CONDOR_HOST = condor-cm use security:host_based use ROLE : Submit # Give all permissions to all connecting parties (this is a security risk, but since this pool is local-only I think it's fine -nhertz) ALLOW_WRITE = * ALLOW_READ = * ALLOW_DAEMON = * ALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR = * # Disable authentication (another security risk) SEC_DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION=NEVER SEC_DEFAULT_INTEGRITY=NEVER SEC_DEFAULT_NEGOTIATION=NEVER # Add flag to ensure our lustre-needing workflows can run on our cluster HASLUSTRE = True STARTD_ATTRS = $(STARTD_ATTRS) HASLUSTRE PoolName = "workspaces" SCHEDD_DEBUG = D_ALL # Filesystem - make jobs that need to run ON lustre actually see lustre FILESYSTEM_DOMAIN = developer UID_DOMAIN = local