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removing unused testing stuff

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1 merge request!77removing unused testing stuff
Pipeline #542 passed
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import pytest
def test_croak_and_die():"I'm melting! I'm melting!")
def test_but_but_its_true():
assert 'Janet' == 'Codemeister'
def test_this_one_should_pass():
print('"I am the walrus"')
def test_this_is_obvious():
assert 3 == 3
def test_this_is_obvious_too():
assert "You, sir" != "Jack Kennedy"
import random
def test_numbers_dont_lie():
assert 2 > 1.5
def test_whats_for_dinner():
entrees = ['taco plate', 'spinach salad', 'spam special',
'chocolate fondue', 'fried grasshopper']
index = random.randint(0, len(entrees) - 1)
dinner = entrees[index]
assert dinner in entrees
# Integration Tests
Here lie integration tests for various components of the system. They were born disguised as unit tests throughout the repo in our various `test` directories and were quarantined here in The Great [SSA-6826]( Test Audit of 2021.
Currently, these tests are in limbo; meaning, they shouldn't be getting executed and are only here so we have a starting point for when/if we do decide to formally begin writing integration tests.
-- Nathan
import pytest
from channels.amqp_helpers import WorkflowEventChannel, workflow_events
from workspaces.workflow.enum import WorkflowEventType
from workspaces.workflow.schema import WorkflowEvent
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Test requires AMQP, therefore it's an integration test")
def test_workflow_event_sending():
Tests that a workflow event can be properly sent to the AMQP exchange, routed through a queue, and get received
on the other side
channel =
queue = channel.queue_declare(queue="", exclusive=True).method.queue
queue=queue, exchange=WorkflowEventChannel.EXCHANGE, routing_key="#"
"-1", "name", "-1", WorkflowEventType.OTHER, "2020-01-01", "Nothing to log"
method, header, body = channel.basic_get(queue)
if method:
from typing import List
import pytest
from workspaces.capability.enums import CapabilityStepType, ExecutionState
from workspaces.capability.helpers import CapabilityStep
from workspaces.capability.helpers_interfaces import ParameterIF
from workspaces.capability.schema import Capability, CapabilityExecution
from workspaces.capability.schema_interfaces import (
from import CapabilityEngine
from import CapabilityService
from import CapabilityInfoIF, CapabilityName
from workspaces.products.schema_interfaces import FutureProductIF
from import WorkflowService
from shared.workspaces.test.test_workflow_service import FakeWorkflowInfo
class FakeCapabilityInfo(CapabilityInfoIF):
def lookup_execution_by_workflow_request_id(
self, workflow_request_id: int
) -> CapabilityExecutionIF:
raise NotImplementedError
capabilities = [
steps="prepare and run workflow null\nawait workflow\n",
def create_capability(
self, name: CapabilityName, steps: List[CapabilityStepType], max_jobs: int
) -> CapabilityIF:
capability = Capability(len(self.capabilities), name, steps, max_jobs)
return capability
def create_capability_request(
capability_name: str,
parameters: List[ParameterIF] = None,
future_products: List[FutureProductIF] = None,
) -> CapabilityRequestIF:
capability = self.lookup_capability(capability_name)
request = capability.create_request(parameters, future_products)
return request
def create_execution(self, request: CapabilityRequestIF) -> CapabilityExecutionIF:
most_recent_version = request.versions[-1]
execution = CapabilityExecution(
id=len(most_recent_version.executions) + 1,,
# ensure that we have a copy of the step sequence as it was when the execution started
return execution
def lookup_capability(self, capability_name: str) -> CapabilityIF:
return next(c for c in self.capabilities if == capability_name)
def lookup_execution(self, execution_id: int) -> CapabilityExecutionIF:
for capability in self.capabilities:
for version in capability.versions:
for execution in version.executions:
if execution_id ==
return execution
def save_execution(self):
capability_info = FakeCapabilityInfo()
workflow_info = FakeWorkflowInfo()
reason="Using a raw CapabilityService like this utilizes wf_monitor, making it an integration test"
def test_capability_request_creation():
Tests that a capability request is properly created and persisted
cs = CapabilityService(capability_info, workflow_info)
req = cs.create_request("null")
assert req in capability_info.capabilities[0].requests
reason="Test needs refactoring; also, we're dealing with several different objects, making it an integration test"
def test_prepare_and_run():
Tests that a capability request can be submitted and executed
ws = WorkflowService(workflow_info)
engine = CapabilityEngine(capability_info, ws)
step = CapabilityStep.from_str("prepare-and-run-workflow null {}")
execution = CapabilityExecution()
step.execute(engine, execution)
import pendulum
import pytest
from workspaces.workflow.enum import WorkflowEventType
from workspaces.workflow.json import WorkflowEventSchema
from workspaces.workflow.schema import WorkflowEvent
reason="This is testing the entire WF event system, not a single module of that system; therefore, it's an integration test"
def test_schema_dumpload():
Tests that a WorflowEvent can be created, dumped to JSON, and loaded into a schema without losing any information
e = WorkflowEvent(
log="nothing to speak of",
schema = WorkflowEventSchema()
event_text = schema.dump(e)
r = schema.load(event_text)
assert e == r
import pytest
from schema import create_session
from import CapabilityInfo
from import CapabilityInfoIF
from import WorkflowInfoIF
from import WorkflowInfo
SESSION = create_session("SDM")
def get_workflow_info() -> WorkflowInfoIF:
"""Return a WorkflowInfo based on a real database connection"""
return WorkflowInfo(SESSION)
def get_capability_info() -> CapabilityInfoIF:
"""Return a CapabilityInfo based on a real database connection"""
return CapabilityInfo(SESSION)
reason="This test queries the database, making it an integration test and unsuitable for CI."
