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WS-2792 Correcting piperestore import statements

Daniel Nemergut requested to merge ws2792-edit_piperestore into 2.8.5-DEVELOPMENT

We decided to simply correct the import statements in piperestore scripts across major CASA differences.

CASA <= 5 uses from recipes.almahelpers CASA > 5 uses from casarecipes.almahelpers

The import statements in piperestores are rare, even among ALMA data. The one example we know of is for MOUS uid://A001/X1296/Xf59, it was produced with CASA 5 so trying to use CASA 6 on it will break without this fix.

I tested the find/replace logic by itself, but ALMA restores are broken locally since they try to make a directory on the NAASC now. It would be easier to test this fully on dev.

Merge request reports
