diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingest.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingest.py
index b0b33f26959d6438bcc23c26fa278ff1a18867d5..4b3ad0beb15ea9a7a2d63917e4ff934d4537fbd1 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingest.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingest.py
@@ -24,14 +24,15 @@ from distutils.util import strtobool
 from typing import Tuple, Union
 import requests
-from ingest_envoy.interfaces import IngestLauncherIF
+from ingest_envoy.interfaces import LauncherIF
 from ingest_envoy.launchers import (
+    CuratorLauncher,
 from ingest_envoy.solicitor import Solicitor
-from ingest_envoy.utilities import IngestType, VLASSIngestType
+from ingest_envoy.utilities import IngestType, VLASSIngestType, CuratorType
 from pycapo import CapoConfig
@@ -44,7 +45,10 @@ logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))
 def _get_settings(
-    arg_type: Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType], filename: str = None, cal_spl: str = None, source_dir: str = None
+    arg_type: Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType, CuratorType],
+    filename: str = None,
+    cal_spl: str = None,
+    source_dir: str = None,
 ) -> dict:
     Determine needed settings from metadata.json file
@@ -86,34 +90,57 @@ def arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
         description="Workspaces Ingestion System", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter
-    parser.add_argument(
+    # ensure we can't try running all types of ingestion at the same time
+    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    group.add_argument(
         help="run ingestion for a calibration product",
-    parser.add_argument(
+    group.add_argument(
         help="run ingestion for an image product",
-    parser.add_argument(
+    group.add_argument(
         help="run ingestion for an observation",
-    parser.add_argument(
+    group.add_argument(
         help="run ingestion for VLASS SECI image products",
+    # Add subparser for curator commands
+    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
+        title="Curator Commands",
+        description="Commands for setting curation types",
+        help="Options for Curator",
+    )
+    curate_parser = subparsers.add_parser("curate")
+    curate_group = curate_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required="True")
+    curate_group.add_argument(
+        "--partial",
+        nargs=1,
+        action="store",
+        help="run partial curation for a product",
+    )
+    curate_group.add_argument(
+        "--full",
+        nargs=1,
+        action="store",
+        help="run full curation for a product",
+    )
     return parser
@@ -125,84 +152,84 @@ def check_ingest_type(args_type: Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType], parameters:
     :param parameters: the parameters determined from metadata.json
     :return: boolean representing if the requested ingestion type matches the product type
-    if "workflowName" not in parameters and args_type == IngestType.OBS:
+    if "workflowName" not in parameters and (args_type == IngestType.OBS or isinstance(args_type, CuratorType)):
         return True
     wf_name = parameters["workflowName"]
-    if args_type.value in wf_name:
-        return True
-    elif args_type == IngestType.IMG and "imaging" in wf_name:
+    if args_type.value in wf_name or (args_type == IngestType.IMG and "imaging" in wf_name):
         return True
     return False
-def set_cal_status_flag(parameters: dict):
-    """
-    Send AMQP message to AAT to set calibration status on EB.
-    :param parameters: dictionary of available input parameters
-    :return:
-    """
-    request_id = parameters["requestId"]
-    url = parameters["workflowUrl"] + f"/workflows/requests/message-archive/cal-ingestion-complete"
-    response = requests.post(url, json={"request_id": request_id, "project_code": parameters["project"]})
-    if response.status_code != http.HTTPStatus.OK:
-        logger.warning(
-            f"WARNING: Failed to set calibration status flag in archive for request #{request_id}."
-            f" Please set the flag manually!"
-        )
-def send_aat_image_message(parameters: dict, ingest_type: Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType]):
-    """
-    Send AMQP message to AAT to set off image indexing
-    :param parameters: dictionary of available input parameters
-    :param ingest_type: type of ingestion that was run
-    :return:
-    """
-    url = parameters["workflowUrl"] + f"/workflows/requests/message-archive/img-ingestion-complete"
-    if isinstance(ingest_type, VLASSIngestType):
-        payload = {"project_code": parameters["project"]}
-    else:
-        payload = {"request_id": parameters["requestId"], "project_code": parameters["project"]}
-    response = requests.post(url, json=payload)
-    if response.status_code != http.HTTPStatus.OK:
-        logger.warning(
-            f"WARNING: Failed to send image ingestion complete to archive for image associated with "
-            f"calibration {parameters['calSpl']} and project {parameters['project']}."
-            f" Please set off the index manually!"
-        )
-def send_aat_obs_message(parameters: dict):
+def send_indexer_message(parameters: dict, ingest_type: Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType, CuratorType]):
-    Send AMQP message to AAT to set off observation (VLBA) indexing
+    Send AMQP message to AAT to set off indexing
     :param parameters: dictionary of available input parameters
+    :param ingest_type: type of ingestion or curation that was run
-    url = parameters["workflowUrl"] + f"/workflows/requests/message-archive/obs-ingestion-complete"
-    payload = {"project_code": parameters["project"]}
+    msg_suffix = "-ingestion-complete"
+    match ingest_type:
+        case IngestType.CAL:
+            msg = "cal" + msg_suffix
+            request_id = parameters["requestId"]
+            payload = {"request_id": request_id, "project_code": parameters["project"]}
+            warn_log = (
+                f"Failed to send calibration ingestion complete to archive for setting calibration status "
+                f"flag and indexing of request #{request_id}."
+            )
+        case IngestType.IMG:
+            msg = "img" + msg_suffix
+            payload = {"request_id": parameters["requestId"], "project_code": parameters["project"]}
+            warn_log = (
+                f"Failed to send image ingestion complete to archive for image associated with "
+                f"calibration {parameters['calSpl']} and project {parameters['project']}."
+            )
+        case IngestType.OBS:
+            msg = "obs" + msg_suffix
+            payload = {
+                "project_code": parameters["project"],
+                "telescope": parameters["telescope"],
+            }
+            warn_log = (
+                f"Failed to send observation ingestion complete to archive for observation {parameters['filename']}."
+            )
+        case VLASSIngestType.SECI | VLASSIngestType.QUICKLOOK | VLASSIngestType.CUBE:
+            msg = "img" + msg_suffix
+            payload = {"project_code": parameters["project"]}
+            warn_log = (
+                f"Failed to send image ingestion complete to archive for image(s) associated with "
+                f"calibration {parameters['calSpl']} and project {parameters['project']}."
+            )
+        case CuratorType.FULL | CuratorType.PARTIAL:
+            # TODO: figure out how to handle this with non-EB products
+            msg = "obs" + msg_suffix
+            telescope = parameters["telescope"]
+            payload = {
+                "project_code": parameters["project"],
+                "telescope": telescope,
+            }
+            warn_log = f"Failed to send {parameters['product_type']} curation complete to archive."
