diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest.py
index aa25eb6f03f121609daff3a18b8ad12a3124cc04..a8480b4b3cbaffbc091071062bfa6c578dccde3d 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 """ The ingestion manifest """
-from pathlib import Path
+import json
 # pylint: disable=E0402, R0903, R0913
+from typing import Dict
 from .utilities import Telescope
@@ -12,7 +13,8 @@ class Parameters:
     def __init__(
         telescope: Telescope,
-        ingestion_path: Path,
+        # for JSON parsing, path must be a string
+        ingestion_path: str,
         additional_metadata: str,
         collection_metadata: str,
         reingest: bool = False,
@@ -25,6 +27,9 @@ class Parameters:
         self.reingest = reingest
         self.ngas_ingest = ngas_ingest
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return repr(self.__dict__)
 class InputGroup:
@@ -38,6 +43,9 @@ class InputGroup:
     def __init__(self):
         self.science_products = []
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return repr(self.__dict__)
 class IngestionManifest:
     """Represents JSON layout of ingestion information, encompassing several potential scenarios.
@@ -47,13 +55,35 @@ class IngestionManifest:
     def __init__(self, parameters: Parameters):
         self.parameters = parameters
-        # to be an InputGroup
         self.input_group = InputGroup()
-        # to be an OutputGroup
+        if self.parameters.additional_metadata:
+            self.input_group.science_products.append(
+                json.loads(self.parameters.additional_metadata)
+            )
         self.output_group = OutputGroup()
+        if self.parameters.collection_metadata:
+            self.output_group.ancillary_products.append(
+                json.loads(self.parameters.collection_metadata)
+            )
+        self.ingestion_path = self.parameters.ingestion_path
+        # TODO: what is this, and how do we use it?
         self.associate_group = AssociateGroup()
-        self.ingestion_path = None
-        self.science_products = []
+    def content(self) -> Dict:
+        """
+        Accessor for manifest content
+        :return: manifest as dict
+        """
+        return dict(
+            input_group=repr(self.input_group),
+            output_group=repr(self.output_group),
+            associate_group=repr(self.associate_group),
+            ingestion_path=repr(self.ingestion_path),
+            science_products=repr(self.input_group.science_products),
+            ancillary_products=repr(self.output_group.ancillary_products),
+        )
 class OutputGroup:
@@ -63,6 +93,9 @@ class OutputGroup:
         self.science_products = []
         self.ancillary_products = []
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return repr(self.__dict__)
 class AssociateGroup:
@@ -78,3 +111,6 @@ class AssociateGroup:
     def __init__(self):
         self.science_products = []
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return repr(self.__dict__)
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest_builder.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest_writer.py
similarity index 52%
rename from apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest_builder.py
rename to apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest_writer.py
index 2cd57d330d9b40b3f6f4aca75e79efea8f972c4b..90877ba1caa2e47e5d2e6f8d37838c9d13c97b2e 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest_builder.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/ingestion_manifest_writer.py
@@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
 """Build an ingestion manifest file"""
-import datetime
 import json
 import logging
 import shutil
-import stat
 import sys
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import Tuple, List
 # pylint: disable=E0401, E0402
-from astropy.time import Time
+import pendulum
+from pendulum import DateTime
 from .ingestion_manifest import IngestionManifest
-from .utilities import IngestionType
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -24,80 +21,94 @@ MANIFEST_NAME_EXT = ".json"
 ARTIFACT_NAME = "ingestion_artifacts_"
 ARTIFACT_EXT = ".tar"
-# TODO: say what?? we're accepting a manifest in the constructor and ALSO building one?
-class IngestionManifestBuilder:
+class IngestionManifestWriter:
     """Uses supplied parameters to build ingestion manifest files
     for the various types of ingestion"""
     def __init__(
         manifest: IngestionManifest,
-        ingest_type: IngestionType,
-        ingestion_location: Path,
         working_dir: Path,
         self.manifest = manifest
-        self.ingestion_type = ingest_type
-        self.ingestion_location = ingestion_location
         self.working_dir = working_dir
         self.parameters = manifest.parameters
         self.manifest_filename, self.artifact_filename = self.build_filenames()
-    def build(self) -> IngestionManifest:
+    def build(self) -> Path:
-        TODO: Write the ingestion manifest indicated by the parameters.
+        Write the ingestion manifest indicated by the parameters.
         :return: the ingestion manifest constructed from the parameters
+        # Pull out the manifest content and stringify it
+        manifest_content = json.dumps(self.manifest.content())
         # Write the manifest to the staging area, where other files may be.
-        manifest_content = json.dumps(self.manifest.__json__())
-        staging_manifest = self.ingestion_location / self.manifest_filename
+        ingestion_location = self.parameters.ingestion_path
+        staging_manifest = Path(ingestion_location) / self.manifest_filename
         with open(staging_manifest, "w") as out:
-        # Open up permissions so we can delete the manifest file later.
