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Core sampler

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# Core Sampler
This program extracts a "core sample" from a database. You supply a database name, a table name, and a primary key.
The core sampler outputs an SQL file you can use to load the core sample into a copy of the database somewhere else.
""" Version information for this package, don't put anything else here. """
___version___ = '4.0.0a1.dev1'
Core Sampler
This program extracts a "core sample" from a database. You supply a database name, a table name, and a primary key.
The core sampler outputs an SQL file you can use to load the core sample into a copy of the database somewhere else.
import argparse
import psycopg2 as pg
import psycopg2.extras as extras
from pycapo import CapoConfig
from .database import PGTable
from .interfaces import Table, RowSet
from .row_writer import TopologicallySortingRowWriter, UniquifyingRowWriter, PostgresCopyRowWriter
# stolen shamelessly from aat_wrest
class MDDBConnector:
"""Use this connection to interrogate this science product locator"""
def __init__(self):
self.connection = self._connect_to_mddb()
def _connect_to_mddb(self):
Establish a DB connection
settings = CapoConfig().settings("metadataDatabase")
host_slash_db = settings["jdbcUrl"][len("jdbc:postgresql://") :]
host, dbname = host_slash_db.split("/")
port = 5432
if ":" in host:
host, port = host.split(":")
conn = pg.connect(
return conn
except Exception as exc:
print(f"Unable to connect to database: {exc}")
raise exc
def cursor(self):
return self.connection.cursor(cursor_factory=extras.RealDictCursor)
def close(self):
class CoreSampler:
A device for retrieving core samples from a database.
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
self.writer = TopologicallySortingRowWriter(UniquifyingRowWriter(PostgresCopyRowWriter()))
self.visited = set()
def sample(self, project_code: str):
Sample the database.
# the first time through, we select from the projects table and get that row
projects = self.table("projects")
requested = projects.fetch({"project_code": project_code})
def save(self, rows: "RowSet"):
Save some rows, and then go and fetch their related rows and save them too, recursively.
:param rows: the seed rows to start from
# bail out if we've already seen this table
if in self.visited:
for relation in rows.relations():
more = relation.fetch_related_to(rows)
# recur, if we have some rows
if len(more) > 0:
def table(self, name: str) -> Table:
Return a Table with the given name.
:param name: name of the table we're talking about
:return: a Table with this name
return PGTable(self.connection.cursor(), name)
def write(self, rows: RowSet):
Record the rows we've found.
:param rows: the rows to record
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("project_code", type=str, help="Project code to start core sampling from")
ns = parser.parse_args()
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Iterable, Optional
from .interfaces import RowSet, Table, Relationship, RowWriter
class PGTable(Table):
I'm a table in PostgreSQL.
def name(self) -> str:
return self._name
def __init__(
name: str,
self.cursor = cursor
self._name = name
def fetch(self, primary_key: Dict[str, Any]) -> RowSet:
# 1. Determine the primary key columns
primary_key_columns = self.primary_key_columns()
# 2. Generate the WHERE clause
pkey = {column_name: primary_key[column_name] for column_name in primary_key_columns}
whereclause = " AND ".join(f"{name} = %({name})s" for name in pkey.keys())
# 3. Run the query
self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {whereclause}", pkey)
# 4. Manufacture the result
return PGRowSet(self, self.cursor.fetchall())
def primary_key_columns(self):
"""SELECT c.column_name
FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc
JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu USING (constraint_schema, constraint_name)
JOIN information_schema.columns AS c ON c.table_schema = tc.constraint_schema AND
tc.table_name = c.table_name AND
ccu.column_name = c.column_name
WHERE constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' AND
tc.table_name = %(tablename)s""",
primary_key_columns = [r["column_name"] for r in self.cursor.fetchall()]
return primary_key_columns
def fetch_according_to(self, rows: RowSet, columns: List[str]):
self_join_columns = self.self_join_columns()
if self_join_columns:
return self.recursive_fetch_according_to(rows, columns, self_join_columns)
return self.basic_fetch_according_to(rows, columns)
def basic_fetch_according_to(self, rows: RowSet, columns: List[str]):
Fetch from this table all the rows related to the supplied rowset, using the
supplied columns from the originating table.
