REST and AMQP, from Amygdala to Workspaces Rules Engine

-  .. rubric:: `Introduction <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
      :name: introduction

   -  .. rubric:: `REST <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
         :name: rest

   -  .. rubric:: `AMQP <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
         :name: amqp

-  .. rubric:: `Benefits and
      Drawbacks <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
      :name: benefits-and-drawbacks

   -  .. rubric:: `REST is preferred
         when... <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
         :name: rest-is-preferred-when...

   -  .. rubric:: `AMQP is preferred
         when... <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
         :name: amqp-is-preferred-when...

-  .. rubric:: `Changes from the
      Archive <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
      :name: changes-from-the-archive

-  .. rubric:: `Amygdala <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
      :name: amygdala

   -  .. rubric:: `Concept <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
         :name: concept

   -  .. rubric:: `Rules
         engine <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
         :name: rules-engine

   -  .. rubric:: `Who owns
         amygdala? <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
         :name: who-owns-amygdala

   -  .. rubric:: `Decision <#RESTandAMQP,fromAmygdalatoWorkspacesRul>`__
         :name: decision

.. _introduction-1:


The archive and workspaces systems are heavy users of both REST and

.. _rest-1:


REST stands for *REpresentational State Transfer* but in the relatively
weak form we use it generally connotes services that are A) offered over
HTTP, B) utilize the semantics of HTTP verbs (GET, PUT, DELETE
especially), and C) leverage the semantics of HTTP response codes. In
principle REST services may accept and provide various formats but in
practice we tend to implement JSON only. REST services define a certain
filesystem-like hierarchical structure, and it's common to think of that
structure as defining collections of entities which contain other
collections of other entities.

Because REST builds on HTTP, there is a synchronous request-response
cycle; you send one request, you get one response, and then you can send
another. Every request is paired with a single response, and in general
those responses should return in a timely fashion. It's perfectly OK to
transmit arbitrarily large content to and fro with HTTP.

.. _amqp-1:


AMQP stands for *Advanced Message Queuing Protocol* and has a very
different set of semantics from HTTP. AMQP defines several concepts:
*messages*, which are opaque packets of bytes to the system; *exchanges*
which are a place messages are sent, from which they are routed by the
system to *queues*. We generally use "topic" exchanges, which are named
and allow routing based on matching patterns in a *key* which is
supplied along with the message. AMQP doesn't know or care about the
structure of your messages, but we use JSON pervasively so that messages
are easy to encode, decode and inspect. AMQP queues have an associated
lifetime, which is either persistent forever or transient; transient
queues disappear when the connection is closed but persistent queues
continue to gather up messages even when no clients are there to receive
them, a fact we leverage to great effect.

You'll notice there are no explicit request/response pairs in AMQP, and
this is because once a connection is made to the AMQP server, the client
can freely send and receive messages as its heart desires. It's
perfectly normal for an AMQP client to open a connection and wait an
indeterminate time for events to roll in.

.. _benefits-and-drawbacks-1:

Benefits and Drawbacks

The technical details of these protocols are interesting, but what is
the high-level perspective on them? We use both for a reason, what's the