def test_get_requests_for_capability():
"""Ensure we can get all requests for a certain capability"""
info = get_capability_info()
info.create_capability("test_get_requests", None, 0)
assert len(info.requests_for_capability("test_get_requests")) > 0
reason="This test queries the database, making it an integration test and unsuitable for CI."
def test_persisting_workflow_request():
"""Ensure we can persist a workflow request"""
info = get_workflow_info()
null = info.lookup_workflow_definition("null")
req = info.create_workflow_request(null, {})
assert req.workflow_request_id is not None
assert req.results_dir is not None
reason="This test queries the database, making it an integration test and unsuitable for CI."
def test_reading_workflows():
"""Ensure we can get workflows"""
info = get_workflow_info()
workflows = info.all_workflows()
assert len(workflows) > 0
reason="This test queries the database, making it an integration test and unsuitable for CI."
def test_reading_workflow_requests():
"""Ensure we can get workflow requests"""
info = get_workflow_info()
workflow_requests = info.all_workflow_requests()
assert len(workflow_requests) > 0
reason="This test queries the database, making it an integration test and unsuitable for CI."
def test_reading_capability():
"""Ensure we can get a capability"""
info = get_capability_info()
null = info.lookup_capability("null")
assert null is not None
reason="This test queries the database, making it an integration test and unsuitable for CI."
def test_capability_associated_to_workflow():
Tests that the relationship between capability requests and workflows is sound
FIXME: Needs an assertion to actually test something
cinfo = get_capability_info()
winfo = get_workflow_info()
req = cinfo.create_capability_request("null", {})
exec = cinfo.create_execution(req)
workflow_req = winfo.create_workflow_request(
winfo.lookup_workflow_definition("null"), {}
exec.current_workflow_request = workflow_req
reason="This test queries the database, making it an integration test and unsuitable for CI."
def test_download_capability_persisted():
Tests that the download capability is successfully added by its alembic upgrade
cinfo = get_capability_info()
capability = cinfo.lookup_capability("download")
assert == "download"
reason="This test queries the database, making it an integration test and unsuitable for CI."
def test_download_workflow_persisted():
Tests that the download workflow is successfully added by its alembic upgrade
winfo = get_workflow_info()
workflow = winfo.lookup_workflow_definition("download")
templates = winfo.lookup_workflow_templates_for("download")
assert workflow.workflow_name == "download"
assert len(templates) == 3
import pytest
import requests
from pycapo import CapoConfig
reason="Test needs to be refactored to NOT use wf_monitor (i.e. make it a unit test)"
def test_workflow_request_execution():
Test whether a null workflow request can properly be executed
settings = CapoConfig().settings("edu.nrao.archive.workspaces.WorkflowSettings")
r1 ="{settings.serviceUrl}/workflows/null/requests/create?args=-g")
request_id = r1.json()["workflow_request_id"]
r2 ="{settings.serviceUrl}/workflows/requests/{request_id}/submit")
# Assert workflow request execution was received with no error
assert r2.status_code == 200
r3 = requests.get(f"{settings.serviceUrl}/workflows/requests/{request_id}")
# Assert results_dir was properly assigned
assert len(r3.json()["results_dir"]) > 0
# Assert workflow request is in completed state
assert r3.json()["state"] == "Complete"
# Package Tester
This application executes pytest on specified packages, returning
a summary of passes, failures, skips, and errors. A "verbose" command-
line option includes detail for individual tests.
### A word to the wise
If you're going to execute `pytest` from the command line,
be sure to ignore tests that will always fail (these are
used in PackageTester's own tests):
test/$ pytest -v --showlocals --ignore=dummy_tests
## Usage
Package Tester is invoked by the **package-tester** console script
included in <code>package_tester/</code>:
package-tester pkg1 [-v|--verbose][pkg2 pkg3 ... pkg N]'
*pkg* arguments are names of workspaces packages to be tested;
e.g., **datafetcher** or **shared.channels**
Package names need not be fully qualified. In the event that more
than one package is found for a given package name, user will be
notified that they must be more specific.
