diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/conftest.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/conftest.py
index 2ea3c70bb31a239aa94a26e5aae59cd89ff2ae45..87db6d0eef97458ef8089bac6ad9759699f72d60 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/conftest.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/conftest.py
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ UNWANTED = ["ignore_me.fits", "just_a_lotta_nothing", "uninteresting_metadata.xm
 def ingest_path(tmp_path: Path) -> Path:
-    Make an "ingestion path" for tests
+    Make a directory to use as the ingestion staging dir, or curation source
-    :param tmp_path: built-in pytest fixture; temporary home for ingestion location
-    :return:
+    :param tmp_path: built-in pytest fixture, Pytest cleans them up periodically
+    :return: Path to new directory
     # cast is necessary because otherwise we get a LocalPath, which doesn't work
@@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ def ingest_path(tmp_path: Path) -> Path:
 def alternate_manifest_destination(tmp_path: Path) -> Path:
+    """
+    Make an alternative directory to ingest_path for tests to put their manifests in
+    :param tmp_path: built-in pytest fixture, Pytest cleans them up periodically
+    :return: Path to new directory
+    """
     alternate_manifest_destination = tmp_path / "manifest_destination"
     return alternate_manifest_destination
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_curator_manifest.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_curator_manifest.py
index c2d95a3639d8115c4306355784611aa4e28dc4f0..3a1f0196be547754c63efb1b37c82b2e9d16f15e 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_curator_manifest.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_curator_manifest.py
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 # along with Workspaces.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import json
-import shutil
 import tarfile
 from operator import itemgetter
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -70,86 +69,82 @@ def test_manifest_full_curation_eb_manifest(
     manifest_destination_dir = ingest_path
     if use_alternate_manifest_destination:
         manifest_destination_dir = alternate_manifest_destination
-    try:
-        assert len(eb_files) == 1
-        actual_manifest, actual_manifest_file = IngestionManifestBuilder(
-            telescope=Telescope.EVLA.value,
-            staging_source_dir=None,
-            sp_type=ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK.value,
-            locator=EVLA_EB_LOCATOR,
-            filename=EVLA_EB_NAME,
-            curate=(CuratorType.FULL, str(ingest_path), None),
-            manifest_destination_dir=manifest_destination_dir,
-        ).build()
-        assert actual_manifest_file.name == CURATOR_MANIFEST_FILENAME
-        assert actual_manifest_file.parent == manifest_destination_dir
-        # Check metadata
-        params = actual_manifest.parameters
-        assert params.ngas_ingest is False
-        assert params.telescope == Telescope.EVLA
-        assert params.staging_source_dir == ingest_path
-        assert not hasattr(params, "calibrate")
-        assert actual_manifest.input_group
-        assert not actual_manifest.input_group.science_products
-        output_group = actual_manifest.output_group
-        assert output_group
-        assert len(output_group.science_products) == 1
-        assert output_group.science_products[0].filename == EVLA_EB_NAME
-        assert len(output_group.ancillary_products) == 1
-        assert INGESTION_ARTIFACTS_NAME in output_group.ancillary_products[0].filename
-        reingest = actual_manifest.reingest
-        assert reingest
-        assert reingest.targets == None
-        assert reingest.locator == EVLA_EB_LOCATOR
-        assert reingest.product_type == ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK
-        # Check actual file
-        with open(actual_manifest_file) as f:
-            actual_manifest_deser = json.load(f)
-        assert actual_manifest.to_dict() == actual_manifest_deser
-        # Check against expected manifest
-        expected_manifest_file = find_example_manifest("full_curation_evla_eb_manifest")
-        with open(expected_manifest_file) as f:
-            expected_manifest = json.load(f)
-        # ingestion_path depends on the ingest_path fixture, so ignore it
-        expected_params = expected_manifest["parameters"]
-        actual_params = actual_manifest_deser["parameters"]
-        assert actual_params["ngas_ingest"] == expected_params["ngas_ingest"]
-        assert actual_manifest_deser["reingest"] == expected_manifest["reingest"]
-        assert actual_manifest_deser.get("input_group") == expected_manifest.get("input_group")
-        expected_outgroup = expected_manifest["output_group"]
-        expected_osp = expected_outgroup["science_products"]
-        actual_outgroup = actual_manifest_deser["output_group"]
-        actual_osp = actual_outgroup["science_products"]
-        assert actual_osp == expected_osp
-        # the ingestion_artifacts' filename depends on current time, so ignore it
-        expected_aps = expected_outgroup["ancillary_products"]
-        actual_aps = actual_outgroup["ancillary_products"]
-        assert len(expected_aps) == len(actual_aps)
-        for expected_ap, actual_ap in zip(expected_aps, actual_aps):
-            assert expected_ap["type"] == actual_ap["type"]
-        # get ingestion artifacts
-        artifacts_file = [file for file in manifest_destination_dir.glob("ingestion_artifacts*.tar")][0]
-        with tarfile.open(artifacts_file, "r") as tar:
-            # confirm that contains has as many files as we expect...
