SHELL := /bin/bash .PHONY: check-build test-dev test dev setup alembic-update docker-base db build coverage clean all: dev check-build # install pre-commit and install hooks from .pre-commit-config.yaml init: brew install pre-commit pre-commit install # Check if local code will pass CI build check-build: docker-base docker-dev-images-locally test-dev # Run tests on Dockerfile images test-dev: docker run nrao:workflow ./bin/ docker run nrao:capability ./bin/ docker run nrao:notification ./bin/ # Run tests on Dockerfile.local containers test: docker exec workspaces-workflow-1 su vlapipe -c "./bin/" docker exec workspaces-capability-1 ./bin/ docker exec workspaces-notification-1 ./bin/ test_cp: docker exec workspaces-capability-1 ./bin/ test_nf: docker exec workspaces-notification-1 ./bin/ # Setup local development environment dev: cache docker-base @echo "starting docker compose up in the background" @echo "wait a few seconds and your environment should be done setting up" docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d alembic-update: cd shared/workspaces/alembic; \ env CAPO_PROFILE=local alembic upgrade head # Build images from Dockerfile docker-dev-images-locally: docker build -t nrao:workflow -f services/workflow/Dockerfile.local . --build-arg capo_env=docker docker build -t nrao:capability -f services/capability/Dockerfile.local . --build-arg capo_env=docker docker build -t nrao:notification -f services/notification/Dockerfile.local . --build-arg capo_env=docker # Build base image docker-base: db docker build --no-cache -t -f Dockerfile.base . docker build --no-cache -t -f apps/web/Dockerfile.base . # Build cache image cache: docker build --no-cache -t cache:tmp -f Dockerfile.cache . --build-arg WS_VERSION=local # Build DB image db: docker build --no-cache -t -f ./ci/psql/Dockerfile.db . # Build docker images build: docker-base db cache docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml build --no-cache # Generate HTML coverage report coverage: docker exec workspaces-workflow-1 ./bin/ -b cp services/workflow/.coverage ./ docker exec workspaces-capability-1 ./bin/ -b cp services/capability/.coverage ./.coverage.cap docker exec workspaces-notification-1 ./bin/ -b cp services/notification/.coverage ./ coverage combine --append coverage html --omit="**/test_*.py,**/,**/,**/*" --skip-empty # Clean up environment clean: # Clean up Docker environment docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml down || true # remove nrao: labeled containers @docker container list --all | grep nrao: | awk '{ print $$1 }' | xargs docker container rm -f # remove workspaces and nrao labeled images @docker images | grep 'workspaces\|nrao\|cache' | awk '{ print $$3 }' | xargs docker rmi -f # remove the python egg-info and pytest_cache folders @find . \( -name "*.egg-info" -o -name ".pytest_cache" \) -exec rm -r {} \; || true # Clean things up in a very nasty and destructive way that is sure to derail the rest of your afternoon reallyclean: clean docker system prune --volumes -f docker volume prune -f # Make the documentation .PHONY: docs docs: cd docs && make html