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+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/ARCHITECTURE.md
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+# Architecture of the Product Fetcher
+The product fetcher is designed to retrieve data products from our archives. As the name suggests, the input to the
+product fetcher is a _science product locator_, a string like
+`uid://evla/execblock/27561b56-4c6a-4614-bc26-67e436b5e92c`. The science product locator is decoded by a service called
+the locator service, which uses the archive's knowledge of different instruments and their storage locations to produce
+something called a location report. The location report contains a list of files that are associated to the science
+product, and information about where they can be obtained. The job of the product locator is to interpret the report and
+retrieve the files from wherever they may be.
+The goals for the product locator are:
+- Accuracy: retrieving the files correctly, including retrying as necessary and verifying file content
+- Speed: retrieving the files as quickly as possible without sacrificing accuracy
+Because the work is mostly I/O bound and accesses many servers, the product fetcher depends on a high degree of
+concurrency to achieve speed.
+## Map
+I divide the fetching process into two stages. In the first stage, we're generating a plan; in the second stage, we're 
+executing the plan. The "meat" of the program and the bulk of the time and effort takes place in the second stage 
+and is built out of the following pieces:
+### FileFetcher
+The core of the program is what happens inside a FileFetcher. A FileFetcher retrieves a single file. There are several
+different ways files can be stored and there is a FileFetcher for each storage medium and access method. At the moment,
+this means there are three implementations of FileFetcher:
+- NgasStreamingFileFetcher, which does a web request against an NGAS resource and writes the result to disk
+- NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher, which asks NGAS to write a resource to a certain path on disk
+- OracleXmlFileFetcher, which queries Oracle for a value in a certain row of a certain table and writes the result to a
+  certain path on disk
+FileFetchers have a simple API: you provide them with a file and some validations to run, and they fetch the file 
+and then run the validations. Because the design is fairly simple, we have a few utility FileFetchers:
+- RetryingFileFetcher, which retries another file fetcher a certain number of times, to increase our fault tolerance
+- DryRunFakeFileFetcher, which is used in "dry run" mode to simply print what would be fetched, and in the unit tests
+- NgasModeDetectingFileFetcher, which is used when the user has no preference for an NGAS access method and just 
+  wants the program to look at the file and the destination and make a decision
+### FileValidator
+After a file is fetched, we can do some analysis on the file to make sure that it was correctly retrieved. Files 
+that are stored in NGAS have some associated information we can utilize: the size and a CRC32 checksum. Files stored 
+in an Oracle database are XML and can be checked for well-formedness, as well as their size. These are the three 
+validators currently supported:
+- ChecksumValidator, which checks the CRC32 checksum value from NGAS
+- SizeValidator, which ensures that the files on disk have the size we anticipated
+- XmlValidator, which checks that the file is well-formed XML (not valid, which would require a schema)
+## Planning
+The first stage of the program consists of building a fetch plan. A FetchPlan is, in a trivial sense, a list of 
+FileFetchers that need to be executed. So the first thing we need to do is get a location report and ask it to make 
+us a list of fetchers.
+### LocationReport
+The location report represents the report we get back from the locator service. It just contains a list of locations,
+which may be NGAS files or Oracle XML tables, and the information needed to validate the retrieval and where to 
+place the files relative to some destination directory. That's it.
+### Locator
+LocationReports come to us from two sources: from an archive REST service ("the locator service"), or from a file on 
+disk given to us at the start of execution, which is usually for testing but could occur in the wild if we needed to 
+utilize a fetch plan without access to the locator service. Because we have two ways to obtain LocationReports, we 
+have an interface for Locators and two implementations for finding them:
+- FileLocator: given a file, it parses the file to obtain the LocationReport
+- ServiceLocator: given a science product locator, queries the service to obtain the LocationReport
+### FetchFactory
+Earlier in the design I mentioned that we need to get FileFetchers from the LocationReport. This is actually a 
+responsibility of the LocationReport itself, because it knows what kinds of entries appear in the report. But, users 
+can specify constraints on the details of how a file can be fetched, such as requiring NGAS streaming or doing a dry 
+run. The LocationReport needs to generate FileFetchers, but its choices need to be parameterized somehow by user input.
+The solution is simple: the LocationReport relies on a FetcherFactory. The FetcherFactory provides an API to make 
+the kinds of fetchers we need to make. The LocationReport asks the FetcherFactory to make fetchers for the different 
+flavors of file it has. FetcherFactory is implemented just once, with ConfiguredFetcherFactory, which is 
+parameterized by various settings from the command line arguments. ConfiguredFetcherFactory knows that if the user 
+asked for a dry run, when the LocationReport wants to create a FileFetcher it instead returns DryRunFakeFileFetcher 
+instead of (say) NgasStreamingFileFetcher.
+### FetchPlan
+A FetchPlan is really a way of aggregating FileFetchers together. It turns out that the API for a FetchPlan is the 
+same as the API for a FileFetcher, except we don't have a return value from `fetch`. But, knowing that we 
+have a list of FileFetchers to execute, we can execute them in parallel. This gives us a performance benefit.
+There's one implementation of FetchPlan in the system, which is ParallelFetchPlan. The ParallelFetchPlan is 
+parameterized by a concurrency level. Internally, it works by using a concurrent.futures ThreadPoolExecutor to run 
+tasks in parallel. Each FileFetcher is a task, so if you have (say) 300 FileFetchers and a concurrency level of 16, 
+you will see 16 of those fetches running at a time until the list is exhausted.
+### FetchContext
+What's left to be done is the handling of optional flags and the generation of the FetchPlan. It turns out to be 
+unwise to exceed a certain level of parallelism on a single server. In the past, files were grouped by server, but a 
+simpler mechanism that achieves the same end is used here: each file can be asked whether it shares resources with 
+another file. This would be true of NGAS fetches if they talk to the same NGAS host, and it's true of all OracleXml 
+fetches because all of them access the same database connection. The FetchContext is responsible for generating the 
+fetch plan by taking the file groups established in this way and making a FetchPlan for each group, and then 
+wrapping each of those FetchPlans in another overall FetchPlan:
+    FetchPlan (overall)
+    ├── FetchPlan (server 1)
+    │   ├── FetchNgasFile #1
+    │   ├── FetchNgasFile #2
+    │   ├── FetchNgasFile #3
+    │   ├── ...
+    ├── FetchPlan (server 2)
+    │   ├── FetchNgasFile #1
+    │   ├── FetchNgasFile #2
+    │   ├── FetchNgasFile #3
+    │   ├── ...
+    ├── FetchPlan (ALMA SDMs)
+    │   ├── FetchAlmaSdm #1
+    │   ├── FetchAlmaSdm #2
+    │   ├── ...
+If parallel fetching is enabled, the overall FetchPlan will launch (in this example)
+three threads, each of which will then launch (say) 4 threads to conduct its own
+fetching, resulting in 12 total threads. The fetch should be pretty fast.
+FetchContext also parses the command line arguments, which it feeds into the ConfiguredFetchFactory. 
+The main body of the program is then simply this:
+    context = FetchContext.parse_commandline(args)
+    plan = context.generate_plan()
+    plan.fetch()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/alma_db_utils.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/alma_db_utils.py
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--- a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/alma_db_utils.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/alma_db_utils.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class AlmaDbConnector:
-        capo_config = CapoConfig(profile="local")
+        capo_config = CapoConfig()
         user = capo_config[ALMA_CAPO_PREFIX + "Username"]
         passwd = capo_config[ALMA_CAPO_PREFIX + "Password"]
         url = capo_config[ALMA_CAPO_PREFIX + "Url"]
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/__init__.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/__init__.py
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+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/exceptions.py
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+Our custom errors.
+We create a simple taxonomy of errors: they are all FetchErrors, but some are RetryableFetchErrors.
+The distinction matters to the RetryingFileFetcher, which will re-attempt a fetch only
+if it is interrupted by a RetryableFetchError.
+class FetchError(Exception):
+    """
+    Some sort of problem has occurred, and the program must end.
+    """
+class RetryableFetchError(FetchError):
+    """
+    A problem has occurred, but one that may go away if you try
+    again in a few seconds.
+    """
+class FileValidationFault(FetchError):
+    """
+    A file has failed to validate for some reason. This is not a retryable error.
+    """
+class UnsatisfiableConstraint(FetchError):
+    """
+    Something the user has asked for is impossible. For instance, insisting
+    on an NGAS direct copy with a destination that NGAS cannot see.
+    """
+class NormalModeFileExistsError(FetchError):
+    """
+    Shadows the built-in FileExistsError, but intended to be raised by the ForceMode.
+    Not a retryable error, the file will continue to be in place each time.
+    """
+class NgasServiceErrorException(FetchError):
+    """
+    Problems that occur during fetching from NGAS are covered by this exception.
+    """
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/fetch_plan.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/fetch_plan.py
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+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/fetch_plan.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Fetch plans exist to manage running each of a group of FileFetchers. At the moment,
+we have identified only two kinds of fetch plan:
+ - Sequential fetching, where we do one fetcher and then the next until all are complete
+ - Parallel fetching, where we allocate a thread pool of a certain size and send all of
+   the fetchers to the pool to be run as threads become free
+The size of the thread pool is the concurrency number. A ParallelFetchPlan with
+concurrency = 7 will generate 7 threads and fetch up to 7 files at the same time.
