diff --git a/shared/workspaces/alembic/versions/e8e6d54d8444_add_pimscache_split_workflow.py b/shared/workspaces/alembic/versions/e8e6d54d8444_add_pimscache_split_workflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c622b2567ca4fd8df74ce2c6b07a013d23da416c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/workspaces/alembic/versions/e8e6d54d8444_add_pimscache_split_workflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+"""add pimscache split workflow
+Revision ID: e8e6d54d8444
+Revises: 55e5b37d1ccf
+Create Date: 2022-09-21 11:19:03.245980
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = 'e8e6d54d8444'
+down_revision = '55e5b37d1ccf'
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+# Main DAG for the workflow
+pims_split_dag = """JOB RESTORE restore.condor
+JOB {{.}} split.condor
+VARS {{.}} jobname="$(JOB)" split_dir="$({{.}})"
+JOB FINISH write_finished_file.condor
+PARENT RESTORE CHILD {{#splits}}{{.}} {{/splits}}
+PARENT {{#splits}}{{.}} {{/splits}} CHILD FINISH
+# Restore job
+restore_condor = """executable = restore.sh
+arguments = {{product_locator}} {{cal_locator}}
+output = restore.out
+error = restore.err
+log = condor.log
+SBIN_PATH = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/$ENV(CAPO_PROFILE)/workspaces/sbin
+SPOOL_DIR = {{spool_dir}}
+should_transfer_files = yes
+transfer_input_files = $ENV(HOME)/.ssh/condor_transfer, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/pycapo, nraosync://$(SPOOL_DIR)/rawdata, nraosync://$(SPOOL_DIR)/products, nraosync://$(SPOOL_DIR)/working, nraosync://$(SPOOL_DIR)/metadata.json, nraosync://$(SPOOL_DIR)/PPR.xml, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/productfetcher, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/casa_envoy, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/vela
+transfer_output_files = .job.ad
++nrao_output_files = "rawdata working products"
+output_destination = nraorsync://$(SPOOL_DIR)
++WantIOProxy = True
+transfer_input_files = $ENV(HOME)/.ssh/condor_transfer, nraosync://$(SBIN_PATH)/null
+getenv = True
+environment = "CAPO_PATH=/home/casa/capo"
+requirements = HasLustre == True
+restore_sh = """#!/bin/sh
+set -o errexit
+cd rawdata/
+../productfetcher --product-locator $1 --product-locator $2
+cd ../
+./casa_envoy --restore -c metadata.json PPR.xml
+./null -g
+# Workflow run on each split
+split_condor = """executable = split.sh
+arguments = "$(split_dir)"
+SPLIT_DIR = "$(split_dir)"
+SBIN_PATH = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/$ENV(CAPO_PROFILE)/workspaces/sbin
+SPOOL_DIR = {{spool_dir}}
+PIMS_PATH = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/vlass_{{vlass_env}}/workspaces/bin
+should_transfer_files = yes
+transfer_input_files = $ENV(HOME)/.ssh/condor_transfer, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/casa_envoy, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/vela, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/pycapo, nraorsync://$(PIMS_PATH)/pimscache, nraosync://$(SPOOL_DIR)/metadata.json, nraosync://$(SPOOL_DIR)/tiles/$(SPLIT_DIR)
+transfer_output_files = .job.ad
+output_destination = nraorsync://$(SPOOL_DIR)
++WantIOProxy = True
+getenv = True
+environment = "CAPO_PATH=/home/casa/capo"
+requirements = HasLustre == True
+split_sh = """#!/bin/sh
+set -o errexit
+# Something to link measurement set to rawdata directory
+# CASA envoy call?
+# Populate the cache area
+TILE=$(echo $1 | cut -d '/' -f 1)
+PHCENTER=$(echo $1 | cut -d '/' -f 2)
+# Get the measurement set path
+# Link it in the split's rawdata
+ln -s $MS $1/rawdata/
+# Run CASA
+./casa_envoy --split metadata.json $1/PPR.xml
+# Populate cache
+./pimscache cp -c {{vlass_product}} -t $TILE -p $PHCENTER $MS
+# Finish file creation
+write_finished_file_condor = """write_finished_file.sh
+output = write_finished.out
+error = write_finished.err
+log = condor.log
+SBIN_PATH = /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/$ENV(CAPO_PROFILE)/workspaces/sbin
+SPOOL_DIR = {{spool_dir}}
+should_transfer_files = yes
+transfer_input_files = $ENV(HOME)/.ssh/condor_transfer, nraorsync://$(SBIN_PATH)/pycapo
+transfer_output_files = .job.ad
++nrao_output_files = "finished"
+output_destination = nraorsync://$(SPOOL_DIR)
++WantIOProxy = True
+getenv = True
+environment = "CAPO_PATH=/home/casa/capo"
+requirements = HasLustre == True
+write_finished_file_sh = """#!/bin/sh
+set -o errexit
+cd {{data_location}}
+/bin/date > finished
+def upgrade():
+    op.execute(
+        """
+        INSERT INTO workflows (workflow_name) VALUES ('pims_split')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('pims_split.dag', E'{pims_split_dag}', 'pims_split')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('restore.condor', E'{restore_condor}', 'pims_split')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('restore.sh', E'{restore_sh}', 'pims_split')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('split.condor', E'{split_condor}', 'pims_split')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('split.sh', E'{split_sh}', 'pims_split')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('write_finished_file.condor', E'{write_finished_file_condor}', 'pims_split')
+        """
+    )
+    op.execute(
+        f"""
+        INSERT INTO workflow_templates (filename, content, workflow_name)
+        VALUES ('write_finished_file.sh', E'{write_finished_file_sh}', 'pims_split')
+        """
+    )
+    pass
+def downgrade():
+    pass