diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/README.md b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc666fa01bc93c7ee26b418e1ddf278775b386c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Workspaces Annihilator
+A commandline utility that removes old unused directories from the Workspaces lustre areas.
+Annihilator requires the capo profile for the environment to be cleaned (dsoc-dev, dsoc-test, dsoc-prod)
+## Usage
+usage: ws_annihilator [-h] -p PROFILE [-a] [-c]
+Workspaces Directory Annihilator
+optional arguments:
+-h, --help            show this help message and exit
+-p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
+Specify which environment to run on. Required. Example: dsoc-dev
+-a, --all             Run annihilation on workspaces spool, staging, and storage areas.
+-c, --cache           Run annihilation on workspaces cache area.
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/setup.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df8aac398cd5dbd0312df7e04d232ad9b0b1c426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+from setuptools import find_packages, setup
+VERSION = open("ws_annihilator/_version.py").readlines()[-1].split()[-1].strip("\"'")
+README = Path("README.md").read_text()
+requires = [
+    "argparse",
+    "pycapo",
+    "requests",
+    name="ssa-" + Path().absolute().name,
+    version=VERSION,
+    description="Workspaces Directory Annihilator; Clean up generated products from lustre!",
+    long_description=README,
+    author="NRAO SSA Team",
+    author_email="dms-ssa@nrao.edu",
+    url="TBD",
+    license="GPL",
+    install_requires=requires,
+    keywords=[],
+    packages=find_packages(),
+    classifiers=["Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8"],
+    entry_points={"console_scripts": ["ws_annihilator = ws_annihilator.annihilator:main"]},
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/ws_annihilator/__init__.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/ws_annihilator/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/ws_annihilator/_version.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/ws_annihilator/_version.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..427549ea2fb1722c4a0b559aead85a25493b41f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/ws_annihilator/_version.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+___version___ = "4.0.0a1.dev1"
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/ws_annihilator/annihilator.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/ws_annihilator/annihilator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06f9fc23d3d75c365324cbc0362cd1c34cd2ebfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ws_annihilator/ws_annihilator/annihilator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+Facility for removing old or QAFailed files and directories from the Workspaces lustre areas
+* Download area clean up is handled by the AAT/PPI mr_clean system
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import pathlib
+import shutil
+from enum import Enum
+import requests
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from typing import Dict, List
+import sys
+from pycapo import CapoConfig
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Areas(Enum):
+    CACHE = "cache"
+    SPOOL = "spool"
+    STAGING = "staging"
+    STORAGE = "storage"
+def _get_settings(profile: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
+    """
+    Get annihilator capo settings
+    :return:
+    """
+    config = CapoConfig(profile=profile)
+    annihilator_settings = config.settings("edu.nrao.workspaces.AnnihilatorSettings")
+    ingestion_settings = config.settings("edu.nrao.workspaces.IngestionSettings")
+    workflow_url = config.settings("edu.nrao.workspaces.WorkflowSettings").serviceUrl
+    cache_directory = config.settings("edu.nrao.workspaces.DeliverySettings").cacheWeblogDirectory
+    spool_directory = config.settings("edu.nrao.workspaces.ProcessingSettings").rootDirectory
+    staging_directory = ingestion_settings.stagingDirectory
+    storage_directory = ingestion_settings.storageDirectory
+    return {
+        "workflow_url": workflow_url,
+        "cache": cache_directory,
+        "spool": spool_directory,
+        "storage": storage_directory,
+        "staging": staging_directory,
+        "cache_days": annihilator_settings.keepCacheForDays,
+        "spool_days": annihilator_settings.keepSpoolForDays,
+        "staging_days": annihilator_settings.keepStagingForDays,
+        "storage_days": annihilator_settings.keepStorageForDays,
+    }
+def _arg_parser() -> ArgumentParser:
+    """
+    Create parser for annihilator
+    :return:
+    """
+    arg_parser = ArgumentParser(
+        description="Workspaces Directory Annihilator",
+        formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-p",
+        "--profile",
+        action="store",
+        required=True,
+        help="Specify which environment to run on. Required. Example: dsoc-dev",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-a",
+        "--all",
+        action="store_true",
+        required=False,
+        help="Run annihilation on workspaces spool, staging, and storage areas.",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-c",
+        "--cache",
+        action="store_true",
+        required=False,
+        help="Run annihilation on workspaces cache area.",
+    )
+    return arg_parser
+class Annihilator:
+    """
+    Class for removing workspaces directories that are no longer in use and past a given date
+    - Retrieves a list of stale request directories to annihilate
+    - Checks if directories still exist
+        (DAs might manually clean up directories until scheduling system is available)
+    - If directory exists in the workspaces' area for the specified profile, annihilates directory
+        and sets 'cleaned' flag on the associated request
+    - If directory doesn't exist, sets 'cleaned' flag on associated request
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._args = _arg_parser().parse_args()
+        self._settings = _get_settings(self._args.profile)
+    def determine_path(self, area_to_clean: str) -> str:
+        """
+        return path to the location from capo settings
+        :param area_to_clean: workspaces lustre area to clean, i.e. "spool"
+        :return: path string
+        """
+        return self._settings.get(area_to_clean.lower())
+    def get_days_to_keep(self, area_to_clean: str) -> str:
+        """
+        Return the number of days to keep directories in a specified area from capo settings
+        :param area_to_clean: workspaces lustre area to clean, i.e. "spool"
+        :return:
+        """
+        key = area_to_clean.lower() + "_days"
+        return self._settings.get(key)
+    def get_stale_directories(self, area_to_clean: str) -> List[str]:
+        """
+        It is possible for processing to take multiple days to several weeks. While a job is running in HTCondor, it's
+        parent workspaces directory in the spool area won't update other than the HTCondor log file(s).
