_json(self) -> JSON:
+        """
+        JSON-ify this object
+        :return: json.load()-able string
+        """
+        return dict(self.__dict__)
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
index cad2a31dc..5dd4ca39b 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/
@@ -2,27 +2,14 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-import json
-import re
-import tarfile
 from enum import Enum
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import List, Dict
-# pylint: disable=E0401, R0903, R1721
-MANIFEST_NAME_BASE = "ingestion_manifest_"
-ARTIFACT_NAME = "ingestion_artifacts_"
-ARTIFACT_EXT = ".tar"
-WEBLOG = "weblog.tgz"
-SCIENCE_PRODUCT_PATTERN = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9._\\-+]*\\.tar")
+# pylint: disable=E0401, R0903, R1721, W0622
 class Telescope(Enum):
-    """Codifying the names of our telescopes, because Janet can't abide magic strings"""
+    """Codifying names of telescopes that appear in ingestion manifests"""
     VLA = "VLA"
     EVLA = "EVLA"
@@ -30,41 +17,7 @@ class Telescope(Enum):
     VLBA = "VLBA"
     GBT = "GBT"
     NONE = "NONE"
-class IngestionType(Enum):
-    """Types of ingestion we'll have to do"""
-    # ALMA products
-    ALMA_SDM = Telescope.ALMA
-    ALMA_CAL = Telescope.ALMA
-    ALMA_AUDI = Telescope.ALMA
-    # EVLA products
-    EVLA_SDM = Telescope.EVLA
-    EVLA_BDF = Telescope.EVLA
-    EVLA_CAL = Telescope.EVLA
-    # RealFast projects
-    REALFAST_SDM = Telescope.EVLA
-    # VLASS projects
-    # VLBA ingestion. (IDI and UVFITS products are treated the same.)
-    VLBA_FITS = Telescope.VLBA
-    # Coming Real Soon Now: VLBA Mark 4 product ingestion
-    VLBA_MARK4 = Telescope.VLBA
-    # Also coming Real Soon: GBT execution block ingestion
-    GBT_EB = Telescope.GBT
-    # Hot on its heels: LVLA execution block ingestion
-    LVLA_EB = Telescope.VLA
-    # When we just don't know what we're dealing with
-    UNKNOWN = Telescope.NONE
 class ScienceProductType(Enum):
@@ -75,29 +28,6 @@ class ScienceProductType(Enum):
     CATALOG = "catalog"
     IMAGE = "image"
-    def __str__(self):
-        return f'"{str(self.value)}"'
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_str(sp_type_in) -> ScienceProductType:
-        """
-        In comes a string; out comes the corresponding ScienceProductType, if any.
-        Or maybe it's already a ScienceProductType, in which case we can just return it.
-        :param sp_type_in: a string that "should" represent a ScienceProductType
-        :return:
-        """
-        if isinstance(sp_type_in, ScienceProductType):
-            return sp_type_in
-        for spt in ScienceProductType:
-            if spt.value == sp_type_in:
-                return spt
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"unrecognized ScienceProductType: {sp_type_in}; it's a {type(sp_type_in)}"
-        )
 class AncillaryProductType(Enum):
     """The various types of ancillary products we'll encounter"""
@@ -119,205 +49,25 @@ class AncillaryProductType(Enum):
     CANDIDATE_IMG = "candidate_image"
     THUMBNAIL_IMG = "thumbnail_image"
-    def __str__(self):
-        return f'"{self.value}"'
-class AncillaryProduct:
-    """Represents an ancillary product in an ingestion manifest"""
-    def __init__(
-        self, ap_type: AncillaryProductType, filename: str, science_associate: str, group_with: str
-    ):
-        self.ap_type = ap_type
-        self.filename = filename
-        # make this an ancillary to a particular science product (assumes locator string)
-        self.science_associate = science_associate  # TODO, possibly: enum?
-        # make this an ancillary to the group of a science product (assumes locator string)
-        self.group_with = group_with
-def write_ingestion_artifact_tar(ingestion_location: Path, ingestion_files: List[Path]) -> Path:
-    """
-    Take the list of files and build a tar for inclusion into the archive.
-    This happens in the staging area for ingestion.
-    :param ingestion_location: path to ingestion location (probably the spool directory)
-    :param ingestion_files: all the files needed for ingestion
-    :return: a .tar archive of the ingestion artifacts
-    """
-    ingestion_artifacts_tar = ingestion_location / "ingestion_artifacts.tar"
-    with, "w") as ingestion_artifacts_tar:
-        for file in ingestion_files:
-            ingestion_artifacts_tar.add(file)
-    return Path(
-class EvlaCalInputScienceProduct:
-    """Represents the "science_product" in EvlaCalInputGroup"""
+class InvalidLocatorException(Exception):
+    """Throw this if we're fed a bad science product locator"""
-    def __init__(self, locator: str):
-        self.locator = locator
-        self.type = ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL
-    def __json__(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
-        json_out = self.__dict__
-        json_out["type"] = ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL.value
-        return json_out
+class IngestionManifestException(Exception):
+    """Throw this if we're unable to construct an ingestion manifest using supplied inputs"""
-class EvlaCalInputGroup:
+def find_output_science_products(files_found, staging_source_dir):
-    This represents the starting point for processing which generated a science product.
-    There is not always an input group for every output group (rawdata, for instance).
-    Initial assumption: Input groups consist only of science products.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, science_product: EvlaCalInputScienceProduct):
+    Round up the output science products associated with this SP type.