-            members = tar.getmembers()
-        assert len(members) == 1
-        member = members[0]
-        mf_path = Path(member.name)
-        assert mf_path.name == CURATOR_MANIFEST_FILENAME
-    finally:
-        # Clean up
-        shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+    assert len(eb_files) == 1
+    actual_manifest, actual_manifest_file = IngestionManifestBuilder(
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA.value,
+        staging_source_dir=None,
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK.value,
+        locator=EVLA_EB_LOCATOR,
+        filename=EVLA_EB_NAME,
+        curate=(CuratorType.FULL, str(ingest_path), None),
+        manifest_destination_dir=manifest_destination_dir,
+    ).build()
+    assert actual_manifest_file.name == CURATOR_MANIFEST_FILENAME
+    assert actual_manifest_file.parent == manifest_destination_dir
+    # Check metadata
+    params = actual_manifest.parameters
+    assert params.ngas_ingest is False
+    assert params.telescope == Telescope.EVLA
+    assert params.staging_source_dir == ingest_path
+    assert not hasattr(params, "calibrate")
+    assert actual_manifest.input_group
+    assert not actual_manifest.input_group.science_products
+    output_group = actual_manifest.output_group
+    assert output_group
+    assert len(output_group.science_products) == 1
+    assert output_group.science_products[0].filename == EVLA_EB_NAME
+    assert len(output_group.ancillary_products) == 1
+    assert INGESTION_ARTIFACTS_NAME in output_group.ancillary_products[0].filename
+    reingest = actual_manifest.reingest
+    assert reingest
+    assert reingest.targets == None
+    assert reingest.locator == EVLA_EB_LOCATOR
+    assert reingest.product_type == ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK
+    # Check actual file
+    with open(actual_manifest_file) as f:
+        actual_manifest_deser = json.load(f)
+    assert actual_manifest.to_dict() == actual_manifest_deser
+    # Check against expected manifest
+    expected_manifest_file = find_example_manifest("full_curation_evla_eb_manifest")
+    with open(expected_manifest_file) as f:
+        expected_manifest = json.load(f)
+    # ingestion_path depends on the ingest_path fixture, so ignore it
+    expected_params = expected_manifest["parameters"]
+    actual_params = actual_manifest_deser["parameters"]
+    assert actual_params["ngas_ingest"] == expected_params["ngas_ingest"]
+    assert actual_manifest_deser["reingest"] == expected_manifest["reingest"]
+    assert actual_manifest_deser.get("input_group") == expected_manifest.get("input_group")
+    expected_outgroup = expected_manifest["output_group"]
+    expected_osp = expected_outgroup["science_products"]
+    actual_outgroup = actual_manifest_deser["output_group"]
+    actual_osp = actual_outgroup["science_products"]
+    assert actual_osp == expected_osp
+    # the ingestion_artifacts' filename depends on current time, so ignore it
+    expected_aps = expected_outgroup["ancillary_products"]
+    actual_aps = actual_outgroup["ancillary_products"]
+    assert len(expected_aps) == len(actual_aps)
+    for expected_ap, actual_ap in zip(expected_aps, actual_aps):
+        assert expected_ap["type"] == actual_ap["type"]
+    # get ingestion artifacts
+    artifacts_file = [file for file in manifest_destination_dir.glob("ingestion_artifacts*.tar")][0]
+    with tarfile.open(artifacts_file, "r") as tar:
+        # confirm that contains has as many files as we expect...
