- Jan 08, 2021
Janet Goldstein authored
system since I figure that's on its way out the door)
- Oct 30, 2020
Janet Goldstein authored
SSA-6383: Eliminated duplicate test data from copies in datafetcher/; fixed tests that broke as a result; addressed pylint & SonarLint issues
- Sep 21, 2020
Janet Goldstein authored
SSA-6324: proof of concept -- running tests in Docker container. These tests all pass at the pytest command line -AND- inside a container. scode project updater code removed -- doesn't work, and will be merged in from archive eventually.
- Sep 10, 2020
Janet Goldstein authored
Janet Goldstein authored
- Sep 04, 2020
Janet Goldstein authored
SSA-6607: much refactoring of data fetcher and components for testability; lots of tests complete, lots more TODO
- Aug 26, 2020
jgoldste authored