+        case _:
+            msg = ""
+            payload = {}
+            warn_log = ""
+            logger.error(f"Error: Unknown ingest type {ingest_type}, can't send index message to AAT.")
+    url = parameters["workflowUrl"] + f"/workflows/requests/message-archive/{msg}"
     response = requests.post(url, json=payload)
     if response.status_code != http.HTTPStatus.OK:
-        logger.warning(
-            f"WARNING: Failed to send observation ingestion complete to archive for observation associated with "
-            f"project {parameters['project']}."
-            f" Please set off the index manually!"
-        )
+        logger.warning(f"WARNING: {warn_log} Please set off the indexer manually")
 def _determine_ingestion_info(
     args: argparse.Namespace,
-) -> Tuple[Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType], dict, IngestLauncherIF]:
+) -> Tuple[Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType, CuratorType], dict, LauncherIF]:
     Determine parameters and launcher needed for ingestion
@@ -216,7 +243,7 @@ def _determine_ingestion_info(
     if args.calibration is not None:
         arg_type = IngestType.CAL
         parameters = _get_settings(arg_type, filename=args.calibration[0])
-        launcher = IngestCalibrationLauncher(parameters)
+        launcher = IngestCalibrationLauncher(arg_type, parameters)
     elif args.image is not None:
         arg_type = IngestType.IMG
         parameters = _get_settings(arg_type, filename=args.image[0])
@@ -225,10 +252,18 @@ def _determine_ingestion_info(
         arg_type = VLASSIngestType.SECI
         parameters = _get_settings(arg_type, cal_spl=args.seci[0], source_dir=args.seci[1])
         launcher = IngestImageLauncher(arg_type, parameters)
-    if args.observation is not None:
+    elif args.observation is not None:
         arg_type = IngestType.OBS
         parameters = _get_settings(arg_type, filename=args.observation[0], source_dir=args.observation[1])
-        launcher = IngestObservationLauncher(parameters)
+        launcher = IngestObservationLauncher(arg_type, parameters)
+    elif args.partial is not None:
+        arg_type = CuratorType.PARTIAL
+        parameters = _get_settings(arg_type, filename=args.partial[0])
+        launcher = CuratorLauncher(arg_type, parameters)
+    elif args.full is not None:
+        arg_type = CuratorType.FULL
+        parameters = _get_settings(arg_type, filename=args.full[0])
+        launcher = CuratorLauncher(arg_type, parameters)
     return arg_type, parameters, launcher
@@ -244,22 +279,20 @@ def main():
     arg_type, parameters, launcher = _determine_ingestion_info(args)
     if check_ingest_type(args_type=arg_type, parameters=parameters):
-        result = launcher.launch_ingestion()
+        result = launcher.launch()
         if result == 0:
             # Ingestion succeeded
-            logger.info("Ingestion finished successfully! Sending status message to archive...")
-            if arg_type == IngestType.CAL:
-                set_cal_status_flag(parameters)
-            elif arg_type == IngestType.OBS:
-                send_aat_obs_message(parameters)
-            else:
-                send_aat_image_message(parameters, arg_type)
+            logger.info(
+                f"{'Curation' if isinstance(arg_type, CuratorType) else 'Ingestion'} finished successfully! "
+                f"Sending status message to archive..."
+            )
+            send_indexer_message(parameters, arg_type)
-            logger.error(f"ERROR: {arg_type} ingestion failure! Please check logs")
+            logger.error(f"ERROR: {arg_type} failure! Please check logs")
-            f"ERROR: The workflow request to be ingested does not match specified "
+            f"ERROR: The workflow request to be ingested or curated does not match specified "
             f"ingestion type {arg_type}. Exiting...."
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest.py
index 88ca1f8c3c5b9b103a6a1bc40df49ffb3040629e..4f29b790d892ae2ab801bc9305143c37a9ea1c88 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest.py
@@ -24,10 +24,9 @@ from pathlib import Path
 from pycapo import CapoConfig
 # pylint: disable=C0301, E0401, R0903, R1721
-from typing import Tuple
+from typing import Tuple, List
 import arrow
-from arrow import Arrow
 from ingest_envoy.manifest_components import (
@@ -43,6 +42,8 @@ from ingest_envoy.manifest_components import (
+    ReingestGroup,
 from ingest_envoy.schema import AbstractTextFile
 from ingest_envoy.std_img_manifest_utils import ImageIngestionProductsFinder
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ from ingest_envoy.utilities import (
+    CuratorType,
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -71,12 +73,14 @@ class IngestionManifest(ManifestComponentIF):
         telescope: Telescope,
         sp_type: ScienceProductType,
-        staging_source_dir: Path,
-        locator: str,
-        # all except EVLA_EB and VLASS catalog manifest have input group
-        input_group: InputGroup,
-        # every manifest has at least one output group
-        output_group: OutputGroup,
+        staging_source_dir: Path | None,  # curation has no staging directory
+        locator: str | None,  # initial observation ingestion has no locator
+        # if running curator, use ReingestGroup, otherwise none
+        reingest_group: ReingestGroup | None,
+        # all except Partial Curation, EVLA_EB and VLASS catalog manifest have input group
+        input_group: InputGroup | None,
+        # every non-curator manifest has at least one output group
+        output_group: OutputGroup | None,
         # image manifest has this:
         additional_metadata: AbstractTextFile = None,
         filename: str = None,
@@ -84,15 +88,34 @@ class IngestionManifest(ManifestComponentIF):
         self.staging_source_dir = staging_source_dir
         self.sp_type = sp_type
         self.locator = locator
+        self.reingest = reingest_group
         self.input_group = input_group
         self.output_group = output_group
         self.telescope = telescope
+        self.filename = filename
         # Check if NGAS ingestion should be enabled for all manifests in this environment
-        self.ngas_ingest = CapoConfig().getboolean("archive-ingestion.ingestNGAS")
+        self.ngas_ingest = self.get_ngas_flag()
         self.parameters = self.build_ingest_parameters(additional_metadata)
-        self.files_found = [file for file in self.staging_source_dir.iterdir()]
+        if staging_source_dir is not None:
+            # we are not running curation, find files
+            self.files_found = [file for file in self.staging_source_dir.iterdir()]
+    def get_ngas_flag(self) -> bool:
+        """Determine and retrieve the correct ingestNGAS flag for this type of ingestion/curation"""
+        match self.sp_type:
+            case ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK:
+                flag = CapoConfig().getboolean("archive-ingestion.ingestNGAS.observation")
+            case ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL:
+                flag = CapoConfig().getboolean("archive-ingestion.ingestNGAS.calibration")
+            case ScienceProductType.IMAGE | ScienceProductType.VLASS_SECI:
+                flag = CapoConfig().getboolean("archive-ingestion.ingestNGAS.imaging")
+            case _:
+                flag = True
+        return flag
     def build_ingest_parameters(self, additional_metadata: AbstractTextFile):
@@ -108,10 +131,16 @@ class IngestionManifest(ManifestComponentIF):
             raise NotImplementedError()
-        if additional_metadata:
+        if self.reingest is not None:
+            params = ManifestParameters(
+                telescope=self.telescope,
+                ngas_ingest=False,
+                staging_source_dir=self.staging_source_dir,
+            )
+        elif additional_metadata:
             params = ManifestParameters(
-                reingest=False,