-        # science product locator
-        self.science_products = [science_product]
-    def __json__(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
-        """
-        Create the "input-group" section of the manifest as a JSON string
-        :return: JSONified InputGroup
-        """
-        json_out = self.__dict__
-        sps = json_out["science_products"]
-        sci_prod = sps[0]
-        sp_str = sci_prod if isinstance(sci_prod, str) else sci_prod.__json__()
-        json_out["science_products"] = f"[{sp_str}]"
-        return json_out
-class EvlaCalOutputScienceProduct:
-    """The science product in the output group"""
-    def __init__(self, filename: str):
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.type = ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL
-    def __json__(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
-        json_out = self.__dict__
-        json_out["type"] = ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL.value
-        return json_out
-class Weblog:
-    """Represents a weblog.tgz as an ancillary product"""
-    def __init__(self, weblog_path: Path):
-        self.ancillary_product = {"type": "weblog", "filename": str(weblog_path)}
-    def __json__(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
-        return dict(self.__dict__)
-class EvlaCalOutputGroup:
-    """Represents result of data processing. Will have a single calibration tar
-    plus a weblog.
+    :return:
+    sp_files = [file for file in files_found if".tar")]
+    if len(sp_files) == 0:
+        raise IngestionManifestException(
+            f"No output science products found at {staging_source_dir}"
+        )
-    def __init__(self, science_product: EvlaCalOutputScienceProduct, weblog: Path):
-        self.science_products = [science_product]
-        self.ancillary_products = [Weblog(weblog)]
-    def __json__(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
-        """
-        Create the "output-group" section of the manifest as a JSON string.
-        __json__() will not work; __repr__() is necessary for json.loads() to succeed.
-        :return: JSONified OutputGroup
-        """
-        json_out = self.__dict__
-        anc_prod = self.ancillary_products[0]
-        ap_str = anc_prod if isinstance(anc_prod, str) else anc_prod.__json__()
-        json_out[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value] = f"[{ap_str}]"
-        sci_prod = self.science_products[0]
-        sp_str = sci_prod if isinstance(sci_prod, str) else sci_prod.__json__()
-        json_out[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value] = f"[{sp_str}]"
-        return json_out
-class EvlaCalIngestionManifest:
-    """TODO: this is JUST the ingestion manifest JSON, not a bespoke object"""
-    def __init__(self, ingestion_path: Path, spl: str):
-        """
-        :param ingestion_path: staging directory
-        :param spl: science product locator
-        """
-        self.ingestion_path = ingestion_path
-        self.locator = spl
-        self.sp_type = ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL
-        self.infiles = [file for file in self.ingestion_path.iterdir()]
-        self.input_group = EvlaCalInputGroup(EvlaCalInputScienceProduct(self.locator))
-        self.output_group = self._make_output_group()
-    def __str__(self):
-        params = self._make_params_section()
-        input_group = self.input_group.__json__()
-        output_group = self.output_group.__json__()
-        return f"{params}\n{input_group}\n{output_group}"
-    def _make_params_section(self) -> str:
-        """
-        Create the JSON for the "parameters" section of the manifest.
-        It's always the same for any EVLA CAL ingestion manifest, except for the ingestion path.
-        :return: stringified JSON
-        """
-        params = {
-            "parameters": {
-                "reingest": "false",
-                "ngas-ingest": "false",
-                "calibrate": "false",
-                "ingestion_path": str(self.ingestion_path),
-            }
-        }
-        return json.dumps(params)
-    def _make_output_group(self) -> EvlaCalOutputGroup:
-        """
-        Create the JSON for the "output-group" section of the manifest.
-        An EVLA CAL OutputGroup contains a science product(s) and an ancillary product
-        (the weblog)
-        :return: manifest output group
-        """
-        sp_tar = self._find_science_product_tar()
-        science_product = EvlaCalOutputScienceProduct(str(sp_tar))
-        weblog = Path(self.ingestion_path / WEBLOG)
-        if weblog.exists():
-            return EvlaCalOutputGroup(science_product, weblog)
-        return EvlaCalOutputGroup(science_product, None)
-    def _find_science_product_tar(self) -> Path:
-        """
-        A calibration ingestion staging dir should have ONE science product tar; ignore any others
-        :return:
-        """
-        for file in self.infiles:
-            if re.match(SCIENCE_PRODUCT_PATTERN,
-                return file
-class IngestionManifestKey(Enum):
-    """Sections we expect to see in a manifest"""
-    INPUT_GROUP = "input_group"
-    OUTPUT_GROUP = "output_group"
-    INGESTION_PATH = "ingestion_path"
-    SCIENCE_PRODUCTS = "science_products"
-    ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS = "ancillary_products"
+    return sp_files
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
index 77f21016e..800194aed 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ from typing import List
 import pytest
-from ingest_envoy.utilities import WEBLOG
+from ingest_envoy.manifest_components import WEBLOG
 WANTED_FILENAMES = ["my_science_products.tar", WEBLOG]
 UNWANTED = ["ignore_me.fits", "just_a_lotta_nothing", "uninteresting_metadata.xml"]
-def ingest_path(tmpdir: Path):
+def ingest_path(tmpdir: Path) -> Path:
     Make an "ingestion path" for tests
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ def find_example_manifest(manifest_name: str) -> Path:
     :param manifest_name: unique file identifier
     :return: full path to the manifest file
-    filename = manifest_name + "_manifest.json"
+    filename = manifest_name + ".json"
     for file in Path.cwd().rglob(filename):
         return file
     raise FileNotFoundError(filename)
-def populate_fake_ingest_path(staging_dir: Path) -> List[Path]:
+def populate_fake_evla_cal_ingest_path(staging_dir: Path) -> List[Path]:
     Create a directory containing fake calibration products, plus other stuff
     that we -don't- want to ingest.
