From ff419fb35075fcb75b84d89cda62a2da84be8f72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Kapuscinski <>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2021 13:39:04 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] WS-810 remove containerized ngas

 .gitignore                           |   1 +
 Dockerfile.ngas                      |  10 -
 docker-compose.local.yml             |  13 -
 local_ngas_root/cfg/ngamsServer.conf | 531 ---------------------------
 4 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 554 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Dockerfile.ngas
 delete mode 100644 local_ngas_root/cfg/ngamsServer.conf

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8f727755f..def1875f8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ services/notification/notification.log
 # Ignore docker volume mount points
diff --git a/Dockerfile.ngas b/Dockerfile.ngas
deleted file mode 100644
index ff7f77bda..000000000
--- a/Dockerfile.ngas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-FROM icrar/ngas:11.0.2
-# Get postgres/mysql development stuff in the image
-RUN yum -y install epel-release && \
-        yum install -y postgresql-libs
-USER ngas
-RUN ./home/ngas/ngas_rt/bin/pip install psycopg2-binary==2.7.7
-USER root
diff --git a/docker-compose.local.yml b/docker-compose.local.yml
index b3b51466e..94e8f09aa 100644
--- a/docker-compose.local.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.local.yml
@@ -55,19 +55,6 @@ services:
       - ./apps/cli/executables/pexable/:/config/apps/cli/executables/pexable/
       - ./lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/docker/workspaces/sbin:/lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/docker/workspaces/sbin
-  ngas:
-    build:
-      context: .
-      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile.ngas
-    depends_on:
-      - db
-    ports:
-      - "7777:7777"
-    volumes:
-      - ./local_ngas_root:/home/ngas/NGAS
-    profiles:
-      - ngas
       context: ./schema/
diff --git a/local_ngas_root/cfg/ngamsServer.conf b/local_ngas_root/cfg/ngamsServer.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 52dbe8049..000000000
--- a/local_ngas_root/cfg/ngamsServer.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE NgamsCfg>
-    Sample configuration file distributed with NGAS.
-    ICRAR - International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research
-    (c) UWA - The University of Western Australia, 2017
-    Copyright by UWA (in the framework of the ICRAR)
-    All rights reserved
-    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    Lesser General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-    MA 02111-1307  USA
-Sample configuration file distributed with NGAS.
-This file pretends to show users how a server is configured, and all the
-knobs and levers that can be toggled to change the behaviour of the server.
-It offers secure default values for most options, so it should be safe to use
-as a starting point to write your own configuration files.
-Each high-level XML element contains a description of what topic it covers,
-and which attributes and values are accepted.
-For more information on the configuration options, visit NGAS's documentation at
-To quickly adapt this file to your needs:
- * Adjust the Server.RootDirectory attribute to your NGAS root directory
- * Adjust the Server.ArchiveName to a meaningful name for your archive
- * Adjust the <Db> XML element to point to your database
-About time amounts
-Some time amounts are expresed using a DTHH:mm:ss format, with D, HH, mm and ss
-representing days, hours, minutes and seconds, respectivelly. A shorter version
-is also accepted in the form of HH:mm (without :ss). Because this is confusing
-future versions of NGAS will not support this format anymore, and will change
-to simply use seconds everywhere. Once this change takes effect the old format
-will still be supported for a few versions, but warning messages will appear so
-users update their configuration files.
-About secrets
-Some secrets (like Authorization passwords) are expressed in this configuration
-file using base64 encoding. This will change in future versions of NGAS, where
-passwords will be expressed literally.
-<NgamsCfg Id="ngamsCfg">
-	<!--
-	========================================================================
-	               High-level server-wide configuration items
-	========================================================================
-	-->
-	<!--
-	    Server configuration.
-	    The NGAS HTTP server listens for requests in the address indicated
-	    by the IpAddress/PortNo pair, and attends up to MaxSimReqs simultaneous
-	    requests. It acts as a proxy for requests that must be answered by other
-	    servers in the same cluster if ProxyMode is set; otherwise clients receive
-	    a redirect response instead.