+        We want to be sure that only stale directories are annihilated.
+        It is also possible for the dev and test systems to pick up production directories due to database copying.
+        For this reason we only want to use the name of the directory itself and strip off the rest of the path.
+        :param area_to_clean: workspaces lustre area to clean, i.e. "spool"
+        :return: A list of directory names to be removed
+        """
+        annihilation_url = (
+            self._settings.get("workflow_url") + "/workflows/requests/stale/" + self.get_days_to_keep(area_to_clean)
+        )
+        response = requests.get(annihilation_url)
+        dir_list = response.json()["stale_dirs"]
+        name_list = []
+        # catch empty string response
+        if dir_list:
+            for stale in dir_list.split(","):
+                name_list.append(pathlib.Path(str(stale)).stem)
+        return name_list
+    def annihilate_directory(self, area: str, directory: str):
+        """
+        Annihilate specified directory
+        :param area: area being cleaned
+        :param directory: directory to remove
+        :return:
+        """
+        shutil.rmtree(directory)
+        # After annihilation set cleaned flag...
+        if area == Areas.SPOOL.value:
+            logger.info(f"Annihilation complete for {directory}, setting 'cleaned' flag on workflow request...")
+            self.set_cleaned(directory)
+        else:
+            logger.info(f"Annihilation complete for {directory} in {area}.")
+    def set_cleaned(self, directory: str):
+        """
+        Set the 'cleaned' flag on the request of the specified directory
+        :param directory: the directory that was annihilated
+        :return:
+        """
+        clean_url = self._settings.get("workflow_url") + "/workflows/requests/cleaned"
+        json_payload = {"directory": directory, "update_to": "True"}
+        return requests.put(clean_url, json=json_payload)
+    def annihilate(self, area_to_clean: str):
+        """
+        Remove stale directories from targeted workspaces areas
+        :return:
+        """
+        stale = self.get_stale_directories(area_to_clean)
+        # If stale directories were found, annihilate them
+        if stale:
+            path = self.determine_path(area_to_clean)
+            # change to area to clean
+            os.chdir(path)
+            for directory in stale:
+                dir_path = path + "/" + directory
+                if not pathlib.Path(dir_path).exists():
+                    if area_to_clean == Areas.SPOOL.value:
+                        logger.info(f"directory {dir_path} not found, setting 'cleaned' flag on workflow request...")
+                        self.set_cleaned(dir_path)
+                    else:
+                        logger.info(f"directory {dir_path} not found in {area_to_clean}, skipping...")
+                else:
+                    logger.info(f"found directory {directory}, annihilating...")
+                    self.annihilate_directory(area_to_clean, directory)
+    def run(self):
+        if self._args.all:
+            logger.info(f"Starting cleaning of Workspaces Spool for profile {self._args.profile}")
+            self.annihilate(Areas.SPOOL.value)
+            logger.info(f"Starting cleaning of Workspaces Staging for profile {self._args.profile}")
+            self.annihilate(Areas.STAGING.value)
+            logger.info(f"Starting cleaning of Workspaces Storage for profile {self._args.profile}")
+            self.annihilate(Areas.STORAGE.value)
+            logger.info(
+                f"Finished cleaning Workspaces Spool, Staging, and Storage areas for profile {self._args.profile}!"
+            )
+        if self._args.cache:
+            logger.info(f"Starting cleaning of Workspaces Cache for profile {self._args.profile}")
+            self.annihilate(Areas.CACHE.value)
+            logger.info(f"Finished cleaning Workspaces Cache for profile {self._args.profile}!")
+        else:
+            logger.info(f"Starting cleaning of Workspaces Spool for profile {self._args.profile}")
+            self.annihilate(Areas.SPOOL.value)
+            logger.info(f"Finished cleaning Workspaces Spool for profile {self._args.profile}!")