The *verbose* flag results in more detailed output. For example:
regular output:
$ package-tester dummy_tests
5 passes, 0 errors, 2 failures, 0 skipped; elapsed time: 0.04s
verbose output:
$ package-tester -v dummy_tests
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.6, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/jgoldste/Projects/data, inifile: setup.cfg
collected 7 items
../dummy_tests/always_fail/ FF"I am the walrus"
../dummy_tests/always_pass/ ..
../dummy_tests/always_pass/ ..
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
______________________________ test_croak_and_die ______________________________
def test_croak_and_die():
>"I'm melting! I'm melting!")
E Failed: I'm melting! I'm melting!
../dummy_tests/always_fail/ Failed
____________________________ test_but_but_its_true _____________________________
def test_but_but_its_true():
> assert 'Janet' == 'Codemeister'
E AssertionError: assert 'Janet' == 'Codemeister'
E - Codemeister
E + Janet
../dummy_tests/always_fail/ AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED ../dummy_tests/always_fail/ - ...
FAILED ../dummy_tests/always_fail/
========================= 2 failed, 5 passed in 0.04s ==========================
5 passes, 0 errors, 2 failures, 0 skipped; elapsed time: 0.04s
Note that both options print the summary line.
""" Version information for this package; don't put anything else here. """
___version___ = "1.0.0a1.dev1"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" The Test Runner """
import logging
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List
# pylint: disable=C0303, R0903, R1721, W0703, W1203
sys.path.insert(0, str(Path("../src").absolute()))
# Imports may differ on how and from where PackageTester is invoked.
from .package_tester_utils import (
except ImportError:
print(">>> FYI: using alternative imports")
from .package_tester_utils import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PackageTester:
"""Runs pytest for every package specified.
This version has been refactored to be more self-contained and
manageable than previous version. It is invoked from an
entrypoint rather than a shell script.
def __init__(self, packages: str, verbose=False):
self.package_names = packages
self.verbose = verbose or False
# to be List[TestPackageInfo]
self.pytested_packages = []
# to be List[str]
self.output = []
# to be Dict[str, Path]
self.locations_by_package = {}
def __str__(self):
If there's output, don't include me
return ""
def execute(self):
This is where the magic happens. Find the packages the user submitted;
`pytest` each; organize, report, and store results.
self.locations_by_package = PackageFinder(self.package_names).find()
if len(self.locations_by_package) == 0:
raise PackageTesterException("One or more packages not found.")
if len(self.locations_by_package) < len(self.package_names):
message = "\nOne or more of your packages is ambiguous; "
message += "please try again with a more qualified package."
raise PackageTesterException(message)
f"{len(self.locations_by_package)}" " Package locations found:"
for package, location in self.locations_by_package.items():
self.output.append(f"\t{package}: {location}")
self.pytested_packages = self.process_packages()
def process_packages(self) -> List[TestedPackageInfo]:
Run pytest on each of the packages.
packages_info = []
for package, location in self.locations_by_package.items():
package_info = TestedPackageInfo(package, location)
# cd to package location, -then- run pytest
command = f'cd {location}; echo "Current directory: $(pwd)"; ' f"pytest -v"
output = execute_shell_command(command)
for line in output:
return packages_info
def summarize(self):
Summarize test results for each package tested.
for package_info in self.pytested_packages:
result_line = package_info.test_output[-1]
result = PytestResultsParser(result_line).parse()
package_info.summary = result
def report(self):
Report results.
for package_info in self.pytested_packages:
if self.verbose:
details = [f"{line}" for line in package_info.test_output]
for line in details:
def build_usage_message() -> str:
Tell 'em how to use this thing.
message = f"Usage: {ENTRYPOINT} pkg1 [pkg2 pkg3 ... pkg N]\n\n"
message += "pkg arguments are names of workspaces packages to be tested;\n"
message += 'e.g., "src.apps.cli.executables.datafetcher" or\n'
message += '"shared.channels"'
return message
class PackageFinder:
""" Finds paths corresponding to each submitted package name. """
def __init__(self, packages: List[str]):
# make sure we have something to work with
failure_message = "One or more package names required\n" + build_usage_message()
if (not packages) or len(packages) == 0:
raise PackageTesterException(failure_message)
for package in packages:
if package is None:
raise PackageTesterException(failure_message)
self.packages = packages
def find(self) -> Dict[str, Path]:
Get each package's path.