-	    Any disk found by the server will be considered as being part of the
-	    abstract archive ArchiveName. Access to the disk, plus other block-based
-	    operations performed by the server (e.g., network read/write and
-	    checksum calculation) will be performed using BlockSize block size.
-	    Finally, a list of colon-separated directories containing python
-	    packages and modules can be specified using the PluginsPath attribute.
-	    This directories will be added to the sys.path of the NGAS server,
-	    allowing users to install their own code separately from the NGAS
-	    installation, which might not even be writable.
-	-->
-	<Server Id="Server-MWA"
-	        RootDirectory="/home/ngas/NGAS" ArchiveName="LocalWorkspacesArchive" BlockSize="65536"
-	        IpAddress="" PortNo="7777" MaxSimReqs="10"
-	        ProxyMode="0"/>
-	<!--
-	    Authorization and authentication.
-	    Authorization is performed using Basic HTTP authentication.
-	    Usernames and passwords are defined on each of the User
-	    sub-elements below. Passwords are base64-encoded. For each user, a
-	    comma-separated list of the commands they are allow to use can be defined
-	    (with "*" serving as a wildcard to indicate all commands).
-	    Authorization can be enabled/disabled fully through the Enable attribute.
-	-->
-	<Authorization Id="Authorization" Enable="0">
-		<User Name="user1" Password="dXNlcjE=" Commands="*"/>
-		<User Name="user2" Password="dXNlcjI=" Commands="RETRIEVE"/>
-		<User Name="user3" Password="dXNlcjM=" Commands="ARCHIVE"/>
-	</Authorization>
-	<!--
-	    Logging configuration
-	    The NGAS server outputs its logging to three different sinks:
-	    the stdout, a (rotating) logfile, and syslog.
-	    The stdout output is not configured but via a command-line parameter.
-	    In a real-world setup the NGAS server will run in the background,
-	    so there is no point on configuring stdout logging here.
-	    Logfile output is configured via LocalLogFile, which indicates the
-	    logfile. Statements with level <= LocalLogLevel appear in the logfile.
-	    The logfile is rotated with a LogRotateInt interval (expressed as ddTHH:mm:ss),
-	    and LogRotateCache files are maintained before they start getting
-	    deleted.
-	    Syslog output is enabled if SysLog is 1. Statements are prefixed with
-	    SysLogPrefix before sent to syslog.
-	    Logging levels are interpreted like this:
-	    0 = NONE, 1 = ERROR, 2 = WARNING, 3 = NOTICE, 4 = INFO, 5 = DEBUG.
-	    The flag ArchiveRotatedLogfiles controls whether the rotated log files
-	    are archived (=1) on the host or not (=0).
-	-->
-	<Log Id="Log" LocalLogFile="log/LogFile.nglog" LocalLogLevel="4"
-	     LogRotateCache="30" LogRotateInt="01T00:00:00" SysLog="0"
-	     SysLogPrefix="ngas" ArchiveRotatedLogfiles="0"/>
-	<!--
-	    Archiving configuration
-	    The FreeSpaceDiskChangeMb and MinFreeSpaceWarningMb specify how much
-	    available free space in the disks will trigger an error to change the
-	    disk, and a warning email alerting about the condition, respectivelly.
-	    The PathPrefix is the top-level directory on each volume under which
-	    NGAS will store incoming data. Data will be replicated during archiving
-	    from the Main disk to a Replication disk if Replication is set to 1.
-	    If BackLogBuffering is set to 1, then failures during ARCHIVE commands
-	    *might* be resolved automatically by NGAS asynchronously. In such
-	    situations, backlogged data sits temporarily in the
-	    BackLogBufferDirectory.