:param rows:
:param columns:
query = self.basic_fetch_according_to_query(rows, columns)
# if the query doesn't exist, we don't have any escaped rows,
# so there's nothing to do
if query is None:
return PGRowSet(self, [])
return PGRowSet(self, self.cursor.fetchall())
def basic_fetch_according_to_query(self, rows: RowSet, columns: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
Returns the query we'll use to obtain some rows from this table according to rows in
another RowSet that reference us somehow.
:param rows: the rows with references to our table
:param columns: the columns in those rows that reference our primary key
:return: SQL query string
# 1. Escape the WHERE clause entries. it's important to use the primary keys
# to retrieve the values from the previous resultset; the new columns will
# appear in the query below.
key_columns = rows.table.primary_key_columns()
escaped = [self.escape(row[column]) for column in key_columns for row in rows if row[column] is not None]
# If we have no escaped entries, then there won't be anything in the resultset and we can return now
if len(escaped) == 0:
return None
# 2. Build the WHERE clause
whereclause = f"({','.join(columns)}) IN ({','.join(escaped)})"
# 3. Send the query off and make the result
return f"SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {whereclause}"
def recursive_fetch_according_to(self, rows: RowSet, columns: List[str], self_columns: List[str]):
For tables that have self-joins, we have to make a slightly more complex query. In
fact we need a recursive query that starts from the rows referencing us but encompasses
all of the children of those rows. To do that, we'll need to know the self-join columns.
:param rows: rows in the originating table
:param columns: the columns that reference our primary key in those rows
:param self_columns: the self-join columns we have
basic_select = self.basic_fetch_according_to_query(rows, columns)
if basic_select is None:
return PGRowSet(self, [])
on_clause = " AND ".join(
f"{}.{fk} = recursive_{}.{pk}" for pk, fk in zip(self.primary_key_columns(), self_columns)
query = f"""with recursive recursive_{} as (
select {}.* from {}
join recursive_{} on {on_clause}
select * from recursive_{}"""
return PGRowSet(self, self.cursor.fetchall())
def escape(value: Any):
Escape the supplied value so that Postgres can understand it
:param value: some value, a string or something
:return: an escaped value
if isinstance(value, str):
return f"E{repr(value)}"
elif value is None:
return None
return str(value)
def relations(self) -> Iterable[Relationship]:
# To obtain the other relationships, we must first retrieve the foreign keys, and then
# convert them into objects in this schema.
# now that we have the rows, we can construct our return value
result = []
for row in self.cursor.fetchall():
other_table = PGTable(self.cursor, row["foreign_table"])
result.append(PGRelationship(self, other_table, row["fk_columns"].split(",")))
return result
def self_join_columns(self) -> List[str]:
Determine if there are any self-join columns on this table, and if so, return them.
:return: A list of self-join columns, possibly empty.
rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
if len(rows) > 0:
return rows[0]["fk_columns"].split(",")
return []
def foreign_keys_query(self_only=False) -> str:
Return a query we can use to find the foreign keys related to this table.
:param self_only: if True, only self-joins. if False, only other-joins.
:return: A string query we can use.