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_eb_manifest.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/MANIFEST_EVLA_EB.json
similarity index 59%
rename from apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_eb_manifest.json
rename to apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/MANIFEST_EVLA_EB.json
index 0a2ad890c..bc88b3bcd 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_eb_manifest.json
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/MANIFEST_EVLA_EB.json
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
     "reingest": false,
     "ngas_ingest": false,
     "telescope": "EVLA",
-    "ingestion_path": "/home/mchammer/evla/parallel-prod"
+    "ingestion_path": "/home/mchammer/evla/parallel-dev"
   "output_group": {
     "science_products": [
         "type": "execution_block",
-        "filename": "X_osro_000.59368.65423814815"
+        "filename": "19A-001.sb1234567890.eb233423545632.54321.894327984569"
     "ancillary_products": [
         "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
-        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2021_06_03_T15_52_35.031.tar"
+        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2019_07_26_T10_49_44.890.tar"
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_AOI.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_AOI.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..717007a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_AOI.json
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+  "parameters": {
+    "reingest": false,
+    "ngas_ingest": false,
+    "telescope": "ALMA",
+    "ingestion_path": "/lustre/naasc/web/almapipe/pipeline/vatest/image_qa/NGC1333_IRAS_4A",
+    "additional_metadata": "AOI.json"
+  },
+  "input_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "locator": "uid://alma/calibration/d5d44d72-113f-48e0-9aa3-4b7b2646ea73"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "output_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "continuum_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw19_21_23_25.cont.I.tt0.pbcor.fits",
+        "ancillary_products": [
+          {
+            "type": "fits_image",
+            "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw19_21_23_25.cont.I.alpha.error.fits"
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "fits_image",
+            "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw19_21_23_25.cont.I.alpha.fits"
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "fits_image",
+            "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw19_21_23_25.cont.I.mask.fits"
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "fits_image",
+            "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw19_21_23_25.cont.I.pb.tt0.fits"
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "continuum_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw19_21_23_25.cont.I.tt1.pbcor.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "image_cube",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw25.cube.I.pbcor.fits",
+        "ancillary_products": [
+          {
+            "type": "fits_image",
+            "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw25.cube.I.mask.fits"
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "fits_image",
+            "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw25.cube.I.pb.fits"
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    ],
+    "ancillary_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "pipeline_auxillary_tar",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64_pipeline_artifacts.tar"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "pipeline_weblog",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.hifa_cubeimage.weblog.tgz"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw19.mfs.I.mask.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw19.mfs.I.pbcor.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw19.mfs.I.pb.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw21.mfs.I.mask.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw21.mfs.I.pbcor.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw21.mfs.I.pb.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw23.mfs.I.mask.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw23.mfs.I.pbcor.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw23.mfs.I.pb.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw25.mfs.I.mask.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw25.mfs.I.pbcor.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "fits_image",
+        "filename": "uid___A001_X133d_X1e64.NGC1333_IRAS_4A_sci.spw25.mfs.I.pb.fits"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
+        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2019_07_26_T08_57_32.535.tar"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_Cal.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_Cal.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..114ed9b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_Cal.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+  "parameters": {
+    "reingest": true,
+    "ngas_ingest": false,
+    "telescope": "ALMA",
+    "ingestion_path": "."
+  },
+  "input_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "locator": "uid://alma/execblock/abcdefg"
+      },
+      {
+        "locator": "uid://alma/execblock/hijklmno"
+      },
+      {
+        "locator": "uid://alma/execblock/pqrstuvw"
+      },
+      {
+        "locator": "uid://alma/execblock/xyz12345"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "output_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "naasc_calibration",
+        "filename": "uid://A001/X1234/X678"
+      }
+    ],
+    "ancillary_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
+        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2019_07_30_T13_07_52.515.tar"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_EB.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_EB.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..473427f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_ALMA_EB.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  "parameters": {
+    "reingest": false,
+    "ngas_ingest": false,
+    "telescope": "ALMA",
+    "ingestion_path": "/users/jsheckar/projects/archive/workflow-all/workflow-server/./rawdata"
+  },
+  "output_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "execution_block",
+        "filename": "uid___A032_Xffff_Xa01"
+      }
+    ],
+    "ancillary_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
+        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2019_07_26_T10_50_26.851.tar"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_EVLA_Cal.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_EVLA_Cal.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43d515038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_EVLA_Cal.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+  "parameters": {
+    "reingest": false,
+    "ngas_ingest": false,
+    "telescope": "EVLA",
+    "ingestion_path": "/lustre/yea/and/here/we/go"
+  },
+  "input_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "locator": "uid://evla/execblock/fjdsakljfkdlsajfkldsa"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "output_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "calibration",
+        "filename": "XYZ-abc+TMN.O00.tar"