+This means if you had (say) N > 7 files to fetch, you would always have 7 of them
+active until you reach the last 7, and then they would wind down to 0 as they
+It turns out that sequential fetching is a degenerate case of parallel fetching, where
+the concurrency limit is 1. So there is no need to implement a sequential fetcher, even
+though it would be a quite trivial for loop. We can simply create a thread pool with
+one worker and put all the tasks in that pool.
+import concurrent.futures
+from typing import Union, List
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, E1136, R0903
+from .exceptions import FetchError
+from .interfaces import FileFetcher, FetchPlan
+class ParallelFetchPlan(FetchPlan):
+    """
+    Fetch a number of sub-fetchers or sub-plans. Executes as many
+    concurrently as permitted by the concurrency limit.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, fetchers: List[Union[FileFetcher, FetchPlan]], concurrency: int = 1):
+        self.fetchers = fetchers
+        self.concurrency = concurrency
+    def fetch(self):
+        """
+        Carry out the fetch plan.
+        :return:
+        """
+        # treat the list of fetchers as a "work log" and work down it
+        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.concurrency) as executor:
+            # submit all the fetchers to the thread pool to be executed
+            futures = [executor.submit(fetcher.fetch) for fetcher in self.fetchers]
+            # now we can wait for them all to complete
+            for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
+                try:
+                    # under normal operation, we won't care about the result of the
+                    # fetch operation for these futures, only whether or not there
+                    # is an exception
+                    future.result()
+                except Exception as exc:
+                    raise FetchError("Trouble with one of the fetchers", exc) from exc
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+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/fetcher_factory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+""" Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a fetcher """
+from typing import List, Union
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, E1136, R0913
+from .fetch_plan import ParallelFetchPlan
+from .fetchers import (
+    NgasStreamingFileFetcher,
+    NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher,
+    NgasModeDetectingFetcher,
+    RetryableFileFetcher,
+    OracleXmlFetcher,
+    DryRunFakeFileFetcher,
+from .interfaces import FetcherFactory, FileFetcher, FetchPlan
+from .locations import NgasFile, OracleXml
+from .validators import SizeValidator, Crc32Validator, XmlWellFormedValidator
+class ConfiguredFetcherFactory(FetcherFactory):
+    """
+    A generic FetcherFactory which is configured by some arguments originating probably
+    in the CLI arguments. Pass this through the location report to get a fetch plan.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, concurrency=1, streaming=False, direct_copy=False, dry_run=False, force=False
+    ):
+        # we only have one kind of OracleXmlFetcher
+        self.xml_fetcher = OracleXmlFetcher
+        # in dry run mode, use fake fetchers
+        if dry_run:
+            self.file_fetcher = DryRunFakeFileFetcher
+            self.xml_fetcher = DryRunFakeFileFetcher
+        elif streaming:
+            self.file_fetcher = NgasStreamingFileFetcher
+        elif direct_copy:
+            self.file_fetcher = NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher
+        else:
+            self.file_fetcher = NgasModeDetectingFetcher
+        self.concurrency = concurrency
+        self.force = force
+    def fetch_ngas(self, file: NgasFile) -> FileFetcher:
+        """
+        Fetch a file from NGAS, retrying a few times in the event of error
+        :param file: the file to fetch
+        :return:
+        """
+        return (
+            RetryableFileFetcher(self.file_fetcher(file, force=self.force))
+            .and_validate_with(SizeValidator(file.size))
+            .and_validate_with(Crc32Validator(file.checksum))
+        )
+    def fetch_oracle_xml(self, file: OracleXml) -> FileFetcher:
+        """
+        Fetch an SDM table from the ALMA DB, retrying a few times in the event of error
+        :param file:
+        :return:
+        """
+        return (
+            RetryableFileFetcher(self.xml_fetcher(file, force=self.force))
+            .and_validate_with(SizeValidator(file.size))
+            .and_validate_with(XmlWellFormedValidator())
+        )
+    def fetch_plan(
+        self, fetchers: List[Union[FileFetcher, FetchPlan]], concurrency: int = None
+    ) -> FetchPlan:
+        """
+        Decide whether or not to fetch in parallel.
+        :param fetchers: fetchers and/or fetch plans
+        :param concurrency: number of concurrent jobs permitted
+        :return:
+        """
+        if not concurrency:
+            concurrency = self.concurrency
+        # Take whichever is smaller of my permitted concurrency and the requested concurrency
+        return ParallelFetchPlan(fetchers, concurrency=min(concurrency, self.concurrency))
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+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/fetchers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+This module concerns the Fetcher facilities. There are expected to be about
+three of these:
+ - NgasDirectCopyFetcher, which uses the NGAS direct copy plugin,
+ - NgasStreamingFileFetcher, which uses the NGAS streaming mode, and
+ - AlmaSdmFetcher, which queries the ALMA database to fetch something
+Each of these is fairly stupid and just tries to fetch its one file, one time.
+Retrying is not handled here, the RetryableFileFetcher is used for that.
+import time
+from enum import Enum
+from pathlib import Path
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, W0221
+import cx_Oracle
+import sqlalchemy
+from pycapo import CapoConfig
+from .exceptions import (
+    RetryableFetchError,
+    UnsatisfiableConstraint,
+    NormalModeFileExistsError,
+from .interfaces import FileFetcher, LocatedFile
+from .locations import NgasFile, OracleXml
+class ForceMode(Enum):
+    """
+    ForceMode is either normal or force. In normal mode, we refuse to overwrite an
+    existing file. In force mode, we are more than willing to destroy your old data.
+    """
+    NORMAL = False
+    FORCE = True
+    def check_destination(self, path: Path):
+        if self == self.NORMAL and path.exists():
+            raise NormalModeFileExistsError(
+                f"Cannot fetch to {path} because the file already exists."
+            )
+class NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher(FileFetcher):
+    """
+    Fetch a file using the NGAS direct copy mechanism.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file: NgasFile, force=ForceMode.NORMAL):
+        super().__init__()
+        self._file = file
+        self.force = force
+    @property
+    def file(self) -> NgasFile:
+        return self._file
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "FileFetcher") -> bool:
+        return self.file.shares_resources_with(other.file)
+    def do_fetch(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        Fetch a file from NGAS via direct copy, or die trying.
+        :return: the fetched file
+        """
+        # ensure that we actually can fetch
+        if not self.file.can_direct_copy():
+            raise UnsatisfiableConstraint(f"Direct copy to {self.file.destination} is not possible")
+        # check the destination
+        self.force.check_destination(self.file.destination)
+        # create the directory for this file
+        self.file.prepare_destination()
+        # direct copy the file
+        self.file.direct_copy()
+        return self.file.destination
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"NGAS Direct Copy of {self.file}"
+class NgasStreamingFileFetcher(FileFetcher):
+    """
+    Fetch a file using NGAS streaming.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file: NgasFile, force=ForceMode.NORMAL):
+        super().__init__()
+        self._file = file
+        self.force = force
+    @property
+    def file(self) -> NgasFile:
+        return self._file
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "FileFetcher") -> bool:
+        return self.file.shares_resources_with(other.file)
+    def do_fetch(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        Fetch a file from NGAS via streaming, or die trying.
+        :return: the fetched file
+        """
+        # check the destination
+        self.force.check_destination(self.file.destination)
+        # create the directory for this file
+        self.file.prepare_destination()
+        # run the streaming fetch
+        self.file.stream()
+        return self.file.destination
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"NGAS streaming copy of {self.file}"
+class OracleXmlFetcher(FileFetcher):
+    """
+    Fetch a file by retrieving it from the ALMA database.
+    """
+    ALMA_CAPO_PREFIX = "almaMetadataDatabase.jdbc"
+    engine = None
+    def __init__(self, file: OracleXml, force=ForceMode.NORMAL):
+        super().__init__()
+        self._file = file
+        self.force = force
+    @property
+    def file(self) -> OracleXml:
+        return self._file
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "FileFetcher") -> bool:
+        return self.file.shares_resources_with(other.file)
+    def do_fetch(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        Retrieve an ALMA SDM table as XML from the ALMA DB.
+        :return: the file we got
+        """
+        # check the destination
+        self.force.check_destination(self.file.destination)
+        # create the directory for this file
+        self.file.prepare_destination()
+        engine = self.get_engine()
+        try:
+            result = list(
+                engine.execute(
+                    f"SELECT (xml).getClobVal() FROM ALMA.{self.file.table} WHERE "
+                    f"archive_uid = :archive_uid",
+                    dict(archive_uid=self.file.archive_uid),
+                )
+            )[0][0]
+            Path(self.file.destination).write_text(result)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            raise RetryableFetchError("Something went wrong trying to fetch") from ex
+        finally:
+            engine.dispose()
+        return self.file.destination
+    @classmethod
+    def get_engine(cls):
+        """
+        Get an engine against which queries can be run.