# PostgreSQL has extensive metadata about the database stored in the information_schema, which
# is an SQL standard suite of views. In Postgres, these views are based on lower-level Postgres
# metadata in the pg_catalog schema.
# This precise query gets you the foreign keys from this table to other tables. It explicitly
# omits self-joins, because they're handled in this class when you retrieve.
return f"""select kcu.table_name as foreign_table,
string_agg(kcu.column_name, ',') as fk_columns
from information_schema.table_constraints tco
join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
on tco.constraint_schema = kcu.constraint_schema
and tco.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
join information_schema.referential_constraints rco
on tco.constraint_schema = rco.constraint_schema
and tco.constraint_name = rco.constraint_name
join information_schema.table_constraints rel_tco
on rco.unique_constraint_schema = rel_tco.constraint_schema
and rco.unique_constraint_name = rel_tco.constraint_name
where tco.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
and rel_tco.table_name = %(tablename)s
and kcu.table_name {'=' if self_only else '<>'} %(tablename)s
group by kcu.table_name,
order by kcu.table_name"""
def __eq__(self, other):
return ==
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Table {}>"
class PGRowSet(RowSet):
I'm a RowSet from a Postgres database.
def __init__(self, table: Table, rows: List[Dict]):
self._table, self.rows = table, rows
def table(self) -> Table:
return self._table
def relations(self) -> Iterable[Relationship]:
Return the relationships that might pertain to the rows we have here.
return self.table.relations()
def write_to(self, writer: RowWriter):
writer.write_rows(self.table, self.rows)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Dict]:
return iter(self.rows)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.rows)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<RowSet of {self.table} with {len(self.rows)} rows>"
class PGRelationship(Relationship):
I'm a relationship between Postgres tables.
def __init__(self, source_table: Table, destination_table: Table, foreign_columns: List[str]):
self._source_table, self._destination_table = source_table, destination_table
self.foreign_columns = foreign_columns
def source_table(self) -> Table:
return self._source_table
def destination_table(self) -> Table:
return self._destination_table
def fetch_related_to(self, rows: RowSet) -> RowSet:
Return rows related to the supplied rows based on this relationship.
For instance, if this is a relationship from projects to science products,
you can supply a RowSet of projects to this relationship, and receive a
new RowSet of science products.
:param rows: source rows
:return: rows from the destination
return self.destination_table.fetch_according_to(rows, self.foreign_columns)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Relationship from {self.source_table} to {self.destination_table}>"
import abc
from abc import ABC
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Iterable
class Table(ABC):
I'm a table in a relational database.
def name(self) -> str:
The name of the table.
:return: the name of this table
def fetch(self, primary_key: Dict[str, Any]) -> "RowSet":
Fetch rows with the associated primary key. The result will be a single row,
but contained in a RowSet object.
:param primary_key: the key to look up by
:return: a RowSet with the row in it
def primary_key_columns(self) -> List[str]:
Return the primary key columns for this table.
def fetch_according_to(self, rows: "RowSet", columns: List[str]) -> "RowSet":
Fetch rows according to the supplied rows and columns
:param rows: rows to mine for the WHERE clause
:param columns: columns to consider in the generated WHERE clause
:return: RowSet for the rows in this table
def relations(self) -> Iterable["Relationship"]:
Return the relationships that might pertain to the rows we have here.
class RowWriter:
def write_rows(self, table: Table, rows: List[Dict]):
raise NotImplementedError
def close(self):
By default there's nothing to do here, but subclasses can override this
if the need to catch a signal that we're done writing.
class RowSet(ABC):
I'm a set of rows from a SELECT * or TABLE query, run against a relational database.
def table(self) -> Table:
def relations(self) -> Iterable["Relationship"]:
Return the relationships that might pertain to the rows we have here.
def write_to(self, writer: RowWriter):
Write this rowset to a particular row writer
:param writer: write to communicate with
def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Dict]:
def __len__(self) -> int:
class Relationship(ABC):
I'm a relationship between two tables, typically a foreign key relationship.
def source_table(self) -> Table:
The table with the foreign key. Consider the relationship
between execution_blocks(project_code) -> projects(project_code). The
source table is execution_blocks.
def destination_table(self) -> Table:
The table with the foreign key. Consider the relationship
between execution_blocks(project_code) -> projects(project_code). The
destination table is projects.
def fetch_related_to(self, rows: RowSet) -> RowSet:
Return rows related to the supplied rows based on this relationship.