@@ -121,7 +150,6 @@ class IngestionManifest(ManifestComponentIF):
         elif self.sp_type == ScienceProductType.IMAGE:
             params = ManifestParameters(
-                reingest=False,
@@ -130,7 +158,6 @@ class IngestionManifest(ManifestComponentIF):
             params = ManifestParameters(
-                reingest=False,
@@ -161,9 +188,11 @@ class IngestionManifest(ManifestComponentIF):
         me_dict = self.to_dict()
-        output_path = self.staging_source_dir / MANIFEST_FILENAME
+        if self.reingest is not None:
+            output_path = Path.cwd() / CURATOR_MANIFEST_FILENAME
+        else:
+            output_path = self.staging_source_dir / MANIFEST_FILENAME
         to_write = json.dumps(me_dict, indent=4)
         with open(output_path, "w") as out:
@@ -177,20 +206,35 @@ class IngestionManifest(ManifestComponentIF):
         me_dict = dict(self.__dict__)
         to_return = {
             IngestionManifestKey.PARAMETERS.value: self.parameters.to_dict(),
-            IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value: me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value].to_dict(),
-        # Ingestion manifests with empty input groups can cause errors on ingest
-        if len(self.input_group.science_products) > 0:
-            to_return[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value] = me_dict[
-                IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value
+        # are we running curator?
+        if IngestionManifestKey.REINGEST.value in me_dict and me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.REINGEST.value] is not None:
+            to_return[IngestionManifestKey.REINGEST.value] = me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.REINGEST.value].to_dict()
+        # curator manifests have no output groups
+        if (
+            IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value in me_dict
+            and me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value] is not None
+        ):
+            to_return[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value] = me_dict[
+                IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value
+        if (
+            IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value in me_dict
+            and me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value] is not None
+        ):
+            # Ingestion manifests with empty input groups can cause errors on ingest
+            if len(self.input_group.science_products) > 0:
+                to_return[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value] = me_dict[
+                    IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value
+                ].to_dict()
         return to_return
@@ -199,12 +243,13 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
     def __init__(
-        staging_source_dir: Path,
+        staging_source_dir: Path | None,  # partial curation has no source path
         sp_type: str,
-        locator: str,
+        locator: str | None,  # initial observation ingestion has no locator
         telescope: str,
         additional_metadata: AbstractTextFile = None,
         filename: str = None,
+        curate: (CuratorType, str, List[str]) = None,
         # get the telescope
         self.telescope = Telescope(telescope)
@@ -214,9 +259,12 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         # get the directory containing the files to be ingested
         self.staging_source_dir = staging_source_dir
-        # get the additional metadata, if any (EVLA CAL ingestions will have none)
+        # get the additional metadata, if any (EVLA CAL ingestion will have none)
         self.additional_metadata = additional_metadata
+        # are we running curator?
+        self.curation_type = curate[0] if curate is not None else None
         # determine the science product type
         self.sp_type = ScienceProductType(sp_type)
         if self.sp_type is None or not isinstance(self.sp_type, ScienceProductType):
@@ -229,12 +277,23 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
             raise NotImplementedError(f"Don't know yet how to build a {self.sp_type.value} manifest")
+        if self.curation_type is not None:
+            if self.curation_type not in [CuratorType.PARTIAL]:
+                raise NotImplementedError(
+                    f"Don't know how to build a {self.curation_type.value} curation {self.sp_type} manifest"
+                )
+            self.curation_source = curate[1]
+            self.target_list = curate[2]
         if locator is not None:
+            # we are not running observation ingestion, use a locator
             self.locator = locator
-        self.files_found = [file for file in staging_source_dir.iterdir()]
-        if len(self.files_found) == 0:
-            raise IngestionManifestException(f"No ingestion files found at {staging_source_dir}")
+        if staging_source_dir is not None:
+            # we are not running curation, look for files
+            self.files_found = [file for file in staging_source_dir.iterdir()]
+            if len(self.files_found) == 0:
+                raise IngestionManifestException(f"No ingestion files found at {staging_source_dir}")
         if filename is not None:
             self.filename = filename
@@ -246,6 +305,8 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         :return: the ingestion manifest and the file containing its JSON
+        if self.curation_type == CuratorType.PARTIAL:
+            return self._build_curation_manifest()
         if self.sp_type == ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL:
             return self._build_evla_cal_manifest()
@@ -254,13 +315,35 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         return self._build_image_manifest()
-    def _build_evla_cal_manifest(self):
+    def _build_curation_manifest(self) -> (IngestionManifest, Path):
+        """
+        Build a manifest for curator
+        Partial curation is simple, only parameters and reingest groups are needed
+        :return: the manifest file object and path
+        """
+        manifest = IngestionManifest(
+            telescope=self.telescope,
+            staging_source_dir=self.curation_source,
+            locator=self.locator,
+            sp_type=self.sp_type,
+            reingest_group=self._build_reingest_group(),
+            input_group=None,
+            output_group=None,
+        )
+        manifest_file = manifest.write()
+        return manifest, manifest_file
+    def _build_evla_cal_manifest(self) -> (IngestionManifest, Path):
         # create the manifest
         manifest = IngestionManifest(
+            reingest_group=None,
@@ -285,13 +368,14 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         return manifest, manifest_file
-    def _build_observation_manifest(self):
+    def _build_observation_manifest(self) -> (IngestionManifest, Path):
         # create the manifest
         manifest = IngestionManifest(
+            reingest_group=None,
@@ -324,7 +408,7 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         return None
-    def _build_image_manifest(self):
+    def _build_image_manifest(self) -> (IngestionManifest, Path):
         Image manifest has additional_metadata, and output group is way more complicated
@@ -337,6 +421,7 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
+            reingest_group=None,
@@ -350,7 +435,19 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         return manifest, manifest_file
-    def _build_input_group(self):
+    def _build_reingest_group(self) -> ReingestGroup:
+        """
+        Create the curation reingest group
+        :return:
+        """
+        return ReingestGroup(
+            locator=self.locator,
+            product_type=self.sp_type,
+            targets=self.target_list,
+        )
+    def _build_input_group(self) -> InputGroup:
         Create the input group using the parameters.
