diff --git a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/metadata_wrester.py b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/metadata_wrester.py
index 16bf16856a42a26218cd3cb0da6d039cae9641fc..152edbacc89be40aa9513b6f939c94a4d1ed2800 100644
--- a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/metadata_wrester.py
+++ b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/metadata_wrester.py
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
 Extracts workflow relevant metadata from the NRAO archive based on Science Product Locator.
-import argparse
 import json
 import logging
-import sys
 import pendulum
 from typing import List
-from aat_wrest.observation_wrester import ObservationWrester
 from aat_wrest.utilities import PENDULUM_FORMAT, TIME_ZONE, MDDBConnector
-logger = logging.getLogger("aat_wrest")
 class WrestWorkflowMetadata:
@@ -26,19 +19,12 @@ class WrestWorkflowMetadata:
         connection: MDDBConnector,
         spl: List[str] = None,
-        fileset_id: str = None,
         sdm_id: str = None,
         self.logger = logging.getLogger("aat_wrest")
         self.conn = connection
-        if fileset_id is not None:
-            self.fileset_id = fileset_id
-        if sdm_id is not None:
-            self.sdm_id = sdm_id
-        if not spl and fileset_id:
-            self.spl = self.wrest_obs_metadata_from_fileset_id(fileset_id)["spl"]
-        else:
-            self.spl = spl
+        self.sdm_id = sdm_id
+        self.spl = spl
     def wrest_standard_cal_info(self) -> json:
@@ -89,8 +75,8 @@ class WrestWorkflowMetadata:
     def wrest_standard_image_info(self) -> json:
-        Given an execution block science product locator, returns the required metadata to run
-        the standard calibration workflow
+        Given an execution block SDM ID, returns the required metadata to run
+        the standard imaging workflow
@@ -140,8 +126,6 @@ class WrestWorkflowMetadata:
         the required metadata to run the restore CMS workflow
-        print(self.spl)
         eb_sql = f"""
         SELECT ngas_fileset_id as filesetId,
          e.project_code as projectCode,
@@ -190,94 +174,3 @@ class WrestWorkflowMetadata:
         return make_json
-    def wrest_obs_metadata_from_fileset_id(self, fileset_id: str) -> str:
-        """
-        Given a fileset_id, query the Metadata DB and return the corresponding science_product_locator
-        :param fileset_id:
-        :return science_product_locator:
-        """
-        metadata = {
-            "spl": None,
-            "bands": None,
-            "array_config": None,
-            "obs_start_time": None,
-            "obs_end_time": None,
-        }
-        sql = f"""
-        SELECT science_product_locator, band_code, configuration, starttime, endtime
-          FROM execution_blocks
-          WHERE ngas_fileset_id = %(fileset_id)s
-        """
-        with self.conn.cursor() as cursor:
-            cursor.execute(sql, {"fileset_id": fileset_id})
-            data = cursor.fetchall()
-            metadata["spl"] = data[0][0]
-            metadata["bands"] = data[0][1]
-            metadata["array_config"] = data[0][2]
-            metadata["obs_start_time"] = data[0][3]
-            metadata["obs_end_time"] = data[0][4]
-        return metadata
-def parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
-    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description="Workspaces-to-Archive Metadata Exchange",
-        formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
-    )
-    arg_parser.add_argument(
-        "-sc",
-        "--stdcals",
-        nargs=1,
-        action="store",
-        required=False,
-        help="Find workflow metadata for standard calibrations with provided product locator",
-    )
-    arg_parser.add_argument(
-        "-si",
-        "--stdimg",
-        nargs=1,
-        action="store",
-        required=False,
-        help="Find workflow metadata for standard CMS imaging with provided SDM id",
-    )
-    arg_parser.add_argument(
-        "-r",
-        "--restore",
-        nargs="+",
-        default=[],
-        required=False,
-        help="Find workflow metadata for Restores with provided EB product locator and Cal product locator",
-    )
-    arg_parser.add_argument(
-        "-obs",
-        "--observation",
-        nargs=1,
-        action="store",
-        required=False,
-        help="Find display metadata for observations by product locator",
-    )
-    return arg_parser
-def determine_wrester(connection: MDDBConnector, args: argparse.Namespace):
-    if args.stdcals:
-        data = WrestWorkflowMetadata(connection, spl=args.stdcals[0]).wrest_standard_cal_info()
-    if args.stdimg:
-        data = WrestWorkflowMetadata(connection, sdm_id=args.stdimg[0]).wrest_standard_image_info()
-    if args.restore:
-        print(args)
-        data = WrestWorkflowMetadata(connection, spl=args.restore).wrest_restore_info()
-    if args.observation:
-        data = ObservationWrester(connection, spl=args.observation[0]).wrest_observation_info()