+        members = tar.getmembers()
+    assert len(members) == 1
+    member = members[0]
+    mf_path = Path(member.name)
+    assert mf_path.name == CURATOR_MANIFEST_FILENAME
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("has_curation_source", [True, False])
@@ -164,55 +159,50 @@ def test_manifest_partial_curation_eb(has_curation_source: bool, ingest_path: Pa
         curation_source = None
     eb_files = populate_fake_evla_eb_curator_source_path(ingest_path)
-    try:
-        assert len(eb_files) == 1
-        actual_manifest, actual_manifest_file = IngestionManifestBuilder(
-            telescope=Telescope.EVLA.value,
-            staging_source_dir=None,
-            sp_type=ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK.value,
-            locator=EVLA_EB_LOCATOR,
-            filename=EVLA_EB_NAME,
-            curate=(CuratorType.PARTIAL, curation_source, ["subscans.dec"]),
-            manifest_destination_dir=ingest_path,
-        ).build()
-        # Check metadata
-        params = actual_manifest.parameters
-        assert params.ngas_ingest is False
-        assert params.telescope == Telescope.EVLA
-        if has_curation_source:
-            assert params.staging_source_dir == Path(curation_source)
-        else:
-            assert not hasattr(params, "staging_source_dir")
-        assert not hasattr(params, "calibrate")
-        assert not actual_manifest.input_group
-        assert not actual_manifest.output_group
-        reingest = actual_manifest.reingest
-        assert reingest
-        assert reingest.targets is not None
-        assert reingest.locator == EVLA_EB_LOCATOR
-        assert reingest.product_type == ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK
-        # Check that manifest file exists on disk
-        with open(actual_manifest_file) as f:
-            actual_manifest_deser = json.load(f)
-        assert actual_manifest.to_dict() == actual_manifest_deser
-        # Check against expected manifest
-        expected_manifest_file = find_example_manifest(expected_manifest_name)
-        with open(expected_manifest_file) as f:
-            expected_manifest = json.load(f)
-        assert actual_manifest_deser.get("input_group") == expected_manifest.get("input_group")
-        assert actual_manifest_deser.get("output_group") == expected_manifest.get("output_group")
-        assert actual_manifest_deser["reingest"] == expected_manifest["reingest"]
-        # Make sure there are no artifacts
-        artifacts_file = [file for file in ingest_path.glob("ingestion_artifacts*.tar")]
-        assert not artifacts_file
-    finally:
-        # Clean up
-        shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+    assert len(eb_files) == 1
+    actual_manifest, actual_manifest_file = IngestionManifestBuilder(
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA.value,
+        staging_source_dir=None,
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK.value,
+        locator=EVLA_EB_LOCATOR,
+        filename=EVLA_EB_NAME,
+        curate=(CuratorType.PARTIAL, curation_source, ["subscans.dec"]),
+        manifest_destination_dir=ingest_path,
+    ).build()
+    # Check metadata
+    params = actual_manifest.parameters
+    assert params.ngas_ingest is False
+    assert params.telescope == Telescope.EVLA
+    if has_curation_source:
+        assert params.staging_source_dir == Path(curation_source)
+    else:
+        assert not hasattr(params, "staging_source_dir")
+    assert not hasattr(params, "calibrate")
+    assert not actual_manifest.input_group
+    assert not actual_manifest.output_group
+    reingest = actual_manifest.reingest
+    assert reingest
+    assert reingest.targets is not None
+    assert reingest.locator == EVLA_EB_LOCATOR
+    assert reingest.product_type == ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK
+    # Check that manifest file exists on disk
+    with open(actual_manifest_file) as f:
+        actual_manifest_deser = json.load(f)
+    assert actual_manifest.to_dict() == actual_manifest_deser
+    # Check against expected manifest
+    expected_manifest_file = find_example_manifest(expected_manifest_name)
+    with open(expected_manifest_file) as f:
+        expected_manifest = json.load(f)
+    assert actual_manifest_deser.get("input_group") == expected_manifest.get("input_group")
+    assert actual_manifest_deser.get("output_group") == expected_manifest.get("output_group")
+    assert actual_manifest_deser["reingest"] == expected_manifest["reingest"]
+    # Make sure there are no artifacts
+    artifacts_file = [file for file in ingest_path.glob("ingestion_artifacts*.tar")]
+    assert not artifacts_file
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("is_full_curation", [True, False])
@@ -223,19 +213,16 @@ def test_curation_manifest_bad_no_manifest_destination_directory(is_full_curatio
         curator_type = CuratorType.FULL
         target_list = None
-    try:
-        with pytest.raises(IngestionManifestException, match="directory to house the manifest"):
-            IngestionManifestBuilder(
-                telescope=Telescope.EVLA.value,
-                staging_source_dir=None,
-                sp_type=ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK.value,
-                locator=EVLA_EB_LOCATOR,
-                filename=EVLA_EB_NAME,
-                curate=(curator_type, ingest_path, target_list),
-                manifest_destination_dir=None,
-            )
-    finally:
-        shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+    with pytest.raises(IngestionManifestException, match="directory to house the manifest"):
+        IngestionManifestBuilder(
+            telescope=Telescope.EVLA.value,
+            staging_source_dir=None,
+            sp_type=ScienceProductType.EXEC_BLOCK.value,
+            locator=EVLA_EB_LOCATOR,
+            filename=EVLA_EB_NAME,
+            curate=(curator_type, ingest_path, target_list),
+            manifest_destination_dir=None,
+        )
 def test_manifest_full_curation_image(ingest_path: Path):
@@ -244,157 +231,154 @@ def test_manifest_full_curation_image(ingest_path: Path):
     additional_metadata = AbstractTextFile(filename=ADDITIONAL_METADATA_FILENAME, content="")
-    try:
-        actual_manifest, actual_manifest_file = IngestionManifestBuilder(
-            staging_source_dir=None,
-            additional_metadata=additional_metadata,
-            telescope=Telescope.EVLA.value,
-            sp_type=ScienceProductType.IMAGE.value,
-            locator=IMAGE_LOCATOR,
-            curate=(CuratorType.FULL, str(ingest_path), None),
-            manifest_destination_dir=ingest_path,
-        ).build()
-        assert actual_manifest_file.name == CURATOR_MANIFEST_FILENAME
-        # Check metadata
-        mf_json = actual_manifest.to_dict()
-        keys = ["parameters", "input_group", "output_group", "reingest"]
-        assert len(mf_json) == len(keys)
-        for key in keys:
-            assert key in mf_json.keys()
-        params = actual_manifest.parameters
-        assert params.ngas_ingest is False
-        assert params.telescope == Telescope.EVLA
-        assert params.staging_source_dir == ingest_path
-        assert params.calibrate is False
-        reingest = actual_manifest.reingest
-        assert reingest
-        assert reingest.targets == None
-        assert reingest.locator == IMAGE_LOCATOR
-        assert reingest.product_type == ScienceProductType.IMAGE
-        assert actual_manifest.input_group
-        assert len(actual_manifest.input_group.science_products) == 1
-        """
-        The ancillary_products section of the manifest we build
-        should match the one in the example.