+      }
+    ],
+    "ancillary_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "pipeline_weblog",
+        "filename": "qrs.weblog.tgz"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
+        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2019_07_25_T15_43_33.144.tar"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_Realfast_SDM.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_Realfast_SDM.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7ef437c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_Realfast_SDM.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "parameters": {
+    "reingest": false,
+    "ngas_ingest": false,
+    "telescope": "EVLA",
+    "ingestion_path": "/Need/To/Decide/About/This",
+    "collection_metadata": "realfast.json"
+  },
+  "output_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "execution_block",
+        "filename": "",
+        "ancillary_products": [
+          {
+            "type": "candidate_image",
+            "filename": "aaaa.png"
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "candidate_image",
+            "filename": "bbbb.png"
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    ],
+    "ancillary_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
+        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2020_07_17_T13_45_39.902.tar"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "associate_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "locator": "uid://evla/execblock/abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_VLASS_QUICKLOOK.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_VLASS_QUICKLOOK.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e2dd550a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_VLASS_QUICKLOOK.json
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+  "parameters": {
+    "reingest": false,
+    "ngas_ingest": false,
+    "telescope": "EVLA",
+    "ingestion_path": "/this/is/my/fake/path",
+    "additional_metadata": "T00t99.json"
+  },
+  "input_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "locator": "uid://evla/calibration/ABCDE-FGHIJKLMN-OPQRSTUVW-XYZ"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "output_group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "quicklook_image",
+        "filename": "foo_bar-car.pbcor.tt5.subim.fits",
+        "ancillary_products": [
+          {
+            "type": "quicklook_rms_image",
+            "filename": "foo_bar-car.pbcor.tt5.rms.subim.fits"
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    ],
+    "ancillary_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "pipeline_weblog",
+        "filename": "weblog.tgz"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "pipeline_auxillary_tar",
+        "filename": "ABC+DEFG_HIJK-LMNO.tar"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
+        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2019_07_30_T13_03_00.936.tar"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_calibration_manifest.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_calibration_manifest.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 22c061877..000000000
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_calibration_manifest.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-  "parameters": {
-    "reingest": "false",
-    "ngas-ingest": "false",
-    "calibrate": "false",
-    "ingestion_path": "/home/mchammer/evla/parallel-prod"
-  },
-  "input-group": {
-    "science_products": [
-      {
-        "type": "calibration",
-        "locator": "uid://evla/calibration/long-freakin-uuid-22"
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "output-group": {
-    "science_products": [
-      {
-        "type": "calibration",
-        "filename": "19A-321_2019_more_stuff.tar"
-      }
-    ],
-    "ancillary_products": [
-      {
-        "type": "weblog",
-        "filename": "weblog.tgz"
-      }
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/quicklook_manifest.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/quicklook_manifest.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 72a30aec2..000000000
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/quicklook_manifest.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-  "parameters": {
-    "reingest": "false",
-    "ngas-ingest": "false",
-    "calibrate": "false",
-    "ingestion_path": "/lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/vlass_auto/cache/quicklook/VLASS1.1/T29t04/VLASS1.1.ql.T29t04.J094850+743000.10.2048.v5"
-  },
-  "input-group": {
-    "science_products": [
-      {
-        "type": "calibration",
-        "locator": "uid://evla/calibration/a47c2e78-4f4e-4516-ab95-8bbb4057e9bb"
-      },
-      {
-        "type": "execution_block",
-        "locator": "uid://evla/execblock/52dd9e10-63fb-4fa8-b6ff-fcf6240b97f4"
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "output-group": {
-    "science_products": [
-      {
-        "type": "quicklook_image",
-        "filename": "VLASS1.1.ql.T29t04.J094850+743000.10.2048.v5.I.iter1.image.pbcor.tt0.subim.fits",
-        "ancillary-products": [
-          {
-            "type": "quicklook_rms",
-            "filename": "VLASS1.1.ql.T29t04.J094850+743000.10.2048.v5.I.iter1.image.pbcor.tt0.rms.subim.fits"
-          }
-        ]
-      }
-    ],
-    "ancillary-products": [
-      {
-        "type": "tar",
-        "filename": "VLASS1.1.ql.T29t04.J094850+743000.10.2048.v5.tar"
-      }
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c27e1c60..000000000
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-""" Tests for EVLA calibration ingestion manifest generation ONLY """
-import json
-import logging
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-from pathlib import Path
-# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, R0914
-from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import IngestionManifest
-from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest_writer import (
-    EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter,
-from ingest_envoy.utilities import (
-    WEBLOG,
-    ScienceProductType,
-    EvlaCalOutputScienceProduct,
-    Weblog,
-    EvlaCalIngestionManifest,
-    IngestionManifestKey,
-from .conftest import (
-    find_example_manifest,
-    populate_fake_ingest_path,
-logger = logging.getLogger(IngestionManifest.__name__)
-# pylint: disable=E0402, R1721
-def test_creates_empty_evla_cal_manifest(ingest_path: Path):
-    """
-    Make sure we create the manifest we expect.
-    :param ingest_path: ingestion location
-    :return:
-    """
-    manifest = EvlaCalIngestionManifest(ingest_path, "")
-    sps_in = manifest.input_group.science_products
-    assert len(sps_in) == 1
-    sp_in = sps_in[0]
-    assert sp_in.type == ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL
-    assert sp_in.locator == ""
-    outgrp = manifest.output_group
-    sps_out = outgrp.science_products
-    assert len(sps_out) == 1
-    sp_out = sps_out[0]
-    assert sp_out.type == sp_in.type
-    weblogs = outgrp.ancillary_products
-    assert len(weblogs) == 1
-    weblog = weblogs[0]
-    assert isinstance(weblog, Weblog)
-    ap_out = weblog.ancillary_product
-    assert ap_out["type"] == "weblog"
-    assert ap_out["filename"] == "None"
-    ingest_path.rmdir()
-def test_creates_expected_manifest(ingest_path: Path):
-    """
-    Make sure we create the manifest we expect.
