From f6d1201534ca4149f21e58c7bd8e3a5906e2cbe8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Janet Goldstein <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2021 15:45:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] WS-543: fixed meaningful tests that had been disabled;
 discarded others

 .../ingest_envoy/test/     | 116 +++---------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

diff --git a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
index 33de61243..61d16291a 100644
--- a/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
+++ b/apps/cli/executables/pexable/ingest_envoy/test/
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ from pathlib import Path
 # pylint: disable=E0401, E0402, R1721, W0621
-import pytest
 from ingest_envoy.ingestion_manifest import (
@@ -52,8 +50,7 @@ logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))
 FAKE_LOCATOR = "uid://evla/calibration/doo-wah-ditty-ditty-af123"
-# TODO:
 def test_filters_cal_input_files(ingest_path: Path):
     We'll be getting calibration/image/eb, etc. science products from a directory under
@@ -101,8 +98,6 @@ def test_filters_cal_input_files(ingest_path: Path):
-# TODO:
 def test_writes_expected_output_files(ingest_path: Path):
     Did the manifest builder produce the manifest file, the weblog, and the science product tar?
@@ -132,8 +127,6 @@ def test_writes_expected_output_files(ingest_path: Path):
-# TODO:
 def test_params_json_well_formed():
     Make sure our ManifestParameters makes nice JSON
@@ -153,17 +146,6 @@ def test_params_json_well_formed():
-def test_params_properly_formatted():
-    """
-    TODO
-    :return:
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
-# TODO:
 def test_input_sp_well_formed():
     Make sure our InputScienceProduct makes nice JSON
@@ -180,8 +162,6 @@ def test_input_sp_well_formed():
     assert sp_in.to_json() == sp_dict
-# TODO:
-@pytest.mark.skip("FIXME or get rid of me")
 def test_input_group_well_formed():
     Make sure our InputGroup makes nice JSON
@@ -189,39 +169,17 @@ def test_input_group_well_formed():
     sp1 = InputScienceProduct(locator="uid://evla/execblock/coffee_heath_bar_crunch_7a23f")
-    sp1_json = sp1.to_json()
     sp2 = InputScienceProduct(locator="uid://evla/execblock/mint_oreo_omg_omg")
-    sp2_json = sp2.to_json()
-    expected = {
-        IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value: {
-            IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value: [sp1_json, sp2_json]
-        }
-    }
-    ingroup = InputGroup(science_products=[sp1, sp2])
-    actual = ingroup.to_json()
-    actual = actual[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value]
-    expected = expected[IngestionManifestKey.INPUT_GROUP.value]
-    assert actual.keys() == expected.keys()
-    actual = actual[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]
-    expected = expected[IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value]
-    assert len(actual) == len(expected) == 2
-    marvin = actual[0]
-    trillian = expected[0]
-    for key, _ in marvin.items():
-        assert trillian[key] == marvin[key]
+    input_group = InputGroup(science_products=[sp1, sp2])
+    assert IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value in input_group.to_json().keys()
-    marvin = actual[1]
-    trillian = expected[1]
-    for key, _ in marvin.items():
-        assert trillian[key] == marvin[key]
+    sps_found = input_group.science_products
+    assert len(sps_found) == 2
+    assert sp1 in sps_found
+    assert sp2 in sps_found
-# TODO:
 def test_ancillary_product_well_formed():
     The JSON shouldn't contain empty fields
@@ -235,70 +193,30 @@ def test_ancillary_product_well_formed():
     assert actual == expected
-# TODO:
-@pytest.mark.skip("FIXME or get rid of me")
 def test_output_group_well_formed():
     Make sure our OutputScienceProduct makes nice JSON
-    sp1 = OutputScienceProduct(type=ScienceProductType.IMAGE, filename="see_no_evil.fits")
-    sp2 = OutputScienceProduct(type=ScienceProductType.IMAGE, filename="hear_no_evil.fits")
+    osp = OutputScienceProduct(
+        type=ScienceProductType.EVLA_CAL, filename="im_a_lil_calibration.tar"
+    )
     ap1 = AncillaryProduct(
         type=AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS, filename="without_feathers.tar"
     ap2 = AncillaryProduct(
         type=AncillaryProductType.PIPELINE_ARTIFACTS, filename="with_feathers.tar"
-    opg = OutputGroup(science_products=[sp1, sp2], ancillary_products=[ap1, ap2])
-    opg_json = opg.to_json()
-    dumped = json.dumps(opg_json)
-    assert (
-        dumped == '{"output_group": '
-        '{"science_products": '
-        '[{"type": "image", "filename": "see_no_evil.fits"}, '
-        '{"type": "image", "filename": "hear_no_evil.fits"}], '
-        '"ancillary_products": [{"type": "pipeline_artifacts", '
-        '"filename": "without_feathers.tar"}, '
-        '{"type": "pipeline_artifacts", "filename": "with_feathers.tar"}]}}'
-    )
-@pytest.mark.skip("TODO, or maybe not")
-def test_input_group_properly_formatted():
-    """
-    Does the InputGroup get written to the file in the expected format?
-    :return:
-    """
-    sp1 = InputScienceProduct(locator="uid://evla/execblock/coffee_heath_bar_crunch_7a23f")
-    ingroup = InputGroup(science_products=[sp1])
-    ig_dict = json.loads(ingroup.to_json())
-    ig_text = json.dumps(ig_dict, indent=4)
-    expected = """
-  "input_group": {
-    "science_products": [
-      {
-        "locator": "uid://evla/execblock/coffee_heath_bar_crunch_7a23f"
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-    """
-    assert ig_text == expected
-def test_output_group_properly_formatted():
-    """
-    TODO
-    Does the OutputGroup get written to the file in the expected format?
+    expected_json = {
+        IngestionManifestKey.SCIENCE_PRODUCTS.value: [osp.to_json()],
+        IngestionManifestKey.ANCILLARY_PRODUCTS.value: [ap1.to_json(), ap2.to_json()],
+    }
+    opg = OutputGroup(science_products=[osp], ancillary_products=[ap1, ap2])
+    actual_json = opg.to_json()
-    :return:
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
+    assert actual_json == expected_json
 def test_evla_cal_manifest_matches_example(ingest_path: Path):