This will build your local development images and containers
This will build your local development images and containers.
Note: If you notice 'no such file or directory' errors with the docker compose command, try the following:
Then, do the following to allow worklows to execute:
1. Cancel the docker compose command
.. code-block:: sh
ssh-keygen ~/.ssh/condor_transfer
cd workspaces/lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/docker/workspaces/sbin/
touch curator
touch ingest
Lastly, ``cd`` back to ``workspaces/`` and bring up the local docker-compose stack with:
.. code-block:: sh
docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up
Now you should have Workspaces running on your local machine!
You can access the frontend from your browser at ``localhost:4444`` and the database at ``localhost:54322``.
It comes with some sample data to facilitate testing.
For instance, to run a calibration workflow from the form on http://localhost:4444/workspaces/active-requests, use the following query to find suitable ngas_fileset_id's/SDM ids
JOIN projects p on e.project_code = p.project_code
JOIN authors a on p.project_code = a.project_code;
Troubleshooting the Initial Setup
There are a variety of error scenarios that one can encounter when running the above ``docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up`` command for the first time. Some of them are listed below, with suggested solutions.
If you notice an error like `No such file or directory`, try:
1. Cancel the above ``docker compose`` command
2. Delete the ``pgdata`` directory
3. Run ``make reallyclean``
4. Run ``make build`` again, followed by the docker compose command previously mentioned.
4. Run ``make build`` again, followed by the above ``docker compose`` command
If you notice an error like `Failed to stat ~/.ssh/id_rsa: no such file or directory`, try:
1. Cancel the docker compose ``up`` command
2. Make a dummy file at ``~/.ssh/id_rsa``
3. Try the next set of steps
If you notice an error like `Fatal: could not read from remote repository`, try:
1. Apply the following patch to ``config/htcondor/execute/Dockerfile.local``:
this should be 'up' not 'build'
oh, I see. you split it because of the ssh key stuff