For instance, if this is a relationship from projects to science products,
you can supply a RowSet of projects to this relationship, and receive a
new RowSet of science products.
:param rows: source rows
:return: rows from the destination
import datetime
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Dict
from .interfaces import RowWriter
class PostgresCopyRowWriter(RowWriter):
Write rows in the PostgreSQL COPY TABLE format. This is the most efficient
way of loading data into Postgres and it's the way used by the pg_dump
utility for creating backups.
def write_rows(self, table: "Table", rows: List[Dict]):
columns = rows[0].keys()
print(f"COPY {} ({', '.join(columns)}) FROM stdin;")
for row in rows:
print("\t".join([self.copy_format(row[col]) for col in columns]))
def copy_format(value):
if value is None:
return "\\N"
elif isinstance(value, str):
return value
elif isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
return str(value)
elif isinstance(value,
return value.isoformat()
raise TypeError(f"Unable to figure out what to do with {value} of type {type(value)}")
class UniquifyingRowWriter(RowWriter):
Ensure that only a single instance of each row gets dumped out.
def __init__(self, underlying: RowWriter):
self.underlying = underlying
self.seen = {}
def write_rows(self, table: "Table", rows: List[Dict]):
seen = self.seen.setdefault(, [])
new_rows = [row for row in rows if row not in seen]
if len(new_rows) > 0:
self.underlying.write_rows(table, new_rows)
self.seen[] += new_rows
def close(self):
class TopologicalSortFailed(Exception):
class TopologicallySortingRowWriter(RowWriter):
Topologically sorts the tables before outputting their rows.
Because you can have an arbitrary graph topology of foreign keys in your database, you have to worry
about what order you try to input rows when you read them. If you try to read a row before you have
loaded a row that it depends on, the load will fail. For instance, science product locators point to
projects, but execblocks point to both projects and science product locators. By starting from the
project, the program will want to output execblocks first due to alphabetical order. This would be
difficult to do in a query so instead we do it here because we have all the objects we need to figure
out what order things should go in.
The algorithm that gives you this ordering across a digraph is called topological sort. This implementation
was created while reading notes in the slides at:
def __init__(self, underlying: RowWriter):
self.tables_rows: Dict["Table", List[Dict]] = {}
self.underlying = underlying
def write_rows(self, table: "Table", rows: List[Dict]):
# We've been asked to output some rows for this table.
# What we must now do is keep track of this table and the in-bound relationships with it.
# Knowing which tables we need to output will give us the vertices of the graph we need to sort.
self.tables_rows[table] = rows
def close(self):
# Now that we know all the tables we're going to be asked to output, we can compute their edges.
# We have an edge for each relationship from that table to another table we've been asked to output
vertices = self.tables_rows.keys()
# There is an object called graphlib.TopologicalSorter in Python 3.9+ that can replace
# the code below.
# Now we can get the exact set of relations we actually care about by getting all
# of the relations between all of the tables and filtering out relations that pertain
# to tables we do not have data for. We also ignore self-joins here because they increase
# the in-degree by one but cannot ever be decreased, so we avoid an infinite loop by
# ignoring them. We can assume that, to whatever extent this program handles self-joins,
# it will obtain upper level rows before their dependencies programmatically, so we don't
# have to handle it manually here.
all_relations = chain.from_iterable(v.relations() for v in vertices)
relations = [
for r in all_relations
if r.source_table in vertices and r.destination_table in vertices and r.source_table != r.destination_table
# we can now compute the in-degree values for each vertex by computing how many relationships
# from other tables we care about point to this table
in_degrees = {}
for vertex_table in vertices:
in_degrees[vertex_table] = sum(1 for relation in relations if relation.destination_table == vertex_table)
# now that we know the in_degrees we can proceed with the sort
remaining = list(vertices)
while len(remaining) > 0:
# find a vertex in remaining whose in-degrees is 0
table = None
for table in remaining:
if in_degrees[table] == 0:
# if we didn't find one, throw an exception
if table is None:
raise TopologicalSortFailed("Unable to locate a table with no references!")
