From 5c7b59d70fcafeeb9ae3b934a30ce4f4e9937c9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam Kagan <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 11:44:18 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Updated cap. service to send messages to AAT

Only on workflow-update, capability-cancelled, delivery, and capability-failed messages, and only if the CR's controller is AAT
 .../capability/           | 100 ++++++++++++++++-
 .../workspaces/capability/           |   4 +-
 .../capability/services/ | 103 ++++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/
index 33ab79a07..7ba3fcfc3 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/
+++ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import logging
 from immutable_views import DictView
+from workspaces.capability.schema import CapabilityRequest
 from workspaces.shared_interfaces import MessageArchitectIF
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -40,10 +41,39 @@ service_templates = DictView(
             "routing_key": "capability",
             "subject": None,
             "type": None,
-        }
+        },
+        "archive": {
+            "service": "archive",
+            "routing_key": None,
+            "subject": None,
+        },
+# archive messages that require additional information
+archive_msg_templates = DictView(
+    {
+        "restore_cms_complete": {
+            "application": "capability",
+            "message": "restore_cms complete",
+            "delivery_url": None,
+            "delivery_path": None,
+            "token": None,
+        },
+        "restore_cms_failed": {
+            "application": "capability",
+            "message": "restore_cms failed",
+        },
+        "restore_cms_cancelled": {"application": "capability", "message": "capability cancelled"},
+        "update": {
+            "application": "capability",
+            "message": "capability updated",
+            "stage": None,
+            "start": None,
+            "stop": None,
+        },
+    }
 # messages that require additional information, currently unneeded
 # capability_msg_templates = DictView(
 #     {
@@ -66,13 +96,13 @@ class CapabilityMessageArchitect(MessageArchitectIF):
         self.subject = execution or request or version
-    def get_message_template(msg_type: str) -> dict:
+    def get_message_template(msg_type: str) -> DictView:
         # If messages need additional information outside of the basic template,
         # uncomment this and add to relevant DictView
         # if msg_type in capability_msg_templates:
         #     return {**service_templates["capability"], **capability_msg_templates[msg_type]}
         # else:
-        return service_templates["capability"]
+        return DictView(service_templates["capability"])
     def compose_message(self, msg_type: str) -> DictView:
         template = self.get_message_template(msg_type)
@@ -81,3 +111,67 @@ class CapabilityMessageArchitect(MessageArchitectIF):
         template["subject"] = self.subject
         template["type"] = msg_type.replace("_", "-")
         return DictView(template)
+class ArchiveMessageArchitect(MessageArchitectIF):
+    """Builds archive system AMQP messages"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        request: CapabilityRequest,
+        routing_key: str = None,
+        delivery_info: dict = None,
+        stage_info: dict = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Initialize Architect
+        :param routing_key: AMQP routing key to use
+        :param request: The capability request this message concerns
+        """
+        self.routing_key = routing_key if routing_key is not None else self._make_archive_routing_key(request)
+        self.request = request
+ = delivery_info
+        self.stage_info = stage_info
+    @staticmethod
+    def _make_archive_routing_key(cr: CapabilityRequest) -> str:
+        return f"{cr.controller.routing_key_prefix}{cr.capability_name}_{}"
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_message_template(msg_type: str) -> DictView:
+        """
+        Construct the message template based on type
+        :param msg_type: type of message to construct
+        :return: full message template dictionary for rendering
+        """
+        if "update" in msg_type:
+            return DictView({**service_templates["archive"], **archive_msg_templates["update"]})
+        else:
+            return DictView({**service_templates["archive"], **archive_msg_templates[msg_type]})
+    def compose_message(self, msg_type: str) -> DictView:
+        """
+        Render message template for requested type
+        :param msg_type: the type of message to send