-	-->
-	<ArchiveHandling Id="ArchiveHandling"
-	                 BackLogBufferDirectory="." BackLogBuffering="0"
-	                 FreeSpaceDiskChangeMb="200" MinFreeSpaceWarningMb="200"
-	                 PathPrefix="MWAArchive" Replication="0"/>
-	<!--
-	    Set of actions this server is allowed to perform
-	    Servers can be allowed to process archive requests, processing requests,
-	    remove requests and/or retrieve requests.
-	-->
-	<Permissions Id="Permissions" AllowArchiveReq="1" AllowProcessingReq="1"
-	             AllowRemoveReq="1" AllowRetrieveReq="1"/>
-	<!--
-	    Database connectivity
-	    NGAS uses the PEP-249-compliant module indicated by Interface to
-	    connect to the central database. This driver is wrapped by a
-	    connection pool, which will hold a maximum of MaxPoolConnections
-	    connections. When a new connection is established by the pool to
-	    the database server, the SQL statements specified in the sql attribute
-	    of the SessionSql XML sub-elements are executed. This could be useful,
-	    for instance, to switch to a different database before running any
-	    queries, if required, but could be used for other purposes.
-	    Because of historical reasons, some database schemas had a "ignore"
-	    column in the ngas_files table rather than a "file_ignore" column.
-	    If you are creating a database from scratch, you should prefer
-	    "file_ignore" (which is what we use in the SQL scripts we ship with
-	    NGAS to create databases from scratch), but if you have an existing
-	    database with "ignore" you can still configure NGAS to use that name.
-	    The UseFileIgnore attribute controls this. It defaults to "true",
-	    in which case "file_ignore" will be used throughout the code;
-	    otherwise "ignore" will be used instead.
-	    The Snapshot attribute should be considered unsafe, and (unless you
-	    know exactly what you are doing) should be left set to "0".
-	    Any other parameter will be used verbatim as keyword arguments
-	    to the connect method of the PEP-249 driver.
-	    Example: If the central database is a PostgreSQL server, and is
-	             using the old "ignore" column name one can setup this element
-	             to be:
-	      <Db Id="Db" Snapshot="0" Interface="psycopg2" UseFileIgnore="false"
-	          host="" dbname="db-name" user="db-user"
-	          password="password"/>
-	-->
-	<!-- <Db Id="Db-Element" Snapshot="0" Interface="sqlite3"
-        MaxPoolConnections="5" UseFileIgnore="true"
-        database="/tmp/ngas.sqlite"/> -->
-    <Db Id="Db" Snapshot="0" Interface="psycopg2" UseFileIgnore="true"
-        host="db" dbname="ngas" user="archive"
-        password="docker"/>
-	<!--
-	    E-mail notification setup
-	    Under certain circumstances emails can be sent by NGAS to different
-	    recipients. Notifications are sent to the SmtpHost SMTP server, and
-	    appear as sent by Sender. Depending on the event generating the email,
-	    one of the addresses will be used. Email sending can be disabled,
-	    although even when disabled some notifications (that are considered
-	    too important to be missed) will still be sent.
-	    If messages cannot be sent for any reason, they are kept internally
-	    by NGAS for a maximum of time defined by MaxRetentionTime, or until
-	    MaxRetentionSize messages are hit.
-	-->
-	<Notification Id="Notification"
-	              Active="0" MaxRetentionSize="1" MaxRetentionTime="00T00:30:00"
-	              Sender="" SmtpHost="localhost">
-		<AlertNotification>
-			<EmailRecipient Address=""/>
-		</AlertNotification>
-		<ErrorNotification>
-			<EmailRecipient Address=""/>
-		</ErrorNotification>
-		<DiskSpaceNotification>
-			<EmailRecipient Address=""/>
-		</DiskSpaceNotification>
-		<DiskChangeNotification>
-			<EmailRecipient Address=""/>
-		</DiskChangeNotification>
-		<NoDiskSpaceNotification>
-			<EmailRecipient Address=""/>
-		</NoDiskSpaceNotification>
-		<DataCheckNotification>
-			<EmailRecipient Address=""/>
-		</DataCheckNotification>
-	</Notification>
-	<!--
-	========================================================================
-	                              Background tasks
-	========================================================================
-	-->
-	<!--
-	    Configures the Janitor service.