|                 | **REST**    | **AMQP**        | **Comments**    |
| **Sync/Async**  | Synchronous | Asynchronous    | AMQP is better  |
|                 |             |                 | for             |
|                 |             |                 | fire-and-forget |
|                 |             |                 | messages, REST  |
|                 |             |                 | is better for   |
|                 |             |                 | RPC-like        |
|                 |             |                 | acknowledged    |
|                 |             |                 | messages. AMQP  |
|                 |             |                 | individual      |
|                 |             |                 | message         |
|                 |             |                 | overhead is     |
|                 |             |                 | very low        |
|                 |             |                 | compared to     |
|                 |             |                 | REST. Emulating |
|                 |             |                 | synchronousness |
|                 |             |                 | with AMQP       |
|                 |             |                 | requires        |
|                 |             |                 | sending overt   |
|                 |             |                 | reply messages. |
| **Size Limit**  | No          | Yes             | While           |
|                 |             |                 | technically     |
|                 |             |                 | feasible, large |
|                 |             |                 | messages are    |
|                 |             |                 | extremely       |
|                 |             |                 | inefficient in  |
|                 |             |                 | AMQP. REST is   |
|                 |             |                 | fine with       |
|                 |             |                 | gigabyte-sized  |
|                 |             |                 | files           |
| **Message       | High        | Low             | AMQP nicely     |
| Overhead**      |             |                 | handles         |
|                 |             |                 | extremely high  |
|                 |             |                 | volumes of      |
|                 |             |                 | messages. REST  |
|                 |             |                 | is better       |
|                 |             |                 | suited to much  |
|                 |             |                 | lower volumes.  |
| **Ease of       | Trivial     | Support library | Browsers can    |
| Access**        |             | needed, not     | only make HTTP  |
|                 |             | accessible from | connections, so |
|                 |             | the browser     | to access AMQP  |
|                 |             |                 | over the web,   |
|                 |             |                 | you need a      |
|                 |             |                 | gateway of some |
|                 |             |                 | kind. HTTP is   |
|                 |             |                 | well-supported  |
|                 |             |                 | by essentially  |
|                 |             |                 | every language. |
| **Coupling**    | High        | Low             | Systems that    |
|                 |             |                 | interconnect    |
|                 |             |                 | with REST must  |
|                 |             |                 | call each other |
|                 |             |                 | directly. AMQP  |
|                 |             |                 | allows          |
|                 |             |                 | pu              |
|                 |             |                 | blish-subscribe |
|                 |             |                 | topologies in   |
|                 |             |                 | which the       |
|                 |             |                 | communicating   |
|                 |             |                 | parties do not  |
|                 |             |                 | know each other |
|                 |             |                 | and have no     |
|                 |             |                 | overt           |
|                 |             |                 | connection to   |
|                 |             |                 | each other.     |

This table helps to sort of partition the messaging space into two:

.. _rest-is-preferred-when...-1:

REST is preferred when...

-  Browsers must communicate with the service

-  Service has a synchronous character, where a reply is expected within
   a short, finite amount of time

-  Large content needs to be exchanged

.. _amqp-is-preferred-when...-1:

AMQP is preferred when...

-  Message has an "FYI" quality, not really intended for one particular

-  Messages are small but message volume is high

-  Message persistence is desired

-  Distributed processing with many workers is needed (round-robin
   access to queue)

.. _changes-from-the-archive-1:

Changes from the Archive

There is one notable change in behavior between the archive and
workspaces, and this is that workflows are initiated by REST calls in
Workspaces versus AMQP messages in the archive.

In terms of the benefits and costs, AMQP is hardly warranted in this
scenario as workflow initiations are infrequent. A possible benefit here
is the queuing up of workflow requests, but in practice we haven't seen
a lot of benefit here, workflow downtime is less of a problem than
workflow resumption after a restart, which was a design goal.

If it isn't possible to initiate a workflow via a REST call, how do
users cause workflows to get executed in the archive? The answer is that
the ALMA RH (request handler) has been modified to send workflow start
messages. There is a failure mode in which the workflow server is
offline but the RH is still able to queue up workflow requests, which is
a functionality lost in the workspaces system. In the fullness of time,
Workspaces replaces the RH and there is a scenario there where the
capability or workflow service is offline and you're consequently unable
to submit a workflow. I would argue that this may be an improvement over
the current system, in that we have had several bugs reported because a
workflow server was offline and requests were sent but appeared to go

.. _amygdala-1:


.. _concept-1:


It seems obvious, but if you want to decouple two systems, it's
important that they not know too much about each other. For this reason,
I don't want the archive to tell the workspaces system "run a
calibration on this raw data" when instead it could say "we have
received an observation"—which is a general purpose message that could
have many interested parties that want to receive it—and have some other
system concentrate the intelligence of knowing that receiving
observations means we need to run calibrations.