+        :return: the rendered message ready for sending
+        """
+        template = self.get_message_template(msg_type)
+        template = template.copy()
+        template["subject"] = f"WS capability request #{}"
+        template["routing_key"] = self.routing_key
+        if is not None:
+            template["download_url"] =["url"]
+            template["delivery_path"] =["delivered_to"]
+            template["token"] =["token"]
+        if self.stage_info is not None and "update" in msg_type:
+            template["stage"] = self.stage_info["stage"]
+            template["start"] = self.stage_info["start"]
+            template["stop"] = self.stage_info["stop"]
+        return DictView(template)
diff --git a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/
index c4107e76c..c9126be3f 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/
+++ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import pathlib
 import re
 import subprocess
 from abc import abstractmethod
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
 import arrow
 import chevron
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ class CapabilityVersion(JSONSerializable):
     capability_request: CapabilityRequest
     version_number: int
     parameters: List[ParameterIF]
-    workflow_metadata: str  # JSON-formatted
+    workflow_metadata: dict[str, Any]  # JSON-formatted
     files: List[CapabilityVersionFile]
     __tablename__ = "capability_versions"
diff --git a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/services/ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/services/
index 496ee5a33..a42cbb452 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/services/
+++ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/capability/services/
@@ -27,8 +27,15 @@ from messaging.router import Router, on_message
 from workspaces.capability.enums import CapabilityVersionState
 from workspaces.capability.helpers import Parameter
-from workspaces.capability.message_architect import CapabilityMessageArchitect
-from workspaces.capability.schema import CapabilityExecution, CapabilityVersion
+from workspaces.capability.message_architect import (
+    ArchiveMessageArchitect,
+    CapabilityMessageArchitect,
+from workspaces.capability.schema import (
+    CapabilityExecution,
+    CapabilityRequest,
+    CapabilityVersion,
 from import CapabilityInfo
 from import ExecutionManager
 from import CapabilityServiceIF
@@ -52,6 +59,7 @@ class CapabilityService(CapabilityServiceIF):
         notification_service: NotificationServiceIF,
         self.messenger = MessageSender("capability")
+        self.archive_messenger = MessageSender("archive")
         self.router = Router("capability")
         self.execution_manager = ExecutionManager(
@@ -138,6 +146,13 @@ class CapabilityService(CapabilityServiceIF):
         capability_request.sealed = True
+        if capability_request.controller.message_handler == "archive":
+            # Send failure message to AAT
+            msg_arch = ArchiveMessageArchitect(capability_request)
+            self.archive_messenger.send_message(
+                **msg_arch.compose_message(f"{capability_request.capability_name}_cancelled")
+            )
     def error_request(self, **message: Dict):"RECEIVED EXECUTION-ERROR: {message}")
@@ -205,6 +220,11 @@ class CapabilityService(CapabilityServiceIF):
         execution.delivery_url = delivery["url"] + "/" if "url" in delivery else None
         execution.delivery_path = delivery["delivered_to"] if "delivered_to" in delivery else None
+        cr: CapabilityRequest = execution.capability_request
+        if cr.controller.message_handler == "archive":
+            msg_arch = ArchiveMessageArchitect(cr, delivery_info=delivery)
+            self.archive_messenger.send_message(**msg_arch.compose_message(f"{cr.capability_name}_complete"))
     def execute_submitted_capability(self, **message: Dict):"Executing capability: {message}")
@@ -276,6 +296,13 @@ class CapabilityService(CapabilityServiceIF):
         :param message:  the message we received
+        msg_subject = message["subject"]
+        if msg_subject["type"] == "CapabilityVersion" and message["type"] == "capability-failed":
+            capability_request_id = msg_subject["capability_request_id"]
+            cr = self.capability_info.lookup_capability_request(capability_request_id)
+            if cr.controller.message_handler == "archive":
+                msg_arch = ArchiveMessageArchitect(cr)
+                self.archive_messenger.send_message(**msg_arch.compose_message(f"{cr.capability_name}_failed"))