+        :return:
+        """
+        if cls.engine is None:
+            capo_config = CapoConfig()
+            user = capo_config[cls.ALMA_CAPO_PREFIX + "Username"]
+            passwd = capo_config[cls.ALMA_CAPO_PREFIX + "Password"]
+            url = capo_config[cls.ALMA_CAPO_PREFIX + "Url"]
+            hostport, service_name = url.split("/")[-2:]
+            host, port = hostport.split(":")
+            dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host, port, service_name=service_name)
+            archiveurl = f"oracle://{user}:{passwd}@{dsn}"
+            cls.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(archiveurl)
+        return cls.engine
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"Oracle XML fetch of {self.file}"
+class FileFetcherDecorator(FileFetcher):
+    """
+    Decorator to allow us to interpose other behavior into a FileFetcher.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, underlying: FileFetcher):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.underlying = underlying
+    @property
+    def file(self) -> LocatedFile:
+        return self.underlying.file
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "FileFetcher") -> bool:
+        return self.underlying.shares_resources_with(other)
+    def do_fetch(self) -> Path:
+        return self.underlying.do_fetch()
+    def __str__(self):
+        return str(self.underlying)
+class RetryableFileFetcher(FileFetcherDecorator):
+    """A FileFetcher that retries N times in the event of failure, waiting
+    longer each time"""
+    def __init__(self, underlying: FileFetcher, retries=3):
+        super().__init__(underlying)
+        self.retries = retries
+    def do_fetch(self, attempt=1) -> Path:
+        try:
+            return self.underlying.do_fetch()
+        except RetryableFetchError as r_err:
+            if attempt < self.retries:
+                # sleep for 2, 4, 8 seconds between attempts
+                time.sleep(2 ** attempt)
+                print(f"{self.underlying} (attempt #{attempt+1})")
+                return self.do_fetch(attempt + 1)
+            raise r_err
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"{self.underlying} (with up to {self.retries} retries)"
+class DryRunFakeFileFetcher(FileFetcher):
+    """
+    A fake fetcher we can use to implement dry runs and other tests
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file: LocatedFile, force=False):
+        super().__init__()
+        self._file = file
+        self.force = force
+    @property
+    def file(self) -> LocatedFile:
+        return self._file
+    def do_fetch(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        In a dry run, we don't actually do any fetching.
+        """
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "FileFetcher") -> bool:
+        return self.file.shares_resources_with(other.file)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"Fake fetch of {self.file}{' (forced)' if self.force else ''}"
+class NgasModeDetectingFetcher(FileFetcherDecorator):
+    """
+    This fetcher is used when the user has no preference between streaming and direct-copy.
+    The fetcher itself looks at the file and the destination and makes a determination about
+    which one to use.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file: NgasFile, force=ForceMode.NORMAL):
+        # If the user has no preference, they would prefer direct copy
+        # if it is possible because it's faster
+        if file.can_direct_copy():
+            super().__init__(NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher(file, force=force))
+        else:
+            super().__init__(NgasStreamingFileFetcher(file, force=force))
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/interfaces.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/interfaces.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4dbb5267502e7909ac1bfb42e6b86490baaf352
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+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/interfaces.py
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+This module defines the interfaces that the rest of the redesign uses.
+1. LocationReport constitutes all the information about the products we will be fetching
+2. LocatedFile is an entry in the LocationReport for a specific file
+3. FileFetcher is the interface for fetching a single file
+4. FileValidator is the interface for validating a file to ensure it was fetched correctly
+5. FetcherFactory is a bridge between the LocationReport and a sequence of FileFetchers,
+   which feeds the next steps
+6. FetchPlan aggregates FileFetchers together
+The plan of operation is expressed by these interfaces like so:
+1. A LocationReport is produced
+2. The FetcherFactory is given to the LocationReport, to create a series of FileFetchers
+3. The FileFetchers are aggregated into a FetchPlan
+4. The FetchPlan is executed
+# pylint: disable=C0116, E0239, E1101, R0903, W0107
+from pathlib import Path
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import List, Union, NamedTuple
+import abc
+class LocatedFile(abc.ABC):
+    """
+    Located files know some information about themselves, which gives them two important capabilities:
+    1. Knowing how to construct a FileFetcher for them, given a FetcherFactory, and
+    2. Knowing whether or not they share resources with some other LocatedFile.
+    The exact details of the LocatedFile will vary as the location report changes over time, but
+    the canonical implementations right now are AlmaSdm and NgasFile.
+    """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def make_fetcher(self, factory: "FetcherFactory") -> "FileFetcher":
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "LocatedFile") -> bool:
+        pass
+    @property
+    def destination(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        Most LocatedFiles have a subdirectory and relative_path and this is how you piece them together
+        to form the delivery destination.
+        :return:
+        """
+        return Path(f"{self.subdirectory}/{self.relative_path}")
+    def prepare_destination(self):
+        """
+        Ensure that the directory we need exists before we try to write to it.
+        """
+        self.destination.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+class FileFetcher(ABC):
+    """
+    A FileFetcher fetches a single file from some external system.
+    FileFetchers can have Validators attached to them, which will
+    be called in order after the fetch completes to validate that
+    the fetch was successful.
+    The FetchPlan system relies on FileFetchers knowing when they
+    required shared access to the external resource. FileFetchers
+    implement a method to indicate whether they share resources,
+    and if they do, FetchPlan groups them together to limit their
+    concurrency. FetchPlan assumes that FileFetchers are disjoint
+    in their use of shared resources; i.e. that
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.validators = []
+    @property
+    @abstractmethod
+    def file(self) -> LocatedFile:
+        """
+        Return the located file used by this fetcher
+        :return: LocatedFile used by this fetcher
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def do_fetch(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        Fetches something.
+        :return: result
+        :raise: RetryableFetchError if something fails that can be retried
+        :raise: FetchError in other cases when something goes sideways
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "FileFetcher") -> bool:
+        """
+        True if this and the other FileFetcher access the same shared resources
+        (such as a web host or database).
+        FetchPlan assumes that resource sharing is a transitive property,
+        i.e., that if fetcher A and fetcher B share resources, and so do
+        fetchers A and C, then fetchers B and C share resources as well.
+        :param other: another FileFetcher
+        :return:  true if these two use the same shared resources
+        """
+        pass
+    def and_validate_with(self, validator: "FileValidator") -> "FileFetcher":
+        """
+        Attach a validator to this FileFetcher. Can be called multiple times to attach many validators.
+        :param validator:  validator to attach
+        :return: self, so that calls can be chained
+        """
+        self.validators.append(validator)
+        return self
+    def fetch(self):
+        """
+        Fetch a file and validate it.
+        :return: path to the newly fetched file, if successful
+        :raise FileValidationFault if the fetch did not succeed
+        """
+        # do the fetch
+        print(str(self))
+        result = self.do_fetch()
+        # now validate with our validators
+        if result is None:
+            print("No file fetched, skipping validation")
+        else:
+            for validator in self.validators:
+                validator.validate(result)
+        # if we made it here, we have a result
+        return result
+class FetcherFactory(ABC):
+    """
+    As the name suggests, a FetcherFactory is a device for constructing FileFetchers.
+    The LocationReport is able to use this to produce a list of FileFetchers of various types,
+    possibly according to settings provided by the user at the command-line.
+    """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def fetch_ngas(self, file: LocatedFile) -> FileFetcher:
+        """
+        Fetch a single file from NGAS
+        :param file:  the file to fetch
+        :return: a fetch plan to retrieve that file
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def fetch_oracle_xml(self, file: LocatedFile) -> FileFetcher:
+        """
+        Fetch a single ALMA SDM from their Oracle database.
+        :param file: SDM as XML from ALMA DB
+        :return: an aggregating FetchPlan
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def fetch_plan(
+        self, fetchers: List[Union[FileFetcher, "FetchPlan"]], concurrency: int = 1
+    ) -> "FetchPlan":
+        pass
+class FileValidator(ABC):
+    """
+    A FileValidator examines a file on disk and verifies that it passes muster
+    in some implementation-dependent manner.
+    """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def validate(self, path: Path):
+        """
+        Validates a file on the filesystem. If the file is OK, the validator will simply return;
+        if the file is not OK an exception will be raised.
+        :raise FileValidationFault
+        """
+        pass
+class LocationReport(NamedTuple):
+    """ Represents a locations report from archiveService """
+    files: List[LocatedFile]
+    aggregate_size: int
+    def fetchers(self, factory: FetcherFactory) -> List[FileFetcher]:
+        return [file.make_fetcher(factory) for file in self.files]
+class FetchPlan(ABC):
+    """
+    A fetch plan is a lot like a FileFetcher, except it potentially does many files
+    and thus we have no specific return value from the fetch method.
+    """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def fetch(self):
+        pass
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04a8e407cd08b0cbfbe600e8ac66a141263f879b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/locations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+""" LocationsReport conveniences """
+from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
+from enum import Enum
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import NamedTuple, Optional
+# pylint: disable=E0239, E0401, E0402, E1136, R0201, R0902, R0903, R0913, W0613
+from marshmallow import Schema, fields, post_load
+from .interfaces import LocatedFile, LocationReport
+from .ngas import NgasConnection
+class Location(Enum):
+    """
+    Where the files live
+    """
+    DSOC = "DSOC"
+    NAASC = "NAASC"
+    @property
+    def lustre_prefix(self) -> str:
+        """
+        The expected Lustre path prefix for this location
+        """
+        return "/lustre/aoc" if self == self.DSOC else "/lustre/naasc"
+    @staticmethod
+    def in_location(path: Path) -> Optional["Location"]:
+        """
+        Given a path, return the location it appears to be in, or nothing,
+        if you're out in space somewhere.
+        :param path:  the path to test
+        :return:  a Location, optionally
+        """
+        # look through the locations until we find one that seems to match
+        for location in Location:
+            if str(path.absolute()).startswith(location.lustre_prefix):
+                return location
+        return None
+class Cluster(Enum):
+    """
+    Which cluster the files are on
+    """
+    DSOC = "DSOC"
+    NAASC = "NAASC"
+class NgasServer(NamedTuple):
+    """
+    Encapsulates the "server" section of a "files" item in locations report
+    """
+    server: str
+    location: Location
+    cluster: Cluster
+    def can_direct_copy_to(self, dest: Path) -> bool:
+        """
+        True if we can direct copy to this destination.
+        In principle, direct copy is possible if the file's NGAS server and the destination
+        are in the same datacenter, but it also depends on the correct version of NGAS and
+        the NGAS direct copy plugin, which is not supported by the NAASC cluster at the moment.
+        So there is a test in here which will need to be removed eventually, to ensure that
+        the DSOC cluster is accounted for.
+        :param dest:  the destination to write to
+        :return:      true if direct copy is possible
+        """
+        return self.cluster == Cluster.DSOC and self.location == Location.in_location(dest)
+    def connect(self) -> NgasConnection:
+        """
+        Connect to this NGAS server and return an NgasConnection we can use to send requests to.
+        :return: a connection to NGAS
+        """
+        return NgasConnection(self.server)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"NGAS {self.server} at {self.location}"
+class NgasFile(LocatedFile):
+    """Encapsulates all the information about an NGAS file in a locations report"""
+    ngas_file_id: str
+    subdirectory: str
+    relative_path: str
+    checksum: int
+    checksum_type: str
+    version: int
+    size: int
+    server: NgasServer
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        ngas_file_id,
+        subdirectory,
+        relative_path,
+        checksum,
+        checksum_type,
+        version,
+        size,
+        server,
+    ):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.ngas_file_id = ngas_file_id
+        self.subdirectory = subdirectory
+        self.relative_path = relative_path
+        self.checksum = checksum
+        self.checksum_type = checksum_type
+        self.version = version
+        self.size = size
+        self.server = server
+    def make_fetcher(self, factory: "FetcherFactory") -> "FileFetcher":
+        return factory.fetch_ngas(self)
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "LocatedFile") -> bool:
+        return hasattr(other, "server") and self.server == other.server
+    def can_direct_copy(self):
+        """
+        True if this file can be direct copied from NGAS.
+        """
+        return self.server.can_direct_copy_to(self.destination)
+    def direct_copy(self):
+        """
+        Direct copy this file to its destination
+        :return: None, if successful
+        """
+        with self.server.connect() as connection:
+            connection.direct_copy(self.ngas_file_id, self.version, self.destination)
+    def stream(self):
+        """
+        Stream this file into its destination.
+        :return: None, if successful
+        """
+        with self.server.connect() as connection:
+            connection.stream(self.ngas_file_id, self.version, self.destination)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"NGAS {self.ngas_file_id} from {self.server} -> {self.subdirectory}/{self.relative_path}"
+class OracleXml(LocatedFile):
+    """ Represents the metadata of an ALMA SDM stored as XML in the ALMA DB """
+    archive_uid: str
+    table: str
+    subdirectory: Path
+    relative_path: str
+    size: int
+    def __init__(self, archive_uid, table, subdirectory, relative_path, size):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.archive_uid = archive_uid
+        self.table = table
+        self.subdirectory = subdirectory
+        self.relative_path = relative_path
+        self.size = size
+    def make_fetcher(self, factory: "FetcherFactory") -> "FileFetcher":
+        return factory.fetch_oracle_xml(self)
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "LocatedFile") -> bool:
+        # all AlmaSdms use the same resource
+        return hasattr(other, "table")
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"ALMA {self.archive_uid} @ {self.table} -> {self.subdirectory}/{self.relative_path}"
+class Locator(ABC):
+    """ Obtains a location report in various ways """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def locate(self) -> LocationReport:
+        """
+        Obtain the LocationReport we need to proceed.
+        :return: a LocationReport for where all the files we need are
+        """
+class FileLocator(Locator):
+    """ Loads a locations report from a .json report file """
+    def __init__(self, file: Path):
+        self.file = file
+    def locate(self) -> LocationReport:
+        return LocationReportSchema().loads(self.file.read_text())
+class ServiceLocator(Locator):
+    """ Acquires a locations report from the archiveService """
+    def __init__(self, science_product_locator: str):
+        self.spl = science_product_locator
+    def locate(self) -> LocationReport:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class NgasServerSchema(Schema):
+    """ marshmallow schema to interpret "server" section of a "files" item """
+    server = fields.Str()
+    location = fields.Str()
+    cluster = fields.Str()
+    @post_load
+    def make_ngas_server(self, data, **kwargs):
+        return NgasServer(data["server"], Location[data["location"]], Cluster[data["cluster"]])
+class NgasFileSchema(Schema):
+    """ One of the items in a location report's "files" list """
+    ngas_file_id = fields.Str()
+    subdirectory = fields.Str()
+    relative_path = fields.Str()
+    checksum = fields.Integer()
+    checksum_type = fields.Str()
+    version = fields.Integer()
+    size = fields.Integer()
+    server = fields.Nested(NgasServerSchema())
+    table = fields.Str()
+    archive_uid = fields.Str()
+    @post_load
+    def make_filespec(self, data, **kwargs):
+        if "table" in data:
+            return OracleXml(**data)
+        return NgasFile(**data)
+class LocationReportSchema(Schema):
+    """ Encapsulates an entire locations report """
+    files = fields.List(fields.Nested(NgasFileSchema()))
+    aggregate_size = fields.Integer()
+    @post_load
+    def make_report(self, data, **kwargs):
+        return LocationReport(**data)
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/ngas.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/ngas.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36a611c8892f9e04323f3bed4f84920187628adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/ngas.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Abstracts the work of talking to NGAS. Clients of NGAS should not have to know
+a lot about the way NGAS requests work, especially since there are just a couple
+things you can do with a request (stream a file to disk or direct copy a file
+to disk).
+NgasConnection manages that for you; all you need to bring to the table is the
+file ID, the file version, and where you want the file written to disk.
+In principle it should be less expensive to call these multiple times reusing
+the same connection, but in practice I doubt the savings is meaningful, and the
+current product-fetcher design does not reuse the connection anyway.
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402
+import http
+from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
+from pathlib import Path
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+import requests
+from .exceptions import RetryableFetchError, FetchError, NgasServiceErrorException
+SERVICE_EXC_TEXT = "Service exception"
+class NgasConnection(AbstractContextManager):
+    """
+    This class makes it easier to deal with NGAS connections.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, server):
+        self.session = requests.Session()
+        self.download_url = f"http://{server}/RETRIEVE"
+    def stream(self, file_id: str, file_version: int, destination: Path):
+        """
+        Stream the request to disk. Throws an exception if it fails.
+        :param file_id:  the file to stream
+        :param file_version:   the version of the file to request
+        :param destination:   where to place the result
+        :return: None
+        """
+        # this is the default behavior of NGAS, so we just make a web request and
+        # it should be fine
+        params = {
+            "file_id": file_id,
+            "file_version": file_version,
+        }
+        response = self.get(params=params, stream=True)
+        with open(destination, "wb") as file_to_write:
+            for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
+                file_to_write.write(chunk)
+    def direct_copy(self, file_id, file_version, destination):
+        """
+        Direct copy a file to a destination. Throws an exception if it fails.
+        :param file_id:  the file to copy
+        :param file_version:  the version of the file to request
+        :param destination:  where to place the result
+        :return:
+        """
+        # the trick here is to just specify the output file when providing the direct copy
+        # plugin
+        params = {
+            "file_id": file_id,
+            "file_version": file_version,
+            "processing": "ngamsDirectCopyDppi",
+            "processingPars": "outfile=" + str(destination.absolute()),
+        }
+        self.get(params=params)
+    def get(self, **kwargs) -> requests.Response:
+        """
+        Perform an NGAS request. The keyword arguments flow through to the
+        underlying requests.get().
+        :param kwargs:  additional arguments to the session.get()
+        :return: a response object
+        """
+        # run the request
+        response = self.session.get(self.download_url, **kwargs)
+        # check the response and make sure it's 200 OK
+        # if it is not, we parse out the NGAMS Status Message, which
+        # feeds an exception we throw about how we couldn't do this request
+        if response.status_code != http.HTTPStatus.OK:
+            doc = ElementTree.fromstring(response.text)
+            ngams_status = doc.find("Status").attrib["Message"]
+            ex = NgasServiceErrorException(
+                {
+                    "status_code": response.status_code,
+                    "url": response.url,
+                    "reason": response.reason,
+                    "message": ngams_status,
+                }
+            )
+            # No point in retrying a 404 Not Found
+            if response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND:
+                raise FetchError(SERVICE_EXC_TEXT, ex)
+            # otherwise, maybe, yeah
+            raise RetryableFetchError(SERVICE_EXC_TEXT, ex)
+        return response
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        self.session.close()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/product_fetcher.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/product_fetcher.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2ab547e7f4de1449eaaac911410ccdaf126de00
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+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/product_fetcher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+""" Command-line parsing conveniences """
+import argparse
+from enum import Enum
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, R0913
+from .fetcher_factory import ConfiguredFetcherFactory
+from .fetchers import ForceMode
+from .interfaces import FetchPlan, FetcherFactory, FileFetcher
+from .locations import FileLocator, ServiceLocator, Locator
+class RetrievalMode(Enum):
+    """
+    How we're retrieving a file: via streaming or via direct copy (plugin)
+    """
+    STREAM = "stream"
+    COPY = "copy"
+class CLIParam(Enum):
+    """ Codifies productfetcher's various command-line parameters """
+    SPL = "--product-locator"
+    FILE = "--location-file"
+    DRY = "--dry-run"
+    FORCE = "--force"
+    DIRECT_COPY = "--direct-copy"
+    STREAMING = "--streaming"
+    CONCURRENCY = "--concurrency"
+# Prologue and epilogue for the command line parser.
+_PROLOGUE = """Retrieve a product (a science product or an ancillary product) 
+from the NRAO archive, either by specifying the product's locator or by 
+providing the path to a product locator report."""
+class FetchContext:
+    """ Handles the various command-line options """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        locator: Locator,
+        streaming: bool,
+        direct_copy: bool,
+        dry_run=False,
+        force=False,
+        concurrency=1,
+    ):
+        self.locator = locator
+        self.streaming = streaming
+        self.direct_copy = direct_copy
+        self.dry_run = dry_run
+        self.force = force
+        self.concurrency = concurrency
+    def generate_plan(self) -> FetchPlan:
+        """
+        Generate the fetch plan for the entire product.
+        :return: a plan
+        """
+        factory = ConfiguredFetcherFactory(
+            concurrency=self.concurrency,
+            streaming=self.streaming,
+            direct_copy=self.direct_copy,
+            dry_run=self.dry_run,
+            force=self.force,
+        )
+        # First we must prepare the fetchers for the location report
+        all_fetchers = self.locator.locate().fetchers(factory)
+        # now we have enough stuff to proceed with generating the plan
+        return self.calculate_plan(factory, all_fetchers)
+    @staticmethod
+    def calculate_plan(factory: FetcherFactory, all_fetchers: List[FileFetcher]):
+        """
+        Calculates the fetch plan, given a list of fetchers to aggregate
+        and a factory for generating fetchers.
+        :param factory:
+        :param all_fetchers:
+        :return:
+        """
+        # The next step is to group like with like in terms of file fetcher resources.
+        # We do this by creating a group each time we find a fetcher that
+        # does not share resources with a "prototypical instance" from each
+        # of the other groups.
+        fetcher_classes = {}
+        for fetcher in all_fetchers:
+            found = False
+            for class_prototype in fetcher_classes.keys():
+                if fetcher.shares_resources_with(class_prototype):
+                    found = True
+                    fetcher_classes[class_prototype].append(fetcher)
+            if not found:
+                # if we made it here, we did not find a class prototype we share resources with
+                # therefore, we are the prototype of a new class
+                fetcher_classes[fetcher] = [fetcher]
+        # now that we have sorted the fetchers into categories based on which one share resources
+        # we can assume that within each category we want to see a certain kind of parallelism
+        plans = []
+        for fetch_class in fetcher_classes.values():
+            plans.append(factory.fetch_plan(fetch_class))
+        # now the overall plan is basically to execute each of those plans in parallel
+        return factory.fetch_plan(plans, len(plans))
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_commandline(args: List[str]) -> "FetchContext":
+        """
+        Parse the command line to build a FetchContext that handles options,
+        if any
+        :param args:
+        :return:
+        """
+        namespace = FetchContext.arg_parser().parse_args(args)
+        # determine the locator
+        locator = (
+            FileLocator(Path(namespace.location_file))
+            if namespace.location_file
+            else ServiceLocator(namespace.product_locator)
+        )
+        return FetchContext(
+            locator,
+            namespace.streaming,
+            namespace.direct_copy,
+            namespace.dry_run,
+            ForceMode(namespace.force),
+            namespace.concurrency,
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
+        """
+        Build and return an argument parser with the command line options
+        for data-fetcher. This is static because Sphinx needs it to build
+        the docs.
+        Note difference from previous implementations: Capo profile,
+        when needed, will be obtained from the environment;
+        files will be retrieved to the current directory.
+        Normally, whether to use the NGAS direct-copy plugin to retrieve
+        a file is decided on the basis of a file's execution site,
+        location, and cluster; the --streaming and --direct-copy flag can
+        force one method or the other. If direct-copy is specified but
+        not possible, an error will be thrown.
+        :return: an argparse 'parser' with command line options for productfetcher.
+        """
+        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+            description=_PROLOGUE,
+            formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            CLIParam.CONCURRENCY.value,
+            action="store",
+            dest="concurrency",
+            help="maxmimum threads per plan (set to 1 for no threading)",
+            type=int,
+            default=16,
+        )
+        exclusive_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+        exclusive_group.add_argument(
+            CLIParam.SPL.value,
+            action="store",
+            dest="product_locator",
+            help="product locator to download",
+        )
+        exclusive_group.add_argument(
+            CLIParam.FILE.value,
+            action="store",
+            dest="location_file",
+            help="product locator report (in JSON)",
+        )
+        dry_or_force_options = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
+        dry_or_force_options.add_argument(
+            CLIParam.DRY.value,
+            action="store_true",
+            dest="dry_run",
+            help="dry run; do not fetch product",
+        )
+        dry_or_force_options.add_argument(
+            CLIParam.FORCE.value,
+            action="store_true",
+            dest="force",
+            help="overwrite existing file(s) at dest",
+        )
+        copy_or_stream_options = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
+        copy_or_stream_options.add_argument(
+            CLIParam.DIRECT_COPY.value,
+            action="store_true",
+            dest="direct_copy",
+            help="force direct-copy from NGAS",
+        )
+        copy_or_stream_options.add_argument(
+            CLIParam.STREAMING.value,
+            action="store_true",
+            dest="streaming",
+            help="force streaming from NGAS",
+        )
+        return parser
+def main(args=None):
+    """CLI entry point"""
+    # parse the arguments
+    context = FetchContext.parse_commandline(args)
+    # generate the plan
+    plan = context.generate_plan()
+    # perform the fetch
+    plan.fetch()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/validators.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/validators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..271f9648fc10f4e25416c8e600b980ac66d2334b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/datafetcher/redesign/validators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+The validation system is fairly small and straightforward. Each FileValidator
+is given whatever special parameters it needs in the constructor, and then
+exposes a validate method that validates a file path according to whatever
+its special sauce is.
+We have three of these at the moment:
+ - SizeValidator ensures that the file is the expected size (in bytes)
+ - Crc32Validator calculates the crc32 of a file and makes sure it matches
+   the expected value. NGAS keeps these so we happen to have them on-hand
+ - XmlValidator ensures that an XML file is well-formed
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, R0201, R0903
+import binascii
+from pathlib import Path
+import xml.sax
+from .exceptions import FileValidationFault
+from .interfaces import FileValidator
+class SizeValidator(FileValidator):
+    """
+    Validates the size of a file in bytes. If the expected and actual sizes match,
+    the file validates.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, size: int):
+        self.size = size
+    def validate(self, path: Path):
+        # check the size
+        actual_size = path.stat().st_size
+        if actual_size != self.size:
+            raise FileValidationFault(
+                f"File size mismatch: expected {self.size} but received {actual_size}"
+            )
+        print(f"File size matched for {path}")
+class Crc32Validator(FileValidator):
+    """
+    Validates the cksum of a file. This is an algorithm used by NGAS.
+    If the content of the file generates the same cksum we expect,
+    the file passes validation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, checksum: int):
+        self.checksum = checksum
+    def validate(self, path: Path):
+        # there are a couple ways to do this, another is with the zlib module
+        # the important thing is reading this a chunk at a time
+        checksum = binascii.crc32(b"")
+        with path.open("rb") as content:
+            # read1() guarantees that only a single system read() call is made
+            # this should be more efficient than reading the entire thing into memory at once
+            # 0 is returned when we run out of stuff to read
+            while len(chunk := content.read1()) != 0:
+                checksum = binascii.crc32(chunk, checksum)
+        # the magic bitmath here is courtesy of the Python documentation:
+        # Python 2 generated signed numbers here, but Python 3 generates unsigned numbers instead
+        if checksum != (self.checksum & 0xFFFFFFFF):
+            raise FileValidationFault(
+                f"CRC32 failed: expected {self.checksum & 0xFFFFFFFF}, got {checksum} instead"
+            )
+        print(f"CRC32 matched at {path}")
+class XmlWellFormedValidator(FileValidator):
+    """
+    Validates that a file is well-formed XML. ALMA SDM files happen
+    to be XML and can be validated this way.