-    :param ingest_path: ingestion location
-    :return:
-    """
-    locator = "uid://evla/calibration/abcdefg_2_bubble_bubble"
-    all_files = populate_fake_ingest_path(ingest_path)
-    manifest = EvlaCalIngestionManifest(ingest_path, locator)
-    sps_in = manifest.input_group.science_products
-    assert len(sps_in) == 1
-    sp_in = sps_in[0]
-    assert sp_in.type == ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL
-    assert sp_in.locator == locator
-    outgrp = manifest.output_group
-    sps_out = outgrp.science_products
-    assert len(sps_out) == 1
-    sp_out = sps_out[0]
-    assert isinstance(sp_out, EvlaCalOutputScienceProduct)
-    assert sp_out.type == sp_in.type
-    files_after = [file for file in ingest_path.iterdir()]
-    # nothing should have been removed from staging dir
-    assert len(files_after) == len(all_files)
-    assert Path(sp_out.filename) in files_after
-    aps = outgrp.ancillary_products
-    assert len(aps) == 1
-    anc_prod = aps[0]
-    assert isinstance(anc_prod, Weblog)
-    assert Path(ingest_path / WEBLOG).exists()
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
-def test_writes_real_manifest_to_file(ingest_path: Path):
-    """
-    We should get a pretty, formatted, human-readable JSON text file
-    :param ingest_path: the staging dir
-    :return:
-    """
-    populate_fake_ingest_path(ingest_path)
-    writer = EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter(ingest_path=ingest_path)
-    locator = "uid://evla/calibration/my_devastating_observation"
-    manifest_file, _ = writer.write_evla_cal_manifest(locator)
-    with open(manifest_file, "r") as mf_in:
-        manifest_content = dict(json.load(mf_in).items())
-    assert len(manifest_content.keys()) >= len(IngestionManifestKey) - 1
-    for key in ["parameters", "input_group", "output_group"]:
-        assert key in manifest_content.keys()
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
-def test_builds_expected_manifest_filename(ingest_path: Path):
-    """
-    We expect the manifest to be named like
-    ingestion_manifest_2019_07_30_T13_03_00.936.json
-    :param ingest_path: ingestion location
-    :return:
-    """
-    filename = EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter.manifest_filename()
-    assert filename.startswith(MANIFEST_NAME_BASE)
-    assert filename.endswith(MANIFEST_NAME_EXT)
-    filename_parts = filename.split("_")
-    assert len(filename_parts) == 7
-    # get just the timestamp
-    timestamp = filename.replace(MANIFEST_NAME_BASE, "").replace(MANIFEST_NAME_EXT, "")
-    # we should have gotten year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds to 3 decimal places
-    assert re.match(r"\d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2}T\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{2}\.\d{0,3}", timestamp)
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
-def test_writes_expected_output_files(ingest_path: Path):
-    """
-    We expect to get the manifest file, the weblog, and the science product tar.
-    :param ingest_path: ingestion location
-    :return:
-    """
-    populate_fake_ingest_path(ingest_path)
-    example_manifest = find_example_manifest("evla_calibration")
-    content = ""
-    with open(example_manifest, "r") as infile:
-        for line in infile.readlines():
-            content += line
-    mf_json = json.loads(content)
-    ig_in = mf_json["input-group"]
-    ig_sp = ig_in["science_products"][0]
-    ip_in = mf_json["parameters"]["ingestion_path"]
-    assert ip_in == "/home/mchammer/evla/parallel-prod"
-    writer = EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter(ingest_path=ingest_path)
-    manifest_file, more_ingestion_files = writer.write_evla_cal_manifest(ig_sp["locator"])
-    assert manifest_file.exists()
-    for file in more_ingestion_files:
-        assert file.exists()
-    assert len(more_ingestion_files) == 1
-    # make sure that one file is the artifacts tar
-    file = more_ingestion_files[0]
-    assert file.exists()
-    assert"ingestion_artifacts") and".tar")
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
-def test_filters_cal_input_files(ingest_path: Path):
-    """
-    We'll be getting calibration products from a directory under
-    /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/{CAPO_PROFILE}/workspaces/staging
-    Make sure we take -only- the files to be ingested.
-    :param ingest_path: our temporary dir
-    :return:
-    """
-    populate_fake_ingest_path(ingest_path)
-    writer = EvlaCalIngestionManifestWriter(ingest_path=ingest_path)
-    locator = "uid://evla/calibration/im_a_one-touch_espresso_machine"
-    manifest_file, _ = writer.write_evla_cal_manifest(locator)
-    with open(manifest_file, "r") as mf_in:
-        manifest_content = dict(json.load(mf_in).items())
-    input_group = manifest_content[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value]
-    assert isinstance(input_group, dict)
-    assert len(input_group) == 1
-    for val in input_group.values():
-        sci_prod = val.replace("'", '"', len(val))
-        sps = json.loads(sci_prod)
-    assert isinstance(sps, list)
-    assert len(sps) == 1
-    sci_prod = sps[0]
-    assert sci_prod["type"] == ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL.value
-    assert sci_prod["locator"] == locator
-    output_group = manifest_content[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value]
-    assert isinstance(output_group, dict)
-    assert len(output_group) == 2
-    for key, val in output_group.items():
-        if key == IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value:
-            sci_prod = val.replace("'", '"', len(val))
-            sps = json.loads(sci_prod)
-            assert len(sps) == 1
-        else:
-            assert key == IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value
-            anc_prod = val.replace("'", '"', len(val))
-            aps = json.loads(anc_prod)
-            assert len(aps) == 1
-    for sci_prod in sps:
-        filename = Path(sci_prod["filename"]).name
-        file = Path(ingest_path / filename)
-        assert file.exists()
-        assert file.parent == ingest_path
-        assert filename in WANTED_FILENAMES
-        assert filename not in UNWANTED
-    anc_prod_dict1 = aps[0]
-    for key, val in anc_prod_dict1.items():
-        anc_prod_dict2 = val
-    assert isinstance(anc_prod_dict2, dict)
-    for key, val in anc_prod_dict2.items():
-        if key == "type":
-            assert val == "weblog"
-        else:
-            assert key == "filename"
-            file = Path(ingest_path / val)
-            assert file.exists()
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7dff537a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+""" Tests for generic and EVLA CAL manifests """
+# TODO when the time comes: tests of ingestion manifests for each remaining ingestion type
+#  as they're implemented, in separate modules so they don't get too unwieldy
+import json
+import logging
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, R1721, W0621
+import pytest
+from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import (
+    IngestionManifestBuilder,
+    build_manifest_filename,
+    find_manifest,
+from ingest_envoy.manifest_components import (
+    IngestionManifestKey,
+    ParamsKey,
+    InputScienceProduct,
+    InputGroup,
+    ManifestParameters,
+    OutputScienceProduct,
+    AncillaryProduct,
+    OutputGroup,
+from ingest_envoy.utilities import (
+    ScienceProductType,
+    AncillaryProductType,
+    Telescope,
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E1120
+# ingest_path is NOT unused! Don't let IJ remove the import!