In general we group these into a few different categories of messaging

1. | **Protocol changes:** resending messages over AMQP that arrived via
     other channels
   | E.g.: MCAF and the CBE use webhooks and UDP broadcast to notify
     other systems that files have been generated.

2. | **Level** **changes**: converting a message about a child into a
     message for its parent
   | E.g.: a workflow status message is translated into a capability
     status message to protect capability consumers from knowing too
     much about workflows

3. | **Semantic changes:** converting a semantically vague message into
     a specific one
   | E.g.: an ingestion-complete message for a new observation
     necessitates a message that it is time to calibrate this

There is a system in the archive that does this, called "amygdala." The
name amygdala was chosen because this is analogous to what your brain
stem does, it receives electrical signals from your nervous system and
reacts to them by sending other electrical signals. I also wanted to
make it clear that it should not be *all* that smart, we'd need a more
powerful system for more complex rules as time went on.

Time went on and now we have a more complex design, which is Workspaces.

.. _rules-engine-1:

Rules engine

Towards the end of the design phase we determined we'd need to have a
primitive "rules engine," which would have a simple pattern/action
design, and we left it kind of vague. There's a sketch of an initial
design in Cameo which looks like this:

.. image:: media/rest-and-amqp-1.png

As you can see, the concept in the rules engine is that we have some
number of rules, each of which is looking for a certain type of event,
matching some sort of condition on it, and then responding in a few
pluggable ways. I imagine a tabular representation for the rules that
looks something like this:

| **Event**      | **Condition**  | **Response**   | **Commentary** |
| Filesystem     | new file in    | Send Event     | A protocol     |
| Event          | /foo           | new-file       | change rule,   |
|                |                |                | converting a   |
|                |                |                | filesystem     |
|                |                |                | event into an  |
|                |                |                | AMQP event     |
| Workspace      | message type = | Send Event     | A level change |
| Event          | w              | cap            | rule,          |
|                | orkflow-status | ability-status | converting a   |
|                | and            |                | workflow       |
|                | capability_id  |                | (hidden) into  |
|                | is defined     |                | a capability   |
|                |                |                | event          |
| Archive Event  | message type = | Run Capability | A semantic     |
|                | inge           | standa         | rule, this is  |
|                | stion-complete | rd-calibration | the            |
|                | and instrument |                | CIPL-portion   |
|                | = VLA          |                | of amygdala.   |
|                |                |                | Implemented by |
|                |                |                | sending a REST |
|                |                |                | call to the    |
|                |                |                | Workspaces     |
|                |                |                | capability     |
|                |                |                | service        |

I'm prepared to remove the Run Workflow and DB Update actions, but I
think it's good to have an extensible response/action interface and
they're decent illustrations.

This is newer than the discussion in the Workspaces architecture
overview which simply says that amygdala will need to be modified to
initiate capability requests instead of workflow-start events.

.. _who-owns-amygdala-1:

Who owns amygdala?

Data and processing are really two sides of the same coin. You can't
have processing without data to process; you can't really have two
related pieces of data without the processing that took one and
transformed it into the other. So some rules look like they clearly
belong to the archive and some look like they belong to workspaces. I
allege that this is just because the two systems collaborate a lot,
since workspaces does all the processing for the archive, and the
archive keeps all the data for workspaces to process. Eventually the two
systems have to live together.

I allege that the rules engine here has to have some knowledge of both
these systems and could live in either one. A decision simply has to be
made which, and the code in amygdala needs to be converted into this
rule format and made data.

.. _decision-1:


-  We should replace amygdala with this rules engine

-  It doesn't matter whether that's in workspaces or the archive because
   eventually the projects come together

-  Before taking it to production, we need to make sure that it either
   shares responsibility with amygdala properly or amygdala's
   functionality is replaced with it and amygdala is removed