@@ -364,7 +461,7 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         return InputGroup([sp_in])
-    def _build_evla_cal_output_group(self):
+    def _build_evla_cal_output_group(self) -> OutputGroup:
         Create EVLA standard calibration manifest output group using the parameters
         and the contents of the staging dir.
@@ -458,7 +555,7 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         return ingestion_artifacts_tar
-def format_timestamp(datetime: Arrow) -> str:
+def format_timestamp(datetime: arrow.Arrow) -> str:
     Format the current time as
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/interfaces.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/interfaces.py
index ac3ce7b7ec740590aadec76a0e6611c867659f98..35e2f796b5eb6fcbef93faf8b90a5cebee924453 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/interfaces.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/interfaces.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from abc import ABC
 from ingest_envoy.schema import AbstractTextFile
-class IngestLauncherIF(ABC):
+class LauncherIF(ABC):
     Generic Ingestion Launcher methods.
     Should be implemented for any type of ingestion launcher
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class IngestLauncherIF(ABC):
     # launch all ingest steps, should be called in ingest.main
-    def launch_ingestion(self) -> int:
+    def launch(self) -> int:
         Prepare for and run ingest
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class IngestLauncherIF(ABC):
     # setup workflow results for ingestion, ensure placement in staging area
-    def prepare_for_ingest(self):
+    def prepare_for_launch(self):
         Prepare files for ingestion, creation of collection tars and manifest
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/launchers.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/launchers.py
index 866d679f6e2daa7ff5e39d85314c6a5446fe8d6a..8407f279527d79608aae9c07ecc4a9eb8f20805b 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/launchers.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/launchers.py
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ from ingest_envoy.collectors import (
 from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import IngestionManifestBuilder
-from ingest_envoy.interfaces import IngestLauncherIF
+from ingest_envoy.interfaces import LauncherIF
 from ingest_envoy.schema import AbstractTextFile
-from ingest_envoy.utilities import IngestType, VLASSIngestType
+from ingest_envoy.utilities import IngestType, VLASSIngestType, CuratorType
 def trigger_ingest(real_ingest: bool, staging_dir: str, bin_dir: str = ".") -> int:
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def trigger_ingest(real_ingest: bool, staging_dir: str, bin_dir: str = ".") -> i
     :param real_ingest: real ingestion vs. testing flag
     :param staging_dir: staging directory to ingest from
-    :param bin_dir: directory containing the ingestion script
+    :param bin_dir: directory containing the ingestion utility
     :return: return code
     if real_ingest:
@@ -55,28 +55,50 @@ def trigger_ingest(real_ingest: bool, staging_dir: str, bin_dir: str = ".") -> i
         return 0
-class IngestCalibrationLauncher(IngestLauncherIF):
+def trigger_curator(real_ingest: bool, bin_dir: str = ".") -> int:
+    """
+    Run curator
+    :param real_ingest: real curation or testing only?
+    :param bin_dir: directory containing the curator utility
+    :return: return code
+    """
+    if real_ingest:
+        # manifest location is known, no need for paths
+        curator_process = subprocess.run(
+            [f"{bin_dir}/curator", "-m", f"{Path.cwd() / 'manifest.json'}"],
+            stdout=sys.stdout,
+            stderr=sys.stderr,
+        )
+        return curator_process.returncode
+    else:
+        # for local testing
+        return 0
+class IngestCalibrationLauncher(LauncherIF):
     """Setup and Launch Calibration Ingestion"""
-    def __init__(self, parameters: dict):
+    def __init__(self, arg_type: IngestType, parameters: dict):
         self.logger = logging.getLogger("ingest_envoy")
-        self.sci_product_type = "calibration"
+        self.sci_product_type = arg_type.value.__str__()
         self.parameters = parameters
         self.staging_source_dir = self.parameters["staging_area"] + "/" + self.parameters["workflowDir"]
-    def launch_ingestion(self) -> int:
+    def launch(self) -> int:
         Prepare and run ingestion script
         :return: Return code of ingestion script process
         self.logger.info("RUNNING CALIBRATION INGESTION!")
-        self.prepare_for_ingest()
+        self.prepare_for_launch()
         self.logger.info("Running ingest!")
         return trigger_ingest(self.parameters["useIngest"], self.staging_source_dir)
-    def prepare_for_ingest(self):
+    def prepare_for_launch(self):
         Prepare files for ingestion, creation of collection tars and manifest
@@ -141,32 +163,31 @@ class IngestCalibrationLauncher(IngestLauncherIF):
         IngestionManifestBuilder(Path(self.staging_source_dir), self.sci_product_type, spl, telescope).build()
-class IngestImageLauncher(IngestLauncherIF):
+class IngestImageLauncher(LauncherIF):
     """Setup and Launch Image Ingestion"""
     def __init__(self, arg_type: Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType], parameters: dict):
         self.logger = logging.getLogger("ingest_envoy")
-        self.type = arg_type
-        self.sci_product_type = arg_type.value
+        self.sci_product_type = arg_type.value.__str__()
         self.parameters = parameters
         self.staging_source_dir = self.parameters["staging_area"] + "/" + self.parameters["workflowDir"]
         self.collector = (
             ImageCollector(self.parameters) if isinstance(arg_type, IngestType) else SECICollector(self.parameters)
-    def launch_ingestion(self) -> int:
+    def launch(self) -> int:
         Prepare and run ingestion script
         :return: Return code from ingestion script process
         self.logger.info("RUNNING IMAGE INGESTION!")
-        self.prepare_for_ingest()
+        self.prepare_for_launch()
         self.logger.info("Running ingest!")
         return trigger_ingest(self.parameters["useIngest"], self.staging_source_dir)
-    def prepare_for_ingest(self):
+    def prepare_for_launch(self):
         Prepare files for ingestion, creation of collection tars and manifest
@@ -211,29 +232,29 @@ class IngestImageLauncher(IngestLauncherIF):
-class IngestObservationLauncher(IngestLauncherIF):
+class IngestObservationLauncher(LauncherIF):
     """Setup and Launch Observation Ingestion"""
-    def __init__(self, parameters: dict):
+    def __init__(self, arg_type: IngestType, parameters: dict):
         self.logger = logging.getLogger("ingest_envoy")
-        self.sci_product_type = "execution_block"
+        self.sci_product_type = arg_type.value.__str__()
         self.parameters = parameters
         self.staging_source_dir = self.parameters["staging_area"] + "/" + self.parameters["workflowDir"]
         self.collector = ObservationCollector(self.parameters)
-    def launch_ingestion(self) -> int:
+    def launch(self) -> int:
         Prepare and run ingestion script
         :return: Return code of ingestion script process
         self.logger.info("RUNNING OBSERVATION INGESTION!")