-    print(data)
-def main():
-    args = parser().parse_args()
-    connection = MDDBConnector()
-    determine_wrester(connection, args)
diff --git a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/observation_wrester.py b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/observation_wrester.py
index 7f05cbc71ac5d9a0034e039fb5dcefbd705fedc5..b42ce5ea7eeef6b070c5dc7b91b263ea601635eb 100644
--- a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/observation_wrester.py
+++ b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/observation_wrester.py
@@ -11,17 +11,60 @@ import pendulum
 from aat_wrest.utilities import MDDBConnector, TIME_ZONE, format_interval
-class ObservationWrester:
+class WrestObservationMetadata:
     Class for extracting observation metadata
-    def __init__(self, connection: MDDBConnector, spl: str):
+    def __init__(self, connection: MDDBConnector, sdm_id: str):
         self.logger = logging.getLogger("aat_wrest")
         self.conn = connection
-        self.spl = spl
+        self.sdm_id = sdm_id
     def wrest_observation_info(self) -> json:
+        """
+        Given a sdm_id, query the Metadata DB for observation data related to an ingestion-complete event
+        :param sdm_id:
+        :return science_product_locator:
+        """
+        metadata = {}
+        sql = f"""
+        SELECT science_product_locator,
+         band_code,
+         configuration,
+         starttime,
+         endtime
+         FROM execution_blocks
+         WHERE ngas_fileset_id = %(sdm_id)s
+        """
+        try:
+            cursor = self.conn.cursor()
+            cursor.execute(sql, {"sdm_id": self.sdm_id})
+            data = cursor.fetchall()
+            if data:
+                metadata = json.dumps(
+                    {
+                        "spl": data[0][0],
+                        "bands": data[0][1],
+                        "array_config": data[0][2],
+                        "obs_start_time": data[0][3],
+                        "obs_end_time": data[0][4],
+                    }
+                )
+            else:
+                self.logger.error(
+                    f"ERROR: aat-wrest query returned no results!"
+                    f" The database appears to be missing information for SDM id {self.sdm_id}"
+                )
+        finally:
+            self.conn.close()
+        return metadata
+    #
+    # currently unused. Was intended for analyst list display of waiting capability requests/executions
+    #
+    def wrest_observation_time_info(self) -> json:
         Given a product locator, reports the project code, observation length,
         and time in queue for an incomplete observation.
diff --git a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/wrest.py b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/wrest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c85b8f35ea97afeb505734a6c47c5a1cedd9a645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/aat_wrest/wrest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import argparse
+import logging
+import sys
+from aat_wrest.observation_wrester import WrestObservationMetadata
+from aat_wrest.metadata_wrester import WrestWorkflowMetadata
+from aat_wrest.utilities import MDDBConnector
+AAT Wrest extract information from the NRAO Archive metadata database
+logger = logging.getLogger("aat_wrest")
+def parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
+    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Workspaces-to-Archive Metadata Exchange",
+        formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-sc",
+        "--stdcals",
+        nargs=1,
+        action="store",
+        required=False,
+        help="Find workflow metadata for standard calibrations with provided product locator",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-si",
+        "--stdimg",
+        nargs=1,
+        action="store",
+        required=False,
+        help="Find workflow metadata for standard CMS imaging with provided SDM id",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-r",
+        "--restore",
+        nargs="+",
+        default=[],
+        required=False,
+        help="Find workflow metadata for Restores with provided EB product locator and Cal product locator",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-obs",
+        "--observation",
+        nargs=1,
+        action="store",
+        required=False,
+        help="Find display metadata for observations by SDM id",
+    )
+    return arg_parser
+def determine_wrester(connection: MDDBConnector, args: argparse.Namespace):
+    if args.stdcals:
+        data = WrestWorkflowMetadata(connection, spl=args.stdcals[0]).wrest_standard_cal_info()
+    elif args.stdimg:
+        data = WrestWorkflowMetadata(connection, sdm_id=args.stdimg[0]).wrest_standard_image_info()
+    elif args.restore:
+        print(args)
+        data = WrestWorkflowMetadata(connection, spl=args.restore).wrest_restore_info()
+    elif args.observation:
+        data = WrestObservationMetadata(