-	    The Janitor service runs a number of house-keeping tasks in the
-	    background with a given period (specified via SuspensionTime).
-	    One of the tasks of the Janitor service is the check that the
-	    filesystems where files are being stored in have enough space to
-	    keep storing new files (and if not, send the server to OFFLINE
-	    state). This behavior is controlled via the MinSpaceSysDirMb
-	    attribute, which indicates how much space should always be available
-	    on each filesystem.
-	    Users can also specify extra functionality to be run during each
-	    janitor iteration. To do this, PlugIn XML sub-elements can be defined
-	    inside the JanitorThread element, each specifying a Name attribute
-	    pointing to a fully-qualified python module name. See NGAS's
-	    documentation for more details.
-	-->
-	<JanitorThread Id="JanitorThread-Std" SuspensionTime="0T00:10:00"
-	               MinSpaceSysDirMb="500"/>
-	<!--
-	    Caching control configuration
-	    If enabled (Enable="1"), the caching control service automatically
-	    removes data from the server when certain criteria are met.
-	    Files are removed from the cache if any of the following is true
-	    for them: 1) they have been in the cache for more than a specified
-	    maximum time, expressed in seconds (e.g., MaxTime="86400" for a full
-	    day), 2) the total volume of files in the cache has reached the
-	    specified limit (e.g., MaxCacheSize="1099511627776" to specify 1 TBs),
-	    3) a maximum number of files has been reached (e.g., MaxFiles="1000"
-	    for a maximum caching of 1000 files), and 4) A user-specific plugin,
-	    specified via the CacheControlPlugIn (a fully-qualified python module
-	    name) and the CacheControlPlugInPars parameters, which determines
-	    whether a particular file should be deleted or not.
-	    If any of these attributes is missing, the corresponding criterion
-	    is not applied. In the case of MaxCacheSize and MaxFiles, eligible
-	    files are selected FIFO-wise; that is, older files are removed first.
-	    On top of all the above, if the Subscription service is enabled files
-	    will only be eligible for deletion after they are successfully
-	    transmitted to all their subscribers. At the moment this is
-	    specified by setting CheckCanBeDeleted="1", but in future releases
-	    this will change and the behaviour will be implicit.
-	-->
-	<Caching Enable="0" Period="0T00:30:00" MaxCacheSize="1099511627776"
-	         CheckCanBeDeleted="1"/>
-	<!--
-	    Data Checker Thread configuration
-	    If enabled (Active="1"), the checksum of the files stored in the
-	    NGAS server will be periodically re-calculated (with a period of
-	    MinCycle) and compared against the respective checksum stored in the
-	    database. A summary report will be generated at the end and e-mailed
-	    to the corresponding recipient (see the Notification configuration
-	    element) if there are errors, or if the ForceNotif attribute is
-	    set to 1.
-	    The data checker thread can also be configured to perform a simple file
-	    scanning check (if Scan is "1") instead of a full checksum calculation
-	    and comparison.
-	-->
-	<DataCheckThread Id="DataCheckThread" Active="0" Scan="0"
-	                 ForceNotif="1" MaxProcs="4" MinCycle="01T00:00:00"/>
-	<!--
-	    A collection of system-level plug-ins
-	    These plug-ins are used for different purposes, either by a command or
-	    by the core system. Each specifies a name (a python module with that name,
-	    offering a function with the same name) and an optional set of comma-separated
-	    key=value parameter pairs.
-	-->
-	<SystemPlugIns Id="SystemPlugIns-Std"
-	         LabelPrinterPlugIn="-" LabelPrinterPlugInPars="-"
-	         OfflinePlugIn="ngamsGenericOfflinePlugIn" OfflinePlugInPars="unmount=0"
-	         OnlinePlugIn="ngamsGenericOnlinePlugIn" OnlinePlugInPars=""
-	         DiskSyncPlugIn="" DiskSyncPlugInPars=""/>
-	<!--
-	========================================================================
-	              File types, storage organisation, and processing
-	========================================================================
-	-->
-	<!--
-	    Mime type definitions.