-        self.prepare_for_ingest()
+        self.prepare_for_launch()
         self.logger.info("Running ingest!")
         return trigger_ingest(self.parameters["useIngest"], self.staging_source_dir, self.parameters["script_location"])
-    def prepare_for_ingest(self):
+    def prepare_for_launch(self):
         Prepare files for ingestion, creation of collection tars and manifest
@@ -265,5 +286,62 @@ class IngestObservationLauncher(IngestLauncherIF):
         filename = self.parameters["filename"]
-            Path(self.staging_source_dir), self.sci_product_type, None, telescope, filename=filename
+            Path(self.staging_source_dir),
+            self.sci_product_type,
+            None,
+            telescope,
+            filename=filename,
+class CuratorLauncher(LauncherIF):
+    """Setup and Launch Curator"""
+    def __init__(self, arg_type: CuratorType, parameters: dict):
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger("ingest_envoy")
+        self.curator_type = arg_type
+        self.sci_product_type = parameters["product_type"]
+        self.parameters = parameters
+    def prepare_for_launch(self):
+        """
+        Prepare for curation, manifest building
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.logger.info("Preparing for curator...")
+        #  no collection needed for curation, manifest building only
+        self.create_manifest()
+    def create_manifest(self, additional_file: AbstractTextFile = None):
+        """
+        Create the curation manifest
+        :param additional_file: Unneeded for curation
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.logger.info("Creating curation manifest...")
+        spl = self.parameters["spl"]
+        telescope = self.parameters["telescope"]
+        curation_source = self.parameters["curation_source"]
+        target_list = self.parameters["target_list"]
+        IngestionManifestBuilder(
+            staging_source_dir=None,
+            sp_type=self.sci_product_type,
+            locator=spl,
+            telescope=telescope,
+            curate=(self.curator_type, curation_source, target_list),
+        ).build()
+    def launch(self) -> int:
+        """
+        Prepare and run curation
+        :return: return code from curator
+        """
+        self.logger.info(f"RUNNING {self.sci_product_type.upper()} CURATION!")
+        self.prepare_for_launch()
+        self.logger.info("Running curator!")
+        return trigger_curator(self.parameters["useIngest"])
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/manifest_components.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/manifest_components.py
index 6e53946d4ff78d1c3c331a4ee255a903da049b2f..328cbc3a099342896ff4197b8f724758bf6da79d 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/manifest_components.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/manifest_components.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from ingest_envoy.schema import AbstractTextFile
 from ingest_envoy.utilities import AncillaryProductType, ScienceProductType, Telescope
 MANIFEST_FILENAME = "ingestion-manifest.json"
 INGESTION_ARTIFACTS_NAME = "ingestion_artifacts_"
 TARFILE_EXT = ".tar"
 WEBLOG_FILENAME = "weblog.tgz"
@@ -43,9 +44,9 @@ class IngestionManifestKey(Enum):
     PARAMETERS = "parameters"
     INPUT_GROUP = "input_group"
     OUTPUT_GROUP = "output_group"
-    INGESTION_PATH = "ingestion_path"
     SCIENCE_PRODUCTS = "science_products"
     ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS = "ancillary_products"
+    REINGEST = "reingest"
 class ParamsKey(Enum):
@@ -56,8 +57,17 @@ class ParamsKey(Enum):
     REINGEST = "reingest"
     NGAS_INGEST = "ngas_ingest"
     CALIBRATE = "calibrate"
-    INGESTION_PATH = IngestionManifestKey.INGESTION_PATH.value
+    INGESTION_PATH = "ingestion_path"
     ADDITIONAL_METADATA = "additional_metadata"
+    COLLECTION_METADATA = "additional_metadata"  # needed for VLASS, realfast, elwa, alfalfa. Not yet implemented
+class ReingestKey(Enum):
+    """Keys in ReingestGroup"""
+    TARGETS = "targets"
+    LOCATOR = "locator"
+    TYPE = "type"
 class ManifestComponentIF(abc.ABC):
@@ -67,15 +77,6 @@ class ManifestComponentIF(abc.ABC):
     def __eq__(self, other):
         return NotImplemented
-    # @abc.abstractmethod
-    # def to_json(self) -> JSON:
-    #     """
-    #     JSON-ify this object
-    #
-    #     :return: json.load()-able string
-    #     """
-    #     return NotImplemented
     def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
@@ -143,27 +144,25 @@ class ManifestParameters(ManifestComponentIF):
     def __init__(
         telescope: Telescope,
-        reingest: bool,
         ngas_ingest: bool,
-        staging_source_dir: Path,
+        staging_source_dir: Path | None,
         additional_metadata: AbstractTextFile = None,
         calibrate: bool = None,
         self.telescope = telescope
-        self.reingest = reingest
         self.ngas_ingest = ngas_ingest
         if calibrate is not None:
             self.calibrate = calibrate
-        self.staging_source_dir = staging_source_dir
+        if staging_source_dir is not None:
+            self.staging_source_dir = staging_source_dir
         self.additional_metadata = additional_metadata
     def __eq__(self, other):
         if isinstance(other, ManifestParameters):
             return (
                 other.telescope.value == self.telescope.value
-                and other.reingest == self.reingest
                 and other.ngas_ingest == self.ngas_ingest
                 and other.calibrate == self.calibrate
                 and other.staging_source_dir == self.staging_source_dir
@@ -183,10 +182,10 @@ class ManifestParameters(ManifestComponentIF):
             ParamsKey.TELESCOPE.value: self.telescope.value,
             # The ingestion manifest must have "true" and "false"
             # rather than "True" and "False"
-            ParamsKey.REINGEST.value: self.reingest,
             ParamsKey.NGAS_INGEST.value: self.ngas_ingest,
-            ParamsKey.INGESTION_PATH.value: str(self.staging_source_dir),
+        if hasattr(self, "staging_source_dir"):
+            json_dict[ParamsKey.INGESTION_PATH.value] = str(self.staging_source_dir)
         if hasattr(self, "calibrate"):
             json_dict[ParamsKey.CALIBRATE.value] = self.calibrate
         if self.additional_metadata:
@@ -313,3 +312,41 @@ class OutputGroup(ManifestComponentIF):
             me_dict[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value] = ap_jsons
         return me_dict
+class ReingestGroup(ManifestComponentIF):
+    """Generic manifest reingest group"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        locator: str,
+        product_type: ScienceProductType,
+        targets: List[str] = None,  # optional: presence determines Partial vs Full curation.
