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Draft: No story: wf_monitor improvements

Why This Is a Draft

Note: this MR is a draft until both WS-2898 (writing tests for wf_monitor) and WS-3215 (Set up SonarQube for code analysis) are done and the analysis done using the SonarQube setup from WS-3215 is done.

Work Description

This involved:

  • Making sure wf_monitor passed the default Pylint and SonarLint checks.
  • Ensuring all methods and functions have accurate docstrings.

Note: the "us-ascii" encoding was found from running "file -i" on a condor log from Workspaces on dev and getting the charset value. The file I used was in /lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/dsoc-dev/workspaces/spool/tmpjsesjhoq, which is a calibration that was done on 12/27.

Also, in monitor.htc_log_process_end_of_event_line and monitor.dag_log_process_end_of_event_line, should_continue and should_break variables were used in and passed back to the callers to ensure the same loop behavior as before the code was modified.

Edited by Daniel Lopez Sanders

Merge request reports