-        staging_manifest.chmod(staging_manifest.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
+        # # Open up permissions so we can delete the manifest file later.
+        # rw_mode = 0o666
+        # staging_manifest.chmod(rw_mode)
         # Get all the files we'll need....
         ingestion_files = self.find_ingestion_files()
+        # there should be at least one file, the manifest
+        if len(ingestion_files) < 1:
+            raise ValueError(f"no ingestion files nor manifest found at {ingestion_location}")
         # ....and put them in both places, with rw permissions
         for filename in ingestion_files:
-            staging_dir_copy = self.ingestion_location / filename
-            shutil.copy(str(staging_manifest), str(staging_dir_copy))
-            staging_dir_copy.chmod(staging_manifest.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
+            staging_dir_copy = ingestion_location / filename
             working_dir_copy = self.working_dir / filename
             shutil.copy(str(staging_manifest), str(working_dir_copy))
-            working_dir_copy.chmod(staging_manifest.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
-        # Rename the manifest to the shared name decided on for ingestion invocation
-        generalized = self.working_dir / "ingestion-manifest.json"
-        generalized.symlink_to(working_dir_copy, target_is_directory=False)
-        generalized.chmod(staging_manifest.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
+            # Rename the manifest to the shared name decided on for ingestion invocation.
+            # Path() cast "shouldn't" be necessary, but if we don't do it,
+            # file is a LocalPath and we can't create the symlink
+            generalized = Path(self.working_dir / "ingestion-manifest.json")
+            generalized.symlink_to(working_dir_copy, target_is_directory=False)
         # Now that all the loose files are copied, create the ingestion artifacts tar
-        # TODO: we need the manifest itself, not the file
-        return staging_manifest
+        # again: return a Path explicitly, for a LocalPath won't work
+        return Path(staging_manifest)
-    def format_timestamp(start_time_mjd: float) -> str:
+    def format_timestamp(start_time: DateTime) -> str:
-        Take an mjd time and format it as "yyyy_MM_dd_'T'HH_mm_ss.SSS"
-        for the ingestion manifest filename
-        :param start_time_mjd: observation start time directly from database;
-            will be modified Julian date
-        :return: a human-readable timestamp string
+        Format the current time as follows:
+        input format:
+            2021-07-01T13:49:17.237119+00:00
+        desired output format as yyyy_MM_dd_'T'HH_mm_ss.SSS:
+            2021_07_01'T'13_49_17.237
+        :param start_time: current pendulum timestamp
+        :return:
-        # TODO Some Fine Day: is there a more elegant way to do this?
-        astro_time = Time(start_time_mjd, scale="tt", format="mjd")
-        astro_time.format = "fits"
-        str_time = str(astro_time).replace("-", "_", len(str(astro_time)))
-        str_time = str_time.replace(":", "_", len(str_time)).replace("T", "'T'")
-        return str_time
+        time_str = str(start_time)
+        # change hyphens and colons to underscores
+        timestamp = time_str.replace("-", "_", len(time_str))
+        timestamp = timestamp.replace(":", "_", len(timestamp))
+        # chop off the last bit
+        timestamp = timestamp.split("+")[0]
+        # now timestamp ends with ss.###....; round to 3 places
+        ts_parts = timestamp.split("_")
+        seconds = float(ts_parts[len(ts_parts) - 1])
+        rounded = round(seconds, 3)
+        timestamp = timestamp.replace(str(seconds), str(rounded))
+        # finally, the T in single quotes
+        timestamp = timestamp.replace("T", "'T'")
+        return timestamp
     def build_filenames(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
@@ -105,9 +116,10 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         :return: the filenames
-        timestamp = self.format_timestamp(datetime.datetime.now())
-        manifest_filename = f"{MANIFEST_NAME_BASE} {timestamp}{MANIFEST_NAME_EXT}"
-        artifact_filename = f"{ARTIFACT_NAME} {timestamp}{ARTIFACT_EXT}"
+        current_time = pendulum.now()
+        timestamp = self.format_timestamp(current_time)
+        manifest_filename = f"{MANIFEST_NAME_BASE}{timestamp}{MANIFEST_NAME_EXT}"
+        artifact_filename = f"{ARTIFACT_NAME}{timestamp}{ARTIFACT_EXT}"
         return manifest_filename, artifact_filename
     def find_ingestion_files(self) -> List[Path]:
@@ -117,7 +129,7 @@ class IngestionManifestBuilder:
         :return: ingestion inputs
-        aux_files = []
+        coll_files = aux_files = []
         if self.parameters.additional_metadata is not None:
             aux_string = self.parameters.additional_metadata
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/utilities.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/utilities.py
index 09366f128bed2c6ad85023d50e2aadc25894793c..a0e9bb3bdde4b9a58eb0661716fe2c9648c21514 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/utilities.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/ingest_envoy/utilities.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 from enum import Enum
+# pylint: disable=R0903
 class Telescope(Enum):
     """Codifying the names of our telescopes, because Janet can't abide magic strings"""
@@ -95,11 +97,11 @@ class AncillaryProduct:
     """Represents an ancillary product in an ingestion manifest"""
     def __init__(
-        self, type: AncillaryProductType, filename: str, science_associate: str, group_with: str
+        self, ap_type: AncillaryProductType, filename: str, science_associate: str, group_with: str
-        self.type = type
+        self.ap_type = ap_type
         self.filename = filename
         # make this an ancillary to a particular science product (assumes locator string)
-        self.science_associate = science_associate  # TODO: enum?
