- Aug 12, 2020
Reid Givens authored
Added queues to the links between tabs to the queue selected in the filters matches the item being viewed
- Aug 11, 2020
Reid Givens authored
- Aug 05, 2020
Reid Givens authored
- Jul 30, 2020
Reid Givens authored
SSA-6008 - Add record counts, SSA-6010 - detect ids and only return that on search, SSA-6011 - Add epoch filters to Jobs and Executions tab, SSA-6444 - Job to product links should key off id instead of name, SSA-6468 - Result range in pagination is off part 2, SSA-6470 Result range in pagination is off part 3
- Jul 23, 2020
Reid Givens authored
SSA-6014 - add a log out button - we are just sending users to the logout endpoint of the CAS server. This still requires a browser restart to make it stick.
Reid Givens authored
- Jul 21, 2020
Charlotte Hausman authored
- Jul 15, 2020
Reid Givens authored
- Jul 14, 2020
Reid Givens authored
Reid Givens authored
updated the button on the minitimes page to send the update tiles request instead of just the refresh the tiles info request
- Jul 13, 2020
Reid Givens authored
- Jun 17, 2020
Reid Givens authored
- Jun 05, 2020
Reid Givens authored
Reid Givens authored
Reid Givens authored
- Jun 04, 2020
Reid Givens authored
- Jun 02, 2020
Reid Givens authored
reformatted post request to deal with SSA-6416, reformatted links for product tab file editing to use router link instead of href
- Jun 01, 2020
Reid Givens authored
Reid Givens authored
Reid Givens authored
executions tab was pull the job detail using the jobspec_id instead of the job_id, so the wrong details were returned - this is now fixed. Feedback on create job added. Overflow-hidden added to list views
- May 28, 2020
Reid Givens authored
updated deploy script and env.js to try and guess at the right endpoints, so this can be deployed to dev, test, or prod
- May 26, 2020
Reid Givens authored
- May 22, 2020
Reid Givens authored
allow the submit job button to show up in Jobs tabs if the lastJob has a status of 'WAITING' (or 'ERROR').
Reid Givens authored
Reid Givens authored
- May 20, 2020
Reid Givens authored
fixed bg styling on page filters - the fields were running out of the bg box all of a sudden - fixed by making 'col' 'col-auto'
Reid Givens authored
jobs to execution links fixed - when an id is detected it tries to get a jobspec of that id, then turns it into job so it can be displayed
Reid Givens authored