-	    Here mime types, and their associated default extensions,
-	    are defined.
-	-->
-	<MimeTypes Id="MimeTypes-Std">
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="fits" MimeType="image/x-fits"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="nglog" MimeType="ngas/nglog"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="nglog.gz" MimeType="application/x-nglog"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="txt" MimeType="text/ascii"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="log" MimeType="text/log-file"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="log.Z" MimeType="application/x-clog"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="paf" MimeType="ngas/paf"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="fits.gz" MimeType="application/x-gfits"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="fits.Z" MimeType="application/x-cfits"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="hfits" MimeType="application/x-hfits"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="hdr" MimeType="image/x-fitshdr"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="tar" MimeType="application/x-tar"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="tar.gz" MimeType="application/x-gtar"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="pdf" MimeType="application/pdf"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="msg" MimeType="multialma/related"/>
-		<MimeTypeMap Extension="bin" MimeType="application/octet-stream"/>
-	</MimeTypes>
-	<!--
-	    Storage organisation.
-	    NGAS storage is organised in disks or volumes, which can be grouped
-	    in StorageSets. For full details see
-	-->
-	<StorageSets>
-		<StorageSet DiskLabel="BULK" MainDiskSlotId="volume1" Mutex="0"
-		            Synchronize="1" StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-		<StorageSet DiskLabel="BULK" MainDiskSlotId="volume2" Mutex="0"
-		            StorageSetId="volume2" Synchronize="1"/>
-		<StorageSet DiskLabel="BULK" MainDiskSlotId="volume3" Mutex="0"
-		            StorageSetId="volume3" Synchronize="1"/>
-	</StorageSets>
-	<!--
-	    Stream definitions
-	    With the definitions of mime types and storage sets, users define
-	    which files end up in which disks depending on their storage sets.
-	    This logic is obeyed but some (but not all) archiving commands.
-	    On top of that, streams also define which plug-in should be applied
-	    to each mapped mime type (although this bit of configuration will
-	    be moved in the future to the MimeTypes element).
-	    For full details on Streams and storage organisation visit:
-	-->
-	<Streams>
-		<Stream MimeType="application/octet-stream" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-      <Stream MimeType="image/x-fits" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi">
-         <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-         <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-         <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-      </Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="cal/x-fits" PlugIn="ngamsCalibDapi" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="cal/x-tfits" PlugIn="ngamsCalibDapi" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="non/existing" PlugIn="ngamsNonExisting" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="application/x-cfits" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi">
-         <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-         <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-         <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="application/x-gfits" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi">
-         <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-         <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-         <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="ngas/nglog" PlugIn="ngamsNgLogPlugIn" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="text/ascii" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="text/log-file" PlugIn="ngamsNgLogPlugIn" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="application/x-tar" PlugIn="ngasTarBallPlugIn" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="multialma/related" PlugIn="ngamsSdmMultipart" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="application/pdf" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-		<Stream MimeType="application/x-gtar" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi" PlugInPars="">
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/>
-			<StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/>
-		</Stream>
-	</Streams>
-	<!--
-	    Processing setup
-	    When files are retrieved from an NGAS server, they can be processed
-	    before sent back to the client. This behaviour is controlled by these
-	    plug-ins, which specify which mime types are allowed to be processed
-	    by which plug-in (users specify in the HTTP request which plugin
-	    they want to use for processing).
