diff --git a/shared/workspaces/src/workspaces/services.py b/shared/workspaces/src/workspaces/services.py
index ba36214f1662e63ea3de1232a030e1b850c2a9e8..a67799a3e94d61edbf0ecc6632647a87f8e90fad 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/src/workspaces/services.py
+++ b/shared/workspaces/src/workspaces/services.py
@@ -13,31 +13,60 @@ from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
 from workflow.event_catcher import EventCatcher
 from workspaces.capability_interfaces import CapabilityIF
-from .capability_interfaces import CapabilityServiceIF, CapabilityQueueIF, CapabilityInfoIF, \
-    CapabilityEngineIF, CapabilityName, ParameterIF
+from .capability_interfaces import (
+    CapabilityServiceIF,
+    CapabilityQueueIF,
+    CapabilityInfoIF,
+    CapabilityEngineIF,
+    CapabilityName,
+    ParameterIF,
 from .helpers import CapabilitySequence, ExecutionPriority, RequestState, ExecutionState
 from .product_interfaces import FutureProductIF
 from .workflow_interfaces import WorkflowServiceIF, WorkflowInfoIF
-from .schema import Workflow, WorkflowEvent, WorkflowEventType, CapabilityRequest, Capability, \
-    CapabilityExecution, get_engine, get_session_factory, WorkflowRequest, AbstractFile
-from channels.amqp_helpers import workflow_events,capability_events, CAPABILITY_STATUS_EXCH
-from wf_monitor.monitor import WorkflowMonitor, WORKFLOW_STATUS_EXCH, log_decorator_factory
+from .schema import (
+    Workflow,
+    WorkflowEvent,
+    WorkflowEventType,
+    CapabilityRequest,
+    Capability,
+    CapabilityExecution,
+    get_engine,
+    get_session_factory,
+    WorkflowRequest,
+    AbstractFile,
+from channels.amqp_helpers import (
+    workflow_events,
+    capability_events,
+from wf_monitor.monitor import (
+    WorkflowMonitor,
+    log_decorator_factory,
 class CapabilityService(CapabilityServiceIF):
     The capability service: clients access this to request capability runs
     def __init__(self, info: CapabilityInfoIF):
         self.execution_pool = []
         self.queues = {}
         self.capability_info = info
-    def create_request(self,
-                       capability_name: str,
-                       parameters: List[ParameterIF]=None,
-                       products: List[FutureProductIF]=None) -> "CapabilityRequestIF":
-        self.capability_info.create_capability_request(capability_name, parameters, products)
+    def create_request(
+        self,
+        capability_name: str,
+        parameters: List[ParameterIF] = None,
+        products: List[FutureProductIF] = None,
+    ) -> CapabilityRequest:
+        self.capability_info.create_capability_request(
+            capability_name, parameters, products
+        )
     def run_capability(self, request: CapabilityRequest) -> CapabilityExecution:
@@ -50,9 +79,9 @@ class CapabilityService(CapabilityServiceIF):
         return execution_record
     def enqueue_execution(
-            self,
-            execution_record: CapabilityExecution,
-            priority: int = ExecutionPriority.Default.value
+        self,
+        execution_record: CapabilityExecution,
+        priority: int = ExecutionPriority.Default.value,
         Move execution record that is ready to execute a workflow into the appropriate capability
@@ -76,6 +105,7 @@ class CapabilityEngine(CapabilityEngineIF):
     Executes a prepare and run workflow step of a capability
     def __init__(self, execution: CapabilityExecution):
         self.execution = execution
@@ -100,10 +130,7 @@ class CapabilityInfo(CapabilityInfoIF):
         return self.session.query(Capability).filter_by(name=capability_name).first()
     def create_capability(
-            self,
-            name: CapabilityName,
-            steps: CapabilitySequence,
-            max_jobs: int
+        self, name: CapabilityName, steps: CapabilitySequence, max_jobs: int
     ) -> int:
         Create new capability and save it in the database
@@ -116,11 +143,11 @@ class CapabilityInfo(CapabilityInfoIF):
         return self.save_entity(capability)
     def create_capability_request(
-            self,
-            capability_name: str,
-            parameters: List[ParameterIF] = None,
-            future_products: List[FutureProductIF] = None,
-            versions: List[str] = None
+        self,
+        capability_name: str,
+        parameters: List[ParameterIF] = None,
+        future_products: List[FutureProductIF] = None,
+        versions: List[str] = None,
     ) -> int:
         Create new capability request and save it in the database
@@ -145,14 +172,18 @@ class CapabilityInfo(CapabilityInfoIF):
         :return: Integer identifier for the record
         record = CapabilityExecution(
-            state=ExecutionState.Ready.name, capability_request=request_id, current_step=0
+            state=ExecutionState.Ready.name,
+            capability_request=request_id,
+            current_step=0,
         return self.save_entity(record)
     def lookup_entity(
-            self,
-            entity_id: int,
-            entity_schema: Union[Type[Capability], Type[CapabilityRequest], Type[CapabilityExecution]]
+        self,
+        entity_id: int,
+        entity_schema: Union[
+            Type[Capability], Type[CapabilityRequest], Type[CapabilityExecution]
+        ],
     ) -> Optional[Union[Capability, CapabilityRequest, CapabilityExecution]]:
         Look up entity in database and return object representation of it if found
@@ -162,7 +193,9 @@ class CapabilityInfo(CapabilityInfoIF):
         return self.session.query(entity_schema).filter(entity_schema.id == entity_id)
-    def save_entity(self, entity: Union[Capability, CapabilityRequest, CapabilityExecution]) -> int:
+    def save_entity(
+        self, entity: Union[Capability, CapabilityRequest, CapabilityExecution]
+    ) -> int:
         Save a given entity and return an integer identifier for it
         :param entity:   the entity to save
@@ -227,7 +260,6 @@ class WorkflowService(WorkflowServiceIF):
                 # send amqp event and update database
                 self.on_workflow_event(e, record, temp_folder)
     def _prepare_files_for_condor(files: List[AbstractFile]) -> Path:
@@ -244,7 +276,7 @@ class WorkflowService(WorkflowServiceIF):
             (temp_folder / file.filename).write_bytes(file.content)
         # 3. make any scripts in there executable
-        for file in temp_folder.glob('*.sh'):
+        for file in temp_folder.glob("*.sh"):
             file.chmod(file.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
         # finished, return folder
@@ -258,17 +290,17 @@ class WorkflowService(WorkflowServiceIF):
         :param folder:  the path to the folder to execute
         :return:        the path to the log file
-        print(f'executing on folder {folder}')
+        print(f"executing on folder {folder}")
         # some file in here should end in .dag; that file is our dagman input
-        dagman = list(folder.glob('*.dag'))[0]
+        dagman = list(folder.glob("*.dag"))[0]
         # ensure the log file exists
-        logfile = folder / 'condor.log'
+        logfile = folder / "condor.log"
         # submit
-        subprocess.run(['condor_submit_dag', str(dagman)], cwd=str(folder.absolute()))
+        subprocess.run(["condor_submit_dag", str(dagman)], cwd=str(folder.absolute()))
         # return the logfile
         return logfile
@@ -282,7 +314,9 @@ class WorkflowService(WorkflowServiceIF):
         # self.channel = channels.workflow_events.listen(self.on_workflow_event)
         raise NotImplementedError
-    def on_workflow_event(self, event: WorkflowEvent, request_record: WorkflowRequest, tmp_folder: Path):
+    def on_workflow_event(
+        self, event: WorkflowEvent, request_record: WorkflowRequest, tmp_folder: Path
+    ):
         # 1. log that we received this event, somehow
         # 2. update the WorkflowRequest record with the state we got
         # 3. do per-event-type stuff, such as level change events, database
@@ -290,14 +324,20 @@ class WorkflowService(WorkflowServiceIF):
         catcher = EventCatcher()
-        decorated_workflow_send = log_decorator_factory('Sending Workflow Event...')(workflow_events.send)
-        decorated_capability_send = log_decorator_factory('Sending Capability Event...')(capability_events.send)
+        decorated_workflow_send = log_decorator_factory("Sending Workflow Event...")(
+            workflow_events.send
+        )
+        decorated_capability_send = log_decorator_factory(
+            "Sending Capability Event..."
+        )(capability_events.send)
         # 1. send amqp event to workflow channel
         decorated_workflow_send(event, WORKFLOW_STATUS_EXCH)
         # 2. update request record with new status
-        print(f'Updating state on request {request_record.workflow_request_id} to {event.type.name}...')
+        print(
+            f"Updating state on request {request_record.workflow_request_id} to {event.type.name}..."
+        )
         # 3. do per-event-type stuff