+from .conftest import ingest_path, populate_fake_evla_cal_ingest_path, WANTED_FILENAMES, UNWANTED
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+FAKE_LOCATOR = "uid://evla/calibration/doo-wah-ditty-ditty-af123"
+def test_manifest_is_complete(ingest_path: Path):
+    """
+    Most ingestion manifests should have parameters, an input group, and an output group.
+    An output group will contain one or more science products, and sometimes ancillary products.
+    :return:
+    """
+    populate_fake_evla_cal_ingest_path(ingest_path)
+    assert isinstance(ingest_path, Path)
+    params_expected = ManifestParameters(
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA,
+        ngas_ingest=False,
+        reingest=False,
+        calibrate=False,
+        staging_source_dir=ingest_path,
+    )
+    sp1 = InputScienceProduct(
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL,
+        locator=FAKE_LOCATOR,
+    )
+    ig_in = InputGroup(science_products=[sp1])
+    osp_in = OutputScienceProduct(
+        type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL, filename="my_science_products.tar"
+    )
+    ap_in = AncillaryProduct(type=AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_WEBLOG, filename="weblog.tgz")
+    manifest, _ = IngestionManifestBuilder(
+        staging_source_dir=ingest_path,
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA,
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL,
+        locator=FAKE_LOCATOR,
+    ).build()
+    assert manifest.parameters == params_expected
+    assert manifest.input_group == ig_in
+    assert manifest.output_group.science_products[0] == osp_in
+    assert ap_in in manifest.output_group.ancillary_products
+    af_tar_candidates = [
+        file
+        for file in ingest_path.iterdir()
+        if and
+    ]
+    assert len(af_tar_candidates) == 1
+    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+def test_builds_expected_manifest_filename():
+    """
+    We expect the manifest to be named like
+    ingestion_manifest_2019_07_30_T13_03_00.936.json
+    :return:
+    """
+    filename = build_manifest_filename()
+    assert filename.startswith(MANIFEST_NAME_BASE)
+    assert filename.endswith(MANIFEST_NAME_EXT)
+    filename_parts = filename.split("_")
+    assert len(filename_parts) == 7
+    # get just the timestamp
+    timestamp = filename.replace(MANIFEST_NAME_BASE, "").replace(MANIFEST_NAME_EXT, "")
+    # we should have gotten year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds to 3 decimal places
+    assert re.match(r"\d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2}T\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{2}\.\d{0,3}", timestamp)
+def test_filters_cal_input_files(ingest_path: Path):
+    """
+    We'll be getting calibration/image/eb, etc. science products from a directory under
+    /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/{CAPO_PROFILE}/workspaces/staging
+    Make sure we take -only- the files to be ingested.
+    :param ingest_path: our temporary dir
+    """
+    populate_fake_evla_cal_ingest_path(ingest_path)
+    locator = "uid://evla/calibration/twinkle-twinkle-little-quasar"
+    manifest, _ = IngestionManifestBuilder(
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA,
+        staging_source_dir=ingest_path,
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL,
+        locator=locator,
+    ).build()
+    # does manifest contain all the data it should, and none of the data it shouldn't?
+    assert manifest.locator == locator
+    params = manifest.parameters
+    assert not params.reingest and not params.ngas_ingest and not params.calibrate
+    input_group = manifest.input_group
+    assert len(input_group.science_products) == 1
+    sp_in = input_group.science_products[0]
+    assert sp_in.type == ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL
+    output_group = manifest.output_group
+    assert len(output_group.science_products) == 1
+    assert len(output_group.ancillary_products) == 2
+    for product in output_group.ancillary_products:
+        if product.filename not in WANTED_FILENAMES:
+            assert product.filename.startswith(ARTIFACT_NAME) and product.filename.endswith(
+                ARTIFACT_EXT
+            )
+        assert product.filename not in UNWANTED
+    sp_out = output_group.science_products[0]
+    assert sp_out.type == ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL
+    assert sp_out.filename in WANTED_FILENAMES
+    assert sp_out.filename not in UNWANTED
+    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+def test_writes_expected_output_files(ingest_path: Path):
+    """
+    Did the manifest builder produce the manifest file, the weblog, and the science product tar?
