WS-516: UI for showing ingestion complete (archived status)
Request page
Added "ARCHIVED" badge that will appear if the ingested
boolean flag is set in the database; also updated timestamp formatting -
Separated input file list markup into new capability-request/files
component; added "no files exist" message if active version has no files associated with it -
Moved request operations (create new version button, submit button) into separate component; did some restyling -
Updated styling and refactored out the newly organized components
Modified sandbox styling to match up more with request page styling
Added capability request's ingested
boolean to front-end model and back-end JSON serialization
Merge request reports
UI looks fine (though I wish we could kidnap @rgivens for our UIs)
One screen has white boxes on a grey background, the other screen has grey boxes on a white background. The width of the body is different between the pages. There appears to be different border-radius - but maybe that's just an illusion, and only one box has a top shadow / border I don't see anywhere else. Also, the centered button - but that may be OK if that button has nothing to do with the two boxes above it - however, if thats the case it should be centered on the whole page width, not just the one column.
The "null" looks funny as it's not like it's siblings.
None of these are necessarily "wrong" - just jumps out at me having no context for the rest of the system.