+            connection, sdm_id=args.observation[0]
+        ).wrest_observation_info()
+    else:
+        data = None
+    print(data)
+def main():
+    args = parser().parse_args()
+    connection = MDDBConnector()
+    determine_wrester(connection, args)
diff --git a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/setup.py b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/setup.py
index 03ee6029d670925e793568267361afe269c6f26b..e5a2ca9cddc8147039357de351fe2d6aef8421c6 100644
--- a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/setup.py
+++ b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/setup.py
@@ -23,5 +23,5 @@ setup(
     classifiers=["Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8"],
-    entry_points={"console_scripts": ["aat_wrest = aat_wrest.metadata_wrester:main"]},
+    entry_points={"console_scripts": ["aat_wrest = aat_wrest.wrest:main"]},
diff --git a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_aat_wrest.py b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_aat_wrest.py
index c7736d9ec47199b6d39d0b80406d7a3939c0b47a..47dc735e6abb137e5c5e42fbde3e6adc344bd812 100644
--- a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_aat_wrest.py
+++ b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_aat_wrest.py
@@ -43,35 +43,11 @@ def mock_wrester(args: argparse.Namespace) -> WrestWorkflowMetadata:
             return WrestWorkflowMetadata(connection=mock_connect, sdm_id=args.stdimg)
-def fake_obs_metadata() -> List[Tuple[str]]:
-    return [
-        (
-            "uid://evla/execblock/8fbfb54b-d141-42fe-b079-609339a69cba",
-            "Ka",
-            "D",
-            "1234567",
-            "123598898",
-        )
-    ]
 cal_wrester = mock_wrester(args_cal)
 img_wrester = mock_wrester(args_image)
 class TestAatWrest:
-    def test_init(self, fake_obs_metadata: List[Tuple[str]]):
-        fileset_id = "17B-197.sb34663512.eb34806505.58108.78427738426"
-        with patch("psycopg2.connect") as mock_connect:
-            mock_connect.cursor.return_value.__enter__.return_value.fetchall.return_value = (
-                fake_obs_metadata
-            )
-            wrester_no_spl = WrestWorkflowMetadata(
-                connection=mock_connect, spl=None, fileset_id=fileset_id
-            )
-            assert wrester_no_spl.spl == "uid://evla/execblock/8fbfb54b-d141-42fe-b079-609339a69cba"
     @patch("json.dumps", MagicMock(return_value=result_cal))
     def test_wrest_standard_cal_info(self):
         cal_wrester.conn.cursor.return_value.fetchall.return_value = [
@@ -112,19 +88,3 @@ class TestAatWrest:
             ' "projectCode": "Operations", "title": "", "startTime": 58099.6710792824, '
             '"observer": "VLA Operations", "telescope": "EVLA", "created_at": "2021-06-30T20:18:21"}'
-    def test_wrest_obs_metadata_from_fileset_id(self, fake_obs_metadata: List[Tuple[str]]):
-        cal_wrester.conn.cursor.return_value.__enter__.return_value.fetchall.return_value = (
-            fake_obs_metadata
-        )
-        metadata = cal_wrester.wrest_obs_metadata_from_fileset_id(
-            "17B-197.sb34663512.eb34806505.58108.78427738426"
-        )
-        assert metadata == {
-            "spl": "uid://evla/execblock/8fbfb54b-d141-42fe-b079-609339a69cba",
-            "bands": "Ka",
-            "array_config": "D",
-            "obs_start_time": "1234567",
-            "obs_end_time": "123598898",
-        }
diff --git a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_observation_wrester.py b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_observation_wrester.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f07a79be185fd483fb55710b6993569527179092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_observation_wrester.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Tests for aat_wrest.observation_wrester
+import argparse
+from enum import Enum
+from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
+# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402
+import json
+import pytest
+from aat_wrest.observation_wrester import WrestObservationMetadata
+class Keys(Enum):
+    """The things we're reporting"""
+    PROJECT = "projectCode"
+    OBS_TIME = "timeObserved"
+    QUEUE_TIME = "timeInQueue"
+OBS_TIME = Keys.OBS_TIME.value
+_17A_109_SPL = "uid://evla/execblock/5c71ade0-d035-4fd5-a36f-0389e34db0e5"
+_17A_109_ARGS = argparse.Namespace(spl=_17A_109_SPL)
+_17A_109_EXPECTED = {
+    PROJECT: "17A-109",
+    OBS_TIME: "0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes, 34 seconds",
+    QUEUE_TIME: "1125 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes, 58 seconds",
+args = argparse.Namespace(observation="17B-197.sb34663512.eb34806505.58108.78427738426")
+result_obs = (
+    '{"spl": "uid://evla/execblock/8fbfb54b-d141-42fe-b079-609339a69cba", '
+    '"bands": "Ka", '
+    '"array_config": "D", '
+    '"obs_start_time": "1234567", '
+    '"obs_end_time": "123598898" }'
+def mock_wrester(args: argparse.Namespace) -> WrestObservationMetadata:
+    """
+    Pretend to get the information from the MDDB.