+    ):
+        self.locator = locator
+        self.product_type = product_type
+        self.targets = targets
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, ReingestGroup):
+            return (
+                other.locator == self.locator
+                and other.product_type == self.product_type
+                and other.targets == self.targets
+            )
+        return False
+    def to_dict(self) -> JSON:
+        """
+        Turn me into a json-ifiable dict
+        :return: dict
+        """
+        json_dict = {
+            ReingestKey.TARGETS.value: self.targets,
+            ReingestKey.LOCATOR.value: self.locator,
+            ReingestKey.TYPE.value: self.product_type.value,
+        }
+        return json_dict
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/solicitor.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/solicitor.py
index e3d9ddb4c84f83b8298426caa74eaf0f2cc35220..4696b7ff6df2a598ebd3a45c7d385b8ee305777e 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/solicitor.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/solicitor.py
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ import pathlib
 from typing import List, Union
 import requests
-from ingest_envoy.utilities import IngestType, VLASSIngestType
+from ingest_envoy.utilities import IngestType, VLASSIngestType, CuratorType
 INVALID_INITIAL_VERSION = "Initial version not valid for ingest"
 class Solicitor:
-    def __init__(self, arg_type: Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType], urls: List, filename: str = None):
+    def __init__(self, arg_type: Union[IngestType, VLASSIngestType, CuratorType], urls: List, filename: str = None):
         if filename is not None:
             self.filename = filename
             self.metadata = self.solicit_contents(self.filename)
@@ -219,6 +219,33 @@ class Solicitor:
         return {**obs}
+    def solicit_curation_params(self) -> dict:
+        """
+        Determine curation specific parameters
+        :return: dict
+        """
+        if self.argument == CuratorType.PARTIAL and "target_list" not in self.metadata:
+            targets = []  # empty list is untargeted partial curation
+        elif self.argument == CuratorType.FULL:
+            targets = None
+        else:
+            targets = self.metadata["target_list"]
+        params = {
+            "telescope": self.metadata["projectMetadata"]["telescope"],  # all, needed by manifest generator
+            "project": self.metadata["projectMetadata"]["projectCode"],  # needed for post ingestion messaging
+            "spl": self.metadata["product_locator"],
+            "product_type": self.metadata["product_type"],
+            "curation_source": self.metadata["data_location"]
+            if "data_location" in self.metadata
+            else None,  # not required for curation
+            "target_list": targets,
+        }
+        return {**params}
     def solicit_seci_params(self) -> dict:
         Determine SECI image specific parameters
@@ -244,11 +271,14 @@ class Solicitor:
         :return: parameters dict
-        if self.argument == IngestType.CAL:
-            return self.solicit_calibration_params()
-        elif self.argument == IngestType.IMG:
-            return self.solicit_image_params()
-        elif self.argument == IngestType.OBS:
-            return self.solicit_observation_params()
-        elif self.argument == VLASSIngestType.SECI:
-            return self.solicit_seci_params()
+        match self.argument:
+            case IngestType.CAL:
+                return self.solicit_calibration_params()
+            case IngestType.IMG:
+                return self.solicit_image_params()
+            case IngestType.OBS:
+                return self.solicit_observation_params()
+            case VLASSIngestType.SECI:
+                return self.solicit_seci_params()
+            case CuratorType.PARTIAL | CuratorType.FULL:
+                return self.solicit_curation_params()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/utilities.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/utilities.py
index 07674c9a906a8de4ab9b73cc5ae394d8eca490a6..93717f60dcc123b3803674202c8c06072f9156e1 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/utilities.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/utilities.py
@@ -31,7 +31,14 @@ class IngestType(Enum):
     CAL = "calibration"
     IMG = "image"
-    OBS = "observation_data"
+    OBS = "execution_block"
+class CuratorType(Enum):
+    """Types of Data Curation (i.e. Re-Ingestion)"""
+    PARTIAL = "partial"
+    FULL = "full"
 class VLASSIngestType(Enum):
@@ -73,7 +80,7 @@ class AncillaryProductType(Enum):
     PIPELINE_WEBLOG = "pipeline_weblog"
     LOG_TYPE = "observation_log"
-    ### Images ###
+    # Images #
     # our default FITS type
     FITS = "fits_image"
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_Realfast_SDM.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_Realfast_SDM.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b7ef437c6f6da713859a1342f92b274a427e33a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/Manifest_Realfast_SDM.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-  "parameters": {
-    "reingest": false,
-    "ngas_ingest": false,
-    "telescope": "EVLA",
-    "ingestion_path": "/Need/To/Decide/About/This",
-    "collection_metadata": "realfast.json"
-  },
-  "output_group": {
-    "science_products": [
-      {
-        "type": "execution_block",
-        "filename": "realfast_20A-333.place.holder.here",
-        "ancillary_products": [
-          {
-            "type": "candidate_image",
-            "filename": "aaaa.png"
-          },
-          {
-            "type": "candidate_image",
-            "filename": "bbbb.png"
-          }
-        ]
-      }
-    ],
-    "ancillary_products": [
-      {
-        "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
-        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2020_07_17_T13_45_39.902.tar"
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "associate_group": {
-    "science_products": [
-      {
-        "locator": "uid://evla/execblock/abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop"
-      }
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_cal_final_manifest.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_cal_final_manifest.json
index c4ae82b2e57aa0d8ba2afd1eae9c949fc6975dff..1a47f80ac9878103c97314e7595baf3404e783e1 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_cal_final_manifest.json
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_cal_final_manifest.json
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
   "parameters": {
-    "reingest": false,
     "ngas_ingest": true,
     "telescope": "EVLA",
     "ingestion_path": "/lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/dsoc-prod/stage_products/20A-346_2021_07_23_T13_37_08.376"
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_cal_manifest_2021-08-02.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_cal_manifest_2021-08-02.json
index e4dc509bbe1590e59c7d1215f0f6c33df5a88446..026337514b39249d7afe1de6c2c8d57698654642 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_cal_manifest_2021-08-02.json
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/evla_cal_manifest_2021-08-02.json
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
   "parameters": {
-    "reingest": false,
     "ngas_ingest": true,
     "telescope": "EVLA",
     "ingestion_path": "/lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/dsoc-prod/stage_products/20A-346_2021_07_23_T13_37_08.376"
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/image_set_manifest.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/image_set_manifest.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a812756b2eb27ffae5b2326780af7172bc2e06..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/image_set_manifest.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-  "parameters": {
-    "reingest": "false",
-    "ngas_ingest": "false",
-    "calibrate": "false",
-    "ingestion_path": "/lustre/.."