+def main():
+    Annihilator().run()
diff --git a/services/workflow/workflow/server.py b/services/workflow/workflow/server.py
index 70ff1af823a91d2294973696759a0870a0c518dd..898418ae6f47849350021da916a0956d0c2c4d88 100644
--- a/services/workflow/workflow/server.py
+++ b/services/workflow/workflow/server.py
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ if sentry_key != "local":
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -498,11 +497,35 @@ class WorkflowRequestRestService:
         Pyramid view that returns a list of workflow request processing directories that
         have completed processing and are marked for annihilation
-        :return: HTTP Response with list of directories to annihilate
+        :return:  HTTP Response with list of directories to annihilate
+        dir_list = []
         keep = self.request.matchdict["days"]
-        return self.request.info.lookup_stale_requests(int(keep))
+        req_list = self.request.info.lookup_stale_requests(int(keep))
+        for r in req_list:
+            dir_list.append(r.results_dir)
+        # return list as comma seperated string
+        return Response(json_body={"stale_dirs": str(",".join(dir_list))})
+    @view_config(request_method="PUT", route_name="set_request_cleaned")
+    def set_request_cleaned(self):
+        """
+        Pyramid view to set the workflow request cleaned flag upon directory annihilation
+        :return: HTTP Response
+        """
+        directory = self.request.json_body["directory"]
+        update_to = eval(self.request.json_body["update_to"])
+        req = self.request.info.lookup_workflow_request_by_directory(directory)
+        self.request.info.update_request_cleaned(req, update_to)
+        return Response(
+            status_code=http.HTTPStatus.OK,
+            body=f"SUCCESS: Updated workflow request #{req.workflow_request_id} to {update_to}",
+        )
 @view_defaults(route_name="workflow_request_files", renderer="json")
@@ -756,6 +779,11 @@ def main(global_config, **settings):
+        config.add_route(
+            "set_request_cleaned",
+            "/workflows/requests/cleaned",
+        )
         # Route for healthcheck when bringing up containers
diff --git a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/schema.py b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/schema.py
index df8dc65fe90c05b106243449960a6d2623c8426a..194730098ec5094b3fdcc9281f709bd1c97d0bf0 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/schema.py
+++ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/schema.py
@@ -214,6 +214,9 @@ class WorkflowRequest(JSONSerializable):
     def update_status(self, status: str):
         self.state = status
+    def update_cleaned(self, cleaned: bool):
+        self.cleaned = cleaned
     # TODO: create following fields in table
     def set_start_time(self, time: str):
         self.start_time = time
diff --git a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/services/workflow_info.py b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/services/workflow_info.py
index 71875fe6828a8489876e67c40b2aaf6acc6d5335..c1077f99755060fffa23481dfa14a10ca808886a 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/services/workflow_info.py
+++ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/services/workflow_info.py
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ class WorkflowInfo(WorkflowInfoIF):
         return self.session.query(WorkflowTemplate).filter_by(workflow_name=workflow_name).all()
-    def lookup_stale_requests(self, keep_days: int) -> List[str]:
+    def lookup_stale_requests(self, keep_days: int) -> List[WorkflowRequest]:
-        Queries the workflow_requests table for all requests that have completed, have not
-        been cleaned up, and are older that the number of days specified by keep_days
+        Queries the workflow_requests table for all requests that have not been
+        cleaned up, and are older that the number of days specified by keep_days
         :param keep_days: the number of days to keep directories
         :return: a list of strings representing processing directories
@@ -66,10 +66,20 @@ class WorkflowInfo(WorkflowInfoIF):
         return (
             .filter((WorkflowRequest.updated_at + datetime.timedelta(days=keep_days)) < datetime.datetime.now())
+            .filter_by(htcondor_job_id=None)
+    def lookup_workflow_request_by_directory(self, results_dir: str) -> WorkflowRequest:
+        """
+        Queries the workflow_requests table for the request with the matching results directory
+        :param results_dir:
+        :return: WorkflowRequest
+        """
+        return self.session.query(WorkflowRequest).filter_by(results_dir=results_dir).first()
     def all_workflows(self) -> List[Workflow]:
         return self.session.query(Workflow).all()
@@ -146,3 +156,14 @@ class WorkflowInfo(WorkflowInfoIF):
         return wrf
+    def update_request_cleaned(self, request: WorkflowRequest, update_flag: bool):
+        """
+        Update an existing workflow request when it's results directory is annihilated
+        :param request: The workflow request to update
+        :param update_flag: the boolean state to set the cleaned flag to
+        :return:
+        """
+        request.update_cleaned(update_flag)
+        self.save_request(request)