-        """
-        output_group = actual_manifest.output_group
-        assert output_group
-        aps = output_group.ancillary_products
-        assert aps
-        assert len(aps) == len(ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS)
-        # Check contents of ancillary_products
-        weblog_candidates = [ap for ap in aps if ap.filename == WEBLOG_FILENAME]
-        assert len(weblog_candidates) == 1
-        assert weblog_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_WEBLOG
-        ingest_artifacts_tar = find_ingestion_artifacts_tar(ingest_path)
-        ingest_artifacts_candidates = [ap for ap in aps if ap.filename == ingest_artifacts_tar.name]
-        assert len(ingest_artifacts_candidates) == 1
-        assert ingest_artifacts_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS
-        maybe_pips = [file for file in ingest_path.glob(AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS.value + "*.tar")]
-        assert len(maybe_pips) == 1
-        pip_artie = maybe_pips[0]
-        pipeline_artifacts_candidates = [ap for ap in aps if ap.filename == pip_artie.name]
-        assert len(pipeline_artifacts_candidates) == 1
-        assert pipeline_artifacts_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS
-        # Inspect the manifest's JSON dict
-        """
-        The output_group section of the manifest we build
-        should match the one in the example:
-        * a "science_products" section containing two science products comprising "type", "filename",
-        and six ancillary products on each science product
-        * an "ancillary products" section comprising three ancillary products
-        """
-        mf_json = actual_manifest.to_dict()
-        og_json = mf_json[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value]
-        assert len(og_json[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]) == 2
-        for sp_json in og_json[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]:
-            assert len(sp_json) == 3
-            assert set(sp_json.keys()) == {IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value, "type", "filename"}
-            # and ancillary products belonging to the first science product...
-            sp_ap_jsons = sp_json[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
-            assert len(sp_ap_jsons) == 6
-        # ... and ancillary products twisting in the wind all by themselves
-        ap_jsons = og_json[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
-        assert len(ap_jsons) == 3
-        # there should be a weblog, the ingestion artifacts tar, and the pipeline artifacts tar
-        filenames_found = []
-        for ap_json in ap_jsons:
-            filename = ap_json["filename"]
-            if filename.endswith(TARFILE_EXT):
-                if filename.startswith(AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS.value) or filename.startswith(
-                    AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS.value
-                ):
-                    filenames_found.append(filename)
-            elif filename == WEBLOG_FILENAME:
+    actual_manifest, actual_manifest_file = IngestionManifestBuilder(
+        staging_source_dir=None,
+        additional_metadata=additional_metadata,
+        telescope=Telescope.EVLA.value,
+        sp_type=ScienceProductType.IMAGE.value,
+        locator=IMAGE_LOCATOR,
+        curate=(CuratorType.FULL, str(ingest_path), None),
+        manifest_destination_dir=ingest_path,
+    ).build()
+    assert actual_manifest_file.name == CURATOR_MANIFEST_FILENAME
+    # Check metadata
+    mf_json = actual_manifest.to_dict()
+    keys = ["parameters", "input_group", "output_group", "reingest"]
+    assert len(mf_json) == len(keys)
+    for key in keys:
+        assert key in mf_json.keys()
+    params = actual_manifest.parameters
+    assert params.ngas_ingest is False
+    assert params.telescope == Telescope.EVLA
+    assert params.staging_source_dir == ingest_path
+    assert params.calibrate is False
+    reingest = actual_manifest.reingest
+    assert reingest
+    assert reingest.targets == None
+    assert reingest.locator == IMAGE_LOCATOR
+    assert reingest.product_type == ScienceProductType.IMAGE
+    assert actual_manifest.input_group
+    assert len(actual_manifest.input_group.science_products) == 1
+    """
+    The ancillary_products section of the manifest we build
+    should match the one in the example.
+    """
+    output_group = actual_manifest.output_group
+    assert output_group
+    aps = output_group.ancillary_products
+    assert aps
+    assert len(aps) == len(ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS)
+    # Check contents of ancillary_products
+    weblog_candidates = [ap for ap in aps if ap.filename == WEBLOG_FILENAME]
+    assert len(weblog_candidates) == 1
+    assert weblog_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_WEBLOG
+    ingest_artifacts_tar = find_ingestion_artifacts_tar(ingest_path)
+    ingest_artifacts_candidates = [ap for ap in aps if ap.filename == ingest_artifacts_tar.name]
+    assert len(ingest_artifacts_candidates) == 1
+    assert ingest_artifacts_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS
+    maybe_pips = [file for file in ingest_path.glob(AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS.value + "*.tar")]
+    assert len(maybe_pips) == 1
+    pip_artie = maybe_pips[0]
+    pipeline_artifacts_candidates = [ap for ap in aps if ap.filename == pip_artie.name]
+    assert len(pipeline_artifacts_candidates) == 1
+    assert pipeline_artifacts_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS
+    # Inspect the manifest's JSON dict
+    """
+    The output_group section of the manifest we build
+    should match the one in the example:
+    * a "science_products" section containing two science products comprising "type", "filename",
+    and six ancillary products on each science product
+    * an "ancillary products" section comprising three ancillary products
+    """
+    mf_json = actual_manifest.to_dict()
+    og_json = mf_json[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value]
+    assert len(og_json[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]) == 2
+    for sp_json in og_json[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]:
+        assert len(sp_json) == 3
+        assert set(sp_json.keys()) == {IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value, "type", "filename"}
+        # and ancillary products belonging to the first science product...
+        sp_ap_jsons = sp_json[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
+        assert len(sp_ap_jsons) == 6
+    # ... and ancillary products twisting in the wind all by themselves
+    ap_jsons = og_json[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
+    assert len(ap_jsons) == 3
+    # there should be a weblog, the ingestion artifacts tar, and the pipeline artifacts tar
+    filenames_found = []
+    for ap_json in ap_jsons:
+        filename = ap_json["filename"]
+        if filename.endswith(TARFILE_EXT):
+            if filename.startswith(AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS.value) or filename.startswith(
+                AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS.value
+            ):
+        elif filename == WEBLOG_FILENAME:
+            filenames_found.append(filename)
-        assert len(filenames_found) == 3
-        """
-        The ingestion_artifacts tar should contain ONLY
-        the ingestion manifest and the additional metadata file
-        """
-        addl_md = actual_manifest.parameters.additional_metadata
-        assert addl_md
-        ing_arties_tar = find_ingestion_artifacts_tar(ingest_path)
-        with tarfile.open(ing_arties_tar, "r") as tar:
-            members = tar.getmembers()
-            assert len(members) == 2
-            for member in members:
-                assert member.name.endswith(CURATOR_MANIFEST_FILENAME) or member.name.endswith(addl_md.filename)
-        # Check that manifest file exists on disk
-        with open(actual_manifest_file) as f:
-            actual_manifest_deser = json.load(f)
-        assert actual_manifest.to_dict() == actual_manifest_deser
-        # Check against expected manifest
-        expected_manifest_file = find_example_manifest("full_curation_evla_image_manifest")
-        with open(expected_manifest_file) as f:
-            expected_manifest = json.load(f)
-        assert actual_manifest_deser.keys() == expected_manifest.keys()
-        # ingestion_path depends on the ingest_path fixture, so ignore it
-        expected_params = expected_manifest["parameters"]
-        actual_params = actual_manifest_deser["parameters"]
-        assert actual_params["ngas_ingest"] == expected_params["ngas_ingest"]
-        assert expected_manifest["input_group"] == actual_manifest_deser["input_group"]
-        expected_outgroup = expected_manifest["output_group"]
-        expected_osps = expected_outgroup["science_products"]
-        actual_outgroup = actual_manifest_deser["output_group"]
-        actual_osps = actual_outgroup["science_products"]
-        assert len(actual_osps) == len(expected_osps)
-        for actual_osp, expected_osp in zip(
-            sorted(actual_osps, key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY), sorted(expected_osps, key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY)
-        ):
-            assert actual_osp["type"] == expected_osp["type"]
-            assert actual_osp["filename"] == expected_osp["filename"]
-            assert sorted(actual_osp["ancillary_products"], key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY) == sorted(
-                expected_osp["ancillary_products"], key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY
-            )
-        # the ingestion_artifacts' filename depends on current time, so ignore it
-        expected_aps = expected_outgroup["ancillary_products"]
-        actual_aps = actual_outgroup["ancillary_products"]
-        assert len(expected_aps) == len(actual_aps)
-        for expected_ap, actual_ap in zip(
-            sorted(expected_aps, key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY), sorted(actual_aps, key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY)
-        ):
-            assert expected_ap["type"] == actual_ap["type"]
-            if expected_ap["type"] != AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS.value:
-                assert expected_ap["filename"] == actual_ap["filename"]
-    finally:
-        shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+    assert len(filenames_found) == 3
+    """
