- Aug 11, 2020
Daniel Lyons authored
- Aug 10, 2020
Nathan Hertz authored
Updated meta.yaml gen format; datafetcher and faultchecker tested and both work on Mac and Linux (faultchecker doesn't install pika when installing it for some reason)
- Aug 03, 2020
Nathan Hertz authored
Added comments on everything relevant; refactored setup_to_meta.py; modified how parse_setup is called from setup_to_meta
- Jul 30, 2020
Nathan Hertz authored
- Jul 29, 2020
Nathan Hertz authored
Implemented parsing of setup.py files within a buildout recipe; next is to generate meta.yaml files for each setup file parsed
- Jul 27, 2020
Daniel Lyons authored
Nathan Hertz authored
- Jun 16, 2020
Daniel Lyons authored
- Jun 03, 2020
Janet Goldstein authored
master: reorganized datafetcher "SDM-only" functionality removed. All tests pass, including those that launch DF from a process to simulate command-line execution. TODO: actual command line, as below, should work but doesn't yet: datafetcher --profile local --output-dir ~/Downloads --product-locator uid://evla/execblock/93e1c0cd-76de-4e65-a3f2-d5fe55f386d8 --verbose Pylint also finds some errors, the consequence of fixing which puts red ink in the IJ editor and causes the above-mentioned command-line tests to fail.
- May 29, 2020
Daniel Lyons authored
- May 28, 2020
Daniel Lyons authored