+    :param ingest_path: ingestion location
+    :return:
+    """
+    populate_fake_evla_cal_ingest_path(ingest_path)
+    manifest_file, manifest = IngestionManifestBuilder(
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA,
+        staging_source_dir=ingest_path,
+        locator="uid://evla/calibration/fee-fi-fo-fum-acdf23",
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL,
+    ).build()
+    assert manifest_file
+    assert manifest
+    ingestion_files = [file for file in ingest_path.iterdir()]
+    # at a minimum, we expect the manifest, the ingestion artifact, and the science products tar
+    assert len(ingestion_files) >= 3
+    mf_json = [
+        file
+        for file in ingestion_files
+        if and
+    ][0]
+    assert mf_json
+    tars = [file for file in ingestion_files if".tar")]
+    assert len(tars) >= 2
+    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+def test_params_json_well_formed():
+    """
+    Make sure our ManifestParameters makes nice JSON
+    :return:
+    """
+    telescope = Telescope.EVLA
+    params_dict = {
+        ParamsKey.PARAMETERS.value: {
+            ParamsKey.TELESCOPE.value: telescope,
+            ParamsKey.REINGEST.value: False,
+            ParamsKey.NGAS_INGEST.value: False,
+            ParamsKey.CALIBRATE.value: False,
+            ParamsKey.INGESTION_PATH.value: "/home/mchammer/evla/parallel-prod",
+        }
+    }
+    param_values_dict = params_dict[ParamsKey.PARAMETERS.value]
+    params = ManifestParameters(
+        telescope=param_values_dict[ParamsKey.TELESCOPE.value],
+        reingest=param_values_dict[ParamsKey.REINGEST.value],
+        ngas_ingest=param_values_dict[ParamsKey.NGAS_INGEST.value],
+        calibrate=param_values_dict[ParamsKey.CALIBRATE.value],
+        staging_source_dir=param_values_dict[ParamsKey.INGESTION_PATH.value],
+    )
+    params_json = params.to_json()
+    for key, val in params_json.items():
+        assert (
+            val == params_dict[key] if isinstance(params_dict[key], bool) else str(params_dict[key])
+        )
+def test_params_properly_formatted():
+    """
+    TODO
+    :return:
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError
+def test_input_sp_well_formed():
+    """
+    Make sure our InputScienceProduct makes nice JSON
+    :return:
+    """
+    locator = "uid://evla/calibration/vanilla_heath_bar_crunch_1a23e"
+    # single science product
+    sp_dict = {
+        "type": ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL.value,
+        "locator": locator,
+    }
+    sp_in = InputScienceProduct(sp_type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL.value, locator=locator)
+    assert sp_in.to_json() == sp_dict
+def test_input_group_well_formed():
+    """
+    Make sure our InputGroup makes nice JSON
+    :return:
+    """
+    sp1 = InputScienceProduct(
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK.value,
+        locator="uid://evla/execblock/coffee_heath_bar_crunch_7a23f",
+    )
+    sp1_json = sp1.to_json()
+    sp2 = InputScienceProduct(
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL.value, locator="uid://evla/execblock/mint_oreo_omg_omg"
+    )
+    sp2_json = sp2.to_json()
+    expected = {
+        IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value: {
+            IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value: [sp1_json, sp2_json]
+        }
+    }
+    ingroup = InputGroup(science_products=[sp1, sp2])
+    actual = ingroup.to_json()
+    assert actual.keys() == expected.keys()
+    actual = actual[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value]
+    expected = expected[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value]
+    assert actual.keys() == expected.keys()
+    actual = actual[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]
+    expected = expected[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]
+    assert len(actual) == len(expected) == 2
+    marvin = actual[0]
+    trillian = expected[0]
+    for key, _ in marvin.items():
+        assert trillian[key] == marvin[key]
+    marvin = actual[1]
+    trillian = expected[1]
+    for key, _ in marvin.items():
+        assert trillian[key] == marvin[key]
+def test_ancillary_product_well_formed():
+    """
+    The JSON shouldn't contain empty fields
+    :return:
+    """
+    ap1 = AncillaryProduct(type=AncillaryProductType.LOG, filename="without_feathers.tar")
+    expected = {"type": AncillaryProductType.LOG.value, "filename": "without_feathers.tar"}
+    actual = ap1.to_json()
+    assert actual == expected
+def test_output_group_well_formed():
+    """
+    Make sure our OutputScienceProduct makes nice JSON
+    :return:
+    """
+    sp1 = OutputScienceProduct(type=ScienceProductType.IMAGE, filename="see_no_evil.fits")
+    sp2 = OutputScienceProduct(type=ScienceProductType.IMAGE, filename="hear_no_evil.fits")
+    ap1 = AncillaryProduct(
+        type=AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS, filename="without_feathers.tar"
+    )
+    ap2 = AncillaryProduct(
+        type=AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS, filename="with_feathers.tar"
+    )
+    opg = OutputGroup(science_products=[sp1, sp2], ancillary_products=[ap1, ap2])
+    opg_json = opg.to_json()
+    dumped = json.dumps(opg_json)
+    assert (
+        dumped == '{"output_group": '
+        '{"science_products": '
+        '[{"type": "image", "filename": "see_no_evil.fits"}, '
+        '{"type": "image", "filename": "hear_no_evil.fits"}], '
+        '"ancillary_products": [{"type": "pipeline_artifacts", '
+        '"filename": "without_feathers.tar"}, '
+        '{"type": "pipeline_artifacts", "filename": "with_feathers.tar"}]}}'
+    )
+@pytest.mark.skip("TODO, or maybe not")
+def test_input_group_properly_formatted():
+    """
+    Does the InputGroup get written to the file in the expected format?
+    :return:
+    """
+    sp1 = InputScienceProduct(
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK.value,
+        locator="uid://evla/execblock/coffee_heath_bar_crunch_7a23f",
+    )
+    ingroup = InputGroup(science_products=[sp1])
+    ig_dict = json.loads(ingroup.to_json())
+    ig_text = json.dumps(ig_dict, indent=4)
+    expected = """
+  "input-group": {
+    "science_products": [
+      {
+        "type": "calibration",
+        "locator": "uid://evla/execblock/coffee_heath_bar_crunch_7a23f"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+    """
+    assert ig_text == expected
+def test_output_group_properly_formatted():
+    """
+    TODO
+    Does the OutputGroup get written to the file in the expected format?