+    The ingestion_artifacts tar should contain ONLY
+    the ingestion manifest and the additional metadata file
+    """
+    addl_md = actual_manifest.parameters.additional_metadata
+    assert addl_md
+    ing_arties_tar = find_ingestion_artifacts_tar(ingest_path)
+    with tarfile.open(ing_arties_tar, "r") as tar:
+        members = tar.getmembers()
+        assert len(members) == 2
+        for member in members:
+            assert member.name.endswith(CURATOR_MANIFEST_FILENAME) or member.name.endswith(addl_md.filename)
+    # Check that manifest file exists on disk
+    with open(actual_manifest_file) as f:
+        actual_manifest_deser = json.load(f)
+    assert actual_manifest.to_dict() == actual_manifest_deser
+    # Check against expected manifest
+    expected_manifest_file = find_example_manifest("full_curation_evla_image_manifest")
+    with open(expected_manifest_file) as f:
+        expected_manifest = json.load(f)
+    assert actual_manifest_deser.keys() == expected_manifest.keys()
+    # ingestion_path depends on the ingest_path fixture, so ignore it
+    expected_params = expected_manifest["parameters"]
+    actual_params = actual_manifest_deser["parameters"]
+    assert actual_params["ngas_ingest"] == expected_params["ngas_ingest"]
+    assert expected_manifest["input_group"] == actual_manifest_deser["input_group"]
+    expected_outgroup = expected_manifest["output_group"]
+    expected_osps = expected_outgroup["science_products"]
+    actual_outgroup = actual_manifest_deser["output_group"]
+    actual_osps = actual_outgroup["science_products"]
+    assert len(actual_osps) == len(expected_osps)
+    for actual_osp, expected_osp in zip(
+        sorted(actual_osps, key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY), sorted(expected_osps, key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY)
+    ):
+        assert actual_osp["type"] == expected_osp["type"]
+        assert actual_osp["filename"] == expected_osp["filename"]
+        assert sorted(actual_osp["ancillary_products"], key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY) == sorted(
+            expected_osp["ancillary_products"], key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY
+        )
+    # the ingestion_artifacts' filename depends on current time, so ignore it
+    expected_aps = expected_outgroup["ancillary_products"]
+    actual_aps = actual_outgroup["ancillary_products"]
+    assert len(expected_aps) == len(actual_aps)
+    for expected_ap, actual_ap in zip(
+        sorted(expected_aps, key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY), sorted(actual_aps, key=PRODUCT_SORT_KEY)
+    ):
+        assert expected_ap["type"] == actual_ap["type"]
+        if expected_ap["type"] != AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS.value:
+            assert expected_ap["filename"] == actual_ap["filename"]
 def test_reingest_block_json_well_formed_with_targets():
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_cal_manifest.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_cal_manifest.py
index f588fc210520e4b46b03749ad7b2f3920ca454c1..2e1d5ac14b6b461fdfa93561a8a209b8b3e560ab 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_cal_manifest.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_evla_cal_manifest.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 import json
 import logging
-import shutil
 import sys
 import tarfile
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -109,8 +108,6 @@ def test_filters_cal_input_files(ingest_path: Path):
     assert sp_out.filename in EVLA_CAL_INPUT_FILENAMES
     assert sp_out.filename not in UNWANTED
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
 def test_writes_expected_evla_cal_output_files(ingest_path: Path):
@@ -138,8 +135,6 @@ def test_writes_expected_evla_cal_output_files(ingest_path: Path):
     tars = [file for file in ingestion_files if file.name.endswith(TARFILE_EXT)]
     assert len(tars) >= 2
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
 def test_writes_final_evla_cal_output(ingest_path: Path):
@@ -269,8 +264,6 @@ def test_ingestion_artifacts_tar_filename_built_just_once(ingest_path: Path):
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
 def test_ingestion_artifacts_tar_correct(ingest_path: Path):
@@ -301,8 +294,6 @@ def test_ingestion_artifacts_tar_correct(ingest_path: Path):
     mf_path = Path(member.name)
     assert mf_path.name == MANIFEST_FILENAME
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
 def test_evla_cal_manifest_matches_example(ingest_path: Path):
@@ -355,8 +346,6 @@ def test_evla_cal_manifest_matches_example(ingest_path: Path):
         logger.info(f"{ap.filename}: {ap.type}, group with {ap.group_with}")
     assert len(actual_aps) == len(expected_aps)
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
 def test_evla_cal_final_manifest_finds_init_weblog(ingest_path: Path):
@@ -468,5 +457,3 @@ def test_evla_cal_final_manifest_matches_example(ingest_path: Path):
         if ap.filename == WEBLOG_FILENAME or ap.filename == INIT_WEBLOG_FILENAME:
             found_count += 1
     assert found_count == 2
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_img_manifest_example.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_img_manifest_example.py
index 1e986703361e6d74b1376fd4edc2d43dad68982d..9e5ac3959297be331de6aa6bea3a6525d0a34a2b 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_img_manifest_example.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_img_manifest_example.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 import json
-import shutil
 import tarfile
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -52,95 +51,92 @@ def test_image_manifest_creation(ingest_path: Path):
     """Test manifest creation for an image"""
-    try:
-        manifest, manifest_file = build_tmpx_ratuqh_image_manifest(ingest_path)
-        # Check that top-level groups match expectations
-        mf_json = manifest.to_dict()
-        keys = ["parameters", "input_group", "output_group"]
-        assert len(mf_json) == len(keys)
-        for key in keys:
-            assert key in mf_json.keys()
-        """
-        The ancillary_products section of the manifest we build
-        should match the one in the example.