+    """
+    def validate(self, path: Path):
+        try:
+            parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
+            parser.setContentHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler())
+            parser.parse(path)
+            print(f"XML valid at {path}")
+        except Exception as exc:
+            raise FileValidationFault("XML is not well-formed", exc) from exc
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/setup.cfg b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/setup.cfg
index a392d237b96105d67126888c64caed04dd90bc20..9ee4ebf30d666131e8c42307f55f400bcd92f8ee 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/setup.cfg
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/setup.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-description-file = README.txt
+description_file = README.txt
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/setup.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/setup.py
index 88e4f2ff3a4e2540001b1723162ed776ac9fcf6c..c85d44d307fee3b42c57f99d70df03125f1da7ad 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/setup.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/setup.py
@@ -3,12 +3,15 @@
 from pathlib import Path
-from setuptools import setup
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
 VERSION = open("datafetcher/_version.py").readlines()[-1].split()[-1].strip("\"'")
 README = Path("README.md").read_text()
 requires = [
+    "marshmallow>=3.12.1,<3.13",
+    "cx_Oracle>=8.1.0,<8.2",
+    "sqlalchemy==1.3.23",
@@ -28,9 +31,14 @@ setup(
-    tests_require=["pytest", "pytest-resource-path"],
+    tests_require=["pytest", "pytest-resource-path", "requests-mock"],
-    packages=["datafetcher"],
+    packages=find_packages(),
     classifiers=["Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8"],
-    entry_points={"console_scripts": ["datafetcher = datafetcher.datafetcher:main"]},
+    entry_points={
+        "console_scripts": [
+            "datafetcher = datafetcher.datafetcher:main",
+            "productfetcher = datafetcher.redesign.product_fetcher:main",
+        ]
+    },
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_fetch_plans.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_fetch_plans.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd481a60f0f8eb0e76a2bd1ded25ef45a433e2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_fetch_plans.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+""" Test our fetch plans """
+import pathlib
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+# pylint: disable=C0116, E0401, E0402, R0201
+import pytest
+from datafetcher.redesign.exceptions import FetchError
+from datafetcher.redesign.fetch_plan import ParallelFetchPlan
+from datafetcher.redesign.interfaces import FileFetcher, LocatedFile
+class AlwaysSuccessfulFakeFetcher(FileFetcher):
+    """ I can always fetch -- just ask me! """
+    @property
+    def file(self) -> LocatedFile:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "FileFetcher") -> bool:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def do_fetch(self) -> pathlib.Path:
+        return pathlib.Path.home()
+class AlwaysFailingFakeFetcher(FileFetcher):
+    """No matter how I try, I can't fetch. I'm pathetic. My life is
+    meaningless."""
+    @property
+    def file(self) -> LocatedFile:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "FileFetcher") -> bool:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def fetch(self):
+        self.do_fetch()
+    def do_fetch(self) -> pathlib.Path:
+        raise FetchError("I always fail at this for some reason")
+def test_parallel_plans_execute_all_fetchers(capsys):
+    """
+    Make a bunch of fetchers and confirm the fetch plan invokes them all.
+    :param capsys:
+    :return:
+    """
+    def with_fetchers_and_concurrency(fetcher_count: int, concurrency_level: int):
+        # Prove that we always executed all the fetchers with no concurrency whatsoever
+        fetchers = [MagicMock(wraps=AlwaysSuccessfulFakeFetcher()) for _ in range(fetcher_count)]
+        ParallelFetchPlan(fetchers, concurrency=concurrency_level).fetch()
+        for fetcher in fetchers:
+            fetcher.fetch.assert_called()
+    with_fetchers_and_concurrency(10, 1)
+    with_fetchers_and_concurrency(16, 4)
+    with_fetchers_and_concurrency(4, 16)
+    capsys.readouterr()
+def test_failures_always_found(capsys):
+    """
+    We should always fail when we expect to fail.
+    :param capsys:
+    :return:
+    """
+    fetchers = [MagicMock(wraps=AlwaysSuccessfulFakeFetcher()) for _ in range(7)]
+    # no matter what concurrency level or where in the list we have an exception,
+    # it should always cause the overall fetch plan to throw an exception
+    for i in range(len(fetchers)):
+        fetchers_copy = fetchers[:]
+        fetchers_copy.insert(i, AlwaysFailingFakeFetcher())
+        for concurrency_level in range(1, len(fetchers_copy)):
+            with pytest.raises(FetchError):
+                ParallelFetchPlan(fetchers_copy, concurrency=concurrency_level).fetch()
+    capsys.readouterr()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_fetcher_factory.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_fetcher_factory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f3901ffb377c5bfc617ff09a980e172df03cab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_fetcher_factory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+""" Make sure our fetcher factory functions fine, friend """
+from typing import NamedTuple
+# pylint: disable=E0239, E0401, E0402, R0201, R0903
+from datafetcher.redesign.fetcher_factory import ConfiguredFetcherFactory
+from datafetcher.redesign.fetchers import (
+    DryRunFakeFileFetcher,
+    NgasStreamingFileFetcher,
+    NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher,
+    NgasModeDetectingFetcher,
+class FakeFile(NamedTuple):
+    """ Ceci n’est pas une file """
+    size: int
+    checksum: int
+    # direct copy uses this
+    def can_direct_copy(self) -> bool:
+        return True
+def test_configured_fetcher_factory():
+    """
+    Various tests of the fetcher factory
+    :return:
+    """
+    fake_file = FakeFile(239823983, -329831113)
+    # let's try a few combinations and make sure we find reasonable things
+    # first, let's make sure the concurrency value is used properly
+    factory = ConfiguredFetcherFactory(concurrency=732)
+    assert factory.fetch_plan([]).concurrency == 732
+    # let's also make sure that if we specify a lower concurrency value, it gets used instead
+    assert factory.fetch_plan([], concurrency=3).concurrency == 3
+    # now let's make sure that if we ask for a dry run, that's what we get
+    factory = ConfiguredFetcherFactory(dry_run=True)
+    assert isinstance(factory.fetch_ngas(fake_file).underlying, DryRunFakeFileFetcher)
+    assert isinstance(factory.fetch_oracle_xml(fake_file).underlying, DryRunFakeFileFetcher)
+    # now let's make sure that if we ask for streaming or direct copy, we get those
+    factory = ConfiguredFetcherFactory(streaming=True)
+    assert isinstance(factory.fetch_ngas(fake_file).underlying, NgasStreamingFileFetcher)
+    factory = ConfiguredFetcherFactory(direct_copy=True)
+    assert isinstance(factory.fetch_ngas(fake_file).underlying, NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher)
+    # and let's make sure that if we don't specify streaming or direct copy, we get a detection
+    factory = ConfiguredFetcherFactory(streaming=False, direct_copy=False)
+    assert isinstance(factory.fetch_ngas(fake_file).underlying, NgasModeDetectingFetcher)
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_fetchers.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_fetchers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25af84a692291f45f4fd33248933b90486441f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_fetchers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+""" Tests for our various file fetchers """
+# pylint: disable=C0103, E0401, E0402, W0621
+from pathlib import Path
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
+import pytest
+from datafetcher.redesign.exceptions import (
+    RetryableFetchError,
+    NormalModeFileExistsError,
+    UnsatisfiableConstraint,
+from datafetcher.redesign.fetchers import (
+    RetryableFileFetcher,
+    NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher,
+    NgasStreamingFileFetcher,
+    OracleXmlFetcher,
+    ForceMode,
+from datafetcher.redesign.interfaces import FileFetcher, LocatedFile
+from datafetcher.redesign.locations import NgasFile, NgasServer, Location, Cluster, OracleXml
+class FailNTimesFileFetcher(FileFetcher):
+    """ A failin' fetcher. This dog don't fetch. """
+    def __init__(self, n=3):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.failures = n
+    @property
+    def file(self) -> LocatedFile:
+        """
+        (Never called)
+        :return:
+        """
+    def do_fetch(self) -> Path:
+        """
+        Try to fetch N times.
+        :return:
+        """
+        if self.failures > 0:
+            self.failures -= 1
+            raise RetryableFetchError("testing failure " + str(self.failures))
+        return Path.home()
+    def shares_resources_with(self, other: "FileFetcher") -> bool:
+        """
+        (Never called)
+        :return:
+        """
+def ngas_file(tmpdir) -> NgasFile:
+    """
+    A fake NGAS file for our tests
+    :param tmpdir:
+    :return:
+    """
+    return NgasFile(
+        "fake_ngas_id",
+        tmpdir,
+        "ASDMBinary",
+        -1,
+        "cksum",
+        1,
+        100,
+        NgasServer("localhost", Location.DSOC, Cluster.DSOC),
+    )
+def alma_file(tmpdir) -> OracleXml:
+    """
+    A fake ALMA SDM table for our tests
+    :param tmpdir:
+    :return:
+    """
+    return OracleXml("fake_uid", "fake_table", tmpdir, "relative_path", 100)
+def test_force_mode(resource_path_root):
+    """
+    Does force mode overwrite an existing product?
