# base-build:ci references the first stage in app/web/Dockerfile # in which npm install has already been ran and app/web/ has been # copied to /app in the image # For e2e testing, we want to use this first stage as the base for our # e2e container when we run e2e tests in the CI. We'll copy /app/ from # base-build:ci and copy it to /app of the trion/ng-cli-karma:11.2.7 image. # Then we are able to run `ng e2e` with our Angular environment already setup. # https://hub.docker.com/r/trion/ng-cli-karma/ # Both images use NodeJS 14.16 FROM base-build:ci as web-base FROM trion/ng-cli-karma:11.2.8 WORKDIR /app COPY --from=web-base /home/vlapipe/app/ ./ CMD ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update --versions.chrome 89.0.4389.114 && ng e2e --configuration=ci --webdriver-update=false