+        self.science_associate = science_associate  # TODO, possibly: enum?
         # make this an ancillary to the group of a science product (assumes locator string)
         self.group_with = group_with
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/setup.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/setup.py
index 49d8b7daaebeff93c26bb7ace72a2c49879d3221..6e62620063d474a1ea0688121fde3681cd979660 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/setup.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/setup.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from setuptools import find_packages, setup
 VERSION = open("ingest_envoy/_version.py").readlines()[-1].split()[-1].strip("\"'")
 README = Path("README.md").read_text()
-requires = ["pycapo", "pex==2.1.41", "astropy"]
+requires = ["pycapo", "pex==2.1.41", "astropy", "pendulum"]
     name="ssa-" + Path().absolute().name,
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ setup(
-    tests_require=["pytest", "astropy"],
+    tests_require=["pytest", "astropy", "pendulum"],
     classifiers=["Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8"],
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_ing_manifests.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_ing_manifests.py
index 5b3df3caaa924ce72f6463f8ccb9f1ebf6cab52f..5b083990a7ad9d03e7b60aaf46504a2f188485cb 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_ing_manifests.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_ing_manifests.py
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
 """ Test for the various types of EVLA ingestion manifests """
+import json
 import logging
+import re
 import sys
+from pathlib import Path
 import pytest
 from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import IngestionManifest, Parameters
-from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest_builder import IngestionManifestBuilder
+from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest_writer import IngestionManifestWriter
+from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest_writer import (
 from ingest_envoy.utilities import Telescope
-# TODO: fix test_builds_evla_sdm_manifest, then *REMOVE* E1120 from disable list
-# pylint: disable=E0401, E1120, W1203
+# pylint: disable=E0401, W1203
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -17,25 +23,14 @@ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-def test_builds_timestamp_in_desired_format():
-    """
-    Does IngestionManifestBuilder format an MJD timestamp yanked out of the DB as expected?
-    :return:
-    """
-    str_time = IngestionManifestBuilder.format_timestamp(59215.3)
-    assert str_time == "2021_01_01'T'07_12_00.000"
-def test_minimal_manifest_is_as_expected():
+def test_minimal_manifest_is_as_expected(tmpdir):
     Make sure a minimal, generic manifest has the properties we expect it to have.
-    temp_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
-    ingest_path = temp_dir / "ingestion"
+    ingest_path = tmpdir / "ingestion"
     # no reingest, ngas ingest, additional metadata nor collection metadata
@@ -51,104 +46,91 @@ def test_minimal_manifest_is_as_expected():
     assert manifest.parameters == parameters
-    mf_json = manifest.__json__()
-    logger.info(f">>> THE JSON:\n{mf_json}")
-    output_group = mf_json["output_group"]
-    assert len(output_group.science_products) == 0
-    assert output_group.ancillary_products == [fake_ancillary_product]
+    assert len(manifest.output_group.science_products) == 0
+    assert manifest.output_group.ancillary_products == [fake_ancillary_product]
-@pytest.mark.skip("TODO: test_generates_correct_filename")
-def test_generates_correct_filename():
+def test_generates_correct_filename(tmpdir):
-    TODO
-    We expect the manifest to be named like "ingestion_manifest_2019_07_30_T13_03_00.936"
+    We expect the manifest to be named like "ingestion_manifest_2019_07_30_T13_03_00.936.json"
-    return NotImplementedError
+    ingest_path = tmpdir / "ingestion"
+    ingest_path.mkdir()
+    working_dir = tmpdir / "working"
+    working_dir.mkdir()
-from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import IngestionManifest, Parameters
-from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest_builder import IngestionManifestBuilder
-from ingest_envoy.utilities import Telescope
+    # no reingest, ngas ingest, additional metadata nor collection metadata
+    parameters = Parameters(Telescope.EVLA, Path(ingest_path), None, None)
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    manifest = IngestionManifest(parameters)
+    manifest_file = IngestionManifestWriter(manifest, working_dir).build()
+    filename = manifest_file.name
+    assert filename.startswith(MANIFEST_NAME_BASE)
+    assert filename.endswith(MANIFEST_NAME_EXT)
+    filename_parts = filename.split("_")
+    assert len(filename_parts) == 7
-def test_builds_timestamp_in_desired_format():
-    """
-    Does IngestionManifestBuilder format an MJD timestamp yanked out of the DB as expected?