-        """
-        output_group = manifest.output_group
-        aps = output_group.ancillary_products
-        assert len(aps) == len(ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS)
-        # Check contents of ancillary_products
-        weblog_candidates = [ap for ap in manifest.output_group.ancillary_products if ap.filename == WEBLOG_FILENAME]
-        assert len(weblog_candidates) == 1
-        assert weblog_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_WEBLOG
-        ingest_artifacts_tar = find_ingestion_artifacts_tar(ingest_path)
-        ingest_artifacts_candidates = [
-            ap for ap in manifest.output_group.ancillary_products if ap.filename == ingest_artifacts_tar.name
-        ]
-        assert len(ingest_artifacts_candidates) == 1
-        assert ingest_artifacts_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS
-        maybe_pips = [file for file in ingest_path.glob(AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS.value + "*.tar")]
-        assert len(maybe_pips) == 1
-        pip_artie = maybe_pips[0]
-        pipeline_artifacts_candidates = [
-            ap for ap in manifest.output_group.ancillary_products if ap.filename == pip_artie.name
-        ]
-        assert len(pipeline_artifacts_candidates) == 1
-        assert pipeline_artifacts_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS
-        # Inspect the manifest's JSON dict
-        """
-        The output_group section of the manifest we build
-        should match the one in the example:
-        * a "science_products" section containing two science products comprising "type", "filename",
-        and six ancillary products on each science product
-        * an "ancillary products" section comprising three ancillary products
-        """
-        mf_json = manifest.to_dict()
-        og_json = mf_json[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value]
-        assert len(og_json[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]) == 2
-        for sp_json in og_json[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]:
-            assert len(sp_json) == 3
-            assert set(sp_json.keys()) == {IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value, "type", "filename"}
-            # and ancillary products belonging to the first science product...
-            sp_ap_jsons = sp_json[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
-            assert len(sp_ap_jsons) == 6
-        # ... and ancillary products twisting in the wind all by themselves
-        ap_jsons = og_json[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
-        assert len(ap_jsons) == 3
-        # there should be a weblog, the ingestion artifacts tar, and the pipeline artifacts tar
-        filenames_found = []
-        for ap_json in ap_jsons:
-            filename = ap_json["filename"]
-            if filename.endswith(TARFILE_EXT):
-                if filename.startswith(AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS.value) or filename.startswith(
-                    AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS.value
-                ):
-                    filenames_found.append(filename)
-            elif filename == WEBLOG_FILENAME:
+    manifest, manifest_file = build_tmpx_ratuqh_image_manifest(ingest_path)
+    # Check that top-level groups match expectations
+    mf_json = manifest.to_dict()
+    keys = ["parameters", "input_group", "output_group"]
+    assert len(mf_json) == len(keys)
+    for key in keys:
+        assert key in mf_json.keys()
+    """
+    The ancillary_products section of the manifest we build
+    should match the one in the example.
+    """
+    output_group = manifest.output_group
+    aps = output_group.ancillary_products
+    assert len(aps) == len(ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS)
+    # Check contents of ancillary_products
+    weblog_candidates = [ap for ap in manifest.output_group.ancillary_products if ap.filename == WEBLOG_FILENAME]
+    assert len(weblog_candidates) == 1
+    assert weblog_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_WEBLOG
+    ingest_artifacts_tar = find_ingestion_artifacts_tar(ingest_path)
+    ingest_artifacts_candidates = [
+        ap for ap in manifest.output_group.ancillary_products if ap.filename == ingest_artifacts_tar.name
+    ]
+    assert len(ingest_artifacts_candidates) == 1
+    assert ingest_artifacts_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS
+    maybe_pips = [file for file in ingest_path.glob(AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS.value + "*.tar")]
+    assert len(maybe_pips) == 1
+    pip_artie = maybe_pips[0]
+    pipeline_artifacts_candidates = [
+        ap for ap in manifest.output_group.ancillary_products if ap.filename == pip_artie.name
+    ]
+    assert len(pipeline_artifacts_candidates) == 1
+    assert pipeline_artifacts_candidates[0].type == AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS
+    # Inspect the manifest's JSON dict
+    """
+    The output_group section of the manifest we build
+    should match the one in the example:
+    * a "science_products" section containing two science products comprising "type", "filename",
+    and six ancillary products on each science product
+    * an "ancillary products" section comprising three ancillary products
+    """
+    mf_json = manifest.to_dict()
+    og_json = mf_json[IngestionManifestKey.OUTPUT_GROUP.value]
+    assert len(og_json[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]) == 2
+    for sp_json in og_json[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]:
+        assert len(sp_json) == 3
+        assert set(sp_json.keys()) == {IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value, "type", "filename"}
+        # and ancillary products belonging to the first science product...
