- Aug 12, 2024
Moved calling the CASA matrix outside of the wrester and into the template rendering passing parameters from the capability request and wrester
Added a version_path parameter to override CASA version checking for get_recipe to support users and VLASS passing the casa_home parameter
Expanded CASA matrix's get_recipe to return the file contents of the capability's assigned procedure stored in the recommended CASA version
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Also allowed for missing cal PPR in casa_envoy
Sam Kagan authored
Specifically: * Renamed vela log and weblog to match CASA's * Didn't write out *calapply.txt for restores
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Failed and passed test for restore delivery Refactored restore tests to make tarred-deliver test easier to write Passed and failed deliver tarred restore test
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Wrote and failed test for RestoreProduct Passed test for RestoreProduct
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Modified the casa matrix endpoint to accept a list of capabilities and return a dict mapping each capability to a version list
Sam Kagan authored
Sam Kagan authored
Mapped restore_cms to new SM
Sam Kagan authored