+    # get just the timestamp
+    timestamp = filename.replace(MANIFEST_NAME_BASE, "").replace(MANIFEST_NAME_EXT, "")
-    :return:
-    """
-    str_time = IngestionManifestBuilder.format_timestamp(59215.3)
-    assert str_time == "2021_01_01'T'07_12_00.000"
+    # we should have gotten year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds to 3 decimal places
+    assert re.match(r"\d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2}'T'\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{2}\.\d{0,3}", timestamp)
-def test_minimal_manifest_is_as_expected(tmpdir):
+def test_builds_evla_sdm_manifest(tmpdir):
-    Make sure a minimal, generic manifest has the properties we expect it to have.
+    Have we built a well-formed EVLA SDM ingestion manifest?
     ingest_path = tmpdir / "ingestion"
+    working_dir = tmpdir / "working"
+    working_dir.mkdir()
+    fake_science_product = json.dumps(
+        {
+            "type": "execution_block",
+            "filename": "X_osro_000.59368.65423814815",
+        }
+    )
+    fake_ancillary_product = json.dumps(
+        {
+            "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
+            "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2021_06_03_T15_52_35.031.tar",
+        }
+    )
     # no reingest, ngas ingest, additional metadata nor collection metadata
-    parameters = Parameters(Telescope.EVLA, ingest_path, None, None)
+    parameters = Parameters(
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA,
+        ingestion_path=str(ingest_path),
+        additional_metadata=fake_science_product,
+        collection_metadata=fake_ancillary_product,
+    )
     manifest = IngestionManifest(parameters)
-    fake_ancillary_product = {
-        "type": "obslog",
-        "filename": "my_fabulous_obs.log",
-        "group_with": "uid://evla/execblock/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP",
-    }
-    manifest.output_group.ancillary_products.append(fake_ancillary_product)
-    assert manifest.parameters == parameters
-    assert len(manifest.output_group.science_products) == 0
-    assert manifest.output_group.ancillary_products == [fake_ancillary_product]
+    assert len(manifest.input_group.science_products) == 1
+    assert manifest.input_group.science_products[0] == json.loads(fake_science_product)
+    assert len(manifest.output_group.ancillary_products) == 1
+    assert manifest.output_group.ancillary_products == [json.loads(fake_ancillary_product)]
-@pytest.mark.skip("TODO: test_generates_correct_filename")
-def test_generates_correct_filename():
+@pytest.mark.skip("TODO: test_writes_evla_sdm_manifest")
+def test_writes_evla_sdm_manifest():
-    TODO
-    We expect the manifest to be named like "ingestion_manifest_2019_07_30_T13_03_00.936"
-    :return:
-    """
-    return NotImplementedError
-@pytest.mark.skip("TODO: test_builds_evla_sdm_manifest")
-def test_builds_evla_sdm_manifest(tmpdir):
-    """
-    Have we built a well-formed EVLA SDM ingestion manifest?
+    Have we written an EVLA BDF ingestion manifest correctly?
-    ingest_path = tmpdir / "ingestion"
-    ingest_path.mkdir()
-    # no reingest, ngas ingest, additional metadata nor collection metadata
-    parameters = Parameters(Telescope.EVLA, ingest_path, None, None)
-    manifest = IngestionManifestBuilder(parameters).build()
-    # TODO: will need ingestion files
-    assert manifest.input_group is None
-    assert manifest.output_group["science_products"] == {
-        "type": "execution_block",
-        "filename": "X_osro_000.59368.65423814815",
-    }
-    assert manifest.ancillary_products == {
-        "type": "ingestion_artifacts",
-        "filename": "ingestion_artifacts_2021_06_03_T15_52_35.031.tar",
-    }
+    # TODO:
+    # manifest_file = IngestionManifestWriter(manifest, working_dir).build()
+    raise NotImplementedError
 @pytest.mark.skip("TODO: test_builds_evla_bdf_manifest")