<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE NgamsCfg> <!-- Sample configuration file distributed with NGAS. ICRAR - International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (c) UWA - The University of Western Australia, 2017 Copyright by UWA (in the framework of the ICRAR) All rights reserved This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA --> <!-- Sample configuration file distributed with NGAS. This file pretends to show users how a server is configured, and all the knobs and levers that can be toggled to change the behaviour of the server. It offers secure default values for most options, so it should be safe to use as a starting point to write your own configuration files. Each high-level XML element contains a description of what topic it covers, and which attributes and values are accepted. For more information on the configuration options, visit NGAS's documentation at https://ngas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Quick-start =========== To quickly adapt this file to your needs: * Adjust the Server.RootDirectory attribute to your NGAS root directory * Adjust the Server.ArchiveName to a meaningful name for your archive * Adjust the <Db> XML element to point to your database About time amounts ================== Some time amounts are expresed using a DTHH:mm:ss format, with D, HH, mm and ss representing days, hours, minutes and seconds, respectivelly. A shorter version is also accepted in the form of HH:mm (without :ss). Because this is confusing future versions of NGAS will not support this format anymore, and will change to simply use seconds everywhere. Once this change takes effect the old format will still be supported for a few versions, but warning messages will appear so users update their configuration files. About secrets ============= Some secrets (like Authorization passwords) are expressed in this configuration file using base64 encoding. This will change in future versions of NGAS, where passwords will be expressed literally. --> <NgamsCfg Id="ngamsCfg"> <!-- ======================================================================== High-level server-wide configuration items ======================================================================== --> <!-- Server configuration. The NGAS HTTP server listens for requests in the address indicated by the IpAddress/PortNo pair, and attends up to MaxSimReqs simultaneous requests. It acts as a proxy for requests that must be answered by other servers in the same cluster if ProxyMode is set; otherwise clients receive a redirect response instead. Any disk found by the server will be considered as being part of the abstract archive ArchiveName. Access to the disk, plus other block-based operations performed by the server (e.g., network read/write and checksum calculation) will be performed using BlockSize block size. Finally, a list of colon-separated directories containing python packages and modules can be specified using the PluginsPath attribute. This directories will be added to the sys.path of the NGAS server, allowing users to install their own code separately from the NGAS installation, which might not even be writable. --> <Server Id="Server-MWA" RootDirectory="/home/ngas/NGAS" ArchiveName="LocalWorkspacesArchive" BlockSize="65536" IpAddress="" PortNo="7777" MaxSimReqs="10" ProxyMode="0"/> <!-- Authorization and authentication. Authorization is performed using Basic HTTP authentication. Usernames and passwords are defined on each of the User sub-elements below. Passwords are base64-encoded. For each user, a comma-separated list of the commands they are allow to use can be defined (with "*" serving as a wildcard to indicate all commands). Authorization can be enabled/disabled fully through the Enable attribute. --> <Authorization Id="Authorization" Enable="0"> <User Name="user1" Password="dXNlcjE=" Commands="*"/> <User Name="user2" Password="dXNlcjI=" Commands="RETRIEVE"/> <User Name="user3" Password="dXNlcjM=" Commands="ARCHIVE"/> </Authorization> <!-- Logging configuration The NGAS server outputs its logging to three different sinks: the stdout, a (rotating) logfile, and syslog. The stdout output is not configured but via a command-line parameter. In a real-world setup the NGAS server will run in the background, so there is no point on configuring stdout logging here. Logfile output is configured via LocalLogFile, which indicates the logfile. Statements with level <= LocalLogLevel appear in the logfile. The logfile is rotated with a LogRotateInt interval (expressed as ddTHH:mm:ss), and LogRotateCache files are maintained before they start getting deleted. Syslog output is enabled if SysLog is 1. Statements are prefixed with SysLogPrefix before sent to syslog. Logging levels are interpreted like this: 0 = NONE, 1 = ERROR, 2 = WARNING, 3 = NOTICE, 4 = INFO, 5 = DEBUG. The flag ArchiveRotatedLogfiles controls whether the rotated log files are archived (=1) on the host or not (=0). --> <Log Id="Log" LocalLogFile="log/LogFile.nglog" LocalLogLevel="4" LogRotateCache="30" LogRotateInt="01T00:00:00" SysLog="0" SysLogPrefix="ngas" ArchiveRotatedLogfiles="0"/> <!