locations_by_package = {}
for package in self.packages:
for file in Path("/").rglob(package.replace(".", "/")):
# we don't want the built packages; just the source.
if "build" not in str(file):
locations_by_package[package] = file
if len(locations_by_package) != len(self.packages):
raise PackageTesterException(
f"expected {len(self.packages)} "
f"packages; got "
return locations_by_package
class PackageTesterException(Exception):
""" Throw this whenever things go south. """
def main():
`package-tester` entrypoint invokes this to launch the tester.
args = sys.argv[1:]
if args is None or len(args) == 0:
failure_message = "One or more package names required\n" + build_usage_message()
raise PackageTesterException(failure_message)
# let verbose be first OR last arg
package_names = []
verbose = False
for arg in args:
if arg in ("-v", "--verbose"):
verbose = True
tester = PackageTester(package_names, verbose)
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" Utilities and helper classes for PackageTester """
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
ENTRYPOINT = "package-tester"
# pylint: disable=R0903
sys.path.insert(0, str(Path("../src").absolute()))
def execute_shell_command(command: str) -> List[str]:
Run command in shell and return its output.
:param command:
:return: lines of command output
output_lines = []
with subprocess.Popen(
) as proc:
for line in proc.stdout.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if len(line) > 0:
return output_lines
def get_project_root() -> Path:
Get the root of this project, TODO: without depending on name of repo
or of Docker container top level.
my_path = Path(__file__)
path = my_path
while not"workspaces") and not"code"):
path = path.parent
return path
def running_in_docker() -> bool:
Are we executing in shell (rather than in a Docker container or IDE)?
return "SHELL" not in os.environ.keys()
class TestedPackageInfo:
""" Holds metadata about a package's test(s) """
def __init__(self, package_name: str, location: Path):
self.package_name = package_name
self.location = location
self.summary = None
self.test_output = []
class ResultType(Enum):
""" These are statuses that pytest reports. """
# The success string string may be "passed". Thanks, pytest.
PASSES = "passes"
PASSED = "passed"
# Failure string may be "failed" or "failures". Thanks again.
FAILED = "failed"
FAILURES = "failures"
SKIP = "skipped"
ERROR = "error"
class PytestResult:
""" Encapsulates final line of pytest output, which has the results. """
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.failures = (
or kwargs.get(ResultType.FAILURES.value)
or 0
self.skips = kwargs.get(ResultType.SKIP.value) or 0
self.errors = kwargs.get(ResultType.ERROR.value) or 0
self.elapsed_time = kwargs.get("elapsed_time") or ""
self.passes = (
or kwargs.get(ResultType.PASSES.value)
or 0
def __str__(self):
return (
f"{self.passes} passes, "
f"{self.errors} errors, "
f"{self.failures} failures, "
f"{self.skips} skipped; elapsed time: {self.elapsed_time}"
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, PytestResult):
return False
if (
other.passes == self.passes
and other.failures == self.failures
and other.errors == self.errors
and other.skips == self.skips
self_elapsed = self.elapsed_time
other_elapsed = other.elapsed_time
# We don't expect an exact match
if self_elapsed is None:
return other_elapsed is None
return other_elapsed is not None
return False
def elapsed_time_numeric(self) -> float:
Grab numeric portion of "elapsed time" string
match ="([0-9.]+)", self.elapsed_time)
return float( if match else -1.0
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
Did we actually get results for this package?
return self.failures == self.passes == self.skips == self.errors == 0
class PytestResultsParser:
""" Trawls final line of pytest output to get the meat. """
def __init__(self, pytest_results_line: str):
self.pytest_results_line = pytest_results_line
def parse(self) -> PytestResult:
Get the 411 out of the pytest summary line.
counts = {}
for result_type in ResultType:
count = self.get_count(result_type)
if count < 0:
count = 0
counts[result_type] = count
result = PytestResult(
passed=counts[ResultType.PASSED] + counts[ResultType.PASSES],
failed=counts[ResultType.FAILED] + counts[ResultType.FAILURES],
return result
def get_count(self, result_type: ResultType) -> int:
Find the count that pytest has reported for this result type.
:param result_type:
key = result_type.value
if key not in self.pytest_results_line:
return 0
match ="([0-9]+) {key}", self.pytest_results_line)
if match:
return int(
return -1
def get_elapsed_time(self) -> str:
Parse elapsed time out of pytest result line.
match ="in ([.0-9]+[a-z])", self.pytest_results_line)
return if match else "-1.0"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" This is the setup for the PackageTester. """
from pathlib import Path
from setuptools import setup
VERSION = open("package_tester/").readlines()[-1].split()[-1].strip("\"'")
README = Path("").read_text()
requires = ["pytest>=5.4,<6.0"]
name="ssa-" + Path().absolute().name,
description="NRAO Archive Test Runner",
author="NRAO SSA Team",
classifiers=["Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8"],
"console_scripts": ["package-tester = package_tester.package_tester:main"]
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