         logger.debug(f"Received {message['type']} (no action taken): {message}")
     @on_message(service="workflow", type="workflow-updated")
@@ -285,41 +312,49 @@ class CapabilityService(CapabilityServiceIF):
         msg_subject = message["subject"]
         if msg_subject["type"] == "WorkflowRequest":
             # Figure out what stage we're discussing—that will determine whether we care about the log message
-            parse_log = message["condor_metadata"]["log"].split("Stage", 1)[1].split("has", 1)
+            parse_log: list[str] = message["condor_metadata"]["log"].split("Stage", 1)[1].split("has", 1)
             stage = parse_log[0].strip()
             logger.debug("Got an update for stage %s", stage)
-            # If it's the FETCH stage, we care
-            if stage == "FETCH":
-                logger.debug("Updating the fetch start or stop time")
-                # Since we care, we should look up the execution for this
-                workflow_request_id = msg_subject["workflow_request_id"]
-                execution = self.capability_info.lookup_execution_by_workflow_request_id(workflow_request_id)
-                # if this workflow is not attached to an execution, don't do anything
-                if execution:
-                    version = execution.version
-                    # Pull out the metadata, or make a blank dictionary because we're about to add to it
-                    # sqlalchemy does not detect in-place mutations of JSON
-                    #
-                    # to get past this we use a deepcopy of version.workflow_metadata to create a "new" JSON obj
-                    metadata = copy.deepcopy(version.workflow_metadata) if version.workflow_metadata else {}
-                    # Figure out which message "type" this is (Started or Ended)
-                    msg_type = parse_log[1].split("at", 1)[0].strip()
-                    # retrieve the timestamp
-                    timestamp = message["condor_metadata"]["timestamp"]
-                    # record it
-                    metadata[f"fetch_{'start' if msg_type == 'Started' else 'end'}_time"] = timestamp
-          "Updating FETCH times in metadata %s on capability version %s", metadata, version)
-                    # update the metadata (this is a no-op unless we just created the dictionary)
-                    version.workflow_metadata = metadata
-                    # save it
-                    self.capability_info.save_version(version)
+            logger.debug(f"Updating the {stage} start or stop time")
+            # Since we care, we should look up the execution for this
+            workflow_request_id = msg_subject["workflow_request_id"]
+            execution = self.capability_info.lookup_execution_by_workflow_request_id(workflow_request_id)
+            # if this workflow is not attached to an execution, don't do anything
+            if execution:
+                version = execution.version
+                # Pull out the metadata, or make a blank dictionary because we're about to add to it
+                # sqlalchemy does not detect in-place mutations of JSON
+                #
+                # to get past this we use a deepcopy of version.workflow_metadata to create a "new" JSON obj
+                metadata = copy.deepcopy(version.workflow_metadata) if version.workflow_metadata else {}
+                # Figure out which message "type" this is (Started or Ended)
+                msg_type = parse_log[1].split("at", 1)[0].strip()
+                # retrieve the timestamp
+                timestamp = message["condor_metadata"]["timestamp"]
+                # record it
+                metadata[f"{stage}_{'start' if msg_type == 'Started' else 'end'}_time"] = timestamp
+      "Updating {stage} times in metadata %s on capability version %s", metadata, version)
+                # update the metadata (this is a no-op unless we just created the dictionary)
+                version.workflow_metadata = metadata
+                # save it
+                self.capability_info.save_version(version)
+                if version.capability_request.controller.message_handler == "archive":
+                    stage_info = {
+                        "stage": stage,
+                        "start": metadata.get(f"{stage}_start_time"),
+                        "stop": metadata.get(f"{stage}_end_time"),
+                    }
+                    cr = version.capability_request
+                    # Send message to AAT
+                    msg = ArchiveMessageArchitect(cr, stage_info=stage_info).compose_message("update")
+                    self.archive_messenger.send_message(**msg)
 class CapabilityLauncher: