null: the null executable, for workflow testing
This is the null executable, a baseline test of the functionality of the Workspaces system.
It can:
- Print a message to stderr
- Print a message to stdout
- Exit with status code -1
- Exit with random status code in [-50, 50]
- Sleep for 5 seconds
- Abort and dump the core
usage: null [-h] [-v] [-pe | -g | -ef | -er | -n | -d]
Workspaces null executable, a status capture test of the system. Version 4.0.0a1.dev1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-pe, --print-error print out aggressive message to stderr
-g, --greeting print out a friendly greeting to stdout
-ef, --exit-fail print error message and exit with status code -1
-er, --exit-random print error message and exit with random status code within [-50, 50]
-n, --nap take a short nap
-d, --dump abort program and dump core
settings for altering program behavior
-v, --verbose allow the program the gift of speech