+    :return:
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError
+def test_builds_cal_manifest_as_expected(ingest_path: Path):
+    """
+    When we create an EVLA calibration ingestion manifest, does it contain all it should?
+    We'll make a manifest that should look like our example and make sure it does.
+    :return:
+    """
+    populate_ingest_path_for_manifest_evla_cal_example(ingest_path)
+    locator = "uid://evla/execblock/fjdsakljfkdlsajfkldsa"
+    IngestionManifestBuilder(
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA,
+        staging_source_dir=ingest_path,
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL,
+        locator=locator,
+    ).build()
+    manifest_file = find_manifest(ingest_path)
+    with open(manifest_file, "r") as mf_in:
+        manifest_content = dict(json.load(mf_in).items())
+    # check parameters
+    parameters = manifest_content["parameters"]["parameters"]
+    for param in ["reingest", "ngas_ingest", "calibrate"]:
+        assert parameters[param] is False
+    assert parameters[ParamsKey.INGESTION_PATH.value] == str(ingest_path)
+    # check input group
+    input_group = manifest_content[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value][
+        IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value
+    ]
+    assert len(input_group[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]) == 1
+    science_product = input_group[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value][0]
+    assert science_product["locator"] == locator
+    # check output group
+    output_group = manifest_content[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value][
+        IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value
+    ]
+    science_products = output_group[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]
+    assert len(science_products) == 1
+    ancillary_products = output_group[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
+    assert len(ancillary_products) == 2
+    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+def populate_ingest_path_for_manifest_evla_cal_example(ingestion_path: Path):
+    """
+    Create fake input files to match EVLA CAL manifest example
+    :param ingestion_path:
+    :return:
+    """
+    weblog_file = ingestion_path / "qrs.weblog.tgz"
+    weblog_file.touch()
+    cal_file = ingestion_path / "XYZ-abc+TMN.O00.tar"
+    cal_file.touch()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
index fc043286d..4c85e801e 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
@@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
 """ Miscellaneous manifest-building tests """
-import json
 import logging
-import shutil
 import sys
 from pathlib import Path
-# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, R1721
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, R1721, W0611, W0621
 import pytest
-from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import IngestionManifest
-from ingest_envoy.utilities import ScienceProductType, IngestionManifestKey
-from .conftest import populate_fake_ingest_path, WANTED_FILENAMES, UNWANTED
+from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import (
+    IngestionManifest,
+    IngestionManifestBuilder,
+from ingest_envoy.manifest_components import (
+from ingest_envoy.utilities import ScienceProductType, Telescope
+from .conftest import ingest_path, populate_fake_evla_cal_ingest_path
 logger = logging.getLogger(IngestionManifest.__name__)
@@ -21,60 +28,41 @@ logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))
 def test_entry_point_for_evla_cal(ingest_path: Path):
-    Confirm that the ingestion launcher entrypoint functions as expected.
+    Confirm that the ingestion launcher entrypoint kicks off production of ingestion manifest
     :param ingest_path: fake tmp ingestion path
-    populate_fake_ingest_path(ingest_path)
-    manifest = IngestionManifest(
-        str(ingest_path), ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL.value, "uid://evla/calibration/meeniemyniemoe"
+    locator = "uid://evla/calibration/but-we-had-this-for-lunch-yesterday"
+    populate_fake_evla_cal_ingest_path(ingest_path)
+    sp_tar = [file for file in ingest_path.iterdir() if".tar")][0]
+    assert sp_tar
+    builder = IngestionManifestBuilder(
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA,
+        locator=locator,
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL,
+        staging_source_dir=ingest_path,
-    manifest.create()
-    files = [file for file in ingest_path.iterdir()]
-    manifest_file = [file for file in files if".json")][0]
-    assert manifest_file.exists()
-    assert len(files) == len(WANTED_FILENAMES) + len(UNWANTED) + 2
-    # make sure manifest_file contains an IngestionManifest
-    with open(manifest_file, "r") as out:
-        manifest_content = dict(json.load(out).items())
-    for key in ["parameters", "input_group", "output_group", "ingestion_path"]:
-        assert key in manifest_content.keys()
-    input_group = manifest_content[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value]
-    assert isinstance(input_group, dict)
-    assert len(input_group) == 1
-    output_group = manifest_content[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value]
-    assert isinstance(output_group, dict)
-    for key, val in output_group.items():
-        val = val.replace("'", '"', len(val))
-        sci_prods = json.loads(val)
-    assert isinstance(sci_prods, list)
-    assert len(sci_prods) == 1
-    ancillary_products = output_group[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
-    assert ancillary_products[0] == "["
-    assert ancillary_products[-1] == "]"
-    assert "weblog" in ancillary_products
-    assert "type" in ancillary_products
-    assert "filename" in ancillary_products
-    a_prods = json.loads(ancillary_products.replace("'", '"', len(ancillary_products)))
-    assert isinstance(a_prods, list)
-    a_prods = a_prods[0]
-    assert isinstance(a_prods, dict)
-    for key, val in a_prods.items():
-        assert isinstance(val, dict)
-        a_prods = val
-    assert len(a_prods) == 2
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+    ingestion_files = [file for file in ingest_path.iterdir()]
+    # there should be one ingestion manifest....
+    mf_jsons = [
+        file
+        for file in ingestion_files
+        if and
+    ]
+    assert len(mf_jsons) == 1
+    # ...and an artifacts tar, and the science products tar we started with
+    assert sp_tar in ingestion_files
+    artifact_tars = [
+        file
+        for file in ingestion_files
+        if and
+    ]
+    assert len(artifact_tars) == 1
 @pytest.mark.skip("TODO: test_builds_realfast_sdm_manifest")