Area for Workspaces Messaging system.
Includes functionality for AMQP setup and connection creation.
Includes message-to-event translation functionality.
Capturing archive events in the capability container
set the AMQP server settings in
to those
.BE SURE NOT TO commit the file with these changes!
Be sure Docker containers are running and that logs show no errors.
export CAPO_PROFILE=docker
in the archive-metadata project: issue the following command from
(with the appropriate values swapped in):ingest-complete --fileset_id 13B-014.sb29151475.eb29223944.56810.442529050924 --host wirth-vml --username archive --password <rabbit mq pw from>
Check the docker logs; there should be a message like this in the capability_1 log:
INFO [][messenger] This is a ingestion-complete message: {'user': 'jgoldste', 'hostname': 'trillian', 'timestamp': {'date': {'year': 2021, 'month': 6, 'day': 17}, 'time': {'hour': 14, 'minute': 26, 'second': 28, 'nano': 322754000}}, 'application': 'unknown', 'request': 'snek asks nice-like', 'version': 1.0, 'message': 'Ingestion complete', 'logData': {'ingestion_type': 'rawdata', 'execblock_id': '29223944', 'override_db_screen': 'False', 'fileset_id': '13B-014.sb29151475.eb29223944.56810.442529050924', 'telescope': 'EVLA', 'schedblock_id': '29151475', 'schedblock_type': 'SCIENCE', 'project_code': '13B-014', 'file_count': '1', 'profile': None}}