#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o errexit -o nounset function usage { echo "Usage: ingest-request [-c] [workflow_request_id] This script sets off a Workspaces ingestion workflow of the specified type, given by the chosen option, for the provided workflow request id. Options: -c, --calibration run the ingest_cal workflow for the specified request -h, --help display this help and exit " } option=$(echo "$1" | tr A-Z a-z) case $option in --calibration|-c) action="ingest_cal" ;; --help|-h) usage ;; esac WORKFLOW_SERVICE=$(capo -q edu.nrao.workspaces.WorkflowSettings.serviceUrl) if [ "$action" = "ingest_cal" ]; then curl -X POST $WORKFLOW_SERVICE/workflows/std_calibration/requests/$2/ingest fi