-  },
-  "input_group": {
-    "science_products": [
-      {
-        "type": "calibration",
-        "locator": "...."
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "output_group": {
-    "science_products": [
-      {
-        "type": "image",
-        "filename": "image1.fits",
-        "ancillary-products": [
-          {
-            "type": "image_mask",
-            "filename": "image1.mask.fits"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      {
-        "type": "image",
-        "filename": "image2.fits",
-        "ancillary-products": [
-          {
-            "type": "image_mask",
-            "filename": "image2.mask.fits"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      {
-        "type": "image",
-        "filename": "image3.fits",
-        "ancillary-products": [
-          {
-            "type": "image_mask",
-            "filename": "image3.mask.fits"
-          }
-        ]
-      }
-    ],
-    "ancillary-products": [
-      {
-        "type": "weblog",
-        "filename": "weblog.tgz"
-      },
-      {
-        "type": "tar",
-        "filename": "imaging_extras.tar"
-      }
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/vlass_catalog_manifest.json b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/vlass_catalog_manifest.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 86d44f8e03c597661576a2cd15e75f92495f69ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/examples/vlass_catalog_manifest.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-  "parameters": {
-    "reingest": "false",
-    "ngas_ingest": "false",
-    "calibrate": "false",
-    "ingestion_path": "/lustre/...../"
-  },
-  "science-products": [
-    {
-      "type": "vlass_catalog",
-      "filename": "imaging_catalog_example.cat",
-      "group_with": ".... (locator for an image)"
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_cal_manifest.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_cal_manifest.py
index 3eb8025d5645d89e260b3021667a898582813286..f588fc210520e4b46b03749ad7b2f3920ca454c1 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_cal_manifest.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_cal_manifest.py
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ from ingest_envoy.manifest_components import (
+    ParamsKey,
 from ingest_envoy.utilities import AncillaryProductType, ScienceProductType, Telescope
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ def test_filters_cal_input_files(ingest_path: Path):
     assert manifest.locator == locator
     params = manifest.parameters
-    assert params.reingest is False and params.ngas_ingest is True
+    assert params.ngas_ingest is True
     assert not hasattr(params, "calibrate")
     input_group = manifest.input_group
@@ -162,7 +163,6 @@ def test_params_json_well_formed():
     params = ManifestParameters(
-        reingest=False,
@@ -331,13 +331,11 @@ def test_evla_cal_manifest_matches_example(ingest_path: Path):
     with open(manifest_file, "r") as infile:
         actual_json = dict(json.load(infile).items())
-    actual_json[IngestionManifestKey.PARAMETERS.value][IngestionManifestKey.INGESTION_PATH.value] = expected_dir_name
+    actual_json[IngestionManifestKey.PARAMETERS.value][ParamsKey.INGESTION_PATH.value] = expected_dir_name
     expected_params = expected_json["parameters"]
     actual_params = manifest.parameters.to_dict()
-    expected_reingest = expected_params["reingest"]
-    assert actual_params["reingest"] == expected_reingest
     expected_ngas_ingest = expected_params["ngas_ingest"]
     assert actual_params["ngas_ingest"] == expected_ngas_ingest
@@ -435,13 +433,11 @@ def test_evla_cal_final_manifest_matches_example(ingest_path: Path):
     with open(manifest_file, "r") as infile:
         actual_json = dict(json.load(infile).items())
-    actual_json[IngestionManifestKey.PARAMETERS.value][IngestionManifestKey.INGESTION_PATH.value] = expected_dir_name
+    actual_json[IngestionManifestKey.PARAMETERS.value][ParamsKey.INGESTION_PATH.value] = expected_dir_name
     expected_params = expected_json["parameters"]
     actual_params = manifest.parameters.to_dict()
-    expected_reingest = expected_params["reingest"]
-    assert actual_params["reingest"] == expected_reingest
     expected_ngas_ingest = expected_params["ngas_ingest"]
     assert actual_params["ngas_ingest"] == expected_ngas_ingest
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_launchers.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_launchers.py
index c99bc10e3fabd24e008c2e3ef6861be0304e9451..aef5abf5194c5834d52b5c1ca0853b742f3d73ae 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_launchers.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_launchers.py
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ def test_trigger_ingest(mock_run):
 class TestIngestCalibrationLauncher:
     def test_launch_ingestion(self):
-        with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.IngestCalibrationLauncher.prepare_for_ingest") as prepare:
+        with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.IngestCalibrationLauncher.prepare_for_launch") as prepare:
             with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.trigger_ingest") as ingest:
-                IngestCalibrationLauncher(parameters).launch_ingestion()
+                IngestCalibrationLauncher(IngestType.CAL, parameters).launch()
                 assert prepare.call_count == 1
                 assert ingest.call_count == 1
@@ -75,35 +75,35 @@ class TestIngestCalibrationLauncher:
     def test_prepare_for_ingest(self, mock_run):
         with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.IngestCalibrationLauncher.run_collection_script") as collector:
             with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.IngestCalibrationLauncher.create_manifest") as manifest:
-                IngestCalibrationLauncher(parameters).prepare_for_ingest()
+                IngestCalibrationLauncher(IngestType.CAL, parameters).prepare_for_launch()
                 assert collector.call_count == 1
                 assert manifest.call_count == 1
     def test_run_collection_script(self, mock_run):
         mock_run.return_value.returncode = 0
-        IngestCalibrationLauncher(parameters).run_collection_script()
+        IngestCalibrationLauncher(IngestType.CAL, parameters).run_collection_script()
         assert mock_run.call_count == 1
     @pytest.mark.skip("Skip. Ignores manifest builder mock")
     def test_create_manifest(self):
         with patch("ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest.IngestionManifestBuilder.build") as manifest:
-            IngestCalibrationLauncher(parameters).create_manifest()
+            IngestCalibrationLauncher(IngestType.CAL, parameters).create_manifest()
             assert manifest.call_count == 1
 class TestIngestImageLauncher:
     def test_launch_ingestion(self):
-        with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.IngestImageLauncher.prepare_for_ingest") as prepare:
+        with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.IngestImageLauncher.prepare_for_launch") as prepare:
             with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.trigger_ingest") as ingest:
-                IngestImageLauncher(IngestType.IMG, image_parameters).launch_ingestion()
+                IngestImageLauncher(IngestType.IMG, image_parameters).launch()
                 assert prepare.call_count == 1
                 assert ingest.call_count == 1
     def test_prepare_for_ingest(self):
         with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.IngestImageLauncher.run_collector") as collector:
             with patch("ingest_envoy.launchers.IngestImageLauncher.create_manifest") as manifest:
-                IngestImageLauncher(IngestType.IMG, image_parameters).prepare_for_ingest()
+                IngestImageLauncher(IngestType.IMG, image_parameters).prepare_for_launch()
                 assert collector.call_count == 1
                 assert manifest.call_count == 1
diff --git a/docker.properties b/docker.properties
index d689fafb7135d668dfd5d08c5061107c1797e4ff..fe2faf36d924579ee452a3ba68f65d55efbaee23 100644
--- a/docker.properties
+++ b/docker.properties
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ edu.nrao.workspaces.VlassDeliverySettings.cache = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/v
 edu.nrao.workspaces.IngestionSettings.useIngest = False
 edu.nrao.workspaces.IngestionSettings.stagingDirectory = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/docker/workspaces/staging
 edu.nrao.workspaces.IngestionSettings.storageDirectory = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/docker/workspaces/storage
-archive-ingestion.ingestNGAS = true
+archive-ingestion.ingestNGAS.observation = true
+archive-ingestion.ingestNGAS.calibration = true
+archive-ingestion.ingestNGAS.imaging = true
 # Standard Calibration Settings
diff --git a/services/workflow/workflow/server.py b/services/workflow/workflow/server.py
index a288457703b7cb5c0fd2fd9b2a4f84a42663a808..cccb9b15f7eb41d60587cc2b682cb2cd1b14c6a5 100644
--- a/services/workflow/workflow/server.py
+++ b/services/workflow/workflow/server.py
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 import http
 import json
 import logging
-import os
 import time
 from json import JSONDecodeError
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ from pathlib import Path
 import prometheus_client
 import transaction
 import zope.sqlalchemy
-from pycapo import CapoConfig
 from pyramid.config import Configurator
 from pyramid.renderers import JSONP
 from pyramid.request import Request
@@ -45,7 +43,6 @@ from workspaces.workflow.services.workflow_info import WorkflowInfo
 from workspaces.workflow.services.workflow_service import (
-    subprocess,
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -59,9 +56,6 @@ def metrics(environ, start_response):
     return prometheus_exporter(environ, start_response)
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 # ---------------------------------------------------------
 #    S E R V I C E S
@@ -504,7 +498,12 @@ class WorkflowRequestRestService:
         identifier = int(body["request_id"]) if "request_id" in body else body["project_code"]
         msg_type = self.request.matchdict["msg_type"]
-        additional = body["project_code"] if "project_code" in body and identifier != body["project_code"] else None
+        additional = None
+        if "project_code" in body and isinstance(identifier, int):
+            additional = body["project_code"]
+        elif "telescope" in body and isinstance(identifier, str):
+            additional = body["telescope"]
         self.request.workflows.message_archive(identifier, msg_type, additional)
         return Response(
diff --git a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/message_architect.py b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/message_architect.py
index faaa32a631f7300687e4e13d9aca907f8cfab408..6547e304c70221b8118aad1006556f3fa47ef763 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/message_architect.py
+++ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/message_architect.py
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ archive_msg_templates = DictView(
             "request": "observation",
             "logData": {
                 "project_code": None,
-                "ingestion_type": "vlba",
+                "telescope": None,
+                "ingestion_type": None,
                 "status": "complete",
@@ -243,6 +244,7 @@ class ArchiveMessageArchitect(MessageArchitectIF):
         project_code: str = None,
         delivery_info: dict = None,
         stage_info: dict = None,
+        telescope: str = None,
         Initialize Architect
@@ -260,6 +262,7 @@ class ArchiveMessageArchitect(MessageArchitectIF):
         self.project = project_code
         self.delivery = delivery_info
         self.stage_info = stage_info
+        self.telescope = telescope
     def get_message_template(msg_type: str) -> dict:
@@ -322,4 +325,23 @@ class ArchiveMessageArchitect(MessageArchitectIF):
             template["start"] = self.stage_info["start"]
             template["stop"] = self.stage_info["stop"]
+        if self.telescope is not None:
+            template["telescope"] = self.telescope
+            template["ingestion_type"] = self._determine_indexer_type(self.telescope)
         return DictView(template)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _determine_indexer_type(telescope: str) -> str:
+        """
+        What type of indexing do we need?
+        :param telescope: the ingested/curated product's telescope
+        :return: the indexer type to use
+        """
+        if telescope.upper() == "VLBA" or telescope.upper() == "GMVA":
+            return "vlba"
+        if telescope.upper() == "EVLA" or telescope.upper() == "ALMA":
+            return f"{telescope.lower()}_sdm"
+        else:
+            logger.error(f"Error: Unknown telescope {telescope}, can't send index message to AAT.")
diff --git a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/services/workflow_service.py b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/services/workflow_service.py
index 77dfed54b3c7e250314e37914a1364a89351c071..64328808986cc003e253c8fde99fc04f7b6c28b6 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/services/workflow_service.py
+++ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/workflow/services/workflow_service.py
@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ class WorkflowService(WorkflowServiceIF):
         wf_request = None
         sdm_id = None
         project_code = None
+        telescope = None
         if isinstance(identifier, int):
             # a request should exist, find it
@@ -300,8 +301,11 @@ class WorkflowService(WorkflowServiceIF):
             if additional_field is not None:
                 project_code = additional_field
-            # I'm VLASS and decided to be special <unhappy tears here>
+            # I'm initial ingestion, curation, or VLASS
             project_code = identifier
+            # needed to determine indexer type in initial ingestion or curation
+            if additional_field is not None:
+                telescope = additional_field
         if msg_type == "do-not-calibrate":
             # this should only send from the WS QA interface
@@ -320,10 +324,9 @@ class WorkflowService(WorkflowServiceIF):
             msg_arch = ArchiveMessageArchitect(routing_key="ingestor.images", request=None, project_code=project_code)
         elif msg_type == "obs-ingestion-complete":
             logger.info(f"Sending 'Observation Ingestion Complete' indexing message to AAT for project {project_code}!")
+            key = "vlba" if telescope == "VLBA" or telescope == "GMVA" else "metadata"
             msg_arch = ArchiveMessageArchitect(
-                routing_key="ingestion-complete.vlba",
-                request=None,
-                project_code=project_code
+                routing_key=f"ingestion-complete.{key}", request=None, project_code=project_code, telescope=telescope
             logger.info(f"Cannot determine archive message for type {msg_type}. Skipping....")