+    :param resource_path_root:
+    :return:
+    """
+    # check files that do exist:
+    assert (
+        ForceMode.FORCE.check_destination(
+            resource_path_root / "location_files" / "alma-execblock.json"
+        )
+        is None
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(NormalModeFileExistsError):
+        ForceMode.NORMAL.check_destination(
+            resource_path_root / "location_files" / "alma-execblock.json"
+        )
+    # check files that do not exist
+    assert ForceMode.FORCE.check_destination(Path("/this/is/a/bogus/path")) is None
+    assert ForceMode.NORMAL.check_destination(Path("/this/is/a/bogus/path")) is None
+def test_ngas_direct_copy(ngas_file: NgasFile, tmpdir, capsys):
+    """
+    If we can direct copy, we should try to do so; if we can't, attempt to do so
+     should throw exception
+    :param ngas_file: what we're trying to fetch
+    :param tmpdir: our temporary dir
+    :param capsys:
+    :return:
+    """
+    # make sure that if we could direct copy, we try to
+    with patch("datafetcher.redesign.locations.NgasServer.can_direct_copy_to", return_value=True):
+        with patch("datafetcher.redesign.ngas.NgasConnection.direct_copy", return_value=None):
+            assert NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher(ngas_file).do_fetch() == Path(tmpdir) / "ASDMBinary"
+    # contrarily, if we cannot, we should get an exception
+    with patch("datafetcher.redesign.locations.NgasServer.can_direct_copy_to", return_value=False):
+        with patch("datafetcher.redesign.ngas.NgasConnection.direct_copy", return_value=None):
+            with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableConstraint):
+                NgasDirectCopyFileFetcher(ngas_file).do_fetch()
+    capsys.readouterr()
+def test_ngas_streaming(ngas_file: NgasFile, tmpdir, capsys):
+    # make sure that if we could direct copy, we try to
+    with patch("datafetcher.redesign.ngas.NgasConnection.stream", return_value=None):
+        assert NgasStreamingFileFetcher(ngas_file).do_fetch() == Path(tmpdir / "ASDMBinary")
+    capsys.readouterr()
+def test_alma_xml(alma_file: OracleXml, tmpdir, capsys):
+    mock_engine = MagicMock()
+    mock_engine.execute.return_value = [["this is the file content"]]
+    with patch(
+        "datafetcher.redesign.fetchers.OracleXmlFetcher.get_engine", return_value=mock_engine
+    ):
+        assert OracleXmlFetcher(alma_file).do_fetch() == Path(tmpdir / "relative_path")
+    capsys.readouterr()
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#      R e t r y i n g   T e s t s
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def test_retrying_succeeds(capsys):
+    # two failures is OK
+    with patch("time.sleep"):
+        fail_twice = MagicMock(wraps=FailNTimesFileFetcher(2))
+        result = RetryableFileFetcher(fail_twice).do_fetch()
+        assert result == Path.home()
+        assert fail_twice.do_fetch.call_count == 3
+    capsys.readouterr()
+def test_retrying_fails(capsys):
+    # three failures is too many
+    fail_twice = MagicMock(wraps=FailNTimesFileFetcher(3))
+    with patch("time.sleep"):
+        with pytest.raises(RetryableFetchError):
+            RetryableFileFetcher(fail_twice).do_fetch()
+    capsys.readouterr()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_locations.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_locations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b169ab1642bb3bb0206fb223b0b9c4e2438eb675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_locations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+""" Proof of concept: uses marshmallow to load locations report JSON
+    directly into a ClassyLocationsReport!
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, W0611, W0621
+from pathlib import Path
+from datafetcher.redesign.interfaces import LocationReport
+from datafetcher.redesign.locations import (
+    FileLocator,
+    OracleXml,
+    NgasFile,
+    NgasServer,
+    Location,
+    Cluster,
+def test_loads_simple_locations_report(cal_json_file: Path):
+    """
+    Can marshmallow load an entire JSON locations report?
+    :return:
+    """
+    report = FileLocator(cal_json_file).locate()
+    assert isinstance(report, LocationReport)
+def test_loads_complex_locations_report(eb_17a_109_18468_locations_file):
+    """
+    Can marshmallow load an entire JSON locations report?
+    :return:
+    """
+    locations_rpt = FileLocator(eb_17a_109_18468_locations_file).locate()
+    assert isinstance(locations_rpt, LocationReport)
+    files = locations_rpt.files
+    assert len(files) == 79
+    assert locations_rpt.aggregate_size == 45572444823
+def test_loads_alma_locations_report(alma_execblock_report):
+    """
+    Can marshmallow load an entire JSON locations report?
+    :return:
+    """
+    locations_rpt = FileLocator(alma_execblock_report).locate()
+    assert isinstance(locations_rpt, LocationReport)
+    assert len(locations_rpt.files) == 1099
+    assert len([file for file in locations_rpt.files if isinstance(file, OracleXml)]) == 36
+    assert len([file for file in locations_rpt.files if isinstance(file, NgasFile)]) == 1063
+    assert locations_rpt.aggregate_size == 4119667881
+def test_direct_copy_detection():
+    """
+    Ensure that we properly detect various scenarios when we can use
+    the direct copy plugin.
+    :return:
+    """
+    aoc = Path("/lustre/aoc/foo")
+    naasc = Path("/lustre/naasc/foo")
+    home = Path("/home/nobody/foo")
+    # there are two cases we can direct copy to, currently: DSOC -> DSOC
+    # and NAASC -> NAASC (with cluster=DSOC)
+    assert NgasServer("", Location.DSOC, Cluster.DSOC).can_direct_copy_to(aoc)
+    assert NgasServer("", Location.NAASC, Cluster.DSOC).can_direct_copy_to(naasc)
+    # all the other permutations we cannot: NAASC -> AOC, AOC -> NAASC, NAASC -> NAASC
+    assert not NgasServer("", Location.NAASC, Cluster.DSOC).can_direct_copy_to(aoc)
+    assert not NgasServer("", Location.DSOC, Cluster.NAASC).can_direct_copy_to(aoc)
+    assert not NgasServer("", Location.DSOC, Cluster.NAASC).can_direct_copy_to(naasc)
+    assert not NgasServer("", Location.NAASC, Cluster.NAASC).can_direct_copy_to(naasc)
+    assert not NgasServer("", Location.NAASC, Cluster.NAASC).can_direct_copy_to(aoc)
+    # and of course, we can never direct copy to your house
+    for location in Location:
+        for cluster in Cluster:
+            assert not NgasServer("", location, cluster).can_direct_copy_to(home)
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_ngas.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_ngas.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea59f9334370244d77838633be2a3a40c77563b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_ngas.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+""" Tests for retrieving products from NGAS by various means """
+import http
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, W0621
+import pytest
+import requests_mock
+from datafetcher.redesign.exceptions import RetryableFetchError, FetchError
+from datafetcher.redesign.locations import NgasFile, NgasServer, Location, Cluster
+LOCALHOST_URL = "http://localhost/RETRIEVE"
+def ngas_file(tmpdir) -> NgasFile:
+    return NgasFile(
+        "fake_ngas_id",
+        tmpdir,
+        "ASDMBinary",
+        -1,
+        "cksum",
+        1,
+        100,
+        NgasServer("localhost", Location.DSOC, Cluster.DSOC),
+    )
+def ngams_error() -> str:
+    return """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <!DOCTYPE NgamsStatus SYSTEM "http://nmngas01.aoc.nrao.edu:7777/RETRIEVE?internal=ngamsStatus.dtd">
+    <NgamsStatus>
+      <Status CompletionTime="2019-06-21T10:40:59.536" Date="2019-06-21T10:40:59.538" HostId="nmngas01" 
+              LastRequestStatUpdate="2019-06-21T10:40:59.536" 
+              Message="NGAMS_ER_RETRIEVE_CMD:4018:ERROR: Incorrect parameter given for RETRIEVE command." 
+              RequestId="705545" RequestTime="2019-06-21T10:40:59.528" State="ONLINE" Status="FAILURE" 
+              SubState="IDLE" Version="v4.2.2-ALMA/2013-12-101T16:00:00"/>
+    </NgamsStatus>"""
+def test_direct_copy(ngas_file: NgasFile, ngams_error):
+    """
+    Can we retrieve a file from NGAS via the direct-copy plugin?
+    :param ngas_file: the file to retrieve
+    :param ngams_error: the text of the expected response
+    :return:
+    """
+    # test the happy path
+    with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock:
+        mock.get(LOCALHOST_URL, status_code=http.HTTPStatus.OK, text="Successfully retrieved")
+        ngas_file.direct_copy()
+        assert mock.called
+        assert mock.call_count == 1
+    # let's ensure that a 500 error throws an exception
+    with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock:
+        mock.get(LOCALHOST_URL, status_code=http.HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, text=ngams_error)
+        with pytest.raises(RetryableFetchError):
+            ngas_file.direct_copy()
+    # let's ensure that a 404 error throws a non-retryable exception
+    with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock:
+        mock.get(LOCALHOST_URL, status_code=http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, text=ngams_error)
+        with pytest.raises(FetchError):
+            ngas_file.direct_copy()
+def test_streaming(ngas_file: NgasFile, ngams_error):
+    """
+    Can we stream a file from NGAS?
+    :param ngas_file: the file to retrieve
+    :param ngams_error: the text of the expected response
+    :return:
+    """
+    with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock:
+        mock.get(LOCALHOST_URL, status_code=http.HTTPStatus.OK, text="Successfully retrieved")
+        ngas_file.stream()
+        assert mock.called
+        assert mock.call_count == 1
+    # let's ensure that a 500 error throws an exception
+    with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock:
+        mock.get(LOCALHOST_URL, status_code=http.HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, text=ngams_error)
+        with pytest.raises(FetchError):
+            ngas_file.stream()
+    # let's ensure that a 404 error throws a non-retryable exception
+    with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock:
+        mock.get(LOCALHOST_URL, status_code=http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, text=ngams_error)
+        with pytest.raises(FetchError):
+            ngas_file.stream()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_product_fetcher.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_product_fetcher.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41571c77e1e50f22ed14db6ca40cc2068635abd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_product_fetcher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+""" Tests for the product fetcher """
+# pylint: disable=C0103, E0401, E0402, E1136, R0201, R0903
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List, Union
+import pytest
+from datafetcher.redesign.fetchers import DryRunFakeFileFetcher, ForceMode
+from datafetcher.redesign.interfaces import FetcherFactory, FileFetcher, LocatedFile, FetchPlan
+from datafetcher.redesign.locations import FileLocator, ServiceLocator
+from datafetcher.redesign.product_fetcher import FetchContext, CLIParam
+class FakePlan(FetchPlan):
+    """ A non-fetching fetch plan """
+    def __init__(self, fetchers, concurrency):
+        self.fetchers = fetchers
+        self.concurrency = concurrency
+    def fetch(self):
+        # Let's not actually fetch anything today
+        pass
+class FakeFactory(FetcherFactory):
+    """ Creates non-fetching fetchers """
+    def fetch_ngas(self, file: LocatedFile) -> FileFetcher:
+        return DryRunFakeFileFetcher(file)
+    def fetch_oracle_xml(self, file: LocatedFile) -> FileFetcher:
+        return DryRunFakeFileFetcher(file)
+    def fetch_plan(
+        self, fetchers: List[Union[FileFetcher, FetchPlan]], concurrency: int = 1
+    ) -> FetchPlan:
+        return FakePlan(fetchers, concurrency)
+def test_plan_generation(resource_path_root):
+    """
+    Can we generate a test plan?
