From 9194e6557270a5c162c5a3cc1dcb42f04164e5b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nathan Bockisch <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2022 09:27:06 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] WS-1217: Added remaining vlass_seci workflow

--- | 300 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 300 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 shared/workspaces/alembic/versions/

diff --git a/shared/workspaces/alembic/versions/ b/shared/workspaces/alembic/versions/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a52626246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/workspaces/alembic/versions/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+"""Add remaining VLASS SECI imaging workflow
+Revision ID: c5b3f866d904
+Revises: 637935ee1583
+Create Date: 2022-10-04 13:46:07.781964
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = 'c5b3f866d904'
+down_revision = '637935ee1583'
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+# Overall workflow DAG
+vlass_seci_dag = """JOB FETCH vlass_seci_fetch.condor
+VARS FETCH jobname="$(JOB)"
+JOB ENVOY vlass_seci_envoy.condor
+VARS ENVOY jobname="$(JOB)"
+JOB POST vlass_seci_post.condor
+VARS ENVOY jobname="$(JOB)"
+# Pimscache Fetch Step
+fetch_condor = """executable =
+arguments = {{calibration_name}} {{phase_center}} {{data_location}}/rawdata
+output = fetch.out
+error = fetch.err
+log = condor.log
+SBIN_PATH = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/$ENV(CAPO_PROFILE)/workspaces/sbin
+PIMS_PATH = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/vlass_{{vlass_env}}/workspaces/bin
+VLASS_DIR = {{data_location}}
+should_transfer_files = yes
+transfer_input_files = $ENV(HOME)/.ssh/condor_transfer, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/pycapo, nraorsync://$(PIMS_PATH)/pimscache
+when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
+transfer_output_files =
+output_destination = nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)
++WantIOProxy = True
+getenv = True
+environment = "CAPO_PATH=/home/casa/capo"
+request_memory = 2G
+requirements = HasLustre == True
+fetch_sh = """#!/bin/sh
+set -o errexit
+export HOME=$TMPDIR
+./pimscache ln -c $1 -p $2 $3
+# CASA Step
+old_envoy_condor = """executable =
+arguments = metadata.json PPR.xml
+output = seci.out
+error = seci.err
+log = condor.log
+VLASS_DIR = {{data_location}}
+SBIN_PATH = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/$ENV(CAPO_PROFILE)/workspaces/sbin
+should_transfer_files = yes
+transfer_input_files = $ENV(HOME)/.ssh/condor_transfer, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/.matplotlib, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/pycapo, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/vela, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/casa_envoy, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/working, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/rawdata, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/products{{#remote}}, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/{{profile}}.properties{{/remote}}, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/PPR.xml, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/metadata.json
+when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
+transfer_output_files =
++nrao_output_files = "working products"
+output_destination = nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)
++WantIOProxy = True
+request_memory = 50G
+getenv = True
+environment = "CAPO_PATH=/home/casa/capo"
+requirements = (VLASS == True) && (HasLustre == True)
++partition = "VLASS"
+requirements = (VLASS == True)
++partition = "VLASS"
+Rank = (TARGET.VLASS == True) + (TARGET.VLASSTEST =!= True)
+envoy_condor = """executable =
+arguments = metadata.json PPR.xml
+output = envoy.out
+error = envoy.err
+log = condor.log
+VLASS_DIR = {{data_location}}
+SBIN_PATH = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/$ENV(CAPO_PROFILE)/workspaces/sbin
+should_transfer_files = yes
+transfer_input_files = $ENV(HOME)/.ssh/condor_transfer, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/.matplotlib, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/pycapo, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/vela, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/casa_envoy, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/working, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/rawdata, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/products{{#remote}}, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/{{profile}}.properties{{/remote}}, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/PPR.xml, nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)/metadata.json
+when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
+transfer_output_files =
++nrao_output_files = "working products"
+output_destination = nraorsync://$(VLASS_DIR)
++WantIOProxy = True
+request_memory = 50G
+getenv = True
+environment = "CAPO_PATH=/home/casa/capo"
+requirements = (VLASS == True) && (HasLustre == True)
++partition = "VLASS"
+requirements = (VLASS == True)
++partition = "VLASS"
+Rank = (TARGET.VLASS == True) + (TARGET.VLASSTEST =!= True)
+envoy_sh = """#!/bin/sh
+export HOME=$TMPDIR
+export CAPO_PATH=.
+export CAPO_PROFILE={{profile}}
+set -o errexit
+./casa_envoy --vlass-img $1 $2
+# QA/List Post step
+post_condor = """executable =
+arguments = metadata.json {{manager_job_id}}
+output = post.out
+error = post.err
+log = condor.log
+should_transfer_files = NO
+getenv = True
+environment = "CAPO_PATH=/home/casa/capo"
+requirements = HasLustre == True
+post_sh = """#!/bin/sh
+set -o errexit
+export CASAVERS=$(capo -q edu.nrao.workspaces.ProcessingSettings.CasaVersion.vlass)
+/lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/dsoc-{{vlass_env}}/workspaces/sbin/conveyor --vlass $1
+source /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/vlass_{{vlass_env}}/workspaces/bin/activate
+export CAPO_PROFILE=vlass.{{vlass_env}}
+printf "JOB_ID = %s
+" $JOB_ID
+cd working/
+CASA_LOG_FILE=`ls casa-*.log`
+../../../../workspaces/bin/ --jobid $JOB_ID $CASA_LOG_FILE
+cd ../products
+/lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/vlass_{{vlass_env}}/workspaces/bin/ $JOB_ID
+def upgrade():
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('vlass_seci.dag', E'{vlass_seci_dag}', 'vlass_seci')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('vlass_seci_fetch.condor', E'{fetch_condor}', 'vlass_seci')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('', E'{fetch_sh}', 'vlass_seci')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        UPDATE workflow_templates SET content=E'{envoy_condor}',
+        filename='vlass_seci_envoy.condor' WHERE workflow_name='vlass_seci'
+        AND filename='vlass_seci.condor'
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        UPDATE workflow_templates SET filename='' 
+        WHERE workflow_name='vlass_seci' AND filename=''
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('vlass_seci_post.condor', E'{post_condor}', 'vlass_seci')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('', E'{post_sh}', 'vlass_seci')
+        """
+    )
+def downgrade():
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        UPDATE workflow_templates SET content=E'{old_envoy_condor}',
+        filename='vlass_seci.condor' WHERE workflow_name='vlass_seci'
+        AND filename='vlass_seci_envoy.condor'
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        UPDATE workflow_templates SET filename='' 
+        WHERE workflow_name='vlass_seci' AND filename=''
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        DELETE from workflow_templates WHERE workflow_name='vlass_seci' 
+        AND filename='vlass_seci.dag'
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        DELETE from workflow_templates WHERE workflow_name='vlass_seci'
+        AND filename='vlass_seci_fetch.condor'
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        DELETE from workflow_templates WHERE workflow_name='vlass_seci'
+        AND filename=''
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        DELETE from workflow_templates WHERE workflow_name='vlass_seci' 
+        AND filename='vlass_seci_post.condor'
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        DELETE from workflow_templates WHERE workflow_name='vlass_seci'
+        AND filename=''
+        """
+    )