+    :param args:
+    :return:
+    """
+    with patch("psycopg2.connect") as conn:
+        return WrestObservationMetadata(conn, args.observation)
+wrester = mock_wrester(args)
+class TestWrestObservationInfo:
+    @patch("json.dumps", MagicMock(return_value=result_obs))
+    def test_wrest_observation_info(self):
+        wrester.conn.cursor.return_value.fetchall.return_value = [
+            "uid://evla/execblock/8fbfb54b-d141-42fe-b079-609339a69cba",
+            "Ka",
+            "D",
+            "1234567",
+            "123598898",
+        ]
+        assert args.observation == "17B-197.sb34663512.eb34806505.58108.78427738426"
+        metadata = wrester.wrest_observation_info()
+        assert (
+            metadata == '{"spl": "uid://evla/execblock/8fbfb54b-d141-42fe-b079-609339a69cba", '
+            '"bands": "Ka", '
+            '"array_config": "D", '
+            '"obs_start_time": "1234567", '
+            '"obs_end_time": "123598898" }'
+        )
+    @pytest.mark.skip("Dates are broken. Method superseded by wrest_observation_info")
+    @patch("json.dumps", MagicMock(return_value=_17A_109_EXPECTED))
+    def test_gets_expected_observation_info(self):
+        """
+        Does ObservationWrester wrest the expected data from the MDDB?
+        :return:
+        """
+        wrester = mock_wrester(_17A_109_ARGS)
+        assert wrester.spl == _17A_109_SPL
+        actual = wrester.wrest_observation_time_info()
+        assert actual == _17A_109_EXPECTED
+    @pytest.mark.skip("... Dates are broken... Method superseded by wrest_observation_info")
+    def test_handles_evla_exec_block(self):
+        """
+        Confirm we get what we expect when observing time is minimal.
+        :return:
+        """
+        spl = "uid://evla/execblock/91c685b6-4527-44b1-9f91-3904e1125817"
+        args = argparse.Namespace(spl=spl)
+        expected = {
+            PROJECT: "19A-440",
+            OBS_TIME: "0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 4 seconds",
+            QUEUE_TIME: "627 days, 22 hours, 43 minutes, 6 seconds",
+        }
+        with patch("json.dumps", MagicMock(return_value=expected)):
+            wrester = mock_wrester(args)
+            actual = wrester.wrest_observation_time_info()
+            assert actual[PROJECT] == expected[PROJECT]
+            obs_parts = actual[OBS_TIME].split(", ")
+            seconds_part = obs_parts[3].split(" ")
+            assert int(seconds_part[0]) == 4
diff --git a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_wrest_pending_obs.py b/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_wrest_pending_obs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0328ac2c6e05bfb87c30c8ac374c52864484b0a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/apps/cli/utilities/aat_wrest/test/test_wrest_pending_obs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-""" WS-351: As a DA I want to see a list of capability requests per capability / WS-368 """
-import argparse
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-from enum import Enum
-from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
-# pylint: disable=E0401, E0402
-import pytest
-from aat_wrest.observation_wrester import ObservationWrester
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Keys(Enum):
-    """The things we're reporting"""
-    PROJECT = "projectCode"
-    OBS_TIME = "timeObserved"
-    QUEUE_TIME = "timeInQueue"
-OBS_TIME = Keys.OBS_TIME.value
-_17A_109_SPL = "uid://evla/execblock/5c71ade0-d035-4fd5-a36f-0389e34db0e5"
-_17A_109_ARGS = argparse.Namespace(spl=_17A_109_SPL)
-_17A_109_EXPECTED = {
-    PROJECT: "17A-109",
-    OBS_TIME: "0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes, 34 seconds",
-    QUEUE_TIME: "1125 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes, 58 seconds",
-def mock_wrester(args: argparse.Namespace) -> ObservationWrester:
-    """
-    Pretend to get the information from the MDDB.