# pass along the rows we found
self.underlying.write_rows(table, self.tables_rows[table])
# now we can remove this vertex from the remaining vertices
# and reduce its neighbor's input degree by one
for relation in relations:
if relation.source_table == table and relation.destination_table in in_degrees:
in_degrees[relation.destination_table] -= 1
# if we made it here, we ran out of remaining tables and we can conclude the process
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pathlib import Path
from setuptools import find_packages, setup
VERSION = open("core_sampler/").readlines()[-1].split()[-1].strip("\"'")
README = Path("").read_text()
requires = ["pycapo", "psycopg2"]
name="ssa-" + Path().absolute().name,
description="Workspaces database core sampler",
author="NRAO SSA Team",
classifiers=["Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8"],
entry_points={"console_scripts": ["core_sampler = core_sampler.core_sampler:main"]},
import itertools
from typing import List, Dict
import pytest
from core_sampler.database import PGRowSet
from core_sampler.interfaces import Table, RowSet, RowWriter, Relationship
from core_sampler.row_writer import PostgresCopyRowWriter, UniquifyingRowWriter, TopologicallySortingRowWriter
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock
import datetime
def project_rowset() -> RowSet:
projects = MagicMock(Table) = "projects"
row = dict(
return PGRowSet(projects, [row])
def test_copy_output(capsys, project_rowset: RowSet):
Are we formatting the output properly for PostgreSQL?
rw = PostgresCopyRowWriter()
lines = capsys.readouterr().out.strip().split("\n")
assert len(lines) == 3
assert lines[0] == "COPY projects (id, name, timestamp, existential_crisis) FROM stdin;"
assert lines[1] == "0 this 2021-07-16T16:16:50.010410 \\N"
assert lines[2] == "\\."
def test_uniquifier(capsys, project_rowset: RowSet):
fake_writer = MagicMock(RowWriter)
uniq = UniquifyingRowWriter(fake_writer)
# write the rows twice
# we should only get called once though
assert fake_writer.write_rows.call_count == 1
def test_topological_sort(capsys):
# The problem here can probably arise with just two tables but I want to show it with three.
# The basic idea is that if A -> B and B -> C and A -> C, then the topological sort is A, B, C.
# But that order must be respected no matter what order we happen to find rows we want to output.
# So to prove it works, we're going to generate a single row in three tables, A, B, and C with
# the relationships as described above, and then try outputting in each permutation, and make
# sure that we get them in ABC order regardless of what order permutation we choose.
a = MagicMock(Table) = "a"
a.rowset = PGRowSet(a, [dict(name="a")])
b = MagicMock(Table) = "b"
b.rowset = PGRowSet(b, [dict(name="b")])
c = MagicMock(Table) = "c"
c.rowset = PGRowSet(c, [dict(name="c")])
def make_relationship(source, dest):
r = MagicMock(Relationship)
r.source_table = source
r.destination_table = dest
return r
a.relations = Mock("relationships")
b.relations = Mock("relationships")
c.relations = Mock("relationships")
a.relations.return_value = [make_relationship(a, b), make_relationship(a, c)]
b.relations.return_value = [make_relationship(b, c)]
c.relations.return_value = []
class TableNameCapturer(RowWriter):
def __init__(self):
self.tables = []
def write_rows(self, table: Table, rows: List[Dict]):
# we aren't worried about the rows for the purposes of the test
# for every permutation of these things, I want to see the same output order of a, b, c
for t1, t2, t3 in itertools.permutations([a, b, c]):
capturer = TableNameCapturer()
writer = TopologicallySortingRowWriter(capturer)
writer.write_rows(t1, t1.rowset)
writer.write_rows(t2, t2.rowset)
writer.write_rows(t3, t3.rowset)
assert capturer.tables == ["a", "b", "c"]
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