-- Archiving configuration The FreeSpaceDiskChangeMb and MinFreeSpaceWarningMb specify how much available free space in the disks will trigger an error to change the disk, and a warning email alerting about the condition, respectivelly. The PathPrefix is the top-level directory on each volume under which NGAS will store incoming data. Data will be replicated during archiving from the Main disk to a Replication disk if Replication is set to 1. If BackLogBuffering is set to 1, then failures during ARCHIVE commands *might* be resolved automatically by NGAS asynchronously. In such situations, backlogged data sits temporarily in the BackLogBufferDirectory. --> <ArchiveHandling Id="ArchiveHandling" BackLogBufferDirectory="." BackLogBuffering="0" FreeSpaceDiskChangeMb="200" MinFreeSpaceWarningMb="200" PathPrefix="MWAArchive" Replication="0"/> <!-- Set of actions this server is allowed to perform Servers can be allowed to process archive requests, processing requests, remove requests and/or retrieve requests. --> <Permissions Id="Permissions" AllowArchiveReq="1" AllowProcessingReq="1" AllowRemoveReq="1" AllowRetrieveReq="1"/> <!-- Database connectivity NGAS uses the PEP-249-compliant module indicated by Interface to connect to the central database. This driver is wrapped by a connection pool, which will hold a maximum of MaxPoolConnections connections. When a new connection is established by the pool to the database server, the SQL statements specified in the sql attribute of the SessionSql XML sub-elements are executed. This could be useful, for instance, to switch to a different database before running any queries, if required, but could be used for other purposes. Because of historical reasons, some database schemas had a "ignore" column in the ngas_files table rather than a "file_ignore" column. If you are creating a database from scratch, you should prefer "file_ignore" (which is what we use in the SQL scripts we ship with NGAS to create databases from scratch), but if you have an existing database with "ignore" you can still configure NGAS to use that name. The UseFileIgnore attribute controls this. It defaults to "true", in which case "file_ignore" will be used throughout the code; otherwise "ignore" will be used instead. The Snapshot attribute should be considered unsafe, and (unless you know exactly what you are doing) should be left set to "0". Any other parameter will be used verbatim as keyword arguments to the connect method of the PEP-249 driver. Example: If the central database is a PostgreSQL server, and is using the old "ignore" column name one can setup this element to be: <Db Id="Db" Snapshot="0" Interface="psycopg2" UseFileIgnore="false" host="db-server.example.com" dbname="db-name" user="db-user" password="password"/> --> <!-- <Db Id="Db-Element" Snapshot="0" Interface="sqlite3" MaxPoolConnections="5" UseFileIgnore="true" database="/tmp/ngas.sqlite"/> --> <Db Id="Db" Snapshot="0" Interface="psycopg2" UseFileIgnore="true" host="db" dbname="ngas" user="archive" password="docker"/> <!-- E-mail notification setup Under certain circumstances emails can be sent by NGAS to different recipients. Notifications are sent to the SmtpHost SMTP server, and appear as sent by Sender. Depending on the event generating the email, one of the addresses will be used. Email sending can be disabled, although even when disabled some notifications (that are considered too important to be missed) will still be sent. If messages cannot be sent for any reason, they are kept internally by NGAS for a maximum of time defined by MaxRetentionTime, or until MaxRetentionSize messages are hit. --> <Notification Id="Notification" Active="0" MaxRetentionSize="1" MaxRetentionTime="00T00:30:00" Sender="ngas@host.com" SmtpHost="localhost"> <AlertNotification> <EmailRecipient Address="address@example.com"/> </AlertNotification> <ErrorNotification> <EmailRecipient Address="address@example.com"/> </ErrorNotification> <DiskSpaceNotification> <EmailRecipient Address="address@example.com"/> </DiskSpaceNotification> <DiskChangeNotification> <EmailRecipient Address="address@example.com"/> </DiskChangeNotification> <NoDiskSpaceNotification> <EmailRecipient Address="address@example.com"/> </NoDiskSpaceNotification> <DataCheckNotification> <EmailRecipient Address="address@example.com"/> </DataCheckNotification> </Notification> <!-- ======================================================================== Background tasks ======================================================================== --> <!-- Configures the Janitor service. The Janitor service runs a number of house-keeping tasks in the background with a given period (specified via SuspensionTime). One of the tasks of the Janitor service is the check that the filesystems where files are being stored in have enough space to keep storing new files (and if not, send the server to OFFLINE state). This behavior is controlled via the MinSpaceSysDirMb attribute, which indicates how much space should always be available on each filesystem. Users can also specify extra functionality to be run during each janitor iteration. To do this, PlugIn XML sub-elements can be defined inside the JanitorThread element, each specifying a Name attribute pointing to a fully-qualified python module name. See NGAS's documentation for more details. --> <JanitorThread Id="JanitorThread-Std" SuspensionTime="0T00:10:00" MinSpaceSysDirMb="500"/> <!