-    :param args:
-    :return:
-    """
-    with patch("psycopg2.connect") as conn:
-        return ObservationWrester(conn, args.spl)
-@pytest.mark.skip("... Dates are broken...")
-@patch("json.dumps", MagicMock(return_value=_17A_109_EXPECTED))
-def test_gets_expected_observation_info():
-    """
-    Does ObservationWrester wrest the expected data from the MDDB?
-    :return:
-    """
-    wrester = mock_wrester(_17A_109_ARGS)
-    assert wrester.spl == _17A_109_SPL
-    actual = wrester.wrest_observation_info()
-    assert actual == _17A_109_EXPECTED
-@pytest.mark.skip("actually hits the metadata database")
-def test_really_pulls_observation_info():
-    """
-    Does ObservationWrester wrest the expected data from the MDDB 4 realz?
-    We're always going to skip this test, but let's keep it here
-    for degubbing porpoises.
-    :return:
-    """
-    wrester = mock_wrester(_17A_109_ARGS)
-    json_str = ObservationWrester(wrester.conn, _17A_109_SPL).wrest_observation_info()
-    obsv_dict = json.loads(json_str)
-    assert obsv_dict[PROJECT] == _17A_109_EXPECTED[PROJECT]
-    time_obsvd = obsv_dict[OBS_TIME]
-    assert time_obsvd == "0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes, 34 seconds"
-    time_in_queue = obsv_dict[QUEUE_TIME]
-    parts = time_in_queue.split(", ")
-    days_part = parts[0].split(" ")
-    assert int(days_part[0]) > 1124
-@pytest.mark.skip("... Dates are broken...")
-def test_handles_evla_exec_block():
-    """
-    Confirm we get what we expect when observing time is minimal.
-    :return:
-    """
-    spl = "uid://evla/execblock/91c685b6-4527-44b1-9f91-3904e1125817"
-    args = argparse.Namespace(spl=spl)
-    expected = {
-        PROJECT: "19A-440",
-        OBS_TIME: "0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 4 seconds",
-        QUEUE_TIME: "627 days, 22 hours, 43 minutes, 6 seconds",
-    }
-    with patch("json.dumps", MagicMock(return_value=expected)):
-        wrester = mock_wrester(args)
-        actual = wrester.wrest_observation_info()
-        assert actual[PROJECT] == expected[PROJECT]
-        obs_parts = actual[OBS_TIME].split(", ")
-        seconds_part = obs_parts[3].split(" ")
-        assert int(seconds_part[0]) == 4
-@pytest.mark.skip("... VLBA isn't calibratable...")
-def test_handles_vlba_observation():
-    """
-    Confirm we get what we expect when observing time is at high end.
-    :return:
-    """
-    spl = "uid://evla/execblock/9fbb86eb-ba14-42e7-8fd7-5c45aff36725"
-    expected = {
-        PROJECT: "BM468",
-        OBS_TIME: "0 days, 11 hours, 59 minutes, 57 seconds",
-        QUEUE_TIME: "933 days, 11 hours, 48 minutes, 12 seconds",
-    }
-    with patch("json.dumps", MagicMock(return_value=expected)):
-        wrester = mock_wrester(argparse.Namespace(spl=spl))
-        actual = wrester.wrest_observation_info()
-        assert actual[PROJECT] == expected[PROJECT]
-        obs_parts = actual[OBS_TIME].split(", ")
-        hours_part = obs_parts[1].split(" ")
-        assert int(hours_part[0]) == 11
-@pytest.mark.skip("... ALMA isn't calibratable...")