+    :param resource_path_root:
+    :return:
+    """
+    report = FileLocator(resource_path_root / "location_files" / "13B-014.json").locate()
+    fake_factory = FakeFactory()
+    fetchers = report.fetchers(fake_factory)
+    # we should absolutely have the same number of fetchers as we have files
+    assert len(fetchers) == len(report.files)
+    # let's make a plan
+    plan = FetchContext.calculate_plan(fake_factory, fetchers)
+    # we should have the same number of fetchers in the plan as in the original report
+    assert sum(len(subplan.fetchers) for subplan in plan.fetchers) == len(report.files)
+def test_argument_parsing(capsys):
+    """
+    Can we parse the command-line arguments passed in?
+    :param capsys:
+    :return:
+    """
+    # ensure that various combinations do not work
+    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
+        # must have an SPL or a file
+        FetchContext.parse_commandline([])
+    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
+        # cannot have an SPL and a file
+        FetchContext.parse_commandline(
+            [CLIParam.FILE.value, "foo", CLIParam.SPL.value, "uid://this/is/a/fakesy"]
+        )
+    # check the dry run value
+    fc = FetchContext.parse_commandline([CLIParam.DRY.value, CLIParam.FILE.value, "foo"])
+    assert fc.dry_run
+    fc = FetchContext.parse_commandline([CLIParam.FILE.value, "foo"])
+    assert not fc.dry_run
+    # check the force value
+    fc = FetchContext.parse_commandline([CLIParam.FORCE.value, CLIParam.FILE.value, "foo"])
+    assert fc.force == ForceMode.FORCE
+    fc = FetchContext.parse_commandline([CLIParam.FILE.value, "foo"])
+    assert fc.force == ForceMode.NORMAL
+    fc = FetchContext.parse_commandline([CLIParam.FILE.value, "foo"])
+    assert isinstance(fc.locator, FileLocator)
+    assert fc.locator.file == Path("foo")
+    fc = FetchContext.parse_commandline([CLIParam.SPL.value, "uid://this/is/a/fakesy"])
+    assert isinstance(fc.locator, ServiceLocator)
+    assert fc.locator.spl == "uid://this/is/a/fakesy"
+    fc = FetchContext.parse_commandline(
+        [CLIParam.FILE.value, "foo", CLIParam.CONCURRENCY.value, "732"]
+    )
+    assert fc.concurrency == 732
+    capsys.readouterr()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_validators.py b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_validators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a7721831b6977756baab4c0b13aca94afabe82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/redesign/test_validators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+""" Tests for our size, checksum, and SDM table XML validators """
+import pathlib
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402
+import pytest
+from datafetcher.redesign.exceptions import FileValidationFault
+from datafetcher.redesign.validators import Crc32Validator, SizeValidator, XmlWellFormedValidator
+def test_size_validator(resource_path_root: pathlib.Path, capsys):
+    """
+    Does the size validator function as expected?
+    :param resource_path_root:
+    :param capsys:
+    :return:
+    """
+    # this should work just fine
+    SizeValidator(1024).validate(resource_path_root / "validators" / "random-junk")
+    # these should not
+    with pytest.raises(FileValidationFault):
+        SizeValidator(1023).validate(resource_path_root / "validators" / "random-junk")
+    with pytest.raises(FileValidationFault):
+        SizeValidator(1025).validate(resource_path_root / "validators" / "random-junk")
+    capsys.readouterr()
+def test_checksum_validator(resource_path_root: pathlib.Path, capsys):
+    """
+    Does the checksum validator function as expected?
+    :param resource_path_root:
+    :param capsys:
+    :return:
+    """
+    # this should work just fine
+    Crc32Validator(457325410).validate(resource_path_root / "validators" / "random-junk")
+    # this should raise an error
+    with pytest.raises(FileValidationFault):
+        Crc32Validator(457325411).validate(resource_path_root / "validators" / "random-junk")
+    # so should this
+    with pytest.raises(FileValidationFault):
+        Crc32Validator(-1).validate(resource_path_root / "validators" / "random-junk")
+    capsys.readouterr()
+def test_xml_validator(resource_path_root: pathlib.Path, capsys):
+    """
+    Determine whether the XML we pulled down is well-formed.
+    :param resource_path_root:
+    :param capsys:
+    :return:
+    """
+    XmlWellFormedValidator().validate(resource_path_root / "validators" / "valid.xml")
+    with pytest.raises(FileValidationFault):
+        XmlWellFormedValidator().validate(resource_path_root / "validators" / "invalid.xml")
+    capsys.readouterr()
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/location_files/13B-014.json b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/location_files/13B-014.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e116a1ddcc1e0f3d11ed55484abbcd0c6dd24a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/location_files/13B-014.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"files": [{"ngas_file_id": "uid____evla_bdf_1391196419753.bdf", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "ASDMBinary/uid____evla_bdf_1391196419753", "checksum": "-1792119289", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 322518851, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid____evla_bdf_1391196420240.bdf", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "ASDMBinary/uid____evla_bdf_1391196420240", "checksum": "-2034697032", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 71674379, "server": {"server": "nmngas03.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414978.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "ASDM.xml", "checksum": "1071098596", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 7557, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414979.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Antenna.xml", "checksum": "-667519693", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 10905, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414980.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "CalData.xml", "checksum": "-1661730835", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 380, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414981.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "CalDevice.xml", "checksum": "-1941244872", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 200434, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414982.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "CalPointing.xml", "checksum": "471473940", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 392, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414983.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "CalReduction.xml", "checksum": "-1703882883", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 395, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414984.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "ConfigDescription.xml", "checksum": "-742902158", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 1978, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414985.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "CorrelatorMode.xml", "checksum": "768423631", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 897, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414986.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "DataDescription.xml", "checksum": "1153040305", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 6774, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414987.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Doppler.xml", "checksum": "-1344464921", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 380, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414988.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "ExecBlock.xml", "checksum": "829018431", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 2, "size": 2187, "server": {"server": "nmngas01.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414989.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Feed.xml", "checksum": "1586490751", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 261301, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414990.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Field.xml", "checksum": "-1972937667", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 775, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414991.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Flag.xml", "checksum": "1430321664", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 14829, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414992.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Main.xml", "checksum": "1682700919", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 2193, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414993.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Pointing.xml", "checksum": "-1935543762", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 383, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414994.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "PointingModel.xml", "checksum": "-1404522861", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 11107, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414995.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Polarization.xml", "checksum": "-531542200", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 804, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414996.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Processor.xml", "checksum": "496514312", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 612, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414997.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Receiver.xml", "checksum": "-2004447590", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 7029, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414998.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "SBSummary.xml", "checksum": "-1665712816", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 1500, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196414999.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Scan.xml", "checksum": "1284094101", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 1328, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196415000.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Source.xml", "checksum": "1277850579", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 7855, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196415001.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "SpectralWindow.xml", "checksum": "-1023258867", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 13253, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196415002.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "State.xml", "checksum": "-1494809656", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 551, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196415003.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Station.xml", "checksum": "660945815", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 5871, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196415004.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Subscan.xml", "checksum": "-1515730135", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 1306, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196415005.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "SwitchCycle.xml", "checksum": "-1661885475", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 697, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196415006.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "SysCal.xml", "checksum": "602414074", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 377, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196415007.bin", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "SysPower.bin", "checksum": "870209040", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 2834148, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}, {"ngas_file_id": "uid___evla_sdm_X1391196415008.sdm", "subdirectory": "13B-014.sb28677984.eb28693176.56688.810349050924", "relative_path": "Weather.xml", "checksum": "-1608402443", "checksum_type": "ngamsGenCrc32", "version": 1, "size": 1236, "server": {"server": "nmngas04.aoc.nrao.edu:7777", "location": "DSOC", "cluster": "DSOC"}}], "aggregate_size": 397592664}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/validators/invalid.xml b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/validators/invalid.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57a3325f0a4c79b9d08e2403bb024d9fb42ef860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/validators/invalid.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    <head>
+        <body>This is not
+    </head>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/validators/random-junk b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/validators/random-junk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1cb316ee8d419fb06d0a219aa3286593b7fba002
Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/validators/random-junk differ
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/validators/valid.xml b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/validators/valid.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c460ff3938247ce6e7cd85bf828df0a2e406f3a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/datafetcher/tests/testresources/validators/valid.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    <head>
+        <body>This is real XML so far</body>
+    </head>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/services/workflow/requirements.txt b/services/workflow/requirements.txt
index eccade3d780bac8bd88fb8e4a9f34008e066aefd..b9f8bf5b24c90de2fa0acceed809597654a0f8df 100644
--- a/services/workflow/requirements.txt
+++ b/services/workflow/requirements.txt
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ pyramid_tm == 2.2.1
 pytest == 5.4.3
 pytest-resource-path == 1.2.1
 requests == 2.23
+requests_mock == 1.9.2
 sqlalchemy == 1.3.23
 waitress == 1.4
 zope.sqlalchemy == 1.1