-- Caching control configuration If enabled (Enable="1"), the caching control service automatically removes data from the server when certain criteria are met. Files are removed from the cache if any of the following is true for them: 1) they have been in the cache for more than a specified maximum time, expressed in seconds (e.g., MaxTime="86400" for a full day), 2) the total volume of files in the cache has reached the specified limit (e.g., MaxCacheSize="1099511627776" to specify 1 TBs), 3) a maximum number of files has been reached (e.g., MaxFiles="1000" for a maximum caching of 1000 files), and 4) A user-specific plugin, specified via the CacheControlPlugIn (a fully-qualified python module name) and the CacheControlPlugInPars parameters, which determines whether a particular file should be deleted or not. If any of these attributes is missing, the corresponding criterion is not applied. In the case of MaxCacheSize and MaxFiles, eligible files are selected FIFO-wise; that is, older files are removed first. On top of all the above, if the Subscription service is enabled files will only be eligible for deletion after they are successfully transmitted to all their subscribers. At the moment this is specified by setting CheckCanBeDeleted="1", but in future releases this will change and the behaviour will be implicit. --> <Caching Enable="0" Period="0T00:30:00" MaxCacheSize="1099511627776" CheckCanBeDeleted="1"/> <!-- Data Checker Thread configuration If enabled (Active="1"), the checksum of the files stored in the NGAS server will be periodically re-calculated (with a period of MinCycle) and compared against the respective checksum stored in the database. A summary report will be generated at the end and e-mailed to the corresponding recipient (see the Notification configuration element) if there are errors, or if the ForceNotif attribute is set to 1. The data checker thread can also be configured to perform a simple file scanning check (if Scan is "1") instead of a full checksum calculation and comparison. --> <DataCheckThread Id="DataCheckThread" Active="0" Scan="0" ForceNotif="1" MaxProcs="4" MinCycle="01T00:00:00"/> <!-- A collection of system-level plug-ins These plug-ins are used for different purposes, either by a command or by the core system. Each specifies a name (a python module with that name, offering a function with the same name) and an optional set of comma-separated key=value parameter pairs. --> <SystemPlugIns Id="SystemPlugIns-Std" LabelPrinterPlugIn="-" LabelPrinterPlugInPars="-" OfflinePlugIn="ngamsGenericOfflinePlugIn" OfflinePlugInPars="unmount=0" OnlinePlugIn="ngamsGenericOnlinePlugIn" OnlinePlugInPars="" DiskSyncPlugIn="" DiskSyncPlugInPars=""/> <!-- ======================================================================== File types, storage organisation, and processing ======================================================================== --> <!-- Mime type definitions. Here mime types, and their associated default extensions, are defined. --> <MimeTypes Id="MimeTypes-Std"> <MimeTypeMap Extension="fits" MimeType="image/x-fits"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="nglog" MimeType="ngas/nglog"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="nglog.gz" MimeType="application/x-nglog"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="txt" MimeType="text/ascii"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="log" MimeType="text/log-file"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="log.Z" MimeType="application/x-clog"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="paf" MimeType="ngas/paf"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="fits.gz" MimeType="application/x-gfits"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="fits.Z" MimeType="application/x-cfits"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="hfits" MimeType="application/x-hfits"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="hdr" MimeType="image/x-fitshdr"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="tar" MimeType="application/x-tar"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="tar.gz" MimeType="application/x-gtar"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="pdf" MimeType="application/pdf"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="msg" MimeType="multialma/related"/> <MimeTypeMap Extension="bin" MimeType="application/octet-stream"/> </MimeTypes> <!-- Storage organisation. NGAS storage is organised in disks or volumes, which can be grouped in StorageSets. For full details see https://ngas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ --> <StorageSets> <StorageSet DiskLabel="BULK" MainDiskSlotId="volume1" Mutex="0" Synchronize="1" StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSet DiskLabel="BULK" MainDiskSlotId="volume2" Mutex="0" StorageSetId="volume2" Synchronize="1"/> <StorageSet DiskLabel="BULK" MainDiskSlotId="volume3" Mutex="0" StorageSetId="volume3" Synchronize="1"/> </StorageSets> <!