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WS-2533 ALMA restore_cms by MOUS

Daniel Nemergut requested to merge ws2533-alma_restore_cms_mous into 2.8.5-DEVELOPMENT

This makes it possible to run a restore_cms capability/workflow providing a single MOUS ID instead of a single SPL + Cal SPL. There are several changes that had to happen:

  • The WS UI has a button that swaps SPL and MOUS fields (setting the others to undefined)
  • The metadata and observation wresters have different methods for querying via MOUS or SPL
  • The PPR template for restore_cms iterates over multiple sdmId values when rendering the <DataSet> block
  • The workflow service generates one of the arguments to call the productfetcher for multiple SPLs
  • The template for restore_cms now calls the productfetcher with the SPL list generated by the workflow service if present
  • casa_envoy now allows ALMA restores and validates that the incoming SPLs are (all EVLA || all ALMA) && a cal
  • Calling the CASA matrix when rendering restore_cms workflow templates to retrieve the correct casa_home

I've done local testing on EVLA SPLs to make sure they get into vela and ALMA SPLs and an MOUS to make sure they get to the same productfetcher error when trying to get info from the Oracle database. A followup MR might be necessary if ALMA data fails beyond this.

Merge request reports