-def test_handles_alma():
-    """
-    Can we report a pending ALMA observation?
-    :return:
-    """
-    spl = "uid://alma/execblock/a4154db4-a834-4020-896a-6fd4613bf986"
-    expected = {
-        PROJECT: "2019.1.01635.S",
-        OBS_TIME: "0 days, 1 hours, 57 minutes, 4 seconds",
-        QUEUE_TIME: "517 days, 2 hours, 5 minutes, 15 seconds",
-    }
-    with patch("json.dumps", MagicMock(return_value=expected)):
-        wrester = mock_wrester(argparse.Namespace(spl=spl))
-        actual = wrester.wrest_observation_info()
-        assert actual[PROJECT] == expected[PROJECT]
-        time_parts = actual[QUEUE_TIME].split(", ")
-        days_part = time_parts[0].split(" ")
-        assert int(days_part[0]) >= 517
diff --git a/shared/workspaces/test/test_archive_service.py b/shared/workspaces/test/test_archive_service.py
index 277c95610bab8e2f38c4e41a13d4ad45e2b4b61a..e46c1d50237069e2ee45bcc1948f705891214c3b 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/test/test_archive_service.py
+++ b/shared/workspaces/test/test_archive_service.py
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 from typing import Dict
 from unittest.mock import patch
+import json
 import pytest
 from workspaces.products.services.archive_service import ArchiveService
-def fake_metadata() -> Dict[str, str]:
+def fake_metadata() -> json:
     return {
         "spl": "uid://evla/execblock/8fbfb54b-d141-42fe-b079-609339a69cba",
         "bands": "Ka",
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ class TestArchiveService:
         expected_spl = "uid://evla/execblock/8fbfb54b-d141-42fe-b079-609339a69cba"
         with patch(
-            "workspaces.products.services.archive_service.WrestWorkflowMetadata.wrest_obs_metadata_from_fileset_id",
+            "workspaces.products.services.archive_service.WrestObservationMetadata.wrest_observation_info",
         ) as mock_wrest_obs_metadata:
             mock_wrest_obs_metadata.return_value = fake_metadata
             with patch("workspaces.products.services.archive_service.Router"):
diff --git a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/products/services/archive_service.py b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/products/services/archive_service.py
index ad383bca3d0bdf54ba44cacfc4b3fad6f094c8e4..ef9194d773dc624c373e437bdd0a7a3c916f532c 100644
--- a/shared/workspaces/workspaces/products/services/archive_service.py
+++ b/shared/workspaces/workspaces/products/services/archive_service.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import logging
 from typing import Dict
 import requests
-from aat_wrest.metadata_wrester import WrestWorkflowMetadata
+from aat_wrest.observation_wrester import WrestObservationMetadata
 from aat_wrest.utilities import MDDBConnector
 from messaging.router import Router, on_message
 from pycapo import CapoConfig
@@ -36,12 +37,12 @@ class ArchiveService(ArchiveServiceIF):
         logger.info(f"ingestion-complete event: {logdata}")
         execblock_id = logdata["execblock_id"]
-        fileset_id = logdata["fileset_id"]
+        sdm_id = logdata["fileset_id"]
         project_code = logdata["project_code"]
-        wrester = WrestWorkflowMetadata(MDDBConnector(), spl=None, fileset_id=fileset_id)
-        metadata = wrester.wrest_obs_metadata_from_fileset_id(fileset_id)
-        metadata["fileset_id"] = fileset_id
+        wrester = WrestObservationMetadata(MDDBConnector(), sdm_id=sdm_id)
+        metadata = wrester.wrest_observation_info()
+        metadata["sdm_id"] = sdm_id
         spl = metadata["spl"]
         del metadata["spl"]
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ class ArchiveService(ArchiveServiceIF):
-        return spl, execblock_id, fileset_id, project_code
+        return spl, execblock_id, sdm_id, project_code
     def _create_std_calibration_request(spl: str, metadata: Dict[str, str]) -> Response:
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ class ArchiveService(ArchiveServiceIF):
         :param spl: Science product locator of observation
         :param metadata: Dict with the following information inside:
-            - fileset_id: File Set ID
+            - sdm_id: SDM ID (sometimes called fileset id)
             - bands: Radio bands for observation
             - array_config: Configuration of array telescopes
             - obs_start_time: Start time of observation