-- Stream definitions With the definitions of mime types and storage sets, users define which files end up in which disks depending on their storage sets. This logic is obeyed but some (but not all) archiving commands. On top of that, streams also define which plug-in should be applied to each mapped mime type (although this bit of configuration will be moved in the future to the MimeTypes element). For full details on Streams and storage organisation visit: https://ngas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ --> <Streams> <Stream MimeType="application/octet-stream" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="image/x-fits" PlugIn="ngamsFitsPlugIn" PlugInPars="compression=compress -f, checksum_util=utilFitsChecksum, skip_checksum=, checksum_result=0/0000000000000000, frame_ingest_db_id=TEST_SRV"> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="cal/x-fits" PlugIn="ngamsCalibDapi" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="cal/x-tfits" PlugIn="ngamsCalibDapi" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="non/existing" PlugIn="ngamsNonExisting" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="application/x-cfits" PlugIn="ngamsFitsPlugIn" PlugInPars="compression=compress -f, checksum_util=utilFitsChecksum, checksum_result=0/0000000000000000"> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="application/x-gfits" PlugIn="ngamsFitsPlugIn" PlugInPars="compression=compress -f, checksum_util=utilFitsChecksum, checksum_result=0/0000000000000000"> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="ngas/nglog" PlugIn="ngamsNgLogPlugIn" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="text/ascii" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="text/log-file" PlugIn="ngamsNgLogPlugIn" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="application/x-tar" PlugIn="ngasTarBallPlugIn" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="multialma/related" PlugIn="ngamsSdmMultipart" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="application/pdf" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> <Stream MimeType="application/x-gtar" PlugIn="ngamsGenDapi" PlugInPars=""> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume1"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume2"/> <StorageSetRef StorageSetId="volume3"/> </Stream> </Streams> <!-- Processing setup When files are retrieved from an NGAS server, they can be processed before sent back to the client. This behaviour is controlled by these plug-ins, which specify which mime types are allowed to be processed by which plug-in (users specify in the HTTP request which plugin they want to use for processing). Temporary files used during processing are stored under a "processing" directory under the directory indicated by ProcessingDirectory, which can be relative to the NGAS root directory --> <Processing Id="Processing-Std" ProcessingDirectory="."> <PlugIn Name="ngamsEsoArchDppi" PlugInPars=""> <MimeType Name="image/x-fits"/> <MimeType Name="application/x-gfits"/> <MimeType Name="application/x-cfits"/> </PlugIn> <PlugIn Name="ngamsExtractFitsHdrDppi" PlugInPars=""> <MimeType Name="image/x-fits"/> <MimeType Name="application/x-gfits"/> <MimeType Name="application/x-cfits"/> </PlugIn> <PlugIn Name="ngasWfiPreview" PlugInPars=""> <MimeType Name="image/x-fits"/> <MimeType Name="application/x-gfits"/> <MimeType Name="application/x-cfits"/> </PlugIn> </Processing> <!-- Plug-in definitions for the REGISTER command --> <Register Id="Register-Std"> <PlugIn Name="ngamsFitsRegPlugIn" PlugInPars="checksum_util=utilFitsChecksum, checksum_result=0/0000000000000000"> <MimeType Name="image/x-fits"/> <MimeType Name="application/x-gfits"/> <MimeType Name="application/x-cfits"/> </PlugIn> </Register> <!-- Host suspension configuration Under some circumstances users may want to configure NGAS hosts to suspend themselves if they have been idle for a long time. If enabled (IdleSuspension="1"), a host H will suspend itself after being IdleSuspensionTime seconds idle using SuspensionPlugIn (and its SuspensionPlugInPars). Before suspending themselves, they register a wake-up call with the WakeUpServerHost, who will wake wake up host H using WakeUpPlugIn and WakeUpPlugInPars, and a timeout of WakeUpCallTimeOut. --> <HostSuspension Id="HostSuspension" IdleSuspension="0" IdleSuspensionTime="60" SuspensionPlugIn="ngamsSuspensionPlugIn" SuspensionPlugInPars="--SuspensionPlugInPars--" WakeUpCallTimeOut="200" WakeUpPlugIn="ngamsWakeUpPlugIn" WakeUpPlugInPars="eth0,eth1" WakeUpServerHost="my_wakeup_host"/> <!-- Pre-defined subscriptions. These subscrptions are incorporated into the list of subscriptions managed by the server at server startup time. If the subscriptions exist in the subscription database (which is the official source of subscription information) then no action is taken. Otherwise they are added to the database, and will start being used immediately. Note that these elements define data flowing INTO our server from the server in <HostId>:<PortNo> rather than the other way around. --> <SubscriptionDef Id="SubscriptionDef" AutoUnsubscribe="1" BackLogExpTime="28T00:00:00" Enable="0" SuspensionTime="0T00:03:00"> <Subscription HostId="HostId1" PortNo="1234" Priority="1" SubscriberUrl="http://test.url1" FilterPlugIn="FilterPlugIn1" FilterPlugInPars="1,2,3,4"/> <Subscription HostId="HostId2" PortNo="5678" Priority="2" SubscriberUrl="http://test.url2" FilterPlugIn="FilterPlugIn2" FilterPlugInPars="5,6,7,8"/> </SubscriptionDef> <!-- Authentication to use for subscriptions. This section specifies the authentication plugin to use when sending files via the subscription system. See the documentation for more information, or see the example plugin included below. --> <SubscriptionAuth Id="SubscriptionAuth" PlugInName="ngas_sub_auth_plugin"/> </NgamsCfg>