-	    Temporary files used during processing are stored under a "processing"
-	    directory under the directory indicated by ProcessingDirectory,
-	    which can be relative to the NGAS root directory
-	-->
-	<Processing Id="Processing-Std" ProcessingDirectory=".">
-		<PlugIn Name="ngamsEsoArchDppi" PlugInPars="">
-			<MimeType Name="image/x-fits"/>
-			<MimeType Name="application/x-gfits"/>
-			<MimeType Name="application/x-cfits"/>
-		</PlugIn>
-		<PlugIn Name="ngamsExtractFitsHdrDppi" PlugInPars="">
-			<MimeType Name="image/x-fits"/>
-			<MimeType Name="application/x-gfits"/>
-			<MimeType Name="application/x-cfits"/>
-		</PlugIn>
-		<PlugIn Name="ngasWfiPreview" PlugInPars="">
-			<MimeType Name="image/x-fits"/>
-			<MimeType Name="application/x-gfits"/>
-			<MimeType Name="application/x-cfits"/>
-		</PlugIn>
-	</Processing>
-	<!--
-	    Plug-in definitions for the REGISTER command
-	-->
-	<Register Id="Register-Std">
-		<PlugIn Name="ngamsFitsRegPlugIn"
-		        PlugInPars="checksum_util=utilFitsChecksum,
-		                    checksum_result=0/0000000000000000">
-			<MimeType Name="image/x-fits"/>
-			<MimeType Name="application/x-gfits"/>
-			<MimeType Name="application/x-cfits"/>
-		</PlugIn>
-	</Register>
-	<!--
-	    Host suspension configuration
-	    Under some circumstances users may want to configure NGAS hosts to
-	    suspend themselves if they have been idle for a long time. If enabled
-	    (IdleSuspension="1"), a host H will suspend itself after being
-	    IdleSuspensionTime seconds idle using SuspensionPlugIn (and its
-	    SuspensionPlugInPars). Before suspending themselves, they register
-	    a wake-up call with the WakeUpServerHost, who will wake wake up
-	    host H using WakeUpPlugIn and WakeUpPlugInPars, and a timeout of
-	    WakeUpCallTimeOut.
-	-->
-	<HostSuspension Id="HostSuspension" IdleSuspension="0" IdleSuspensionTime="60"
-	                SuspensionPlugIn="ngamsSuspensionPlugIn"
-	                SuspensionPlugInPars="--SuspensionPlugInPars--"
-	                WakeUpCallTimeOut="200" WakeUpPlugIn="ngamsWakeUpPlugIn"
-	                WakeUpPlugInPars="eth0,eth1" WakeUpServerHost="my_wakeup_host"/>
-	<!--
-	    Pre-defined subscriptions.
-	    These subscrptions are incorporated into the list of subscriptions managed by the server
-	    at server startup time. If the subscriptions exist in the subscription database (which is
-	    the official source of subscription information) then no action is taken. Otherwise they
-	    are added to the database, and will start being used immediately.
-	    Note that these elements define data flowing INTO our server from the server in
-	    <HostId>:<PortNo> rather than the other way around.
-	-->
-	<SubscriptionDef Id="SubscriptionDef" AutoUnsubscribe="1" BackLogExpTime="28T00:00:00"
-	                 Enable="0" SuspensionTime="0T00:03:00">
-		<Subscription  HostId="HostId1"
-		               PortNo="1234"
-		               Priority="1"
-		               SubscriberUrl="http://test.url1"
-		               FilterPlugIn="FilterPlugIn1"
-		               FilterPlugInPars="1,2,3,4"/>
-		<Subscription  HostId="HostId2"
-		               PortNo="5678"
-		               Priority="2"
-		               SubscriberUrl="http://test.url2"
-		               FilterPlugIn="FilterPlugIn2"
-		               FilterPlugInPars="5,6,7,8"/>
-	</SubscriptionDef>
-	<!--
-	    Authentication to use for subscriptions.
-	     This section specifies the authentication plugin to use when sending
-	     files via the subscription system. See the documentation for more
-	     information, or see the example plugin included below.
-	-->
-	<SubscriptionAuth Id="SubscriptionAuth" PlugInName="ngas_sub_auth_plugin"/>