+        sp_ap_jsons = sp_json[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
+        assert len(sp_ap_jsons) == 6
+    # ... and ancillary products twisting in the wind all by themselves
+    ap_jsons = og_json[IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value]
+    assert len(ap_jsons) == 3
+    # there should be a weblog, the ingestion artifacts tar, and the pipeline artifacts tar
+    filenames_found = []
+    for ap_json in ap_jsons:
+        filename = ap_json["filename"]
+        if filename.endswith(TARFILE_EXT):
+            if filename.startswith(AncillaryProductType.INGESTION_ARTIFACTS.value) or filename.startswith(
+                AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS.value
+            ):
+        elif filename == WEBLOG_FILENAME:
+            filenames_found.append(filename)
+    assert len(filenames_found) == 3
-        assert len(filenames_found) == 3
-        """
-        The ingestion_artifacts tar should contain ONLY
-        the ingestion manifest and the additional metadata file
-        """
-        addl_md = manifest.parameters.additional_metadata
-        ing_arties_tar = find_ingestion_artifacts_tar(ingest_path)
-        with tarfile.open(ing_arties_tar, "r") as tar:
-            members = tar.getmembers()
-            assert len(members) == 2
-            for member in members:
-                assert member.name.endswith(MANIFEST_FILENAME) or member.name.endswith(addl_md.filename)
-    finally:
-        shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)
+    """
+    The ingestion_artifacts tar should contain ONLY
+    the ingestion manifest and the additional metadata file
+    """
+    addl_md = manifest.parameters.additional_metadata
+    ing_arties_tar = find_ingestion_artifacts_tar(ingest_path)
+    with tarfile.open(ing_arties_tar, "r") as tar:
+        members = tar.getmembers()
+        assert len(members) == 2
+        for member in members:
+            assert member.name.endswith(MANIFEST_FILENAME) or member.name.endswith(addl_md.filename)
 def test_catches_invalid_sp_type():
diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_manifest_builder_entry_points.py b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_manifest_builder_entry_points.py
index 41d0aa3cb2dd4813f10a7f46709c14a9db37809e..7b8d156bd64365e165829518d86a5efbdafc5262 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_manifest_builder_entry_points.py
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/test_manifest_builder_entry_points.py
@@ -20,18 +20,9 @@
 import logging
 # pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, R1721, W0611, W0621
-import shutil
 import sys
 from pathlib import Path
-from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import (
-    IngestionManifest,
-    IngestionManifestBuilder,
-    find_manifest,
-from ingest_envoy.manifest_components import INGESTION_ARTIFACTS_NAME, TARFILE_EXT
-from ingest_envoy.utilities import ScienceProductType, Telescope
 from conftest import (
@@ -40,6 +31,13 @@ from conftest import (
+from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import (
+    IngestionManifest,
+    IngestionManifestBuilder,
+    find_manifest,
+from ingest_envoy.manifest_components import INGESTION_ARTIFACTS_NAME, TARFILE_EXT
+from ingest_envoy.utilities import ScienceProductType, Telescope
 logger = logging.getLogger(IngestionManifest.__name__)
@@ -96,8 +94,12 @@ def test_entry_point_for_image(ingest_path: Path):
     # we should be starting out with various image manifest input files
     # and CASA byproducts, a random file, and -not- the image ingestion
     # manifest yet to be created
-    expected_file_count_before = len(ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS) + len(OUTPUT_GROUP_SCIENCE_PRODUCT_ANCILLARIES_K) +\
-                                 len(OUTPUT_GROUP_SCIENCE_PRODUCT_ANCILLARIES_X) + 2
+    expected_file_count_before = (
+        + 2
+    )
     ingestion_files_before = [file for file in ingest_path.iterdir()]
     assert len(ingestion_files_before) == expected_file_count_before
@@ -123,4 +125,3 @@ def test_entry_point_for_image(ingest_path: Path):
                 print(f">>> {file.name} present after manifest build")
     assert len(ingestion_files_after) == expected_file_count_before + 2
-    shutil.rmtree(ingest_path)